181168 Original to City Clerk • 1.68
WHEREAS, the t;ouncil has been advised of action
taken by the Ramsey County Welfare Board in recommending
that the salary of the Executive Secretary of said
Board be fixed at the amount of Thirteen Thousand Five
Hundred Sixty Dollars ($13,560.00) per year, a copy of
which resolution i attached hereto, and
WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul
finds it is in agreement with the findings upon which
the said recommendation is made in the said resolution,
now, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint
Paul concurs in the recommendation made by the Board
of Public Welfare of this City and County that the
salary of the Exec tive Secretary of said Board be
fixed in the amour . of Thirteen Thousand Five Hundred
Sixty Dollars ($13,560.00) .
'Council No.. 1sil66--ay
T. Holland
Whereas, he Council has been-
vised°of a •.n taken by the Rams,
County We Board in.secomme °
lug thatth salary of the Executi
Secretary of said Board be fixed at
amount of Thitteen Tttppu$andd Ti
Hundred S ty Dollars ($13,560.00)
year.a . of which resolution is at
tached here ., and
Whereas, e Council of the City•-'
Saint Paul ;••tta it-is in agreerrlent With
the finds• a upon Which the said re-o-
comet, n is made in the said reso-
lution, now, herefore be it
Resolved' t the Council of the
City Of Se.. Paid concurs in the reL
commendati., made by. the Board of
Public We e of-this City and County
that the sal of the Executive Sec-
retare` of Board Segal iA.
amount Thirteen -i
Hundred • Dollars (
Adopted the 4....
Approved antearp 23, 1116 '
(J weary 26, 1967):
J101 2 3 79F7
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_
Yeas Nays
/11eCyAmmy t
195 7
ollasid Approved 195_
og nson Favor ` 4.4
etc on Mayor at
oxen gainst
7Ir. President, Dillon
SM 6-56 OSPO2
City Clerk
Council Recorder
386 City Hall and Court House 0 3 /
St. Paul 2. Minnesota 5,1{ U �� 1 ,�'
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Jan. 16, 1957
�� r° 'Eon. Bernard T. Holland
Chairman, Personnel Committee
Dear Sir:
The City Council referred to the Personnel Committee for consideration
and recommendation the subject matter of the attached resolution of
the County Welfare Board in which they request that the Council and
County Board concur in their recommendation that the salary
of the Executive Secretary be established at $13,560.00.
Ve ! truly yo ,
: 0-442(:)
C' y Clerk C:2>--
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RESOLVED, THAT WHEREAS, the non-institutional employees of the Ramsey County
Welfare Board are under the jurisdiction of the Minnesota County Welfare Merit
System, such jurisdiction including the establishment of salary schedules
which are mandatory with the nonrinstitutional employees; and
WHEREAS, the Executive Secretary of the Ramsey County Welfare Board is also
under the jurisdiction of the Minnesota County Welfare Merit System with
the exception that his salary is established by the City Council of the
City of St. Paul and Board'' of Commissioners of the County of Ramsey; and
WHEREAS, since January, 1953, the Minnesota County Welfare Merit System has
granted five general salary- increases to the non.-institutional employees of
the Ramsey County Welfare Board, during which time the Executive Secretary
has been granted only one increase; and
WHEREAS, as a result of these actions the present salary of the Executive
Secretary is not consistent with the other salaries in the Department; and
WHEREAS, it is known that if the salary of the Executive Secretary were
under the control of the Minnesota County Welfare Merit System, he would
receive a salary of $13,560 per year; and
WHEREAS, this Board has gii-en thoughtful consideration to the duties and
responsibilities of the Executive Secretary and his performance of these
duties and responsibilitiep, and believes this salary to be commensurate
with them and consistent with the salaries established for other employees
of the Board,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that this Board submit these findings to
the City Council of the City of St. Paul and the Board of Commissioners of
the County of Ramsey for their consideration and with the request that
these honorable bodies concur in the fidding of the Welfare Doer& that the
salary of the Executive Secretary should reasonably be established at
$13,560 per year in compliance with recommendations of. the Minnesota County
Welfare Merit System,
&d%4 7"-
_8 4 x.
THAy W`'-}RRAS, the nen—lastiLAIlnal e•ployees of the Ramrey Welfare or tinder th .1%tr �ediati e of tIOI Minnesota County
:ur!sdictioa including t " eel blishment of salary
• 4 ,1 _ . ;,yr. e:as&at,i:°v with the non,-inetts�tioaal employees; sued
•h.. Ramsey County Welfare Board is also
ExRm.►t_•a S•ar�ste ry ef . Merit S stew with Lh
z •�: t:~e• i'.r�1.sd.i't.trn of the Yinre+ita County Welfare Y
A•. that his salary :.s established by the City Council of the
St. Paul and Poard of 7,renieetooers of the County out Ramsey; and
a a7 EA S, talcs Jesury, 19 S'. Mir.reeat* County Welfare Merit System has
,.. , P,,t rive general salary incresse a to the non►.iastitnt Tonal a ployee s of
,.a,Ae; "ovnty Welfare Board, ecuri i r which tine .tbs ,Axp f We Suer+tar"
hay roan ic.rants4 nn'y MI to Ts,ie; old
•iH-; ,S, As a .-exult of these actions 'Can present salary of the -Ixeoutirr
`.rcro*,soy is not consistent with the other salaries in the Department; and
:x .cwti that If the salary of the Executive Secretary were
or.tr,,l of the Minnesota Cour:ty Welfare Merit System, he would
t . ; R ea cry of $13,560. per year; and
this BOKrd has given thoughtful consideration to the dutiesh
Test-..r.►,� itie• of the .SzeautiYe Secretary and his performance
- E, responsibilities, and believes this salary'. to be oo�nsur!+,t•
and consistent with the Warts* established for other employees .
7:11V3 FORS, Blt IT RISrIVD, that this Board submit these findings to
tho City Council of the City of St. Paul and the Board of' Commissioners of
Ccuz.t,y of Passey for their oensidaration and with the request that
holies concur n the finding of the Welfare card that the
seisr,y of the 1xeautiwe Secretary e!:cn1d reasonably be established at
.za t',n rrr year in compliance with recommendations of the Minnesota County
'*e;ftire Merit Syster.
s/ Michael F. Ettel` •
s/ Frank J. Schleifer
•s/ Sam S. .Griais
s/ Jane R. Preston
• r
�s% Lsg . 'Bachman 1
Member 4