181157 - . Council PI le No. . ti 157 * RESOLUTION OF COUN IL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME. OF. HEARING T EREON AND FIXING TI 1 HEARING go**vue No. 1111143-- ' ON T E AWARD OF DAMAGES - „....— - DI the matt* of ----reirjr, F.,,, get le fttltil"intLantm= ot —, • , — ; . •• tehttntt it" ..=.sory7r ., , .:: ,. oroso the Mt@''",sftetk'z-lf'rq-of In the matter of -....-........- . t , ' 'TiC A., Lithium an 20 toot lia v4. -,' tor, ) - oft ain14,441iti 4i- i andi.mai AtAiniu:i "Salt lettenr, miler wit acre*. tine Wi — • p , o " . llikalleAtit ' r and Faeifitioad ibiert-cdt* from the westerly liast of said leitilivitA 04)Fa• way to the easterly line Of Railroad right-of-may* the center lime of said ease- ment being described as - ,. , at the intersection of the center line of Faismount Avenue as platted vest of the .,,, caw* itiliatikee* St. Paul and Pacific Railz oad. riglit- of-say with the aforesaid • — right-of-way, thence easterly to the intersection of the °enter line of Fairmount Aveinie as platted east of the Chicago, 111.1umdeiti* St. Paul and Pacific Railroad right-cit'-way with the aforesaid. Railroad. rigitt-of-way. Also °maiming and 'biking a assearnit 20 fleet in width for construction purposes Oil the =amp* Nil * St. Fau.l and Pacific Railroad right-of-way* said tempaw,isigpses*Asinet Ur* and adjacent to-tisk permseemtamealienISsed extend- iplirary ing fro" the westerly line of, el Railroad right-of-way to the easterly line of swig laktigetritilitileOfNri. f- , k . .. Ails cinstoming and taking-ii: aasanniat20, Moat In teltali"-A0-assiebauguamt purposes on the Cidosio, p St. Paul and Pacific Railroad right-ofywayp said rmiry easesion t,being St and,eiljacent to the peamanest easement and Itilt thiY t —1***1t. WittelliditIliiiii iiiiiit.iorktily tts ihir 4iitate47 Ili* atiasidkileilseatt,riglaboiSmemy*,., LI or Iftz,:,),,n1, 0 1 ,''-'1' l'' . • ..t't(‘ tO ,. 1 , `'', e t -'' .,. • : '' ' s, , -C L', ' - _, _0-11t.. t...._ — - of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment f benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public herring be had before the Council upon said report'and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of .. benefits; at the Council Chamber, in th Court House in the City of St. Paul on the 20th day of IrebrUsay, , 19.57 , at ten. o'clock A. M., and that the Commissioner of Finance • be and he is hereby directed to give notiee of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. • JAN 2 2 19s7 Adopted by the Council , 19 OF JAN 2 2 195 ctiiiiiir City Clerk. . Approved_......., , 19 iew PUBUSBED,../.. —5'7 - )4 ife.-16411--rj..--' File 135114 ' 4 / Mayor. • Councilman ,DecouRcy C°uneilman HOLLAND Councilman MARZITELLI • Councilman ,MORTINSON Councilman pagesom■ Councilman , fizsrair .... 10$61161 ...- (.0) . , Mr. ViCe - , "cgool4 r ae r , • • • _ V 4