181113 •� 1811.13 Original to City Mork CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RES•LUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY / ' / COMMISSIONE A. 1 - --■A /+. -- -'' DATF WHEREAS, By Final Order C. F. No. 180418, approved November 20, 1956, the City Council ordered certain lands to be taken for the purpose of partially opening, widening and extending the Miss ssippi River Boulevard Approach to the proposed New Fort Snelling Bridge, and �tN6 WHEREAS, 'c gesolution C. . No. 181014,,approved January 9, 1957, such resolution ratifying and conf g condemnation and awards of damages and assess- ment for the foregoing final o er, and determining the net coat to the City in the amount of $6,001.42; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the sum of $6,001.42 be appropriated from Fund Code 31-E1 for the purpose of paying the net award as approved under C. F. No. 181014. Council llla 119— ' guard I% Holland room+ reaw laz, a NON, ...ilk IC No the betaken for • e ' • partly y wt. t nding the Mississippi lid. Approach to the pro.. • New Fort Snelling. Bridge, and. .4 Whereas, Re 1. tide C. F.No. 181014, was lution +a proved t,¶ .< 9, 1987 such reso . and condemnation awardl oFrazi and for the foregoing final order, and . the net cost to. the City in • amount of $,091.42; therefore, be Resolved, the sum of X01.42 be a propriated • •m l and Code- 81-E1 for the purpose o paying the net award as approved • G. F. No, .181014.' Adopted by +,a Council January 17,1 1 reproved J: uary 17. 1957. (Jan ary 19, 1967) Y � . JAN 1 7 1957 tyy� / COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yeas Nays DeCourc y 3 7 5 Holland Approved `��� 195_ Mortinson n Favor _ Peterson Mayor Rosen Against Mr. President, Dillon SM 6-5612 1811.13 Duplicate to Printer CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NCIL NO. OF ICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF WHEREAS, By Final Order C. F. No. 180418, approved November 20, 1956, the City Council ordered certain lands to be taken for the purpose of partially opening, widening and extending the Mississippi River Boulevard Approach to the proposed New Fort Snelling Bridge, and WHFBRAS, pi Resolution C. F. No. 181.014,,/approved January 9, 1957, such resolution ratifying and confirming condemnation and awards of damages and assess- ment for the foregoing final order, and determining the net cost to the City in the amount of $6,001.42; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the sum of $6,001.42 be appropriated from Fund Code 31.F1 for the purpose of paying the net award as approved under C. F. No. 181014. ,JAN g- r, 1957 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yeas Nays DeCourcY l` .1' Holland Approved 195_ 31L•_ Mortinson k'� In Favor Mayor Peterson Rosen Against Mr. President, Dillon 5M 6.56