181077 1 /. 81O77 Council File No. ,................. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT 1 Council No. 181077— ;, - `A that' auk the film and Construct a la04*" �, � the fro?a n.Me * ., 9- 1 PRELIMINARY ORDER, to whit, 8 I Street. .-n..rtr,�------4°,4ar„lrk, Theundersignedhereby proposesthemakingofthefollowingpublicimprovement by the City of Saint Paul.via... _ -- Construct a'public`!sewer OOoiaM,J enure from Pane AYe. to Edgerton St.; .. in Edgerton Street from Cook l: , to Whited.' fit.; In 11h3ta11 Street „, tit. to approximately 227 ft. east o l�dgerton-St.;from-Tbitall Street to!' - 135 ft. south of Whitall Street An a 20 ft. wide easement(to be obtained), said easement (to be obtained) extending from Whitall St. to the south life - _ . east a et;alley in.: o 6, C, IWeldees oeeiaseeera to oxisSiag !� � <1ti�r center line,east;.;gUhd et�semsnt(te be obtained) being 30 ft; inaterly of and parallel to the west 1 _ . of,lot 18, Bleck 116, C. Weide s Sub; from approximat y 30 ft,•west.of the:west I } of.ba4-188 Block 46, C. Neidees Sub to the west line(produced) of said Lot Jive' c;:vrtdt easement(to be obtained) said sement(to be obtained) extending from the west line (prad*oed) of said Lot 18 to 20 ft. westerly of the west linefpridueed) of said Let 18, the center line of said *apemen (to be obtained) being described as the ',enter line (produced)of the eaet.west a .!hiM bky C ■..fees Sub.; in the east-west alley in Block 46, C. Weida's Sub fro the west line( produced) of Lot 18, Block 46, 0. Weidets Sub 'to per:,Ilsenuett! lree: =' ►ei ie. tom.ege ,'liner Of tot g,: Block $5, c. weide;a Sub, in a 20 ft. wide easement( be obtained) said easement(to be obtained) being below on elevation' of 120.0 City of . Paul datum in the vacated east-mat alley in Block 45 0. Titde?tet.�b,Asaid:easement( be c�ibtatned) °'aoM ng tees Pay t=avenue-°.te:the east l edi-Let_.g1.:11*ecr$5, C. ;1Net IscSabi,`aid Slid iissikindalteLairies tlrivaeira rrgo= et as dowasate ellOy; from•the., Cline +it.,l„et.� 5y. ilhi►e�t 45 "ier` ielide •t a[b'i* #ditto f eiit*ely liiai of thaaig, . :of the f$ertheirn.paetjjs Esilread it s 25 f# 1dii,t.'11!-,w. Ceeement(+t e:obtain d) :°e, iei,t(to.be obesiaed� a�.temd = free theii * st•- i nv.. O,fct to 5 Lek 16, oidsle . Al!ite'theilxstor y �1i�a of #he.`rim + !mil)pled.ftcAtadlsoaS, •the.clutter.:lLfl dt--said easeee st(to;be Obtained) being tie dente=aiiae the :wseetted.,1iUei in a Bleak 'cf' he rter1y� line it She •4 t of thei R*tiiern°apse it killroad•to Abe:existing -PhAhm:,Creele iieerr,5t*"'the ri efs►a*Atrsllread ,in ft ude. eessit(te be Obtained) aidlsi a t I (bey ho:obtained) extending°hresssssu westerly liner:40'4h. tightoe> +tT afueafS' 3dalbi►iiy to.kiwi easterly line'of the away,,of aas4 Nils a0, the clientsr;line of--sale esseient4te be olria eo °bed<r gibed si,fblliisi . lega 'at'the"ietroomrtlOae.i of tpeirelle7lj linf�di the 4:of Northerd .Peelifti gailieridr the',',-', Center Ii .,of tbs Yaosted.-!es *Mr-alley in Blefihldt Co: 141461s tub therms Atha* _. etriigbt dlftie.fia a ;south as f-d , , . . .ad'aaa$gle- h ' il1 with'th) a nt or- :r- 1 ni ,of sattyaeated Eiit•�rrst yaley =tie eieitsrly Line'ef' r -. "ie ` lreedl ,ice, ,di'enae l t erif'Street tfk'Tbsir-Stree -:ell`eh I intieh is ite be known as•the P1111 11'IiV WIMP M•w AILT$GTfdT-RILLS prating? - center line of the vacated alley in said Block 45; from Ithe westerly lino- of the right-of..ay of the. Northern Pacific Railroad to the existing Phalan Creek sewer in the rightre4p0wayyof said railroad,in a 20 ft. wide easement(to be obtained), said easement (to be obtained) extending from the westerly line of the righht-of..way of said railroad to the easterly line of the right.ofiway of said railroad, the center line of said easement (to be obtained) being described as follower Beginning at the intersection of the westerly line of the right)-of with -+Ray..of the. Northern Pacific Railroad with the center line of the vacated eas est alley in Bleck 45,. C, Weidais Sub, thence on a straight line in a southeasterly • rection et an angle of 25.001 with the center line x o fa si aza ,� 55t t � 4 :p A?, . Y„yS � (3 y 1` a�, a �' - ` _a , a ,k � A *.r.:: ''.0 4 , p...t� h � 4`� a r+„ t :f..7 Wi '^+ ,< l�'..il 4�>^,,z�Y < 't �'+a a �di J l ti r`Ai�� y per F " ...t.” c' '1,4,, - { , �a".. a+#': �* ).; �;a .:_` ,' ..'�.-[ hp,:. k r o�_ T t e 4:,; } 4�. ` ? � �� It J a} .*. ' a5.,r. dr £ i �' �� i-x. ,.� :�r 1 � ;, ..: r P' z a ,fi ,- -t 3 r 2 ,,; r" s : v� t .. leS . � a't :��4'""a it 1 Y :It'--.', ^r> s�� r � -.,'., *t i " i+ �W g �� ��i_+uew' ?;�%''r" W� � $ 'r ' eu, vf y . ° ; ;,,, ,^ w y,.a�, :n ` X S r #' .�< k: . . 4:144 a 4 . a r v � . =- p: t ri' ::'''.',,t.-. ..+ 'f: .i s :. � 1 P A. Wc " N y C �4 -Pf �s ' M1 f t. • J 1 i :;•S a K p ' � 3 s � '! I±t. •$9'ra ;y " ' q{"` E'. ai r j1.''' fl 'a`s p'?w s,raR' � c ry ' ; d n g .�,{R ; c .y' ` ° f` 'y ,:k ; ra2 c #f ;."�a�T ' ' ' ' Y n,. ` ,'`,4 c .R V,3 ,Rr.',1�+ . . ,,,i trzA f ' - t 9 q "dy '' t r C .,...7:3", -,eF 4 4,,,,,,,..,!,. a , - i'r ti . s + i" a W -;..4-`;',4":,k!..". .„x t i 4 z `g §t � iik -41..'e. - ; ".Y'g :',0` ^"Z ,5 . K '3r '5,.1? k a x.. r w YFy T'iv'.A ' 'f' 4 • k ��k ',,w1.�� i3h„�r ii r .'1 ,74 F,4y �?; �s� ,,ti'' y- i• i ' 1 2 's ' -'--.?,1.;-i, . _ts t °• • r'� i. �� ry .3W<$� 7 � Y d r s ' 43 .. . '�f Y K ,2 a „ N , : a , ` � . s .. L. ` /' L t . .J ,riw' +te 'v - ,' y '� a.. 4: ' • ';,a r ,, , ,am,.-v Y+ r . ,,. .-4,m n k ts 1 ti Y ".47,-' 1 3+'� N F`r 6�. t t-v/A R . nom .. . . _(' y , 'f ry h FWy. a ' r--,,,,-.-ii.. :d._„ ,. •. _:�e.., �t 190,4;L .m , s •