181036 Original to City Cler18 1036 -' CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF RESOLVED, that pursuant to Section 418.11, Minnesota Statutes 1941, and upon delivery to the Corporation Counsel of a release approved by him, Tames McManis and Theodosia F. McManis, husband and wife, be paid $200.00 out of the Judgment and. Compromise Fund in full payment of damages sustained in an accidentoon July 26, 1956, with Leon Rosenthal, a member of the Police and Fire Alarm Bureau, while in the performance of his official duties. Council'III* No. 181086—By Robert F. ROeoloed That pursuant 4o Section 441p8..111; ots btstes 1941. d 3iiea.James 7troce(asb and dosia • Mot Ingani bushaed and*Olt be Paid 820&00_• . Chili pa o1'.demnte$ auatsined e�t accident en July. 98. 1988.with Leon Rosenthal, a member of the Police SW Fire Alarm Bureau, while in the performance of his official duties. doptea by the 0ounctl January 10. 1964. January 10. 1981 (January 18. 1987) 3AN10 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yeas Nays DeCourcy , '. Holland Approved 195_ 'IbrdrAteni Mortinson n Favor Peterson n Mayor Rosen `/ Against Mr. President, Dillon SM 6-86 er€30, 99-9 INS U001 `wappoid %qv pUraV--- U9S011 U0S101.0c1 JOSVIAT uosu .t pow JOAM 1.11- —961 ponoaddy puguoll /Como Dula slfuN suajc. —961 punoo alp cq palclopy NaWITONf100 3.171, so 43u7.:us,s, w ) ; aocco,:; 44 JO aagmaT u iT,Anuolo uo47 44.-T& 4,);61 uc *uapT4a's-.' uT pauTng 534J4aturiD so 4u9w....lud Tins pun, o4ra1ux:Iwk Ava 4u4car ;J114 jo q.no OU'uW3 4q ‘0S1A PUfl ' fir/70 ' :T ,odootU Jtra EquI,110: 'tap' Jai pancilc j 0 "ptTLITIO;) TTO „tn. C .1 ,A Rep UO, 'MT uaix...1. 1 4.3 40 3tIUT TT'UV u0T40a 04 4t-i.,n1:av 'f.T1dla5,21a apta 213NOISSINIWOO A CHIN3S3Ild WNW 1,1113N39—Naimos3i -fioNnoo N21310 Al.10 31AI dO 30Idd0 'ON liow7314 invd .LS dO A110 aptalidna