181001 181001 • • ► • PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT ' lnle'ao' 181001- ' Whereas w. rltten proposal t d ot;,akitig of t+ oflewtng bmkproi and 1 ex sa ana m;�tablet an *annum 5 of eon PRELIMINARY ORDER. , &5.%r 1 rd" i z�+ddfttQn.No. Thgundersignedhereby proposesthemakingofthefollowingpublicimprovement by the City of Saint Paul,viz.: j Oondemning and taking an easement 20 ft. in width for the purpose of 1 eonstrnoting and maintainiittii ribUio sewer on, under and across Lot 12, Block 5, i li lard._Linder Addition Non and .Lot 18 Block 1m, .Bastview Addition N0413, frost j Birninghaa Street to 1t0 ft, west of the east line of Lot 18, Block 4, Eastview • Addition-10,3# the center line of said easement being described as follows: 1 4ej ng at r point ,on the east : '. Lot 12, Block 5, 'Willard Linder Addition No.2, i said :Cut tang ID` ft, south of the northeast corner' of laid tot, thence , westerly on a straight line to 40 ft, west of:thel$1611 111% r et Ldt,; ,: B'l alr ki Eestview Addition No.3, said line pausing through a point on the westl-3i> ode.-:Lot 12, Block 5, Willard Linder Addition No92, said point being 10 ft. south of the north- west corner of said Lot 12, Also condemning and taking ACktorpoirort sunisont 20 ft, in width for construction purposes on Lot 11, Block 5, Willard Linder Addition No02, and olillisiSiiiie And 19, Bloch 4y11iastvi w Add.ittoi! 3, A tveieperary easement extending from Birmingham Street to 140 ft, west of the east line of Lot 18, Block Its stview Addition NO.3, and said temporary easement being northerly of and 1144***** to the Persameaml eaameaut•,. . ., 0 V7tt% ;',I :r_T-/.. f V 4dsca tia►ailemaits:.and t5kifg a temporary,aame ant *C',fits i irlAth fora l' .‘,.. POMMIttiwptitomi'ptai9oseal`.,on:Lot-, 4*, Block t>5.-.>ltiiiaad Linder Willow,ldf,2iamd1en t17.iagd,40,i llwloak- , East rie* Aaidit#oeawi i3,tali4 t mpstamh' esslesiint ending from 4irmtngha* t>reiast tar fti,nest. 9f:`1b µfls iieret. 18 1lLosi ul ?, Ballivfaltriddition,:.10 3, said-Qaid tamporartsasement bee wig:-southerly4frsaicad4acent 4o411e.:pssaneat 'eailsento f. _ rf=: . ., L .i Meet, corner of said Lot 129, ; Alice ecamnaniing-and iitg' a_;temporary easement 20 ft. in width for oonstra*4on inwPowes o a•Lot.•14., ;Blo.ck 5,,Willard Linder Addition;;1Ip„ ,,•, on Lots 18 and 19;, Block 4,Eestview Addition No,3, said temporary easement eyctendi ig free Birmingham Street to 140 ft. moat of the east lino of Let 13 Block 14, Eastview Addition No.3, and said temporary easement being northek#,7 at {� Mind ad jaeent'°to the permanent easement. ! Also cow and taking a temporary easement 20 ft. in width for construct .on ,aa on Lot 12, Block 5, Willard Linder .Addition No.2, and on Lots 17 and 14.441.: It, Eastview Addition Noi3, said temporary easement extending from Birmingham Strest to 40 ft.west of the east line of Lot 18, Block Its Eaatview Additionpo,3, and said temporary easement being southerly .1.aM adjacent to the permanent ,eau ent. _ put. rxmotirrr r .�1i.i.viv - _.___. 3000 7-54 ® I PUBLISHED 1 'i