181000 181000 Council File No PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT "41 File No. 181°00-- Whereat.ki07- w ,f° tit, making the win[ and viz.:. a sewer sn from street to 355,ft. so Third in Conway'Street PRELIMINARY ORDER. • e Theundersignedhereby proposesthemikingof thefollowingpublicimprovement by the City of Saint Paul,viz.:. Construct a sewer in Barclay titreet from Third Street to 185 ft, south or Third Street; in Conway_Street- from-.Baseiwood Street to. Barclay Street.;- in Bentley Street from Conway Street to Wilson Avenue; in Wilson Avenue from 15 ft, south■ easterly of the northeasterly line of Lot 10, Block 7, Willard Linder Addition se.2, to Birmingham Street; in Conley Street from Barclay Street to Birmingham Street; in Birmingham Street from 55 !ft, north of Old Hudacin Boat to 110 ft. south of Third litaaseiVfromAltrelinghai $treet 'ie thiT Belt Line Sewez ii a 20 ft. rid* easesont(to be obtained), the center line et said easemeat(to lope Obtaine$44ing, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the east line of Lot 14 ` l 5j Willard Linder Addition No.2, said point being 10 ft. south of the nt*th itt"`eorner of said Lot 12, thence westerly on a straight line to h40 ft, west of the east line of-Lot'/8, Block b, BastatewtAddition No.3, said line passing through a point on the waistline of Lot 12, a, ,5 W , l Under Addition No.2, said point being 10 ft, south of the northwest. iioY S osf aii U142, all of which is to be known asLithit lqi4S01117BARCIAAT, SRN= asuse r s. W } ' e`t c.>'ti t ;J S �3 '_Ap .y=+ r . .�i . Street -from Conway Street to Wilson Avenue; in Wilson Avenue. from 15 ft, south easterly of the northeasterly.line of Lot 10, Block 7, Willard.Linder Addition-No.2* to Birmingham Street; in. Conway Street from Barclay Street to Birmingham Street;,' in Birmingham Street from 55 ft. north of Old Hudson Road to 110 ft. south of , ' d Street;et; try; Bir$aghsm.Street to the ,Belt Line Sewer in a 20 ft. wide dement( be obtained), the center line of said easement(to be obtained) being eribed as follows: Beginniig at a point on the east line of Lot 12, Block 5, '.hard:Linden Addition- No.2*' said:poiat- being. 10 ft. sow efs'.the northeast corner of said Zt 12, t1encp,westerly:on.a. straight line to 0f .,west..of the east line of Lot 18; Block *Op said.line passing through.a point on the west line' of-lot 12, lock'5, W3llard'fiinder Additioa_'Wo.2 .'said 'point *libg 10 .ft# mouth the northwest,i: cormer.:of,,said. l of 12, all. of which is, to be known a riuOpuei uy cum vuuuuu YEAS NAYS DeCourcy councilman=UMW JQN 61567 ISINSWIN Approved HOLLAND MPAIriftartrt MoRTlxsox P &?6,X ETERSON Rosen MR. PRESIDENT DILLON Mayor. 3000 7-54 ogegeig PUBLISHED