180999 r to City Clerk . . . I8 999 — _._ CITY OF ST. PAUL COE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK coin 71 tre..> e.air Mist.Dees kV M. DeOourcy` . COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM > a-. T.c the _ Public w fE he PRESENTED BY 1�.,y % c►-y.A-C y(. � E G' c-C t�_ DATF nb bloe of the COMMISSIONER 'dssotlbed street: sp at-8, Palsoe Ave:- RESOLVED, that the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to grant permission to the Associated West End Clubs to block off the following described street : Pleasant from Palace Avenue to approximately Juliet Street, for the winter sliding period of 1957, for the purpose of allowing the Associated West End Clubs to improve a hill in that location so that the Children of the West Seventh District and any other children may use said area for sliding without endanger- ing their lives. Resolved, further, that the Associated West End Clubs are granted this permission on the condition that they furnish insurance in the amount of $25,000.00 for each individual injured and $50,000.00 in the event of more than one injury in one accident, and insurance in the amount of $5,000.00 for damage to property for each accident. 81967 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council JAN 195— Yeas Nays DeCourcy j;s cV 6 1967 Holland Approve. 195_ 1 r I Mortinson n F.;„.00111111111 'Mar" . _ Mt �_._• •Peterson n Mayor Rosen Against PUBLISHED /—/a—5"7 Mr. President, Dillon 44 141 SM 6-56 4002 • CITY OF SAINT PAUL TERRANCE S. O'TOOLE LEGAL DEPARTMENT LOUIS P. SHEAHAN THOMAS J. RYAN SPECIAL ASSISTANT JAMES F. ' AN MARSHALL F. HURLEY ROBERT E.. OCO CONNELL y DONALD L. LAIS CORPORATION COUNSEL r {•!i JOHN J. MCNEIL Y' ASSISTANTS 2 `(`�1•. V� ,J January 7, 1957 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Saint Paul Gentlemen and Madam: The matter of the request of the Associated West End Clubs for the closing of Pleasant Avenue for sliding purposes was referred to my desk for answer. You raised the following questions : 1. What is the legality and advisability of the Council' s blockading said street for the afore- mentioned purpose? Answer, the City Council has exclusive juris- diction over the streets of the City of Saint Paul, In addition, this street, while it is platted, has never been opened or graded. 2. What conditions should be incorporated in the event that this request is granted? Answer: The Associated West End Clubs should be required to furnish an accident policy insuring the City against claims from any accident arising out of the said use in the following amounts : $25,000.00 for each individual injured ; $50,000.00 in the event of more than one injury in one accidentf, $5,000.00 for damage to property for each accident. Yours truly, - C/ r Terrance S. O'Toole Assistant Corporation Counsel TSO'T :bl L :G • ASSIkIZIT CHIEF ENGINEER CITY OF SAINT PAUL ARTHUR W. TEWS ACCOUNTING DIVISION JOS. PAVLICEK • Prin.Accountant OFFICE ENGINEER Capital of Minnesota HERBERT S. WEST DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS • • BUREAU OF SANITATION BRIDGE ENGINEER FRANK D. MARZITELLI, Commissioner JOHN M.COTTER. Supt. MAURICE W. HEWETT • TRAFFIC ENGINEER CLIFTON G. HOLMGREN, Deputy Commissioner BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL EQUIPMENT EUGENE V. AVERY GEORGE M. SHEPARD, Chief Engineer ARTHUR H. KOCH • S . STREETS AND HIGHWAYS ENGINEER BUREAU OF CORRECTION ARTHUR G. WELIN JOHN P.MULLANEY.Supt. December 19, 1956 I Honorable Mayor and Member of the City Council Gentlemen and Madam: Attached is a letter from the Associated West End Clubs, signed by Mr. D. D. Wozniak, requesting that Pleasant Avenue be blocked off from Palace to approxi- mately Juliet so that the children may use the hill for sliding across that portion of Pleasant Avenue. Our Traffic Engineeer, Mr. Eugene Avery, has investigated this matter and sees no objection to it from a traffic control standpoint, therefore we concur in this request. This matter is being referred to the City Council with the request that it be referred to the Corporation Counsel's Office for the drawing up of an appropriate re- solution covering same. Yours very truly, / 10, f�� •ANK D. MARZI L Commissioner of c Works. . FDW/rs r enc. / /I ' ( ! \ fi 0 t \-,AICAN LESION POST. ��� i�I�� � ASSOC IATE. Did:14 I 4 ' Q enu/• esrewD o RIVERSIDE RECREATION j .� IIIIlIO ASSOCIATION 111111 I C LUE 1111 —irt,•ST.FRANCIS CASINOS I I II•• _ ..� fns • . " '.... • fir, �n :0 ST. LIES LIENS' r �.`. 7- JJI �•�• CLUB �� ~ SAINT PAUL 2, MINNESOTA • lli�� ST.STANISLAUS LIENS' CLUB • SILVER FOOT CLUB December 10, 1956 RAYMOND J.SMITH V.F.W.POST, Na 2109 • WEST END COMMERCIAL CLUB • WEST END FISHING AN HUNT CLUB Commissioner Fri k Earsitelli Commissioner of ublic Works W .VEr CLUB Court Mouse 41000 et. Paul, Yinnes to Dear Commissioner arzitelli: Inasmuch as ther are no adequate facilities for the Children of the est End for sliding., we respectfully request that Pte sant Avenue be blocked off from Palace to approximately Juliet so that the children say use the hill for sliding across that portion of Pleasant Avenue. This portios of Pleasant Avenue has no homes, is very rarely used, does not block anyone's access to the ter- ritory, is sot graded and is generally in extremely bad condition. We plan on grading and levelling some of the hummocks on the hill and would also apprediate permission from the City to do thi8 *crk Thank you since ly for your anticipated courtesy in this later. Yog* very truly, LOUIS ,PAM, President /62s/9 f'll '* By OpT:ghs D. D. WOZNIAK, Legislative Chairman i pm DEC -i66. THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER-OFFICE COMMUNICATION December 11, 1956 Honorable Frank D. Marzitelli Commissioner of Public Works Department Dear Commissioner: In accordance with your recent instructions we have in- vestigated the possibility of barricading for the winter Pleasant Avenue from about Palace to about Juliet. We under. stand that the West End Commercial Club has requested this barricading so that a ski and toboggan slide can be installed for the winter. The street is not graded and is full of holes. It does not appear to carry very much traffic. There are no houses affected by closing the street. It appears, therefore, that from a traffic control standpoint the barricades could be in- stalled, and we recommend that the request be granted. Yours very truly, g"--1/1"%irl EUGENE V. AVERY Traffic Engineer EVA:bjh 1 ,-1 •e• Q , k ,J 1 , ,.., k, \ ,c-- - ('1 ..1 ! , "-J-• ,------- ; .....1 , I ..1.. t),,--- ---.,:. kil , ..-7 . , . , . \-.V- • ......, ,,,,,t1 , .. - c-7-.: , -Vk . ... :-/ CS ir■._ —,Th r-- ---L-- ,,,,,_41-n -------, ...5 \ ''''''',--- -_, ..■-) •47 ,; „ ' '''';': .,„. r‘) `.-j- \%., •■•-9,,,_ '',:,_ \ I , ...., 7,_ 1 • -;-..,. . .. t„,--c--- \ --,...„. 1) ( \i'-'- \ `■.%:"..:•:,, L.... • 't \ - i l'• ' c----______ , <.'" • •K;' i, ,.....--- -________________________________,_________. 1 Z---- .-----me- •-•,-S.... ... II .-•,. D\ \ '''' al 'I •', '.4 1r4 ) 1 I-1 cli -i---: : 1 --,? .S" •Cr- ')■- , s `r'' C.: .: , ,_1 . -'•,,,,,Q-,, I ' ,k.:-'' ' "c. i J v "\ 4. 1. •. .<;i ' ),&_. \ 1 ...-,-, ,, ', -.--. , •••■•,... ,,:i ...,.„.k .S4'tt,..,,_ \Z,, Y ■---- 1 . 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