180986 Original to City Clerk . 1.8i )986 CITY OF ST. PAUL Firm NO. l� FICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY / ^ Janus 4, 1957 COMMISSIONS DATF Januayy ■ RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized with the consent of the Comptroller to Purchase from KEE LOX MFG. CO. one Verifax Copier letter size at a cost of $240.00, without advertisement or competitive bids as this is a patented article and no advantage could be gained thereby Charge Expense 21-A2 I— I Council Bile No, 1S0980.8y Milton 1 Men— I Resolved.That the Pdiehasing Agent be and he is her ,,. authorized with 1904trea....._ 1/44:4/4/( the consent of,the ' ,.`"I G O. one chase'from K VerifaX Copier size-Worst cost of $240.00. without eat or corn- 'VIZtive bids as s 14 a patented art-I no adva' could be gained thereby.' Char lrptne4 2 A2. 19A do by gte nail January 8. Approved.Tanuery+E. l$ 7. (fanuary 1R. 1 ?) /11. J Jil IV COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 8 1957195- Yeas --------- Nays De cy Fll3 olland Approved X93 7 r 195— ortinson n Favor 4-NA '& I ✓ Mayor et�e son -efosen Against ,,,Mr. President, Dillon 5M 6-56 2 I