180980 Y )s
COUjCIL FILE NO. 1 181 )980 I
BY / C7 ii C7!)
'Council Pile No. 180980—By Bernard
T. Holland by request—
In the matter-of opening, widening
.. +e--. • • • and extending Etna Street to a width
In the Inane; 3 of a ft. from Ivy Avenue to the
,t. ,Yi t,..,, --�'t ,r�:ra YP• south line of Northeast .;4, of the
f .(8; a ;H Et1 xr'st Southwest 34 of the Southwest 1 of
/pile - Section 22,Township M.Ring*22. and
to a varied width from the south line
of the Northeast 1 of the Sduthwest
34 of the Southwest 34 of Section 22,
`Township 29, Range 22, to the north
line of Wood's Addition produced east-! f
erly, and to a of 50 ft. from the!
n •h line of Wood's Addition to the l
r pine of.Maryland Avenue., by,
y.;, the e.'+l,',1
opening wi t�l� �,• Y,.i
Street to a p' 1
Avenue to the mouth 1iri6
under Preliminary Order 180399 pp i N°'th
a rove • . I a 3. of Qt. tava
$awe o
m the soothe of thrtheest I
Intermediary Order 180713 , approve. Dee o u' on ';4 a war
lion the- ed M. of Towels' Ad .:
of 50 ft.from _p to a
A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due n t Addition ti the,e she; f :aa
heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and havin following bed the
ft, of the *aid asp land west so
therefore, be it Avenue, of e N ¢ ft, a Ivy
ever 34 of 34 4 e orth
Southwest a of the Alg RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the precise I as .£ ,oast ao IV
provement to be made by the said City is .uan`�,1 X•' North .-, ' , � 01-. !
- i„ s1 .-Ivy the Southwest 22 r 3e ef
ship 29. Range 2i.
- . <i the west , ;te•Iforth 1%S e
South ss of toest o f the
Southwest ,
twee ▪ wv a of Wag be-
ofeSection .i4 the"of the theast 1
and a line,
ownsitip .
kxtlye• gL,, at a on the
the IN
I �-east' the ��4
and the Council hereby orders said improvements to be made. aectton ' a of said 34-; 1.�
to +`nd3ns ott
South the 'North 2/S of e
the � the Southwest 34 of
RESOLVED FURTHER, that 'the following land; lands or easements 29, - ;22. Township
T., ".neat.oftha WOW line
here y ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of ° , t4.(Lute afttfltaiti 44,4
Of leaf 389.9 4 _ wi t Ti0 east ¢ .D we of the smith
Ivy '• 'e Southwess 4 of
€ . et t r _. utdan c! S§ ott 3. ownsh p the l • 22, flan east ft. e
and teknof.ft. of the-loath 3t of the f or �`ones
No .. 1, of the Southwest 34 of Streetq -foe oft past the So wt of Section 22, Tows- the cant of• 4�},//S of l
ship a 22. The east 30 ft. of Southws 3 1'i of the
the • ft.of the North 1/5 of the Semen ','a of
Sou ,- 34 Of the Southwest 3a of the p M
• . 1/4 of Section 22 Township Wit-tO ° wog, karate s2 ad-
akw and the lead Iyfng be-
RESOLVED FURTHER, Th' v ee wean ltne of the cast 3G of orks be and is hereby instructed and
directed to prepare plans and spec the so°tisw st 1:the the Southwest 1/4 and the proper city officials are hereby
authorized and directed to proceed and�'.e begi n p29.ointe°*e ement in accordance therewith.
north .e of the Southeast 1 of the
Southw= 3 of the Southwest.34 of
Section s, Townshi 29, Range Adopted by the Counc' ft.east f the west line oft 4-: , 19
section e; thence to a point on the -
south e of the North 1/5 of the o 0 ' .
Southe:: 34.of the Southwest 1 of• - L ..C.-
JAN the Sou •. v Section 22. Township
.;-29,Rang •!o ft.east of the west line City Clerk.
of the bf the aforesaid 1, 34.34
Approved__ section. ,#he west 20 ft. of the 0
° East 34 South 4/5 of the South-
east 34 , Rte Southwest 1 of the AI ., u 1,, A.A•
South • 34'of Section 22, Township• - •
29, R 22. Mayor.
Also co•de�and s
ment in b taking for an eease-,,
Councilmen: cuts and tills for necessary grading of Etna
XENNPRWPC DeCiourc Street on that part of the south 4/5 of
the east 4 of the Southeast 34 of the
IMMIX= Southw , y4 Section .', T Ot the 9, Ran a 22 1/4 of
Township 29,,Range ad- a
jacent to the Street—
6 0
Peterson Rosen..
Mr. President, Dillon ,
500 7-55
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° • + CITY OF ST. PAUL .. X713
DER 011
n matter-of t. .. . I.• . t
under Preliminary Order approved April 17, 1956
To the Council of the City of St. Paul:
The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows:
The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $ 1+,800.00
The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - - $
The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or
parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows:
Ex. Ivy Ave. & Clarence St. & ex. . 11 .3 fit.
of M. 200.6 ft. & e=. E. 300.6 ft. ex S. I i( VALUATION
71 ft. of N. 259.3 ft. of E. 135.3 t. 1 f
14 165.3 ft.; N. * of NE * of SW * f - } of
Sec. 22, T. 29, R. 22. (loot on books.
Ex. St.; I. 363 ft. of S. * of NE of Slf
of SI * of Sec. 22, T. 29, R. 22. ( I 650. 2350.
Ex. St.; T. ' of N. 1/5 of SE *, oft SW of j
SW * of Sec. 22, T. 29, R. 22. 250. 2500.
Ex. Etna St. & Maryland Ave. & ex. E. 1 5.561 ft.
& ex. M. h5 ft. of E. 210.56 ft. of S. 69 fit.; 1
S 3/5 of E. ofSE * of 811 of81l if 1
Section 22, Township 29, Range 22 11 ]150. 1800.
. -4- ill
_ }}-__ N ADDITION *F•
__.... __ ._... I _ 1 ' ._„ =,:'
,Ez.....�i� s.#.__�-��nldn�iIa-_St. _I��mc 'Anita _ . __ .. _ ,__ _. - , -
�' of- E. 155.56 ft. & .x. S. 3 ft. of - 155.56 ft.; ' •
S E *-. I ry ;*_ of _ _ I ,
SW of Sec. 22, T. 29. R. 22. 350. , 1300.
Ex. St. & ox. S. 110 ft. ofE. 180i4.; 8. }
_ _of-N._ 1/5 of SE- : of SW * of.SW * {Soo.. 22,
T. 29, R. 22. - 300.
Ex. St. & ox. V. 363 ft. & ex. N.' �
. I.S. * of NE_1 of SW } of SW * of S 2,1 ; I � �{}
T. 29, R. 22. i I 625. ' 8804.
EX. St. & ex. I. 63 ft.; S. 60 ft.
N. -250 ft. -- S. -.f NE.* of Sw 1 f_ I ,
SW * of Soc. 22, . 29, R. 22. I 500. 2135).
_ s • p4 ,__ .
Ilk. St. & .ac. w. 36 ft.; S. 50 ft. o 1. l f t. of S. •f I
NE*,of Sw 4 of Sw of Sec. 22,T. 9 Rik 22 isoo..
Ex. St. & ox. I. 363 ft.; S. 65 ft. • 11. lit ft. of S. * of 3
WINE * ofSw * of SW * ofSoo. 22, T. 2 , R. 2 500. 710.
i . _
Ex. St.; & x. I. 363 ft.; N. 75 e . } e NE * of MI
_. o f SIX * o f-Soo. 22, T. 29, R. 22. 1. ■ 60. . .1, 5O.. ..._
_ b. N. 280.75 ft.;-.11. 135.3 ft. of E. 3 ,6 ft. .of N. 1 of _ .. _ I ,. ; i _.
NE * of Sw * of SW * of Sec. 22, T. 29, . 22 50. I
4 55 134. f t. of E. 300.6 ft. of 4
S. 9. ft. of N. 280.75 ft. of W.
T. 29, R. 22. • 5Q
N. * o f _NE * of Si:* of S W * or Soc.. •, -}_
_ S. 198.20-f t. of E+ 231.20 ft. of I. 135.30 ft.-of E. 300.60 ft. ,
of N. I of ME * •f Sw I of Sw I of Soc. 22, T. 29, R. 22. li00. ' 61154.
- - y s
Lots 1 to 8 I Wood's Addition 400. 1 ..__ ._.._ •
91 ' do 75.
1 1f
_ - 2otei 6s20g. 1414.0 5Q•„_
The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and
hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in
reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. •
Dated December 11 19-6 In.Poem B. B. 12 Commissioner of a
/ 3
t.1 tY. ?. p~'al
_ , November 21, , 19 56
To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul:
The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the prelimin-
ary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 180399 approved
November 16. 1956 , relative to
Op si des e d *steed Stec Street too a w dth e! id lt, !tree 1 L ..
sos�tle'11114-Of.. the Ao ►rst 1(4 of the taithireit.111 1U ,un""
21. Ti hip 21 Pelee 21. aM to * carried w1 *th the Breath 1*.. of the itor tkesst
11 ► rte► t 1/4 Of the Patthweet 1/4 air"Sento tt, Tip Reege Y2,
the Varth .of Woods$ p� pasl�.m=ate a: of # ,ten
tore north line of'Waed''s Addition to the aerth line of Nariland A by tattier and
eendsmnise the _fel4 gibed 1+e The lent 1 0. !M :x.11 ft.
oncost**, Ivy �,, ef the x."111 nil the Northeast 1/4 of the Sash 1/4 et
of the Southwest 1/4. p U. IOW* 24 4100 the . 40 ftit of the
wet 3$4 ft. of thrr N,Inth 1/4 of the Karrthd lt" 114 carting f+oatheost 1/4 et the Mouth.
west 1/4 of,Softie* 114, Tonumbip 241. :Use* ;11, .01,04 the _wet 334 It. of
the Mott% 11$ of the Eertheasi 114 of the eostbsrt 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of loctice
22. T smskip 111 24 sad the land 'Viso between the vest live of the East 1/4
of the Werth'!. $ the S r 2t4. ''tl ffoatt 1/4..olt1►rs Seittionitlif4 of
E+aetion^3i, *wits 10 bep. at a freeefardt at the � lime of
the ?'met 1 4 of the oatbwas4 /4 a# the ant r
at 1/4 of bastion lie ?o reOLp Slos
Resae 2 442120 east of the west lime of said 1/4.1/4-1/4 'mottos lies; these, to a
point on the mouth line of the North 1/S of the Seetheast 1/4 .1 the Southwest 1/4 e4
the Eoet west 1/4 Bootie* 11,, " ship 14 Rome x...40 ft* e+ of the rwr*t mow► `.
the last 1/1 er of rise id 1,4. 1/4,, 1/4 "seoti rs. Als�rr � w� *► It. a4 the
1/1: of the South 41$ Of the Coat_ st 1/4 of the pat s$ ' ;titre Southey* 1/4
of ?cation 44, ' rship tt,, 14.
Also .i,n iee and eg inn Bas t in tbe lid eeseesary tor slopes* meter 0
and fills for the gradisy of nen street an that part od the south 4/1 of the east CV,
1/: at the roetb...st 111 of tier tWWoot 1/4 of the South** l/4 Seetiee 120 Fy
?err alp 10, pease 11 s4$seat to Eta. Street.