D001937CITY OF SAINT PAIIL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR L J ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER BUDGET REVISION No.: ��00�93� Date: ��—�—� (� GS #: 106264 EIDMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consisteni with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Department of public Works to amend the 1998 budget of the �a taT �P o' e ts fund, the Director of the Office of Finanaal Services is authonz�d amen�d said�budget in the following manner: • • 7 FINANCWG PLAN 2 3 C98-2T552-29246 4 MARGARET-ARCADE RSVP 5 6 PFA 7 SRF 8 CIB 9 ASMT 10 MISC 17 12 13 14 SPENDING PLAN 15 16 C98-2T552-292A6 17 MARGARET-ARCADE RSVP 18 19 Construction 20 21 22 23 FINANCWG PLAN 24 25 C98-2T920 26 SEWER REHABILITATION PROGRAM-1998 27 28 29 PFA 30 Sewer GO Bonds 31 SAC 32 MCES Loan 33 SRF 34 Current Amended Budgei Change Budget 199,675.00 -8,164.35 197,510.65 171,021.18 171,021.18 2,388,318.55 2,388,378.55 7, 7 23, 300. 7 5 1, 7 23, 300.15 100,371.99 100,371.99 3,982,686.87 -8,164.35 3,974,522.52 3,982,686.87 -8,164.35 3,974,522.52 3,982,686.87 -8,164.35 3,974,522.52 4,082,499.33 4,082,499.33 387,000.00 387,000.00 931,596.00 931,596.00 40,000.00 40,000.00 230,124,33 8,164.35 238,288.68 5,677,279,66 8,164.35 5,679,384.07 CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR u ADMINISTRATIVE ORDEIt BUDGET REVISION No.: ,C7 bo 19' 3 7 Date: �� v GS #: 106264 ���QVj$jRA'j1� �RDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Seciion 10.07.4 of the Ciry Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Department of Public Works to amend the 1998 budget of the Capital Proj ects fund, the Director of the Office of Financial Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner. • C� Curtent Amended Budget Change Budget 35 SPENDING PLAN 36 37 C98-2T920 38 SEWER REHABILITATION PROGRAM-1998 39 40 Construction 41 //V /G ZS EJW/jab PrepareC Oy. AcUVity Manager � �'� e � 2 Fequestetl Oy. Departrnmt Dire or 5,671,219.66 8,764.35 5,679,384.01 5,677,279.66 8,164.35 5,679,384.07 ��� �� �a���� i Approvetl ey. Mayor Date PROJECT NUMBER/PROJECT CHANGE REQUEST Year Activity Job Proj. Number MSA Number Project Description t7od� t 9� pprova s mtia s Date Printed 70/11/2000 Last Modified 70/11/00 (� 2T552 � 2g246 p-g10� 6 ��� RSVP-1998 MargareUArcade Diiion � Finai Order (Coun. Resol.) 98- I Manager St. Martin Contract Award Date 5-15-199 PROJECT COST SU Number � ORlG BUDGET REV'D BUDGET PROP'D REVISION PROP'D BUDGET ACQUISITION � � � � '•'AbMINISTRliTION;-.I I:•:I I:�:�:•:•:•:•:•:�:I [•:•:I I'.� " �' Costs�' � �'.'PREL'IIGLSURVEY.:.�.:.��. $658,702.75 �:�;-�: g658,702.75 . ... ...... � ....................�- ........ ................... ............. :�:�:�:.:...:...DESIGN:.: '.' $658�7027 '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.' .'.' $658�702.7 .':'. . .'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .'.'. . . . . . . . .'.'. 20.SOo� .'.'. . . . . . . . . .'.'. ' ' 20.55/0 .-.• ' �;�:CCENStRINSPEC — t.-.�.'.•.•.•.•.•.� CONSULT SVCS CITY FORCES UTILITIES/MISC CONSTRUCTION TOTAL COIl5U11a0� App'd Rate � � Misc Cost APPROVED lNTERNAL RATE � cplanation FOR i'HIS FF?OJEC�' EFAT ADJUSTED EFA7 RATE � Decision ' FOR THIS PfidJECT ORIG BUDGET REV"D BUDGET PROP'D REVISION PROP'D BUDGET MSA 0 0 0 0 Z CIB � $2,388,318.5 � $2 U Z PIA � � � � Q LL AST � $1.123,300.1 � $1�723�300.1 W SEW 0 $370.696.1 -SS�t64.3 $362,531.8 � FED � � � � a OTHER � $100,371. � $100,371.9 TOTAL � $3�982�686.8 -58�164.35 $3�974.522.5 o Sewer = PFA $199,675 & � o Subtracting `98 PFA via Adm. Order-Green Sheet #106264 jab 10/11/00 v R Sew Rpr Fd -$171,021.18 °– R 3 R Other = Water $74,763.93 & N � > R LL x Parks $25,608.06 p� X w w �ect History and Current Status Comments (Please put your initials and date behind your comments) �iing `98 Major Sewer Repair funds via Administrative Order D-1902 ejw 7/13/2000 Capital Tracking Info GS # 10628 CIB Mtg � CF #� — — — I— �— —� � $110,800.0 $3,213,184.1 _ — — _ � � 0 $11Q80o.o0 -$8,9fi4.3 $3,205,019. PROJECT NUMBER/PROJECT CHANGE REQUEST Year Activity Job Proj. Number MSA Number Project Description ,000t937 pprova s nrtia s Date Printed 10/11l2000 Last Modified 10/11/00 � 2T920 00000 � i � Sewer System Rehab Program (Includes Point Douglas �Lin.) Division �� Pinal Order (Coun. Resol.) � i �I Manager Mueller , Contract Award Date PROJECT COST SU Number SU-669708 ORIG BUDGET REV'D BUDGET PROP'D REVISION PROP'D BUDGET ACQUISITION � � � � �'. �.'.� �.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.� C'.'.� C�.1nIelrta�.�g?.' � eosts� � � .............................................................. . .............. :::::::PREL'IN4SURVE`I:. �.-.0... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � . . . . . . . . .:.:. . . . . . . . . .'�' :::::::::::::::::DESIGN..-. . �25.00O.0 .:.�.:.:�'.'.�'.:.�:.:.:�:.:. ' �� '�.�.CCSPfSTFt�NSF!ECt•.•���.•L ��.�.•_�_�.•;•_�.�L�.•:•L�; CONSULT SVCS � � � CITY FORCES � � UTILITIES/MISC � � CONSTRUCTION $4 $202,181.8 TOTAL $5,300,000 $202,181.8 0 � � $8,164.3 MiSC Cost �cplanation EFAT Decision 0 � � $210,34621 $210,346.21 � Consultant App'd Rate —1 APPRQVED 4t�1TER3VAL RATE FOR THIS PROJECY 0 Ap.9USTED EFA3 R�TE � F9R THIS F�R(}JECT ORIG BUDGET REV"D BUDGET PROP'D REVISION PROP'D BUDGFT MSA � � � � � CIB � � � � Z U Z PIA � � � � a u. AST 0 0 0 C.� W S � � � � � � FED � � � � a OTHER $5,300,00 $202,181.8 $5,164.3 $210,346.21 TOTAL $5,300,00 $202,181.8 $8,164.3 $210,34621 o SRLP = $5.3M (PFA) � o $640,39023 + $136,111.53 (CSSP) -$520,007.53 (S-1863) _ $256,494.22 �a ,� Sewer GO Bonds - $187,000 °- m $256,494.22 - $10,646.36 (S-1865) - $72,546.00 (S-1866) + $28,880.00 3 � '> R (S-1872) _ $202,181.87 LL X � X Returning $8,164.35 from Margaret-Arcade (RSVP) via Adm Order - Green W W Sheet#106264 jab1�f11l00 �ect History and Current Status Comments (Please put your initials and date behind your comments) file fior job and project numbers (ejw 3/11/99) �� 99-954 added 5427,OQ0 funding to bring into line with Operating budget >4,600,OOd (PFA) + �700,000 (SSF) +$931,596 {SAG} t $4d,OQQ (MCES} + �387,Q00 (Sewer Gd} + $136,111.52 (GSSP} - i199,675 {PFA to P-8106) -$173,805 (SSF Yo P-8105) -$230,000 {SSF to 5-7868) - 5520007.53 (PFA fo S-1863) _ GS # 10626 CIB Mtg � CF #� ,Doa >937 DEPARTMENf/OFFICHCOUNCIL DATEINITIATED GREEN SHEET No. 106264 ' Public Works 10/11/2000 rewoa� m�uwoa� CONTACT PERSON & PHONE / n Ed Warn-266-6142 & Jce Mueller-26fr6149 oE� d(n oa cin couNa� M� E ON COUNCILAGENDA BV (DAT� q��GN 6 Gn' AnORNEY ❑ CITY CLEfiK NUMBER WR ROUiING ❑ FINANCIALSERVICESDIR ❑ FlNANCIALSERV/ACCTTa ❑� /D�z�Ce ❑ MAYOR(ORASSISTANn EtlWarn 3 2 y� /O�f2�0o ❑ DickRUOeR ❑ Mueller � I� ' TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACS10NflE�UESTED Approval of attached Administrative Order annending the spending and financing plans of the MugazeUArcade RSVP & 1998 Sewer Rehabilitation Proa am RECOMMENDATIONSApprwa(A)orRel�(R) PERSONALSERVICECOMRACTSMUSTANSWERTHEFOLLOWING�UESTIONS: _ PUVJNING COMMISSION 7, Has this persoNfirm ever worketl untler a contrac[ for this department? CIBCOMMITTEE �'ES NO _ CIVILSERVICE COMMISSION 2. Has this persoNfirtn ever been a ciry employee? YES NO _ 3. Does tM1is personlfirm possess a skill not normally possessetl by any current ciry employee? YES NO 4. Is this persoNfirm a targeted ventlor? INI ATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV (WHO, WHAT, WHEN. WHERE, WHY) �ES NO Sewer PFA loan monies of $199,675 were transferred from the 1998 Sewer Rehabilitation project to the MazgareUArcade RSVP project to cover sewer related costs. The final cost of these sewer related items was $191,510.65, necessitating a$8,164.35 transfer of PFA funds back to the 1998 Sewer Rehabilitation project ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED� The funding will match the spending in the MazgareUArcade RSVP project. DISADVAMAGES IF APPROVED None. DISADVMTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: There will be a funding overage in the MazgazeUArcade project. � AMOUNT OF TRANSAC710N $ Net $0 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES rvo NG SOURCE PFA ACTIVfTY NUMBER C98-2T5S2-29246 & C98-2T920 FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPW N)