180936 • 18t ►936 Original to City Clerk COUNCIL �, CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFIHITY E CIL RESOLCE OF UTT IOE N-C GENERAL CL RK FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONERS DATF Connell' D�e No. '1"he council * + •noi saint Paul sas.receivled • accepted,he..mildeNxiaa � ,;;; WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul has receive. "" i and reluctantly accepted the resignation of Mr. Reynolds Marchant from his position as Co-Director of the Bureau of Civil Defense of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, said resignation having been made necessary by reason of his leaving this City for personal, business and professional reasons, and ' WHEREAS, Mr. Reynolds Marchant, more familiarly and personally known to all of us as "Bob Marchant, has given freely and without hesitation of his time and effort without compensation in the execution of his official duties as Co-Director of our Cityls II Civil Defense, and WHEREAS, the City Council is fully cognizant of the faithful devotion and intelligent leadership which Mr. Marchant has dis- played in the planning, research and performance of duties in all the vital matters with which Civil Defense has been concerned in Saint Paul, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, in its official capacity, and on behalf of all our citizens, does COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195- . Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Approved 195_ Marzitelli Mortinson _In Favor Peterson Mayor Rosen Against Mr. President, Dillon 5M 6-56 of4W2 Original to City Clerk 18i )936 CITY OF ST. PAUL F OE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF hereby express our sincere regret to Mr. Marchant that his business and professional duties cause him to remove from our community and the Council does hereby proffer to Mr. Marohant the thanks of the people of our city for the great contribution which he, in his non-compensatory official position, has made to -the Civil Defense effort in the City of Saint Paul, and RESOLVED, further the Council does hereby extend to Mr. Marchant the best wishes of all for his continued health, happiness and suecees in his chosen field of : endeavor, and RESOLVED, further, that the City Clerk is hereby directed to enter this resolution in full on the permanent minutes of this session of the Council and to present to Mr. Reynolds Marohant an engrossed copy thereof in token of its esteem. { JAN 31967 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yeas Nays - y— JAN 31967 Holland Approved 195— Mortinson In Favor Peterson Mayor Rosen Against Mr. President, Dillon Z PUBLISHED/— 5M 6-58 1 FFICE OF CITY CLERK JOSEPH R. OKONESKI City Clerk I.UREAU OF RECORDS HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder 86 City Hall and Court House A. Paul 2, Minnesota 1.8i)936 Dec. 27, 1956 Mr. Marshall F. Hurley Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir: The Council requested that you prepare a resolution of appreciation for Robert Marchant, Co-Director of the St. Paul Civil Defense Bureau, who has resigned, and directing that an engrossed copy of the resolution be prepared. Very truly yours, City Clerk G f CORPORATi N COUNSEL t CITY O F : SAINT P.A U rt M I N N E S O T A Telephone.Capital 4-4612 r '�' CIT OF SAINT PAUL �����o _ Cspita Minnesota �' "� BU U 4F CIVIL DEFENSE ,"V 13 5 City Hall and Court House MAYOR JOSEPH E. DILLON—Advisory.Director PAUL J.CALDER-Oireetor REYNOLDS MARCHANT--Co-Director December 20, 1956 Honorable Joseph E. Dillon i Members of the City Council City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota Dear Mrs. DeCourcy and Gentlemen: As you will note from the attached copy of a letter to Colonel Calder, my personal business arrangements have forced me to resign from the position of Co-Director of the St. Paul Civil Defense Bureau. I want to take this opportunity to thank each of your for your interest in the work the Bureau has undertaken and to commend you for your support of this unpopular but necessary activity. I would urge you, most strongly, to continue your support, both as representatives of the people and as individual citizens, since Civil Defense must play an increasingly important role in our total defense effort. In my activity with Civil Defense, I have had the privilege of working with many of you as individuals. These contacts have been most pleasant for me and have, additionally, contributed greatly to my knowledge of civil government operations. My best wishes go with all of you in your efforts to build a bigger and better St. Paul. Sincerely yours*024.14007/--, R. Merchant mml Enc. CIVIL DEFENSE IS YOUR BUSINESS 4;741 1Geh. December , 1 1+ a'. ()aw t3 • C e to Oil' Rail argi Court 8b-. J *I 2,;; oo Dew t4420001 001,40r4 sttotio0 wilt 11140 l*w resPortiabtlittest I* 20,1 a as . �* �, .,„ �,` a � Stw awl Civil boitswo a tones liN 111 a With € active aautt past It i& ate'' � t tb. ine4 tor et �t ago 4 . 0010404114 0 004,1004 ball' Mai ✓ . a , , a vitt st t ,k, , t ti f:tetfP whi4 *t1.1 431)* that d � a 411'111392113 1144 a o - � � o *041* ci'voktim tba* to to th a a is , Idek n* 11, ` , that 70111 wit pexisort4 110 feerostamit eft to gip. t t ` P4'114? ;. . $ eir? and i°1141' 443S—UdAereltie taw atat *00,444, tae a '� n of rd _ " . . -. to * a ai of oa a 3 off` a . a chord is 43 no's hesitate t call wort to. i It* akrahliAit hereby express our stueee regret to Xr. Xarchlat that his business and professional duties cause him to remove trim our community and the tiouncil does hereby proffer to Kr. Merchant the thanks of the people of our city for the great contribution which he* in his nen-emensatary official position* has made to the Civil Defense effort in the it of Saint Paul* and R3OLY104 further the Cowie 11 does hereby extend to Mr. *art the beat wishes of all for his continued health* bappinoso and eneeette in his *Chosen field of endeavor* and 1110010VID* further* that the City Clerk is hereby di:rooted to enter this resolution in full on the 'eminent minutee of this session of the 0ounel1 and to present to Xr4 Reynolds Xarchant an engrossed copy thereof in token of its estee . JAN 3t677 JAN 31967 Decanter 20 -Colonel Hubert As + Director, .State Do Partinent of Civil to 1643 Bice Street . Pam. 3 ftinnesottt Atteekhosi are copies of lee rionoer. Nor fteign_ tiara frost tte position Co-Direotor, t.; Civil , . v of course* require eqr resignation also '# rihip in the Minmeota Survival is t . A l ce rat reownionded. in due oorweep._"tor *ow Dillon. X take this oPParteutty to Indio*** A' personal appreciatiou foe the interest and :p n to St. Paul by the State ca and to rea i ray faith.in the new programa you are undertaking. I have-very ouch enjoyed ItorIcing with you 44d, your' etaa and regret that our ratixtioas slot t . Sty X wish you coal success your yew meet vital eivil defene. p LL Cordially H. fbreharct /le)7 7. WHEREAS* the Council of the City of Sint Paul hes received and reluctantly accepted the resignation of 1Kr. Reynolds Merchant from kilo ositio as Co-Director of the Bureau f Civil Defense of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, said z esigna ion having been necessary by reason of his leaving this City for personal, business and professional reasons, and wHERSAS„ Kr. Reynolds Merchant, more faamiliar ► *M personally known to all of us as *SOb Marohout, has given freely sud without hesitation of his time and effort vithout oompensetion in the execution of his o '. ioiai duties as 00-Dlrootor of our City a Civil Defense, the City Couch is fully cognizant of the faithful devotion and intelligent leadership wh h r. Merchant hes dis- Played In the planning, researCh and performance of duties in all the vital matters with which Civil Defense has been concerned in Saint Paul, nAlr, therefore, be lt RICSOINEV, that the Council of the City of Seint Paul, Minnesota, in its official capacity, and on behalf of all our citizens, does