182793 Original City Clerk • , ORDINANCE • .1� 93 COUNCIL FILE NO. ,�`7 PRSENTED BY // ORDINANCE NO. A # V rip frj cowl&rag An *ranter ettiglinelk • t TvvA An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7210, entitled: "An ordinance providing for all matters con- "cerning, regulating or affecting the construction, alteration, regulation, repair, removal, mainte- nance, use and inspection of all buildings, walls, or structures erected or to be erected within the limits of the City of Saint Paul for the protec- tion of property against fire, and for the purpose of securing healthful, safe and sanitary environ- ments forfthe occupants of buildings used for Kumar habitation or otherwise, to compel the owners of s ch buildings, walls or structures to alter, reconstru t or modify the same, or any lawful use or occupancy of all buildings, walls or structures; establishin fire limits, and prescribing the powers and duties of the Commissioner of Public Buildings in con- formity with the Charter provisions; providing a penalty for the violation thereof and repealing all ordinances inconsistent herewith. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the pre�- servation of the~ public peace, health and safety", approved May 22, 1930, as amended. This is an emergenci ordi- nance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN:, Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7210, approved May 22, 1930, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by adding to Sec. 110, Paragraph 2, c, the following: "Whenever the applicant for a Certificate of Competency provided for by the terms of Sec. 110 of this ordinance, has received a Certificate of Competency ox compFrable authorization from any other municipality in the State to participate in A\, the craft for which he seeks a Certificate of Competency from the City of Saint Paul, the applit Q' cant shall be issued a Certificate of Competency . . ttlIP engage in that •raft within the City of Saint r . Paul upon payment of the annual renewal fees for comparable Certificates of Competency provided for CI. at Section 110, paragraph 4, provided the applicant, in order to obtain such Certificate of Competency or other authorization to carry on sum craft in I such other municipality, as a condition precedent to receiving such Certificate of Competency or other Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council DeCourcy Marti Celli Tnl Favor Mortinson Peterson A4ainst Rosen Mr.President (Dillon) Approved: Attest: City Mayor Clerk Ma Y 1M 6-56 aogpx. Original to City Clerk ORDINANCE A 18 793 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. 1,1 / ;Architect finds that the licensing requirements in such other municipality do not meet the minimum requirements established in the City of Saint Paul, such applicant may not be granted a license in this City until he has passed the examination required for conducting such business in the City of Saint Paul". Section 3. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and } e in foxce upon its passage, approval and publication. MAY 2 p 1977 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council DeCourcy Holland Marzitelli n Favor Mortinson Peterson Against Rosen I Nor.President (Dillo i) ,,,� %/ - Appro MAY 2 9 I! Attest: / '' / 4 T / City Clerk Mayor P 'Bi.I%HED '� I 182793 ' /i o authorization from such municipality, has passed an examination pertaining to such craft, of com- parable difficulty to that administered and conducted by the City of Saint Paul. It shall- be the duty of the City Architect of the City of Saint Paul to examine into the requirements for the issuance of such Certificate of Competency or other authorization to carry on said craft in , such other municipality, and if, upon such examination, he shall find that the standards of such other municipality are comparable to the standards of the City of Saint Paul, ':he shall recommend that the applicant be granted the Certificate of Competency applied for. If, upon such examination the City Architect finds that the examination in such other municipality does not meet the minimum require- ments established in the City of Saint Paul, such applicant may not be granted a Certificate of Competency in this City until he has passed the examination required for carrying on such craft in the City of Saint Paul." Section 2. That said ordinance is hereby further amended by adding to Sec. 111, 1, after the line designated "n. Wrecking", the following unlettered paragraph: "Whenever the applicant for a license for warm air heating, ventilation or general sheet metal work authorized by the terms of this section, is licensed or authorized in any other municipality of this State to engage in the business for which he seeks a license from the City of Saint Paul, the applicant shall be issued a license to engage in that business in the City of Saint Paul upon payment of the requisite fees, provided the applicant, in order to obtain the license from such other municipality, as a condition precedent to such licensing, to establish his competency to conduct such business, has passed an examination, pertaining to such business, of comparable difficulty to that admin- istered and conducted by the City of Saint Paul, as a prerequisite to the issuance of such license in this City. It shall be the duty of the City Architect of the City of Saint Paul to examine into the requirements for licensing in such other municipality, and if, upon such examination, and after consulting with the Board of Examiners fox Warm Air Heating, Ventilia ion, or General Sheet Metal Workers provided for at Section 110, 3 a (7) of this ordinance, he shall find that the standards of such other ''municipality are comparable to the standards of the City of Saint Paul, he shall recommend that the applicant be granted the license applied fox. If, upon such examination, the City 2 82793 0/ 0 AA Ordinar440 anonding Ordinance tom. 72L **titled* "An a a for *13 hors co corning* g t� or *fleeting the const� i o** • ra� , . is is *1, **into. anc , and inspection of *11 W11449** Us, or *tractor** *ate or to * Within the Uielts of the City of Saint Paul the Stec tion o ty a st �* end for than it e of securing health u10, safe and esnitnty g s *onto for the Occupants of buildings need for huuen hebitation or oth rwise, to aas. the ors of such hail walls s� , ens t a lter, 1 on�str t or ,:4. , h : sa * or * Iswful u1 use Or occupancy of all build14141 wollo or structures; fire liait$4 end proscriblog the tho powore and shades of that C4osiesianor of 114 Suildings in con- formity with the Charter 'eras; Prorlding a penalty for the violation there' a **pooling I ordinancos into oistent herewith* an eserOoneY Ordinance roadorod nocossorly for the pre- servation of tho public pose** health end ss at '/, siVreved Psi 22, 1030* as Tce0dod0 This i s en astir any ordi- :a lley a i red necessary for the preservation the public pot , beolth and. aataty. I; tX). ,11, OP rfp Crry Op sAltir PAL DOSS . A Section . That tr t.a a c 7210, opproved 140y 22• 10300 as * by furthor amondod by adding to . 130, Ptragreph 2. * the tellewingt rfahonovor the as Lie ant tor certificate of CoaPetecel 'rev* for hr the t o* 110 of th c has resoles a Certificate of 4oupotoncy Or 000problo sUthoriastion flow any ether c 1ity in the Slat* to Pe cite the c for- which he **who a Gaut- ate of .,. .*any the City of Seint Pool* the appli- cant shell bo issue ass Kati# a t .- to engage in thot Craft within the City n 'r a . P n O the annul anew of fees for cowpareble Certificstos of CoePotency provided for at action 1100 persgraPh l* Presidod the applicannt• in r such castiftaate ei Covetency or * hear authorization to Carr.rion such croft in such other ,. x icoslitY0 as a condition e to resolving . such Cortiflcato of Competency or ether .1.82793 lial ° toe ,; a � y a �;lt C stn ,« *hello* het the linty- City arohitoet at the'City saint Pe into the rocoirosonts.for the .1. + 'of � . s - t �Mhos, authorization carry on said craft in Sittek Other' c l t i such of tip, he 11 find thotlhe standards Al" such Other municipality `• s l the standard* of Ci . , try ul. zioammend that tan the Certificate 'fi :.s�4+ 1 r foro e* f, Oreminat . it find* the ; t I other t� net t a nT • e t Lined in the City . +f Cometon0Y in 044:City. until ho has paaated e saminetion roquirOd -for cerryinO for on Such craft s City Of Saint Pee. »� 4. That s ordittumat is b 'n. "n the. `off,". s. er the oppiicant o - or ventilatiOn oomoral *hoot om . �k �� . * Of to **Lotion ° ist nsni . lity o $ to ag in that *mai for license from the .city faint Paulo the epplitant ***I1 lasuod be 0 licoaso to onsago la that Imoinosa t City of :., ut upon $to,ymont of the requisito fee& Idol the lica � to s , is Soo r municipality* as a c precedent toa liaancia40 to has do _pertaining to soth business. Of cable difficultY to that s k , /stored and u ..w.rta by the City of Saint Paul s a sib to issuance of lieettee this Cit 4 shall y City s chi t it t Paul to islittediso into the ,saquistomento ler liconoing to such other s pali ,� . if, such mi a on, and efts on consulting g with the Soord Of nessiteeee for "us Air Ming. Veatilistieet r Gielteei Sheol "tt provided for motion 110 • 3 a t7) Of this inai ho It Tint that the *tomes* at sOch ate j Ut c bl to the . . . of � * he ell rozotoead that tho opplisat the license. applied sr. * upon tho City 182793 ti oto Whitt finito that the licensing rillqtaxewortto in such ottittt $ouniCiiwitAity...4110' not **et the anima simpii* onto ottotox&ohod the City 541int pttn4a$ 004tabt allowtoot soy not b0 44."ontst4 1it04111** in WS City UMW NO hiliS pd tho 0X4111414%*titittft it0401.10 or toductlatt vtuch bta*trAotts in the City of i•nt Pd on 0404100.tra2tietorn tal,crioTrit.hissitioseHrdinto—.4400044'' 141% 4414411;kolforstiattp,t400tritto bestiost of th public peoci# IwOolith fest totetto sootier* 4* litio Anifitilt,*04* 0141 tnklf •ittotgt and be in fut. upoo pesoles approvni nms pollution. MAY 2911 ./; igg7 U64 i;RI 8 uolllQ ;uappsai uorna 3uaptsaij •iJAI uaso Cf�' uo a;ad uosia;a 1 // / uosui a uo wow--!t[a3lzxe mamz... II Pug � t� Puu[Io 6// a nr a SX N sgaA sAux ssaA ;dope dde pug plc o;aaeo plug _/—_-7___s`77.... PuZ si ,_ . ORIGINAL. CITY OF SAINT PAUL . - Td PAYOR , ' t , OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER 1 . 1 N'31. RECEIPT 804 RECEIVED OF g-t .--,z_ R,..,tA,_,, rb, q2 100 ----iII FOR ,--e__ c (U; _±),_...-V ,„___,____,,,„ „.., „ &...,..„....„......,. ,...., , ,.,„ _ e7 _.,) 2/;.,,,,,,,_, 1 , , 1 CITY COMPTROLLER 1 (..-/' / -IP / / R / n to b , 500 5.51 By --, s t----'J'K—t---Q----0--d- i? 1