182784 1 . l7.784 .- ,- ' COpJN91J.-FILE NO ,. BE.---i- 17 :-A-'''''[. � ' FINAL OR P 1N CONDEMNATION PROCEEDIN S t _ +fYe. s ,. I ., [wall tlt I CONDIS Wk 00141 P "In '•iiist - r;, d � , re the r he In Byeck 4i s r y ao :8akb 'o1 l tbeatli o tip wilt 073 Janus . wjky of. approved_ ,° . rart'rcae ice.� :, from 12360 Apr {.� ;_ + of pros , approved rIn Bleak 46.C. bsu�b. maid tom- „°; ,,, • p0irsrY easemsat.be of auld ! tots ` E nt to.tbs onset:te t. had upon the above improvement upon due not r , . ,�, �'�; ' ooxxie and asking tern- ease.", '. Y'. V!. ..c eaue- paexary easement � ft. in � for 'recommendations relative thereto, and having � ��+�►, �: ry ion Ines s�(7�er__roeel.' ti 4'r •..,. easement. ea Dine•from "-ii, e the— _wee l of the City of Saint Paul that the ,. , a : ng ao a' re of lid City is t rasa.ti 1,5.1„, 1E.,,F x=' 5 to . . h # �:... eu_ ,across h rtr fi , -.._ � A� Y„„•,.'.."5 �•�” +�� Idlt.M� pall. �1' •: •>�l0 :�1Pr "' .e�i'e ': .y�. y� �"`'.: > I t line t ) of 'idf the �#ona tine W ,� ttt of sA •1 easement being de e,'Sub., t0 A, 46 e. of s�t„4*. . .. r rive{. :pf; EE�tpr � 4gsipg i '�4.C'.W LdR i lock ' C' as.rthe tester, ) Aloe t 10 ft !or alley is ;46. pn tke ^•. • and d •improve waR'eg the `' ,, ....1`,..,,,.,„,44•4°'' St,. ° potary easement 90 ft in Width for al' ex�' •, r ” ' ' 4'Is Sub Lett, isonstruetion purposes lway of the ,°n �Mn- hat the folio kA (Sr: fI , - ion Lot° k ,Omaha ' % , said )priated and ` .t.". :V N °`�"M 'r.. fee,' , - A '� — - '�1- ,�..seaarr G aka ,; 4 .''; ,,t nM Pw -.II° �.+� 1'•>. 4.0.,,,end a lined !M !ro' .ivIsi 'aBd ''"e',° .0"! faMi / ..4 strd#r---- ----- 1. is 0, . n11 dtn an Mae- 4R` i . r ,,,v,,; '4 ,. • iSewe • • an elevation ,• o . purpose in, +r►4i 4 of 110A00 P#e1 in the , public a tunnel an "at** '?+°' ;Sub. 'easemea elevation of yip City of St. Paul a �A 4f t1 a oast lie , i datum in the Vacated east-west alley• ��Ei ;in Block 46, C. Weide' Sub.,said ease- Chat tole Corn ‘,' ;. a� aa j meat extending from Payne Avenue the east line,Of.Lot s,-Bieck 45, to lecifieatlions fo t , •• ;oiK .—.• •••'• i "Weide's Sub and told-easement ,."" . •�• •• d a i ion the south 7u fL of said aa ed with the �:aa�i t elsej e. '� ttng . Also condemn and+taking en ease- "'''' 10 4Mi it: ,ru saxes on. r • ,meat 45 ft. sn for tnh�e purp� 3. V st s , ua thea MAYi • ', fy�'w If ynest alley in Block 40i C. We � ell s 7 l lee C- L.T A. ,.. fir.. i± lbws•• said line a eat xtending '[ {III t Wks ' awl a ter- i ice!" w - tennterr lline Of . . e de's Sub., to the westerly line j 1!Ay d 4 p, y ,int ' Eor.`ass t being ee Siaie , the - of Rate, N eri SiM1 Y to= ' • 4'i. .. , itsc center line of wa at. - `A1 ,, and`� tam. +easement belne the mater line of c ' , ' neapeliti & °n easement , .ft .'hi rvi h for : '-. •M-4Mdd-islet$ +i0.'-- =,-.. Lo't 6 k ∎' '!i sail t}p Dots$ond 4, j i ' e 4� C. wee .aid tern- • easatsent' '"'`r•° the cst�ionE -,.,rs,wp. If end 4. •( l,2 1 46 C. •of Let . /.. • -C eide% t r�46.s . '+�xleritHag*aidntem- . maiII Su , to!the lice et the rig3� 1 e of Le a. 45,C.VIII s : k •; o- of .., ""'i" er/L. IIin�4 Biook Year `eXseto t �s �Ao.,ofthe ' `a•e . ? !>* •the , 17 of.and Raman eeeezneat, s..... as w. ~ . aid m t AbiO.ease ant , ft. in dt�httrf,Ao,r. i 4ity Peal 4d C 69eldeY.'p b ,..':* pT 4 ids a, �h wan*. �.:" ;• in tlae` Y ".. D' •' !� '14y H' J I dement exte -"t , the east a e r.�ighyt��ot- the '4f � d, p1i}oalc 45. C. - !ka t-W ;.M ' `-I �: t sths w erly of r they of and' ' '`- - `' !yarveAea , ' '. . ant ease �t:' - C 7ting and•maintainingiumlc " r the-. •'-,w-. sewer o8 f e r tw6 o tit°�" y.to§ #, ,4 . �` • ^. y of; .. ,y'Y 4 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF ON COM MISSIO ORDER OF FINANCE 118'2.360 (I)) In the matter of condemning and taking an easement for the purpose of construe and maintaining a public serer on, under and across the right-of-way of the C.St.P. Ni. & 0. By., Whitall St. . to the South line of the existing East-West alley in Block 46, C.. Weide's Sub.; an easement in the vacated East-West alley in Block 45, C. Weide's Sub., from Payne Ave. to Westerly line of the right-of-way of the B.P. By.; also an easement across the right-of-Way of the B.P. Ry. from the Westerly line of the right-of-way to the easterly line of the right-of- y, (conplete description on P.O. 181073) 1.8`'784 under Preliminary Order approved January 15, 1957 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: cost the above easement The total estimated amount 4ke assesemecrt- -the ebeve t of repr vement is - - - $ 1,750.00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: 1 DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED j/ALUATION 1 r ' 8881IIa i,orth 1/2 of vac. alley adj and the i following Is : Lots 20 through 29 and,except East 1 ft.; Chas. Weide's Sub. of Block 46 $ 3,025 $21,78 1 . 19, and of Arlington Hills Addition to � •uth 1/2 of vacated alley adjoining Saint Paul, Minnesota . 1 .t 30 and . Lots- 35 through 40; so North 1/2 of Ross St. vac. , ! .j. and Lots 30 through i 48 ' . W. 70 ft. of Lot 8, vac. alley .5 Chas. Weida'soSSub. of part of 550 . . Lots 1 through 14 and Lots 21, Block 45 of Arlington Hills •d 23 Add. to St. Paul 6,800 38,35' • -t strip 100 ft. in width being 5 ft. on ither side of original center line vet and I = cross Arlington Hills Addition, as on j I ' -corded plat thereof, being part $ st 1/4 of Sec. 29, T. 29, R. 22. ; - Unplatted ,i -..�,500 TO►2AL $ •,875 ___ _9422i=== The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesai. matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report lade to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated April 16 19 57 Mica A 116 Commissione of inac . Form B.S.A.8-5 D ' I .. , ,. A • '• / 3 37 _ I _, . - /_ . _ -----;--.. ...„_ . \\ * OFFICE OF THE CO OF PUBLIC WORKS - 17 i I I ECE/V i E0 481 c, PI ••■•■•■•■•,...0.• Gil 795-7 r- . .., 47- .--4 A-,„„, • k.47 /03 REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 'l'ivet/VCR / /4-- s ,----.....-- • .................,...„.....„._,..t...February 8 , 192:L. , To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: III The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the Prelimin- ary order of the Council, known as Council File No 281073 approved .......................—........ 1 CtendennIng and takirg ana .....ent 20 ft. In width Ibr the purpose of eon I lag I St.and-metetetaing-e giitifilvaswer-etts- leder*ad *weft she of I .a.. ramila.ouf3....1.___ _ odd eenenent mt. Ins ef- zikwilummz, street -Ito Vs.1.0yeak,,*116661rodiesitit. eahrior. vosit,wee4 lit ., soarth co ti,11441,14,iirptsitirthit row Vag or asid **Awaits .4tins; 30 ti. 1.4r ot et the' Ana lid 11 ' tafit II Sub . • ... • , , _Also eondeinging'Inid taking *...seportarr it•tanitift Tt3,'id width fir' Callit I • P1112,6°N. 404 tilt. 41414"---f"1111r, °till., . Ins PaLliMiataP9110. 4 Ofeehe—, Ilreed" teepoliaty liatiatilliit itirteifte fra vidtia, -ti,t tiii sloi.tit titioc .'7.,,,.' '. ' i -1 add * tit* nninting)onnt-wort sUrar in Moak fifi, 0, INIdive thab, Hid Uncover, t being of_aouvodiaotoma to. thippatialtiont•isimmott. • .1.---,,, - ' Aayllondelen4it- 1111-4deleativemitonloor oonsmose.20.I% -in-Ivittte fer-emet I impose. on,the riallti.ofslv, or 0 the Chtente St And litzgleaPolialt OW* 41144 allorturteNsi saftient traer*Ila t • the 'south of the iger4ft1 fe•etageost .11.7 In 13100h 46, C. iladalita Bub *Ltd teePeeerir neeenent being ietatinty of and adJaannt to tint perannent sammeent. I Ali* .°13/1"141181-41.1d taktior ow esilnuest-SO 11.--in.wkAtts P- tint pompon* ne-nonetwarking and Paintainteg a Publie time., ens undeztdend acmes ::4214111-nr-Inor el Mimeo, , St. inulilittilativoiliik tiombe Railivado eitelat '' ' traii tho tie - 'line - - ... . o...1: 14_11,8 ,11 0. ws16414 Oft, to fti emeter17 of the et . „ . . 'f 411 w. r.' 'a 0 i uir waufortgraidvaid.`.401111afre ' - the--- er Iiiiir---. (Prochieed Of the 0481P410.11 alloy in ••■^,‘"4", 460 C. 414110 Subs Ala0 oendeenine and lialtiDe a tillipOrgia7 eaSealent 21.4 ft ilt-Irld' tit •IOW • *, ' • ,11 MVO•* an the riebtftegro r tbe Citisugelp eltv-,.... .eawatik....Cintia ' • on tot 5, Meek 464 C. tliddlos Seb Id nilli*fttntafldthi, rA;1111- 006. vs;;Ab t SS e _____t° 4° 416 Illbri 411* the„ _Ireet lialgPrOdUald) ot lot :ta Moak 46, C ---‘ • — — '' wiluiPuranr. alaakent MU/ 00Uthetrir Of and adjactertt ‘0 tie agyutit Lin .411114 at, ' '• illipeuidth , linO(PrOdUe0d) of the eastuweet all./ ln Sleek 46 a **two sox h- 4IP • I ,t A1 ee 80116100111011 and taking se seeenent 20 ft. In width for Ins paws. of 1 , sonstructint and as_ intiklidet Palate fewer le • tumid bel ow la elowstion I of 120,0 : CIAT Walk ;Val dates le the lreeeted teet.elert alivf in Rook 4,5* C. , . . is Sub, , ,. ., , ,!;,3',4:4,44.. - tl. ' '. ' .'4 t* i ''' ''V7:* '.. ' ''''' ' ' - " .0, ' • , ■.'r . -44, -'','4.\''.`•'.l'''' '''''' ',`;',:--4 ''.4f,Y*1,. Ai:', ',4 -,.r k'!'`A',''" =,-.z., ,,.y• :,,s-' ,,,,, 1,t ,.° t.„..,'' ,s1-,,!•!' ,,-- ,,,,,,,,b,,, &,. , , •1.,%":;':,'4.t.;`-:'''14.`; i,t''':'-f't*,,,k* , ,A;„t:,,,,.,::., , i,,.,:„ - -o- '',- -;'774, ., ,..„ --°:7r1;,, -.',,P .."..- - #7Y.'_- i7gfrf ."0 , ,', --1' - *''':-t` '''.<"' '' i,.;:,:1Z •47'11., , '' . - ' '''''' I' ' - -' '• - • ...,,,,, eiyirPSAW it-1004 ,,,c,,t, ,,,,— Ts,/ 1 - . 4 • , V''f,,•,,. 1:,7-,- '''''''''''''.:4:-It74 ' ^ SINV0404 *- .L -,1 etc'4 4,'"•-• tortv 1.411.-I ..,...o..'',,,,,,,o%.4.,''-'':1 s; -,',i.%,,."7-„'... t. .-,"".-„'*'!'",ft- Me 06 41-111731.0Pg ' ..svX A ' t 117, ;; 41,0".* . .,4'.0 -Hk ''' ... itIv.„ ' 7--c-ma. wiling --..1 14i:4-at 40.43.20q - , opoillt, . ..;--: ,-. '1{-- ,-,'; '''''''r -, t wog tuai,..oke 1,14 Ait$1, ,. ,orp,171; 411, 24; . '' ' ' --, . „,„,„„, *az iNfdtot, 3-,,, ...., .1 -- , • .... TV* 91' ikr-vro 4114' -, ,0".44 ri °- &raw* T- 4# ' Y-11 .--;;4,14i•Vr* poss47.7-1.s. - .,. 1-.,:,,:15:4 lisrottt4tutsitossi__Iii,itaip:00 ;044 itrz t 5)6414/1:14.1. 4 213.1 lir,i,„ 4,130,,,, .,.‘ tot ,11,4,o, ,- 0, it P.. 4:11°. - sci-47 lAll ' - itola..04-..:444'4". Air4. , , , vvo Aril s" vi*pi 04"*"1.1 low 44 fiKl. 111a 071/4744vvw lot° OVA.'PI x*St-----i fegf ic$41 icA lor VII ,A1411.4 alio wi'''' ,ilt. ditioV044 - VTI-- - $6M4*T?litfi" fj " 't,,,,: VOW aVit"rta"""7" ' ' - toprow•git.AVA 4IL__,.,....*. xrao. at-11rstP. Si; Tr" - --: AK- :4 ItT 4,-,c4 via vx- P , •:,,t fogibroql. 17.' ....... saapo• ' -",,, Tirfr3° eAlaiW'' IT kritt-?1, r jir.11* ettroAsiet-4.,, ,,,tLIiit lita•y ,, :,_ .. ,., ,altv; la,* riAir off it 4191* A AI'1 I 7 P S P: :::'arkfirt'latT145" ' -..c tit 1 n i'• ,� pJS b DGE.RTQN 57.�. . A► n _ 3 j � o ,.F NI '"`{ 1 4 4. „ .., , , L t' .-c7 I —• -! LIS o 4 3 1 * Temp.C nBnfi r o • 'v I3 ' r O q s I . 8Z , • R . g: a^ J Y I� a. +� i.) P 1�. I i „....1,), ,i• _ , f d M '. 4k P N NI i it it • a p 47 1111 W b1 J O .a p { : 1 ■ PAY NE AVE es i e' 'ti — . i.Hi te I t I 1 N --•-----^.,- ■ r f . Pence: .: .--' ,y i. cal I j '. t . , ,, N 1' r < : • ,�y ddl� f} 11 ' ill . r . „„,,. i), . , ,,._ , : _„., a; : 0, - ..s,..., ,, , , ,...,. ,,E .g.4.71-: . : 44,4 . ,...,, 2 r C -,-" . I, , 0 0