182729 Original to City Clerk • ' ORDINA NCE 182729 COUNCIL FILE NO. v /'� PRESENTED BY �'✓Z-"\ ! ""�`L x`� ORDINA1uG • / � � '�r tiow ' s Ann • s ` uth it the iseu � rdron An ordinance 'authorizing the issuance of a permit to The Davidson Company, a Minnesota corporation, at its ow cost and expense, to construct a public motor vehicle parking are: within the following described sections of Fairview Avenue and niversity Avenue, public streets within the corporate limits of t e City of Saint Paul, to-wit: That certain section of said Fairview Avenue bounded by the following described limes : Comme cing at a point being the point of intersection of the east ine of Fairview Avenue with the north line of the public sidewalk on the north side of University Avenue as now constructed, thence north along said east line of Fairview Avenue a distanc - of 83.86 feet to a point, thence west at right angles to s: id east line of Fairview Avenue a distance of 30 feet to a poin on the east line of the public sidewalk on the east side of Fairview Avenue as now constructed, thence south along said eas • line of said public sidewalk on the east side of Fairview Aven e as now constructed, to a point thereon coincident with the i ersection of the same with the north line of the public sidewalk on the north side of University Avenue as now constructed, thence south- easterly along said northerly line of said public side alk on the north side of University Ivenue as now constructed, to the point of beginning; and that certain section of said iversity Avenue bounded by the following described lines: Co bencing at a point being the point of intersection of the eas • line of Fairview Avenue with the north line of the public sidewalk on the north side of University Avenue as now constructed, t ence north albng said east line of Fairview Avenue a dista ce of 38.86 feet to a point being the point of intersection of s :id, east line of Fairview Avenue with the north line of University Avenue; thence east along said north line of University Pvenu- a distance of 371,83 feet to a point; thence south at right angles to said north line of University Avenue a distance of 100 fe:t to a point 6,}._ on the north line of the public sidewalk on the nort side of University Avenue as now constructed, thence northwe-terly along said north line of said public sidewalk on the north side of University Avenue as now constructed, to the point o ilte4ims4cliori' c THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That subject to the provisions, erms and con- ditions hereinafter set forth, the Commissioner of ublic Works is authorized to issue a permit to The Davidson Com any, a Minnesota corporation, to construct, at its own cos and expense, a public motor vehicle parking area within the foil wing described sections of Fairview Avenue and University Avenue, ublic streets within the corporate limits of the City of Saint Pa 1, to-wit: Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counc I DeCourcy Holland Marzitelli In Favor Mortinson Peterson !ainst Rosen Mr.President (Dillon) Approved: Attes r ' r/ City Clerk Tyor, 1M 6� ( 3 Original to city Clerk , • - • r ORDINANCE• . COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO.j //V bearing the endorsed approval of said Commissioners, not /later than July 1, 1957, with the City Clerk. / f il4 3. Said permittee shall €desk a counterpar of said plans and specifications, as the same shall be approved y said Commissioners, with each such Commissioner before the co encement of any construction work under any such permit. 4. Said permittee shall commence the prosecltion of the subject construction work not later than August 1, 957 and shall complete the same not later than November 1, 1957 Said permittee shall prosecute such construction work from t e inception until the completion of the same uninterruptedly, and p rform the same in strict accordance with such approved plans and pecifications - under the supervision and subject to the direction of s id Co-,- missioners. Said permittee shall be obligated to pay, rom its own funds, the entire cost of said plans and specifications therefor and of the subject construction work, without recourse on any such account against said City or any third party. Said permittee shall be further liable to pay to said City n amount which shall represent the cost of such supervision of uch con- struction work by said Commissioners, and a further am unt which shall represent the City's cost of the publication of his ordinance. 5. Said permittee, neither by virtue of su h con- struction of said public motor vehicle parking area at its own ,., cost and- expense under any such permit, nor otherwise ereunder, shall acquire any right, title, estate or interest in or to any part of said area, and the same, said area, shall forever emain a public parkway or public street area, owned, controlled and sed, by said City, as trustee of the public, for public parkway or public street uses and purposes. 6. Said permittee shall, within ten days after the publication of this ordinance, file a written accepta ice thereof with the City Clerk. Section 2. Th s ,rdinance is h reby declared t bean Bergen ordinance rends d n ssary for he prese1vation of the �, sic p ce, health and s ety�y• o y ��.Ps action 3. This dinance shall t e effect and b in ee Se 0 i passage, appro 1 and publicati . re cao d Ads c3 Be ' 1• s s o X81 dog Yeas Councilmen Nays �t�A�111 Passed by the Council MN 2 '7 i 7 DeCourcy �o, �i0 Holland in Favor arzitelli �� �O, ���"e ✓1VIortinson �'t �� dtb , gainst Rosen — Q ✓Mr.President (Dillon) b0 �� �u 2 7 ''���`,i Attest: 0 r' �'o,„ , 7, so��rt.I. •— ,-,� o� City Clerk 'ayor 1M .. . f ITBLISHEL t I t 182729 / lo -R 3'" That certain section of said Fairview Avenue bounded by the following described lines : Commencing at a point being the point of intersection of the east line of Fairview Avenue with the north line of the public sidewalk on the north side of University Avenue as now constructed; thence north along said east line of Fairview Avenue a distance of 8 .86 feet to a point, thence west at right angles to said east line of Fairview Avenue a distance of 30 feet to a point on the east line of the public sidewalk on the east side of Fairview Avenue as now constructed, thence south along said east line of said public sidewalk on the east side of Fairview Avenue as now constructed, to a point thereon coincidcent with the intersection of the same with the north line of the public sidewalk on the north side of University Avenue as now constructed, thence south- easterly along said northerly line of said public sidewalk on the north side of University Avenue as now constructed, to the point of beginning; and that certain section of said University Avenue bounded by the following described lines: Commencing at a point being the point of intersection of the east line of Fairview Avenue with the north line of the public sidewalk on the north side of University Avenue as now constructed, thence north along said east line of Fairview Avenue a distance of 38.86 feet to a point being the point of intersection of said east /' line of Fairview Avenue with the north line of University Avenue, thence east along said north line of University Avenue a distance of 371.83 feet to a point, thence south at right angles to said north line of University Avenue a distance of 100 feet to a point on the north line of the public sidewalk on the nortI side of - University Avenue as now constructed, thence northwesterly along said north line of said public sidewalk on the north side of University Avenue as now constructed, to the point of beginning. That said permit shall be issued subject to the following provisions, terms and conditions : 1. Said permittee shall file a bond running; to the City of Saint Paul, in the sum of $10,000, conditioned to comply with all the terms of this ordinance and to indemnify and save harmless said City from all liability, charges, loss ,judgment.s, suits, costs, damage or expense accruing to person or property, arising out of the construction of said public motor vehicle parking area . 2. Said permittee shall provide proper plans and speci- fications for the construction of such public motor Ivehicle parking area, which plans and specifications shall be subject thereto and shall require the joint approval of the ;Commissioner of Public Works and the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, and, among other things, shall make provisions for the establishment, construction and surfacing with durable paving materials of requisite roadways and motor vehicle parking spaces, and shall make further provisions for the preservation, as shall be practicable, of the present parkway aesthetical characteristics of said area , or for the maintenancie therein of comparable parkway aesthetical characteristics by the installation of additional or substituted shrubbery or other forms of land- scaping. Said permittee shall file such plans and ;specifications, 2 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK 'JOSEPH R. OKONESKI City Clerk BUREAU OF RECORDS HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota II May 17, 1957 II ECEIvED MAY CORPORATION Mr. Marshall F. Hurley COUNSEL Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir: ' The City Council today adopted a motion asking that you prepare' an amendment to the attached ordinance, C. F. 182729, for a permit' to The Davidson Company, so as to make the ordinance a regular ordinance instead of an emergency ordinance. Very truly yours, '4 91,, X8/4711t t City Clerk P.S. The Ordinance was laid over to May 29th for further consideration. y 29 CITY OF SAINT PAUL - MINNESOTA Rol vouru mEn's CHRISTIAn 3�v,Ma II 9 9 ocinTion CITY OFFICE: 475 CEDAR ST., SAINT PAUL 2, MINN. ELMER L.ANDERSEN BOARD OF ORUSSELL HRJOHNSON BRANCHES AND CAMPS ANTHONY BECHIK ROBERT F.LEACH FREDERICK BREWSTER DONALD G.MCNEELY FRANKLIN 0.BRIEEE JOHN H.MYERS DAR ATOWN BRANC EAST pISTRI A BRANCH G.JAMES CALDWELL EMIL H.NELSON,VICE-PRESIDENT UI ARUDE AT MAGNOLIA NI ARTHUR W.CARLSON NORMAN NELSON.TREASURER CE MIDWAY BRANCH CAMP ST.CROIX CLIFFORD US W.CLAPP COLE T B.RI,PRESIDENT CLIFFORD E.COMFORT.VICE-PRESIDENT ROBERT B.RIMIER UNIVERSITY AT WHEELER 14I HUDSON,WIS. JUDGE ROYUEN S.DANE.VICE-PRESIDENT ROGER B.SHEPARD,JR. UNIVERSITY ERT III) CAMP Y.MINN.GAN H.T.DRAKE NEIL SHERBURNE 9H SO ROBERT IIBI ELY.MINN HELMER E..EYISC OM OLIVER T.SKELLET,Assisi-ANT TREASURER ' HENNING G.EYINCK,RECORDING SECRETARY ARCHIE SMITH JOHN K.FESLER PAUL R.STEENBERG DR.PAUL H.=UDDERS ROBERT H.TUCKER MILLARD B.HOUSE HAROLD O.WASHBURN June 1 , 1957 PAUL B.BREMILKER GENERAL SECRETARY St. Paul City Council City of St. Paul 386 Court House St. Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: The St. P aul YMCA, compos ed of 26,1 8 3 mem be rs, has rev1ewe4, through its duly constituted bodies, the plan of the owners of the Griggs-Midway ;Building to establish a metered parking lot in front of their building. This matter has been before our Executive Committee and our Board of Directors. Our Executive Commit- tee met with the Committee of Management of our Midway Branch. Subsequently the Committee of Management of the Midway Branch met in a special session to hear both the proponents and opponents of the plan. Following this thorough consideration, the YMCA has gone o record as opposing the installation of this proposed parking lot, for the following reasons: 1. One of the main reasons why the YMCA bought the site fq'r its quasi- public YMCA building was the existence of the park strip extending from Fairview to Aldine Street, which the previous owners had the wisdom and foreight to dedicate to the City of St. Paul for park and parkway purposes. 2. The park in question is a beautiful part of Universit 'Avenue and in p q P University;Avenue, line with the new civic emphasis for beautifying St. Paul, should nOt be destroyed by using the park for other purposes. 3. The thousands of boys, girls and young people now using the Midway YMCA already face enough traffic hazards. The parking lot would involve a cross- ing of the sidewalk at the approach to the YMCA building from the wrest by auto- mobiles at a point where there would be no semaphore. 4. The advantage of parking only 36 automobiles is a small return for the loss of one of the most attractive centers on University Avenue. The people of St. Paul have generously invested a millioA dollars in a useful social-recreational center for youth. Its program has proved its worth in the prevention of juvenile delinquency. The proposed parking lot ill not only jeopardize this investment, but will negatively affect a vigorous and vital service program particularly with the youth of our city. Re ectfully submit., • ♦ GIFTS AND BEQUESTS TOWARD THE ENDOWMENT FUND WILL GREATLKID AND MAKE MORE PERMANENT THjl�'QF THE OCIATION OUR CORPORATE TITLE IS"SAINT PAUL YOUNG ME1,1jSeCtl F�lj(�� ,OC�iAIIQetL„.III ...._ 4 F. F. RONDEAU, PRESIDENT DIRECTORS R. R. STEENBERG, VICE-PRESIDENT 2. FRANCO SMITH, TREASURER DIRECTORS REUBEN L. ANDERSON HENRY J. LUND, SECRETARY DONALD F. KEHNE DOUGLAS K. BALDWIN RALPX4 R. KRIESEL CLAUDE R. BEDDALL CHARLES J. RITT CARL A. BRATNOBIR MIDWAY CIVIC CLUB JOIEPH RS SCHILLING ELY. SR. MAX O. BUETOW PA L A. SI KENNETH A. CARLSON EDWARD C.HAMPE ,N01.J6TP, AL CCNTCR Or TMC NOAT,-WEST WILLIAM.A. SMITH t ,p � ] y 1 } , x _.,. ,o J RUSSELL SWEITZER,it --* Lk--er. .-t1.4. 14- i..-, m ,• —,...•' .4' f 44, CIVIC SOCIAL COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL 1931 UNIVERSITY AVENUE, NEAR PRIOR MIDWAY 6-2636 SAINT PAUL.4, MINNESOTA , June 1a, 1957 i To the Honorable City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: The Board of Directors of the Midway Civic Club has given much thought and consideration to the proposed use of city parkway property between the Midway Griggs building and University Avenue for vehicular parking purposes. ' Our directors, in considering this matter, are concerned with the possible effect this might have on the future use of this parkway property located to the east . It is apparent to the Board of Directors that there is con- siderable difference of opinion in the midway a ea as to whether it would be desirable for any of this property to be used for parking purposes. Moreover, this mat er provides some real concern to other property owners in his area whose present buildings adjoin this property. Such concern appears to have some merit under the present circumstances. At its regular meeting, held today, the Boar of Directors therefore decided to take no position at thi time concern- ing the proposed use of the parkway property in front of the Griggs Midway building for parking purposes. Further, there is considerable sentiment among the Board f Directors in favor of having appropriate steps taken in the future to keep the balance of this park property fro such sale or use as it would jeopordize the position of other property in this parkway area. Yours truly, Ale 1 11,0r ' enry J nd Executive Secretary hjl/sjk F i I/ 0 MIDWAY. THE CENTER OP THE TWIN CITY METROPOLITAN AREA—MORE/THAN A MILLION ANb ONE-HALF POPULATION , 1 1 . • 1 1 Es, 1 1 NATIONAL BRANCH OFFICES, Inc. W • ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA • TELETYPE ST P 313 z W 1 1 Q (7) May 13 1957 c y : 1 W 1 > 1 z 1 co 1 . City Council, in City Hall, h 15 W. Kellogg Blvd.,, 4 St. Paul, Minn. Q Gentlemen: 3 0 Reference is made to an application pending before your body concerning the dedication of a parking lot adjacent to the Griggs—Midway Building at 1821 University Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota. The need for this parking facility is extremely great and we wish to take this opportunity to voice support of th,'e application. II Very ,,fuly, yours, NATIINAL BRA OFFICES OF;TWIN CITIES, INC. 1 1 v C H. A. Degen,' President HAD/v1 (g Ill / 4 \\ 1 1 , , c , (--, „..._, --- 11 , _, 1 V 1 1 1 1 1 • (. y'. 1 I ,� AttbeittVPJA N +# �,r wo � "$�"�, � ® EXECUTIVE OFFICES - / ST.LOUIS 18. MO..U.S.A. DIVISION OFFICE May 14, 1957 1821 UNIVERSITY AVENUE May +i 7J ST. PAUL 4, MINN. To members of the St. Paul City Council City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota Council Members: As tenants of the Midway-Griggs Building, we think it would be very advantageous to facilitate the area in front of the building facing University Avenue as a parking area. We would appreciate your consideration and approval of this request. Thank You. Yours very truly, 6e) '41v R. F. Byrne Division Manager RFB/b AIIC\\ 149117.." ALL BEER AND BEVERAGES SOLD ON ORDER-TO-ORDER BASIS NO CONTRACTS, AGENCIES 0 FRANCHISES AWARDED J' man .B. l4'aviz Co. MANUFACTURERS REPRESENTATIVES TO THE AUTOMOTIVE ( 1 HARDWARE AND MILL SUPPLY (JOBBING TRADE t % I 1821 UNIVERSITY AVENUE.,Griggs-Midway Building ST. PAUL 4, • Midway 6-2705 MINNESOTA May 114, 1957 St . Paul City Counsel City Hall Building St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Ladies and Gentleagen: Being a tenant of the Griggs-Midway Building, 1821 University Avenue, we are unusually aware of the lack of adequate parking space to accommodate the tenents and customers. Accordingly, we urge you to promptly consider and act on the matter favorably of making a parking area of the land lying between Griggs-Midway building and the front sidewalk which is now public parkway property. Specifically this is bet Teen the address 1821 University Avenue and Fairview Avenue. Yours truly, LYMAN B. WARREN COMPANY LBW/mr /O,DiNC E s. 1933 Ir. I S T A N T O N •LP P I T T EL K OW D B A N N and As : ociates MI dway 6-7154 MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS Grigg idway Building Univ rsity at Fairview St. ul 4, Minnesota May i4, 1957 City Counsel City of St. Paul St. Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: It has come to our attention that the area in front of the Griggs-Midway Building on 1821 University Avenue is under consideration for use as a parking area. As our business is located here, we are very much interested in, and have seen the need for the additional parking facilities. Your thoughtful consideration of our indi- cated interest in this matter would be appreciated. Very truly yours, ank D. Stanton, Pres ent VP I GUARDIAN INSURANCE AGENCY 550 Snelling Avenue North Phone: MI 5-6496 Moved to 371 Griggs Midwtiy Bldg. St. Paul 4, Minnesota 1821 University Ave. Si. Pau'4, Minn. May 11.1_, 1957 City Council City of St. Paul City Hall St. Paul 2, Minnesota Gentlemen: We understand that consideration is being given to a proposed ordinance giving permission for creation of a parking lot adjacent to the Griggs-Midway Building, 1821 University Avenue. We are tenants of the Griggs-Midway Building and are very much in favor of this proposed ordinance being passed. The parking situation is very congested aid new parking facilities would help greatly in the condu t of our business and would also benefit the various other ibenants in this building. We respectfully urge you to vote for passage of the proposed ordinance. Respectfully, GUARDI`° INSURANCE AGES► / / • BY Ir'ing Epstein Ir IE/fp REPRESENTING mss/ 1' CI a i AtITI NORTHWESTERN NATIONAL INSURANCE CO. RESERVE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (2i ,e a...ne .e cS'fc.,a a .n DALLAS , TEXAS May 1)4, 1957 Saint Paul City Council City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: It has been brought to my attention that consideration iS being given to the establishment of a special parking area iry' front of the Griggs—Midway Building. In the event that there should be any opposition to the establishment of said lot, I would like to take this opportunity to lend my personal support towards the establishment of sane. We find the parking situation rather congested in this area/and the establishment of additional off—street parking facilities will do much to lessen this difficulty. Yours Vi y 1-//7/ D. D. Haverl Minnesota State Manager Reserve Life Insurance Company DDH:mn jettep �ei'ice ADDRESSING - MAILING - ART WORK - PRINTING - MAILING LISTS GRIGGS-MIDWA`j' BUILDING ST. PAUL 4, WI I NNESOTA M I D w A Y 6 - 1 6 9 5 May 15, 1957 St. Paul City Council City of St. Paul City Hall St. Paul 2, Minnesota Gentlemen: We are writing you in connection with the proposed parking lot on University Avenue near Fairview. As a business man located in this area, I am particularly concerned about parking in this area for the convenience of our customers and employees and urge your acceptance of the proposal before you relative to the area mentioned above. Many business firms formerly located in the Loop area, have moved out into the University and Fairview district for the purpose of convenience and your acceptance off' this proposal will help us make that goal a reality.! Thank you for considering our request. Sincerely, A-FIVE LETTER ,''SERVICE A. L. Keff- AIK:me g SNELLING INSURANCE AGENCY ,gX, 4.689 UNIVERSITY AVE. "Qualified Counsel" m" ST. PAUL 4. MINNESOTA TELEPHONE: MI. 5-5826 ME HARRY N.RAY,MANAGER MINEEE June 3, 1957 City Council St. Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: This office is in accordance with making a parking lot in fron i of the building at 1821 University Avenue, due to the very crowded condition which exists today. Very truly yours, SN LUNG INS R CE GENCY 44`1 ' hnr.ms ,050T U A ATOMOa, �\ MEMBE * 6f4 ZeRS ASSOC'A��� /1kueoo kiitH460& AUTOMOBILE DEALERS AS OCIATION LEO B. FARICY, General Manager 270 GRIGGS - MIDWAY BUILDING ST. PAUL 4, MINN. • Midway 6-2678 May 14, 1957 Saint Paul City Council Saint Paul City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota To the Saint Paul City Council: As a renter of office space at the Griggs-Midway Building, Fairview and University, I will appreciate it very much if you will permit a parking lot to be established in front of the building. Many of us who have offices in the building find it necessary to come and go during the day. These additional park- ing facilities would help ease a difficult situation. Thank you very much for your consideration. Co dially, L o . Faricy 270 Griggs-Midway ':ids. Saint Paul, Minneso a OFFICERS AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS R.C.RINKEL,President H.R.CONNER,Treasurer CHARLES J. LARSON THORVAL DAMM Saint Paul Bemidji Ada Windom GEORGE GRAHAM,1st Vice President C.HERBERT ANDERSON,Past President VERNE D.JOHNSON HARRIS BORSTAD Winona Virginia Duluth Detroit Lakes W.HAROLD QUEENAN,2nd Vice Pres. GEORGE F.ZIESMER,NADA Director ELMER G.LARSON FRANK PICKARD Saint Paul Mankato Montevideo Saint Cloud JOHN WOODHEAD,Secretary I LEROY F.CARLSON Minneapolis Anoka II RITRO LD$ RIYIS ESTABLISHED IN 1866 U6711/6a"if •g T X,' QV' 4 A ,ANTS r t ` _ MINNEAPOLIS-ST. PAUL DISTRICT OFFICE 139 Griggs-Midway Bldg. ST. PAUL 14, MINNESOTA P one: Midway 5-5525 May 15, 1957 City Council St. Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: As a business man in the area affected, I would li ,e to be counted among those in favor of making a parking lot on the northeast corner of University and Fairview, Parking conditions are crowded in the vicinity and new! facilities are badly needed. Yours 4 ' `' J " K. :v.ett PRINTERS& LITHOGRAPHERS • MANUFACTURERS OF BUSINESS FORMS & SYSTEMS • STATIONERY •' CHECKS • PROMOTIONAL LITERATURE --,.--,J,..TAT.':::•,.;',:rilt.'.'..4',..,,,'" .1`..';1 • .,----,,,:-,-);•..,,„;t,'".;•..,,,,...-. .,-,;.:7i.;-.,:r..-;,...;J.: 'il•-•,%.„:;, ..,..'',i'::-..4.i;;',,, . ,-..f . . •'-'4',,,..•.,....:'..:1„.i.;' ,.T.v,;',',.? •,,-,:••i.• -.''..A,',.',-,.::•,:••=i;e„t.-;„..1 •,•-. • ....,..;:,••••.-';' ' . .=!•.-.,•%::,..-'••••c•14,4.1-§,_'A' •••'•'•,:;.;•4--.4)•;,„.-tw•;#':41 ,..„, .„.:3„ ,.'.::7-7.,.., --..--'•.-:-•,-..--,.,-.,,,,:„...••' ;•••,-'-•;.,-,-;;;_7‘,. 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WILLIAM F.HAYES E , J.MORRIS JONES �` •'tlCfaR CENSIV� I R.F.WALKER ya" I DONALD McKELLAR ENCYCLOPEDIA _ B.K.HOWARD H.W.GEFAEL Treasurer '""" ' 1 CARL J.WEITZEL Asst.Treasurer J.C.HURTGEN ENTERPRISES,INC. • EDUCATIONAL DIVISION • Merchandise Mart Plaza,CHICAGO 54,IWNOIS II Asst.Secretary FIELD ELATE s 54, 1 ALFRED ROSS II W. H. TOWLE I Division Manager May 13, 1957 1951 University Avenue St.Paul 4,Minn. Tele:Midway 5-3661 Davidson Company, ATTENTION: Mr. Robert Davidson . Griggs Midway Building 1821- University Avenue St. Paul 4, Minnesota e - Dear Mr. Davidson a on . We very much hope that you will establish a parking lot at the Nortf.hweast corner of University Avenue and Fairview as it is to the vast interest of olpr Company Field Enterprises, Inc., to have additional parking space . We heartily endorse anc fervent- ly wish for such extra parking areas. i 40 Sin , ely yours, II II t II II W. H. Towle, Division Manager I WHT; vt I ii Reynolds Guyer RGEDCY OF IDDUSTRIRL DESIGR 4, 1821 UNIVERSITY AVENUE, SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA f . . . MIDWAY 4-3032 May 1 , 1957 St. Paul City Council St. Paul Minnesota Gentlemen: It would materially ease the parking problem in the Griggs-Midway Building if parking could be permitted on the south side of the building. I sincerely hope that the Council will be in favor of issuing such permit. Ys -ry truly, ), • S GUYER RG:IC ALFRED F. JAMES, CHAIRMAN OP THE BOARD HERMAN A. SCHMIDT. VICE-PRESIDENT CHARLES D. JAMES. PRESIDENT ARTHUR F. VANSELOW, TREASURER FRED D. HUBER, VICE-PRESIDENT CARL A. PALM, ASST. SECY.-TREAS. HERMAN H. PETERSEN. VICE-PRESIDENT ARTHUR F. HART. ASST. sECV.-TREAS. ARTHUR GRONINGER. VICE-PRESIDENT EUGENE C. GAUGER. ASST. SECT.-TREAS. FRED W. WEIDENFELLER, SECRETAar ' .� .r+'1- 1.,.... ' W. LOUIS RAE, ASST. SECT.-TREAS. iJrM f :; 1.: NORTHWESTERN L A S- s '7 , ANCE COMPANY t,��� OF `. E,4 I, • i`t1M A. C. E. LIEBING, Mgr. .41 1i-__ IR ►f u _ ".-."°- TWIN CITIES BRANCH ORVAL HALVORSON, S/A �.-__ Griggs Midway Building 1821 University Avenue St. Paul 4, Minnesota May 13, 1957 . City Council City of St. Paul Gentlemen: We trust you will see fit to approve a proposed ! parking area in front of Griggs-Midway Building at 1821 University Avenue, St. Paul, which we feel will be of considerable convenience to peo le in this area. We understand such parking lot Will be developed at no expense to the City. Yours very u y, It • LIZ MANAaERi. I . . PROTECTION Flde and THE DREW AGENCY 7 Surety Bonds General Insurance 252 GRIGGS-MIDWAY BLDG. • MI 6-1891 • SAINT PAUL 4,MIN . Fre&Marine Casualty All-WAYS Ufe Group Ilhig May 14, 1957 Accident&Health City Council, City of St. Paul City Hall & Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota Re: Off-Street Parking - University Avenue at Pairview, Griggs-Midway Building Area Gentlemen: It is the feeling of this company that approval by the Council of this off-street parking arrangement will facilitate greatly any on-street parking congestion a d will definitely be to the betterment of this paarticular area as far as benefit received on the part of all businesses in the locality. Yours very truly, THE W AGENCY 1 S/ LeRoy . Drew LWD:gh HOWARD C. REEDER ROY TUCHBREITER JOHN A. HENRY PRESIDENT CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD VICE PRESIDENT AND SECRETARY • 4 � 4 • oNT'INENTAL - SSURANCE OMYA7YY GENERAL OFFICE, 310 SOUTH MICHIGAN AVE., CHICAGO 4. ILLINOIS W. B. (DUSTY) ROADS,Agency Manager MIDWAY 6-4555 253 GRIGGS-MIDWAY BLDG. 1821 UNIVERSITY AVE. ST.PAUL 4,MINN. Honorable Mayor and Members S t. Paul C ity Council Dear Sirs : As citizen of St. Paul and s a itizen t. a l an a tenant in the Griggs Midway Building, I would like to voice my opinion regarding the parking space between the Griggs Midway Building and University Avenue. I feel it is a very good answer to the problem of parking which is prominent all over our city and I believe it should be permitted. If all places of business, or office buildings, could provide this sort of thing for their customers and tenants our parking problems would be solved. Yours very truly, W. B. Roads Agency Manager WBR:jp . GREAT NORTHERN OIL COMPANY ll GRIGGS-MIDWAY BUILDING,1821 UNIVERSITY AVENUE II l SAINT PAUL 4, MINNESOTA ROBERT J.YAEGER,MANAGER ASPHALT,COKE,SULFUR SALES MIDWAY 8-1379 May 13, 1957 City Counsel City of St. Paul Court House St. Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: Due to congestion the c nge II o g of parking near our office building, Griggs-Midway Building, 1821 University j Avenue, we would appreciate establishing a parking lot in front of the Griggs-Midway Building on the north side of University Avenue. Thanking you, I am, Yoursy.vy truly, II ei/ , ,(7 'A t Yaeger' J` RJY/rms John C."Mike" Barrett,President NORTHWEST RETAIL GASOLINE AND SERVICE ASSOCIATION 1821 UNIVERSITY AVENUE 226 GRIGGS-MIDWAY BUILDING ST. PAUL 4, MINNESOTA Cliff Sandberg—Tom McDonnell J; D. BIRDSEYE Vice Presidents Executive Se4retary & General Manager Otto Edhlund Telephone MIDWAY 6-7963 Treasurer DIRECTO RS Ma y 16, 1957 John C. Barrett Moorhead, Minn. Les Boyd Anoka, Minn. St. Paul City Council R. E. Cole City Hall Fargo, N. D. St. Paul 2, Minnesota Otto Edhlund St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: Larry Gaida Duluth, Minn. This is to let you know our views relative to Frank Grombeck the proposed parking lot on University Avenue, Moorhead, Minn. near Fairview. Wally Hawkins Minneapolis, Minn. As a trade association we have many of our members stopping in at our office. We have Herb Hendel had quite a parking problem and strongly urge Minneapolis, Minn. you to give your support to the proposal before Don Horner you regarding this parking lot. Deerwood, Minn. Our last Board of Directors meeting voted Un- R.L.Jones Cloquet, Minn. amously to support the effort to make this parking lot a reality. Larry LeClerc Fargo, N. D. Thank you for your consideration. Tom McDonnell Rochester, Minn. Frank , i rank Roden t Anoka, Minn. Cliff Sandberg ' Princeton, Minn. d J. D. Bir seye, HOWARD H.GELB Executive Secretar Legal Council JDB/ SS ;;;;;:r IIRVIC UIO IMVKO ASSOCIATION f � • s • 'a •i a General Lea ing C rporation AUTOMOBILE AND TRUCK LEASING FROM COAST-TO-COAST TO FIRMS AND INDIVIDUALS May 14, 1957 City Council Saint Paull Minnesota Gentlemen: We have contacted the owners of our office building regarding the! _ much needed additional parking space on the University side of th,e building and have been informed that the matter is now in the hands of the City Council. Adequate parking for customers is an essential in our various companies, which include aside from leasing, the insurance and finance business. We feel confident that the addition of parking space, properly arranged with trees and shrubbery will in no way hinder the appearance of our building. We would appreciate your consideration of this request and strongly urge that the request be granted. Very truly yours, GENERAL. LEASING cORPOR 1TION ( f„,j,t_f Howard S. Lorberbaum General Manager HSL/jd SERVICE OFFICE SERVICE OFFICE SERVICE OFFICE MINNEAPOLIS ST. PAUL WINONA 1124 EXCELSIOR. HOPKINS 610 NORTH ROBERT 101 JOHNSON WEST 8-2751 CAPITAL 2-1811 WINONA 2-396 S `ad, omC, BRITEWAY CLEANERS • SELF-SERVICE LAUNDRY • ONE-DAY SHIRT SERVICE • Twenty-two Convenient Locations MAIN PLANT: DOWN TOWN PLANT: -705 SELBY AVENUE Lowry Hotel, Wahasha St. Entrance CApital 6-7895 CApital 4-0270 ST. PAUL 4, MINNESOTA ST. PAUL 1, MINNESOTA BUSINESS OFFICE: 251 EAST FIFTH STREET— CApital 4-4771 — ST. PAUL 1 May 15, 1957 St. Paul City Council Court House St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We with Brite Way Cleaners feel that the Davidson' s have done a tremendous job with the Griggs Cooper Bldg. In our estimation it is one of the finest merchandise mart buildings in the country today - and above all is a credit to the City of St. Paul. We feel that for the number of businesses in the Griggs Midway Building there is an in- adequate amount of parking space at the present time - thus hampering the business potential that could be done in this area. We along with the many others in the Griggs Midway Building sincerely hope that the City Council will approve the additional parking that the Building management is asking for at the present time. Thanking you very much, we remain, Very Truly Yours, Easy Wash Inc. Brite Way Cleaners 1 ■11� / ►I Sherman R. Rutzi vI Vice Pres.-Treas. SRR:ml II FIBRE DRUMS STEEL DRUMS WOODEN BARRELS WOODEN KEGS CARBOYS '11c ` 4 • RTHERN COOPERAGE COMPANY 4 DIVISION OF THE GREIF BROS. COOPERAGE CORPORATION kiiii .... GRIGGS-MIDWAY BUILDING • 1821 UNIVERSITY AVE. PLANTS: St. Paul ST. PAUL 4, MINNESOTA • MI 5-5557 Minneapolis Albert Lea Sioux Falls Sioux City June 3, 1957 City Council St. Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: We would like to be counted among those in favor of making a parking lot of the area south of 1821 University Ave, Parking conditions in this area are very crowded and any new parking facilities would help to alleviate the congestion to some extent. Sincerely, Snipes, V. Pres. 1111111,A4111° . a s:sh Manufacturers of the Largest Variety of Wooden Barrels and Kegs in America TRADE NORCO MARK V FIE 11411.r- Research I Educatign MINNESOTA HEART ASSOCIATION An Affiliate of the American Heart Association -i Service Eff —rj mr- •. 1821 University Avenue • Saint Paul 4,Minnesota • MIdway 6-6553 May 14, 1957 To The Honorable Mayor and the Members of The City Council of St. Paul Gentlemen: The Minnesota Heart Association wishes to endorse the establishment of a car parking area in front of the Griggs- j Midway Building at 1821 University Avenue. We have seven full-time employees who currently have difficulty in finding available parking space in the presert on- and-off-street parking areas. We also employ a number of part-time workers, and there are many occasions when parking space is needed for volunteer workers who come to our office to assist in our important/public health work. The nature of our work in behalf of the welfare of the citizens of Minnesota brings many people to our office from the Twin Cities as well as from all parts of Minnesota. They find present parking facilities are inadequate and are frequently discouraged from making further visits. We respectfully urge your favorable action it behalf of this much needed parking area request. Sincerely yours, 4:2 747/47,14‘,4,_.■ Robert J. ohman, /Executive Secretary RJH:hg MINNESOTA HEART ASSOCIATION OFFICERS ROBERT L. PARKER, M. D. President MILTON M. HURWITZ, M. D. First Vice President HERBERT F. MISCHKE, C.L.U. Second Vice President KARL W. ANDERSON, M.D. Secretary BERNARD B. KNOPP Treasurer • Executive Secretary Robert J.Hohman s4s ( )0) \\ June 14th 1957 RVENCEIVEi In M� yCo '-. FiNN, 'S OFFSC Hon. Jos. H. Dillon A M JUN J 71957 and Members of the City Council 7I$;9110,1112,1 2 9 4�gi Court House Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen and Mrs. DeCourey: Regarding the matter of approval for a parking lot in the space on University Avenue fronting the Griggs-Midway Build : , I am at a loss to understand your delay. It seems to me our local Government is doing its best to discourage business activity in Saint Paul. Possibly as p: of your consideration you should all visit the Griggs-Midway ilding and see first-hand what the building's Management is doing o develop and improve it, thus helping to build Saint Paul • providing desirable and accessible facilities for its bus "eases as well as many from Minneapolis. It has long since been recognized by Business that adequat- parking facilities are an absolute must y- and with increa=ing traffic problems, the time is not far distant when park on the streets will have to be banned in many areas. When we have progressive businessmen trying to promote progress for our City, doesn't it seem ridiculous for our City Governm t to be making it difficult for them? As a city voter and taxpa, er, I would like to see Saint Paul go all out to encourage and attrac, business. Yours for progress, I► On el.&4\co..0t (1 -"-A2--‘r- Margaret D. Reddy (Mrs. J. R.) 234 Montrose Place, Sa' t Paul 4 v./7 . MUTUAL SERVICE INSURANCE COMPANIES .ititil . . SAINT/PAUL ESOTA 1 a C IC ■ ✓ ED , B.F.IIILENFELDI ti _; ORS. i.i i v. VICE PRESIDENT,PUBLIC RELATIONS A M /UN 1 O P t`JO E g 41957 /, / ,0 p� une 13, #957 The e Honorable Joseph Dillon Mayor of St. Paul Minnesota My dear Mayor Dillon: Next Tuesday, June 18, the City Council will consider action on the establishment of a parking lot on city park property on the corner of Fairview and University AAvenue. I should like to call to your attention and the Council members the definite opposition to this proposed parking lot by our Midway Y.M. C.A. This groposed parking lot came to our attention officially P at a meeting with Bob Davidson and the other propjerty owners concerned--Skelly Oil, Power Tools, and Nash Coffee. Our Midway Y.M. C.A. Committee of Managemenit held a special meeting to consider this matter. At this meeting we invited Mr. William Davidson, owner of the Griggs Cooper building and the proponent for this parking lot on city park property, to present his proposed plan land sketches. Other property owners concerned were invited also. The Committees spent considerable time in reviewing the P I parking needs in the area, the effect and precedOnt that would be established in proceeding with the parting lot. We also were very aware of the effect such parting lot establishment would have on the present beauty land esthetic value of this fine city park property aldng University Avenue. As chairman of our Midway Y.M. C.A. Committee e of Management, I feel you would want to know abut the time, effort and numerous meetings the Committee mem- bers devoted to the full and complete consideration of k' At the special meeting on this proposed parking lot. A p � g May 20, after fair and complete discussion, lit was decided to take a ballot vote. There were sixteen members of the Committee present. The ballot vote was twelve opposed and three in favor of the proposed parking lot. As chairman of the Committee, I did not vote. You can see that there is very decided opposition on the part of key community leaders to having the city Council proceed with the proposed parking lot. For your personal information I am attaching a list of the Committee members present at this special meeting and their business affilia- • tions. I believe that you are appraised of the fact that our Midway Civic Club was asked to support the establish tnent of this parking lot. It is my understanding that the Bard of Directors of the Midway Civic Club voted not to support the establishment of this proposed parking lotjl It may have been pointed out to you and the Council mem- bers that there is a legal question as to whether or not the City can legally proceed with approving they establish- ment of a parking lot on this particular property. Our Midway Y.M. C.A. Management Committee did not concern itself with this legal question. We assume that the City would have the right to do so if the Council so decided and we sincerely urge the Council not to proceed with the establishment of this parking lot. Thankin g you in advance for taking into consideration the actions and opinions of our Midway Y.M. C.A. Leaders in making a final decision for Council action on this important matter. Sincerely yours, xe.4065#21444:40ek B. F. Ihlenfel t Chairman, Midway Y.M. C. A. Committee of Management BFI:JB Rev. Amon O. Johnson Trinity Lutheran Church 515 Farrington Avenue St. Paul 3, Minnesota Mr. Edward Holbert Holbert Brokerage Company 1821 University Avenue St. Paul 4, Minnesota Mr. Sam Mogol (Res. ) 2096 Edgcumbe Road St. Paul 16, Minnesota Mr. Harry L. Kaye y . e Y (Res. ) 1735 Van Buren Avenue St. Paul 4, Minnesota Mr. Frank Sherwood DeLuxe Check Printers 530 North Wheeler Avenue St. Paul 4, Minnesota Mr. John De Vere Hunt St. Anthony Park State Bank 2250 Como Avenue St. Paul 8, Minnesota Mr. Alfred G. Erickson, Jr. A. G. Erickson Company 406 North Prior Avenue St. Paul 4, Minnesota Mr. James 0. Norris Villaume Box and Lumber Company 76 Indiana Avenue St. Paul 1, Minnesota Mr. Harry G. Cummings Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada 3036 University Avenue Southeast Minneapolis, Minnesota Mr. Roy M. Schroeder Mack Motor Truck 2505 University Avenue St. Paul 14, Minnesota Mr. L. L. Fryklund Barr Flower Shop 494 North Snelling Avenue St. Paul 4, Minnesota Mr. Dean Meredith Dean Meredith Appliances 1566 Selby Avenue St. Paul 4, Minnesota Mr. Donald Neitzel Hove's Food Market, Inc. 525 North Snelling Avenue St. Paul 4, Minnesota Mr. Virgil H. Christenson Christenson Brown-Bill Shoe Store 492 North Snelling Avenue St. Paul 4, Minnesota Mr. Fred Peltzer St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company 111 West Fifth Street St. Paul 2, Minnesota Mr. B. F. Ihlenfeldt Mutual Service Insurance Companies 1919 University Avenue St. Paul 4, Minnesota �D YouDG mEfl'5 A p YM C A �' 1 11 e„....,, CHRISTIAn tip, _moo ABSOCo sb IATIO11 CITY OFFICE: 475 CEDAR ST., SAINT PAUL 2, MINN. BOARD OF DIRECTORS 1 ELMER L.ANDERSEN RUSSELL H.JOHNSON BRANCHES AND CAMPS ANTHONY BECHIK ROBERT F.LEACH FREDERICK BREWSTER DONALD G.MCNEELY �ll� FRANKLIN O.BRIESE JOHN H.MYERS OOWNTp1YN BRANCH EAST DISTRICT BRANCH G.JAMES W.CARL LL EMIL H.NELSON,VICE-PRESIDENT ET a) A ADE AT MAGNOLIA NI ARTHUR W.CARLSON NORMAN NELSON.TREASURER c DAR A ANC CLIFFORD US W.CLAPP COLE OEHLER.PRESIDENT E MIDWA BRANCH CAMP ST.CROIX CLIFFORD E.COMFORT.VICE-PRESIDENT ROBERT B.RIDDED UNIVERSITY.{ WHEELER NI HUDSON.WIS JUDGE ROYDEN S.DANE.VICE-PRESIDENT ROGER B.SHEPARD,JR. uNITRI-TOW BRANCH CAMP WIDJIWAGAN H.T.DRAKE NEIL SHERBURNE HELMER E.ENGSTROM OLIVER T.SHELLET,AsslsTANT TREASURER Eu So. RT Il sl ELY.MINN. HENNING G.EYINCK,RECORDING SECRETARY ARCHIE SMITH JOHN K.FESLER PAUL R.STEENBERG DR.PAUL H.GIDDENS ROBERT H.TUCKER MILLARD B.HOUSE HAROLD O.WASHBURN PAUL B.BREMICKFJt June 14, 1957 GENERAL SECRETARY St. Paul City Council City of St. Paul 386 Court House St. Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: The St. Paul YMCA, composed of 26,183 members, has revie,wea, through its duly constituted bodies, the plan of the owners of the Griggs-Midway 'Building to establish a metered parking lot in front of their building. This matter has been before our Executive Committee and our Board of Directors. Our Executive Commit- tee met with the Committee of Management of our Midway Branch. Subsequently the Committee of Management of the Midway Branch met in a special session\ to hear both the proponents and opponents of the plan. Following this thorough consideration, the YMCA has gone on record as opposing the installation of this proposed parking lot, for the follo'4ng reasons: 1. One of the main reasons why the YMCA bought the site for \its quasi- public YMCA building was the existence of the park strip extending frou Fairview to Aldine Street, which the previous owners had the wisdom and foreight to dedicate to the City of St. Paul for park and parkway purposes. 2. The park in question is a beautiful part of University Avenue, and in line with the new civic emphasis for beautifying St. Paul, should not be destroyed by using the park for other purposes. 3. The thousands of boys, girls and young people now using the Midway YMCA already face enough traffic hazards. The parking lot would involve'\ia cross- ing of the sidewalk at the approach to the YMCA building from the west by auto- mobiles at a point where there would be no semaphore. 4+. The advantage of parking only 36 automobiles is a small return for the loss of one of the most attractive centers on University Avenue. The people of St. Paul have generously invested a million dolls s in a useful social-recreational center for youth. Its program has proved its worth in the prevention of juvenile delinquency. The proposed parking lot will no only jeopardize this investment, but will negatively affect a vigorous and vital service program particularly with the youth of our city. • Y Respectfully submitted, • . HENNING G. EYINCK . . • Recording Secretary GIFTS AND BEQUESTS TOWARD THE ENDOWMENT FUND WILL GREATLY AID AND MAKE MORE PERMANENT THE WORK OF THE ASSOCIATION 4 OUR CORPORATE TITLE IS"SAINT PAUL YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION" ...... •x -1.i,--,,.. 1 '- P x9 ! i 2 fi a y =` r: . ! s. # x r t om ' - x .:ti. 3- ''' ^'7 ?; ' N � :_, ' � '` ;�}, 7 tx fir r +` '•: L ,� ?x y .,.i-a,C 64 Itiollr ,a r� } •fir. 1'n 9 Y -.• ,A• 4'F' A � ?" M r , -'0 Yom „� $ ♦ _ v .� 1011111$=„000.404 rt x S ' 4'' it _ : r f + '1:'''''04 .�,,. '‘:;':;:'''''''',;::!'''':7:7'.' ' * f � ;1.'''','. ` ' r � ` �ti.a y'3° �,Y. 'AF'� 1 . . - .414- i ' 4 ' � •.,° , _ ,yam'