182714 • • M271.4 COUNCIL FILE NO. By Council roe Nol 3.82714-- matti4 of condeninOpg arti4' INTERMEDIARY ORDER vit:"1-"". for In the Matter of condemning and taking an easement for frikatrirpose of conitruWne and i ntaining a sewer on, under and across a 4 ft. easement in Lot 114, Union Par. the 0,44137 line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the nor • est line Of- Lynnhurst Ave. 24.1 ft. northeast of the southwest corner of Lot BA, Un on Park, to a point on the north line of said Lot 114, 7.28 ft. east of the northwes, corner of Lot 114, Union Park. Also condemning and taking a temporary easement for construction purpose, on a strip of land a maximum of 8 ft. in width lying between the above described ea.,ement and the following described line: „Beginning at a point on the northwest northye stlzi o Lynnhurst Aiiesi"'31.4.4t ifi'..,ItibitliStst of the'llouthwest corner of trbt`-11141 •Uniotuftile heride north- werter4y onA,parall4 above 09#pp ed. pa,igtpp.),4.,PP tkce 4t,r,ppt4!.,,9f,:turTarr.h- ethq441-4, 1974,,I.J.44e T...b.t,1111* 0.14brl. PAFkii,t)4,14ce;fl,b,rtlatieStlerAy .cnot/4.e. no theasterly lot line of said Lot 114 to its intersection with the southerly line of the hey in Lots 109 tb tbiiofl iPatlit'Lanct zielak*Val3ild lAifititibtotol Uni dJ f ' ,1 Orn t• 7 v Also voruls40 #4414404*,stoimvorw,sstsemeo“orop#4711,;-4pRurpose, on a strip of land a maximu yi m of 8 ft. in lng'betireentbe above described s- er easement naut4h“olilvaringdissawilwabaimea lageSanikacodefs siDialkumrktimi4p_ mitinwirk„avec,r,114.4-3.3,et&abraboamtiolt4the, amaihweat vorinigr thenuel narthwelateltlacatithpestalflett4o#100bove40ag lialkdsemones tsuitutt 3:tniairsecttion lioutistetima4 41Pittiarta)lafnigatt, 2=11144 AIWA*, to AokateraimortAtileIiigaitiSsatitetrarmilat aineov, healili4etbUWarlisft of the East and West alley in Lots 109 to 131, Union Park and Hinkelis 3rd Amendment to Union Park, a temporary f;:4- tmnatruction puz. , on strip w1441.1,Ayiag iiogyuceuta 441te *Sow amourilsod and thtt $40/01.41k4,0K0441/11. .A4Ptte *wilotitho104 toenstr* _t*AtigiPmet ii. of losnikunit Ave. 34.1 ft. northeast of the southwest corner of Lot 114, Union Park; north.- westerly and parallel to the Ogre descarkbed ee.aessnt to the intqrse- of the mIA- easteitrioli idRetbr ' 'Ut line of saksb Lot /14 tfoicitiCiAgassos$4sarakithctat Otaoltboarkteldweroarlhat Als SOU 1tQ 4614t:WokilleAln404404491011*,*sindirstrt WI/Aim c-f L'?It;i11 _ and in L manner by the Charter, tita •: ,F ir t r$4111,691P1114114144404711.).ft'APIONItagid 44410114,04 teeddlOOMORAPPPOOO On a strip land'oi ft. between the above described easement and tbR4OU0,00406mmillka Artilk_point on,lhe,,,northwest of lomnhurst Ave. 14.1 ft. northeast of the southWast oomer4of < •::-'ark; thence northwearterly and paralLel,Aa- the abovr(VaaVbc psj intwreilitfWeatiOf the.*o thvet4ár3j 11:CU= of Lot 7,17nion Parkilr- vosterly ea the Southwesterly lot line of loft 114, UnAaa-*rho t tts st,ion with th 24f3tAajliast and Vest alley-la-Latati09-to-131i-itectan 't .3r4 Ant to union Parka F:1.0 Councilman DeCOURCY Councilman HOLLAND Councilman MARZITELU Councilman MORTINSON Councilman PETERSON Councilman ROSEN ' „/ D Mr. President DILLON 8 •