10-141Council File #� Green Sheet # 3096736 RESOLUTION CiTY O�F SAIN� PAUL, MINNESOTA /Q Presented by 1 RESOLVED, that the proper City officials are hereby authorized and duected to execute a jomt powers agreement with Century 2 Colle�e to provide surface ice rescue trauung; which mcludes an indemnification clause, as provided by the Saint Paul Fire 3 Department; a copy of said agreement is to be kept on file and of record in the Office of Finannal Services. Absent I Requested by Department of: Hanis Thune � i/ Adopted by Council: Date � /d�/� Adoption Ceitrfied by Council ecretary BY= � / � SOs� Approv ay r: ate �49 By: � � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � --__ f��l`l I DepartmenVOfficeiCouncii: Date tnitiated: , FR-F��e Z6�AN2o,o Green Sheet NO: 3096736 Contact Person 8 Phone: Keith Morehead 644-9133 Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): Doc. Type: RESOlt1T101S � E-Document Required: Y � DocumentConWct: ���ILaCasse Contact Phone: 22&6257 � ' Assign Number For Routing Ordec ToWI # of Signature Pages _(Ciip All Locations for Signature) ; Action Requested: � Approval of the attached Council Resolut�on anthorizing the Saint Paul Fire Depaztmem to enter into an agreement with Century i College to provide surface ice rescue training. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission SentToPerson Initiai/Date � 0 Fre —'—__—_—__ ,� 1 Fre �DeoartmentDirector z 'csrv nnora� —_ _ c itv Attor°ev __ _ �� 3 Mavor'sOfiice � �Iayor/Assistaot __ 4 Cooncil ' Cry Cooncil _ � CiN Clerk � City Cierk ` Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the FolloWing Questions: �. Has this persoNfirm ever worked under a contract for [his department? Yes No 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee� Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skiil not normaily possessed by any current ciry employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet. —_ __� --- Initiating Problem, lssues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The Saint Pau] Fire Department received a grant money from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to provide surface ice rescue training for firefighters. Century College can provide this training to the Saint Paul Fixe Departmen[. AdvanWges If Approved: The Sain[ Paul Fire Depazment firefighters would receive surface ice rescue aaining. _.��,... DisadvantageslfApproved: None. Disadvantages If Not Approved: Lost opportumty for fixefighters W receive sucface ice rescue training. TotalAmountof $18,000.00 Transaction: Funding Source: 510 Fi nancial Information: (Explain) CostlRevenue Budgeted: Activity Num6er: 35213 JAN 2 � `1QP�J l i —__ _ �' January 26, 2010 11:34 AM Page 1 /a-i�fl Agreement # 02- ISS 2 7 Between the City of Saint Paut and Century Coliege THIS A6REEMENT, made and entered into this 18`" day oi Decemher, 2009, by and between the City of Saint Paul, Minn=sota, a municipaE corpora#ion under the faws of thz Scate of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as "City;' and Century College, whose address is 3300 Century Avenue North, White Bear Lake, Minnesota SS11Q hereinafter referred to as "Consuitant." The City and Consuftant, in consideration of the mutual terms and conditions, promises, covenants, and payments fiereinafter set forth, agree as follows: SECTI6N 1. Scope o� Services. A. Consultant agrees to provide professional surFace ice rescue treining services in accordance with all applicable current industry standards regarding surface ice rescue as descri6ed in its proposal and letter dated November 10, 2009, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein. The specific tasks, deliverables, Time lines, etc. that make up these services are as tollows and as further described in the attached proposal: Consultant shall provide 24 three (3j hour classroom sessions, nine eight hour days of crew rotation as directed by the Saint Paul Fire Department training division. - Consuftant shall provide four hours total instruction per student. - Three hours of structured dass room instruction - One hour of hands-on ice rescue participation training SECTION 2. Time for Comptetian. A. The services rendered by Cansuitant shall he commenced upon execution of the Agreement and notification by the City to proceed and will be compieted tn actordance wfth the schedule mutually agreed upon with the City which foilows, but no later than January 31, 2010. B. Cansuitant shall not procaed with any task without specific authorization from the Project Manager designated by the City. C, in the event that there are detays caused by actions of the CiTy or which may he reasonably requested 6y the Consultant whicfi can change che mmpletion date, Consultant shal! request an extension of Yime for completion of the praject. The Project Manager wiI! review the request and may grent to the Consultant such extensiarts of contraet time as may he reasona6ie. SELTION 3. Bil{ings and Payment. A. That for ConsultanYs faithful performance of this Agreement, the City hereby agrees to compensate Consultant in the amount{s) and acwrding to the schedule that follows. The Ctty hereby agrees to compensate the Consultant in the amount of $18,OD0 ior ice rescue training, Certtury College certificate and permanent record of training. B. The above amounts shalt ful(y compensate Consultant for all work and asso�iated costs. The City w't€I honor no c(aim for services and/or costs provided by the Consuitant not specificaliy provided for in this Agreement. Total costs for the project shall not exceed $18,000, whkh incfudes reimbursable expenses. C. Payment of fees may be invoiced monthiy forthe amount of work completed at the end of �a-l�f� each time period. Cortsultant shall submh an itemized invoice to the Pro�ect Manager Keith Morehead. Misczflaneous supplies and expenses wiil require copies o`the receipts to be sent with the invoice for reimbursement. Unon receiQt of the invoice and vzrification ofithe charges by the Pro}ect Manag=r, the City sha!E make payment to Coasuhant wRhin th3rty (30) days. D. In the event the Consultant faiis to comply with any terms or mnditions oF the contract arto provide in any manner fhe work or services as aoreed #o fie7ein, the City reserves the right to wiihhold any paymenz uniii the City is satisfied that correciive ac[ion has been taken or completed. This option is in addition to and not in fieu of the City's right to terminafion as provided in the sed�ons of this Agreement. SECTION 4. Project Management. A. The City requires the ConsuRant to assign specific individuals as principal project members and to assure that the major work and coordination will remain th= responsibility of these individuals dunng the term of the Agreement. Removal of any principal project member without replacement by equaliy qualffied individuals or without the prior written approval of the City are grounds for termination of the Agreement by the City. Consuftant's principaf projec[ members are 1on Olson, Ken Gilliam, Dan Becker, and Mike Spencer. B. The Cfty has designated Keith Morehead as the Project Manager for this Agreement, and the individual to whom all communications pertaining to the AgreemenT shatl be eddressed. The Projeck Manager sha�l have the authority to transmit instrudions, receive information, and i�terpret and define the City's policy and decisions pertinent to the work covered by this Agreement. SECTiON 5: City Responsibilities. A. The City agrees to provide Consultant with access to any information from Ciiy documents, staff, and other sources needed by Consultant #o complete the work described herein. SECTION fi. Work Products, Records, Dissemination of Information. A. For purposes of this Agreement, the foilowing words and phrases shall have the meanirtgs set forth in this section, except where the context clearfy indicates that a difFerent meaning is intended. "WOrk product° sball mean any report, recommendation, paper, preseotation, drawing, demonstration, or other materiafs, whether in written, electronic, or otherformat that results from Consultant's services under this Agreement. 'Supporfing documentotian" shall mean any surveys, questionnaires, notes, research, papers, analyses, whether in written, efectronic, or in o#her format and other evidences used to generate any and all work performed and work products generated under this Agreement_ "Business records" shalE mean any books, documents, papers, account records and other evidences, whether writfen, ele[tronic, or in other format, belonging to Consultant and pertaining to work pzrFormed underthis A;reement. B. All delivera6le work products and supporting documentaiion #hat result from the ConsultanYs services under this Agreement shall be delivered to the City and shall become the property of the City afterfinal payment is made to the Con;uliant with no right, Yitle, or interest in said work products or supporting documentation vesting in Consultant. C The Consultant agrees not to retease, transmit, or otherwise disseminate information associated with or gerterated as a result of the work performed under this Agreement without prior lo�l'�� knowledge and writtem m�sent of the City. D. In the event ofi terminaiion, al} documents finahed or unfinished, and supporting documentation prepared bythe Consultant under this Agreement, shall be defivered to the City by Consultant by the termination date and there shall be no furfher obligation o{ the City ta Consultant exceot for payment of amaunts due and owing for work perFormed and expenses incurred to tne date and Eime of termination. E. The ConsuRant agrees to maintain alf busineu remrds in such a manoer as will readily confor�n to the terms of this Agreement and to make such materials available at ]ts o�ce at ai! reasanable times during this Agreement period and for six (6) years trom the date of the final payment undex the contract fnr audit or inspection by the tity, the Auditor of the State of Mrnnesota, or other duly authorized representative. f Consultant agrees to abide strictly by Chapter 13 ,fVlinnesota 6overnment Data Practice Ad, and in particular Minn. Stat.§§ 13.05, subd. 6 and 11; and 1337, subd. 1(b) and Minn. Stat §§ i38.17 and 15.17. A!I of the dafa created, collected, received, stored, used, mainfained, or dissem�nated by the Consultant in performing functions underthis Agreement is subject to the requirements of the Minnesota Government �eta Practices Aci end Consultani must comply with those requiremenfs as ifi it v�iere a governmental entiry. If any provision of this Agreement is in conflict with the Minnesota 6ovesnment Data Practices Act or other Minnesata state laws, state law shail controi. SECTION 7. Equai Opportunity Employment. A Pursuant to Chapter 283 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code and its implementing rules, Consulta�t will not discriminate against any employee orappficantfor employment fior work underthis Agreement because of race, creed, religion, color, sex, sexual or affectional orientation, national origin, ancestry, familial status, age, disability, marita� statas, or status with regard to pubiic assistance and wiB take a�rmative steps to ensure that appiicants are employed and empfoyees are treated during employment without regard to the same. This provision shai4 include, but not be limited to the following: empioyment, upgrading, demotion, ortransfer; recruitment advertising, layoff or termination; rates of pay ortheir forms of compensation; and selecYion for training, including apprenticeship. SECTION 8. Compliance w€th AppVicab{e Law. A. Consultant agrees to comply with all federal, state, and local laws or ordinances, and all appkicable rules, regufations, and standards established by any agency of such govemmental units, which are now or hereafter promutgated insofar as they relate to the ConsuitanYs performance of the provisions of this Agreement. It shall be the obliga#ion of the Consultant to apply for, pay for, and obtain all permits and/or licenses required. SECTlON 9. Con�lict of Interest. A Consultant agrees that it will not contrect for or accept employment for the performance of any work or services with any individual, business, corporation, or government unit that would create a conflict o# interest in the perFormance of its obligations pursuant to this Agreement with the City. B. Consultant's acceptance of this Agreemznt indicates compliance with Chapter 24.03 of the Sainf Paul Administrative Code: `Except as permitted by law, no Ciiy official or employee shatl be a party to or have a direct iinantial }nterest in any saie, lease, or contract with tne Qty." C Consuttant agrees that, shouid any confllct or potantial conflict of i�terest 6ecome known, /o�l �l Consultant will advise the Purchasing Systems Manager of The situation so that a determination can be made about Consu4tanYs abiliTy io continue performing services underthe Agr=ement. SEQION 10. fnsurance. A. Consultanf shall oe required to carry insurance of t6e kind and in #he amounts snown below for the life of the conTrad. Certrficates for Generai Liabifity Insurence should state that the City of Saint Pzui, its offuia4s, employees, agenis and representatrves are Additionaf Insureds. 1. 6eneral or Business Liability Insurance S1,SOO,OQO per occurrence $1,SOO,Q00 a�gregate per project $1,500,000 personal injury and advertising Po6cy must inciude an "alE services, products, or completed operations" Endorsement when appropriate. 2. Automobile Insuronce-(When Commerc�at vehicles are used in connection with a contract) a. Bodily injury 3. 4. 5. $ 750,000 per person $1,0OO,ODO per accident b. Property Damage not less than $50,000 per�accident Coverage shall include: hired, non-owned and owned auto Automobite Msurance —(When Personal vehicles are used in connectiort with a contract, tbe City is not required to be named as Additional tnsured, but proof of insurance is required prior to commencement of activities.) a. Bodiiy lnjury b. Property Damage j30,000 per person S60,OD0 peraccident 520,0�0 ger accident Automobile Insurartce—(When Rental vehides are used in connection with a contract, the Contrac[or shall either purchase insurance from the rentai agen�y, or provide City with proo4 of insurance as sfated above. Warke� s Compensation and Employer's Liability a. Worker's Compensation per Minnesota Statutes b. Empfoyers Liability shall have minimum fimits of $SOQ,000 per accident; $50�,000 per employee; $500,000 per disease policy limit c. Contractors euith 10 or fewer emp{oyees who do not have Worker's Campensation coverage are required to provide the City with a letter verifying their numoer of empioyees and a statement that they do not carry this coverage. Professronol Liobilrty lnsuronce i�s ret{uired when a contract is for service for which professional iiability insurance is avaifa6Ve for purc'nase.� . a. $1,00�,000 per occurrence h. $1,SOO,OOD aggr=gate l�'�� 6. Generat trtsurance Requirements a. AII po{ides shal{ b=writcen on an occurrence 6asis or as acceptable to th> City. Certi#icate of insurznce must indicate if the policy is issaed on a ckaims-made or occurrence basis. Consuitant evill pravide notice to Division of Contract and Analysis Serv+ces not less than (30) days prior written notice o# ca�cetlation, non-renewal or any materiaE changes in the policy, including, but nat limited tq m�rerege amounts Ag=nt must state on the certincate if company carries errors and omission; coverage b. The Contractor may not commence � work until Certfficates of Insurance covering aE1 ofthe insurance required forthis project is approved and the Project manager has issued a notice to proceed. Insurance must remain in placz for the duration of the original contrad and any extension periods. c. The City reserves the right to review Contractor's insurance policies at any time to verify that City requirements have been met. d. Nothing shall preciude the City from requiring Contractor to purchase and provide evidence of additional insurance if the scope of services changes, if the amouM of the confract is sign�cantfy increased, or if the exposure to the City or its citizens is deemed to have increased. e) Satisfaction of policy limits required above for General Liability and Automobile Liability tnsurance, may be met with the purchase of an umbrella or excess polity. Any excess or umbrella policy sfiall be written on an occurrence basis, and if such policy is not written by the same insurance carrier, the proof of underlying policies shall be provided with any certificate of insurance. SECTiON 11. independent Contractor. A. it is agreed by the parties that, at a!I times and for ail purposes within the scope of the Agreement, the relat+onship of the Consultant to the City is that of independent contractor and not that of empfoyee. No statement contained in tfiis Agreement shall be mnstrued so as to find Consultant an employee of the City, and Consuhant shall be entitled to none of the rights, privi3eges, or benefits of Saint Paul employees. SECTfON 12. Subcontracting. A. The Consultant agrees not to enier into any subcontrads for any ofi the work contemplated underthis AgreemenF without obtaining priorwritten approvaE ofthe City. SECTlON 33. Hold Harmless. A. Consultant will be responsihle for it's own acts and behavior and the resuVts thereof. Consultant's liability is governed by the Minnesota Tort Claims Ad, Minn. Stat. §3.736. SELTtOIV I4. Assignment. A. The City and the Consultant each binds itself and itr successors, legal rzpresentatives, and assig�s of such other party, with respect to alf covenanis of this Agreement; and neither the City nor the Consultant will assign or transf2rtheir interest in this AgreemeM withouf the written consent of the other. SECTION 15. Terminavon. /�-/y/ A, 7his Agreement will confinue in full force and effect untll completion of the project as described herein unless either party t=rminates it at an eazlier date. Either party to this Agreement may terminate it by giving no fess than thirty (30) days written notice of the intent to terminate to the other party. B. Whh Cause. The City reserves the right to terminate this Agreement if the Consultant violates any of the terms or does noE fu�ll, in a timely and proper manner, ifs obiigations under this Agreement as determined by the City. in the event that ihe CRy =xercises its right to wfthhold payment or Yerminate under this Sectian, it shall su6mit written notice to the Consultant specitying the extent of such withholding or termination under this Section, the reasons therefore, and the date upon which such withholding or termination becomes effective. Upon receipt of such notice, the Consultant shall take ali actions necessary to disconfinue further commitmenU of funds to the extent that they retate to the terminated portions of this Agreement. C. �n the event of termination, the City will pay Consultant for a{1 services adually, timefy, and faithfully rendered up to the receipt of the notice ofi termination and thereafter until the date of termination. The Consultant will deliver all work products and supporting documentation deve€oped up to the time of term�nation ¢Ciorto the City rendering finai payment for service. SECTION 16: Oefault by Consultant. A. !n the event Consultant fails or neglects to comply with any term or condition af this Agreement orto prov�de the services stated herein, Crty shall have the right, after wntten notice, to cease payment hereunder. This remedy shall be in addition to any other remedies, including terminafion, available to the City in law or equity. The City shalf he entitled to recover reesonable attorne�ls fees and costs of collection associated with enforcing its rights hereunder if so ordered by tourt. SfCTION f7. Amendment or Changes to Agreement. A. City or Consultant may request changes that wo�ld increase, decrease, or othenvise modify the Scope of Services. Such changes and method of compensation must be authorized in writing in advance by the City. 8, Any alterations, amendments, deketions, or waivers of the provisions of this Agreement shall be valid only when reduced to writing and duly signed by the parties. C. Modifications or additional schedules shall not be construed to adversely affect vested righCs or causes of action which have accrued priorto the effective date of such amendment, modification, or supplement. The term "this AgreemenY' as used herein shall be deemed to incfude any future amendments, modifications, and additional schedules made in accordanee herewith. SECiION 18. Notices. A. Except as otherwise stated in this Agreement, any notice or demand to be given under this Agreemenf shai! be delivered in person or deposited in United States Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested. Any noEices or other communications shal! be addressed as follows: To City: Keith Morebead City of Saint Pauf Fire Department 1683 Energy Park Drive Saint Paul, MN 55108 To Consultant: 1on Olson Century College Continuing Ed & Customized Training 3300 Century Avenue North White Bear Lake, MN SSI10 �o-I �( SECTION 19. Waiver. A. Any fault of a pariy to assert any right unde� this Agreement sha11 nflt consYitute a warver or a termination of that rignt this Agreement, or any of this Agreement's provisians. SECTION 20. Survival of Obiigatiou. A. The resped'+ve o6ligations of the City and Consultant under these terms and conditions, v�hich by their nature would continue beyond the termination, cancellafion, or expiration hereof, s6all survive termination, cancellation or expiration hereof. B. If a court or governmenta! agency with praperjurisdiction determines that this Agreement, or a provision herein is unlawfuf, this Agreement orthat provision, shall terminate. If a provision is so terminated but the parties 1ega44y, commercially, and prackicably can continue this Agreement without the terminated provision, the remainder ot this Agreement shail continue in effec[. SECTIOlV 21. tntarpreiation of Agreement, Venue. A. This Agreement shall be ireterpreted and construed according to the laws of the State of Minnesota. AIY titigation re}ated to tfiis Agreement shaN be venued in the District Court of the Couoty of Ramsey, Second Judicial �istrict, STate of Minttesota. SECTION 22_ Force Majeure. A. Neitherthe City nor the Consultant shall be held responsible for performance rE its performance is prevented by acts or events 6eyond the party's reasonabie control, invluding, but not timited to: severe weather and storms, earthquake or other natu�al occurrences, strikes and other labor unrest, powerfailures, electrical power surges or currentfluctuations, nutfear or other civil military emergencies, or acts of legisfative, judiciak, executive, or administrative authorities. SECTEON 23. Entire Agreement. A. 1t is understood and agreed that this entire Agreement supersedes aEl oral agreements and ❑egot+atioas between Yhe parties relating to the subject matters herein_ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto are authorized signatories and have executed this Agreement, the day and year tirst above written. For Yhe CSty of Saint Pau4: /; Approve " or . Ass stant City Rttorney Exe t� 1 Direttor, ffice of Financi ervices iJ'f1 y� ��P/� H Chief, Sai�# aul Eire Department EorConsutWnt: � � y � � � By J�(/, .�,� � _ lSE`Un^'_ Its_� ���� (d'z''��_ � ii j tt_ f � TaxpayerlD: ``1� Date � ✓ I �f� ��� Funding: ActiViYy # CC,$/RAR,fl2Q8-09 �o�i�yi TRA3NE�d6 Tra6ning ProposaE for Saint Pau! Fire Bepartmertt SurFace lce Rascue Training 4ropasai submltted #o: Jitf laGasse J3(I � aCasse'�ci s[oaui mn us 65i-228-5257 Submifted by Jon N. Olsan {654} 779-5534 orjon.otson@century.edu Navemtter 10, 20Q9 Backgrouad Sairt Paul Fire Aepartment operateslG fire stations throughoi{t Ehe Ciiy. 'iEia tireftghters and medics Work 246our shifts. The Department has d=emeS it necessary to prayide Operafions Lesel 8urfac� Ece Rescue training for ? 60°h of sworn personnsl. Recommended Approach Centuryr Col(ege�lifl pmvida operations levei "Sur:ace fce Resctte" raining ior the Sairrt Pau( Fire Depacfinenf. The training wili reflaci curre�t indus6y sfandards regarding sur,'ace ice rescue and will consisi vf four hours tota4 instruction per student, wiih three hou;s oP siruofured classroom fime anQ one hour af hands-on time on #he ice paficipaiing in a Surface tce Reseue fraining scanario. The trainirt8 will be daaa for 1a0% af depatimerrt sworn pewonnel duriny 24 three-haar dassmom sessions nine eigh#-hoar days of craw rotarion as directed by iha SPF4 trai�ing d�iision, All IrtsLvcfars are certified insfructors. Hands-on sessions wiu requYe a minimum oi hvo ins9'uc�ots with an 8:t studenf to inSYruciar ra�io. y�: c«�:� n.�,m n-....�. - vn.re s�u u�eru� s>i ia .� i-ne.na� .�,.,.�..��n�. ro��cpp:.a:an .w�r,.�o� � e�.-m.�o'r�<K ,,,a,:<a.-i_ve.a�„�auu,.�.�..f;+�� � D �[ �-[�I Program Canponents � Three hou;s oi efass roarr! instruciion and one hour of hands on sk€I! based iraining. fce rescue siW3fions require speaialized equipmerri, procedurss, laowledg= and pcecacttions. SaFet}�, of Both the v'tcum and ttte reseuer, is a prime concem. The best kind of rescue is a successful one and, whiie tf�ere are never arry guarantees, successFul ice tescue siivati�ns require speGafized equipment, procAdures, knowtadge and otecaufions. Satety, of both fhe viciim and the rescuer, is a pnme concern. The besf kind af rescue is a suacesstui one and, while fhere ars netier any guarantees, succsss is always moFe fikeiy if we4k-pSanned nrocedures are carried aut efficientty and safely. Outcomes � � � E1pon comptetian of the irainir.g, partialoanis wilE: -desari6e th= equipment requird zor shore based v.=atertice rescue. -C�eSCribe the requiremenis put in plaae tn ensure personne; s�,ety. -ldentify the various #ypes af wafer/ice emergencies and thett hazards. -Idenli"ry fhs signs and sympioms of hypoihermia in vicfims 2nd the emergency care required. -Descripe Ehe various iypss of 4vaterlroe rescues and the sequenee of avents to be foilowed during general operations. -UndersEand generat 4nspeckon and req�ited anaintenance of ica rescue Equipmeot. Timeiine S#a�'t - November 3U, 2409 End -January 19, Ztt�t{# Ins}{u�tors � �� � � Ken Gilli��n. Dan Becket, ar� EAike Spencer. Ati ate Gertif�ed F3rs fnsYructar with signific2ttt training and experience in Ice and Technica! F2escue Centvry Go,kege Goniinuing Education and Customized Trainiag (CECT) is the largest in iha Minneso#a Sfate Colfeges and Universi{ies Sysfsm, senring over 13,60� cusforrters annualiy. CEGT provides fiainina tc individuats and [o organizatians to meet continving educaiion, career, artd work#orce tlevelanmenf needs. lo'I �"� Fees The totat cost $18,000.66 The iraining budget includes: . 'Fraining maferials. • Cenfury College oertiiicate of compietion for each psrucipani. • Perrnanent record of training avaitabie by Colfege transcripi for perFicipants. progrem Evalua6on C3ient feedback is tm}�orfant so #tsatwe may cantinualfy imp!ave in ths development and delivery of fraininq programs provided by Century Cottege. .4�cordingty, Salnt Paui Fire E?aparfmeat wi€i be asked fo comple€e twa kypes of evaluafion: . Each parfScipant wilt be asK�i to comotefe a pasYicipant's evaluation of fhis training. . The contracting party et Saint PaW Fire Deparkment wi11 be asked "to compiete a client evaloation of Gentury Caltege. Ne# Steps - � - � Piease ronfact,lon OEsoa atCenfuryCollage Gon€inuirrg Education and Customized Treir�ing with quesfions or to discuss proposal deta;ls ai (851) 779-5534 a jon.olson@century.edv Saint Paul fire Dsparhnent will generate a coniract for the agreed-upon training services, which must be signed by boih parties p.=iof tu tt� starf af trairdng. tn addifion, your orgsnizatinn YriVI 6e asked to Arovide Ceniurf Ca€lege wifh a lisf of names af course pariiaipants so fha: we can maintain h2ining records and issne Cfltneietion Certificates. Thanir you for the oppor�vr,iiy to serve you? 10 �o-I�I Risn i4lanagemeni Division Cenfennial (3fffce 33uiId'mg 658 CedarStreet S� PauI, Mina¢sofa SS355 Phone: (65f)259-38I� Fax: (651) 297-7715 TTY: (80D} 627-3529 October 29, 2009 City of Saint Paut . Fi�e AepatT�t�ent Atir.: I�eith Morehead I683 Energy Parl; Diive St Paul, M`I 55108 RE: Cerd7ication Regarding Worlcer�s' CompBnsafion Coverage Nfr Morehead, This is to cest'sfy that Century ColSege, as a patt of the Minnesota State colleges and Univezsities (NfnSCTn, is an agency of ffie State of 1VIi�uiesQia snd is self-isisured like aIl other sEaEe agencies ��tith xespect to its workars' compensatian coverage. TheDepattment of Administr�afion, Phraugh its RiskManagementDivision, hendIes the aciminishation, payment and defense of fhis agency's n oikers' campensacion cIaims pnssuant to Minnesota Statufe 276.541. Payment of any claim c��ovid be made from ttie Stafe Campensation Ravotving Pund pursuant to Nfinnesota Statate �7b.591. Sinceir,ly, ���'�. ✓ Crary Westman, iYlanager Workers' Com�ensaTian Program I2isk Maaagement Di Vi si on (651) 259-38i0 Qary westman@ state.mn.2zs An Equal Oppo[W,�Ity Empfoyer ➢E?kItTMEJdT OF AD?dfN7SRt ATION �o-I�I ������ EF9AkIC9R4F1�p1YKlFIS10' Sia{e ofi Mlnneso£a Ris'�c Mana,ement Fund 3 i0 Gen#snnia( Jff�ce Buiidfr,g fi58 Gedar 8(raef St. Pau(, Mhi 551 �S (fi5T) 26'I-2593 CerEificate af Covsrags 7h7s ts fo certliy fhat covenge deserlded bafavf ls effecfive,oar tJre sfatufory authorityreterenced. Thfs ce7tfftcafe is not a palicy or a blader of tnsUranca anBdaes naf in any vray ath , amend or extend flte coverage alforded by any reference hereln. 7fre coverage is subJect Ea a!1 terms and condJBons uf Sha sfatniory autbority. _ Insured: MNSCU-CenWryCOlfege-X35009 PoitcyNumber: 9073PKi0 3300 Csntusy Avenus FailcyTSrm: 7/1(2009 to 71SI2A40 WhiteBeafLake,MN b5170 Qafe�erfifilcatelssued: 50129YZ009 7ypa or Coverage Limits & Deduct7bles ommercfal General Liability 500,IIi16 Bodify inyary & Property Aamage - per person t,500,00P Bodtly tn]ury & Propertp �amage- p=r occvrrenc Coverage ls alforded per fhis cerfiRCate and the siatt�fe(s) Yeferenced below. Mumbet'rsA-iAd6 as asstgned hy ttee Mh` Dayartmenf of Comme�ce DATES 06 CQVERAGE: DESCRiP710N OF COVEF2AGE: tSSUED 70: Ci€y oF Sa(nt Paui �ire Depar€menf At!n: Keith Norehsad 1683 �nergy Park Drive St Paui, MN 55908 7/i/2009 - 7/912010 Evidenea of }nsurance lS3U� BY; I2ISK MANA6EMENT OMSION l ✓W � r Aufhorized Signafu .. � �o-i�l ���� DFpIRN.- � Sfate af &linaesofa Risk RflanagEment �und 310 Cen�nniaf 0#fice BaiSdirlq 658 Cedar Sfreef Sf. Paul, MN 55155 {fi51 } 201-2593 certiHcate of Caverage Thls fs €o ceRify fha£ coveraAe described befowts effecttue per the statutory authorlty referenced. 7hls cerftflcaie is nat a pollcY nr a binder oPlnsutance and does rto2ln any v�ay aite„ amend or extend ihe coverage afforded by any Yeferance hereJn. Tb8 coverage 75 subject fo atf te�ms eqd condfftons o5 fhe sfafvtory aufhorlfy, Coverage Js aFforded per ihis cartFficate and !he s4afafefsJ referenced tse�ow. Is A4066 as assfgnetl by the hW IIepBfinenf ofCommeTCe DATES OF COV�RAi'sE: 71'E120�3 - 711l2010 DESCRfP710NOFC�VERAGE: Evidanceoflnsvrance E55UED 70: ISSUED 8Y: RISK MANAC�EtJIEi1T DIVBlON CiFy af SainF Paa( t��W � U L✓ � Fira Departmenf At�thorized Slgnafut Atfn: Ke([htlorehead 1683 Energy Park Drive S{ Paul� MN 551D8 � insared: MNSCU-CenfvryCofiege-X35000 PoBOyHUmber: ' Oa46AU20 330DCenfuryAvenue Policy7erm; - . � - - 71712�0910714l26T0 White Beaz l.ake, MN 55410 DaFe Certtficate lssued: 1Qf2912009