10-140Council File #16 — /�D Green Sheet #3092776 RESOLUTION CITY OF SA�[VT PAUL, MINNESOTA 9 Presented 1 RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul, Police Department is authorized to enter into the attached Joint 2 Powers Agreement with the United States Marshals Service (USMS) to participate in the District of MN 3 Fugitive Task Force (DTF). A copy of said agreement is to be kept on file and on record in the Office of 4 Financial Services. Bostrom Carter Harris Thune by � � Adopted by Council: Date °�//!l�/J Approv�fl 6y�G�aydr/f�r Sub�}�sion to Council Adoption Certified b Counc' Secretary By: BY� / / //1/O��/ //i�lJ Approp y o• Date �(o B � � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Gresn Sheet � /0�1�0 - --- ---- Depar[ment/Office/Council: '� Dafe initiated: �� Pp Police Department ; z, oE�2oo9 Green Sheet NO: 3092776 �� - -- - — — — � Deoartment Sent To Person InitiallDate Contact Person & Phone: - �----------- ---- ----- - -- , GhiefJohnHarrin9ton � o PoLCeDepartmeot____._ .__ . _ PoticeDeparhueuc___ ; -___ - „__ . _-_ . 266-5588 ' 1 PohceDepartment_ _ __ ', P _ '� Assi n , — -_ - _ - , - _ __ - _ _ - _ . ___ _ _ _ _ -_ . 9 2 C� Attom ' _ C� Attomev Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): ', Number Ty e -�� � � � 3 Financial Sernces _ __ _ __ ' � � _ � IDrector, FSO _ _ ' -.. __ _ _: _ - - .' -____ __ -__ _ ____--__ __ _, Routing � 4 Mayor•sOffice. __— --_-- ,- _ I a - Doc.T RESOLUTION �I Order 5 Cooncil______ ,___ _ __Council _ _ y �� � , 6 Cdy Clerk__ _ City Clerk ___ __ _ _ _ >_- ____-_-_ -_____.. �_'___-___ __-. _:'__ , _ i 7 Potice Department _ _ J _ _ _ P4GCe Department_ _ � ___ _ _ E-DocumentRequired: Y I �' Document Contact: Evette Scarver �� , ConWCt Phone: 266-5541 '� I � - --- - ----� -- - - - ---- ._- - - - i . . . ------ - � ----- --- --- , Total # oF Signature Pages! (qip All Locations for Signature) _ _....._______ - -___ __ _ _ ____- ___ - -___ _-__ - 4 Action Requested: '� Signatures on the attached council resolution authorizing the City of Saint Paul, Police Deparhnent to enter into the attached Joint Powers Agreement with the United States Mazshals 5ervice (USMS). - -- - --�------ �� -------_.. Recommendations: Approve (A� or Rejeet (R): Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission -- - -- — --� -----------� �------ - -- - �� �� Personaf Service Cortraats PAust Answer the Fullowing Questions: I � 1. Has this persoNfirm ever worked under a contract for this department? � Yes No i � 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a city employee? I ' Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No ' � Explain all yes answere on separete sheet and attach to green sheet. __ _-__. _ _____ -__-_____ _-- _....___ -_.__ - _ __.. --- _-___._____ �Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): ; The City of Saint Paul, Police Deparhnent will participate in the Distcict of MN Fugitive Task Force with the USMS to assist in the �i apprehension of fugitives. The USMS will reimburse the City of Saint Paul, Police Deparhnent for overtime hours worked. i I -- --- - �-- � - - ---------------- � pdvantages If Approved: �! Opportunity to partnership with outside agencies to apprehend fugitives. � Disadvantages If Approved: � None. �I � DisativanWges If Not Approved: I Lost opportunity to partnership with outside agencies to apprehend fugirives. i i - ---- - -- ---- ---- - ---- — - - Totai Amount of 'i, �' � ..(7��� � CosURevenue Budgeted: � Transaction: i Fundi�y source: United tates Marshals Service qctiviry Number. , Financiallnformation: I (ExPlain) � -. � ..,b� � -� ----�- ---- - - - - - - -' ,��� � � ���5� �-- - - --- ��I ` ``�����0���� � --- -- � __ .. i ! December 21, 2009 226 PM Page 1 �- � : x � ;�� �,. �' ���ea�.�i . ` ,..���, . 1 s .. :a.,�n. . � , Obligation Number: D41-10-0444 FISCAL YEAR 2010 ?v�iv_ro�An�nuM oF uNn�us�Asv�axc JOINT LAW ENFORCEMENT OPERATIONS Memorandum of Understanding (MOi� between: St. Paul Police Department And United States Marshals Service �\� lo�l�fb The purpose of this MOU notice is to obligate funding for state and local agencies to purchase fuel and retrofitting for vehicles provided with Asset Forfeiture funding, pursuant to the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Marshals Service and St. Paul Police Department. Period of Performance: October 6, 2009 to September 30, 2010 FY 2010 Appropriation Data: D41 5042X JLEOTFS 4 soc 2607 (Fuel obligation) $ 6,000 D41 5042X JLEOTFS 4 soc 2544 (Retrofitting obligation) $ 5,000 State and local agencies are to purchase fuel and retrofitting for vehicles provided to support joint law enforcement operations and Marshals Service fugitive task forces. A total of $ 6,000 is provided for each vehicle for fuel. A total of $ 5,000 is provided for each vehicle for retrofitting. Upon receipt of a proper invoice for these purchases, the Marshals Service will reimburse the state and local agencies for these expenses. ��,�.P.a,,, v� Certification of Funds Available: Sharon Eliason ���� Sharon Eliason Admin Officer District of Minnesota - D41 MOU Authorization: �� f�� Chris Kawaters Deputy or RFTF Commander Representative 11/12/09 Date � � ]�� ��� ,'Date / Da� � Form USM-607 Rev.11/09 � t �E� ' a ��: t�, ` �5 s �°^ 0� U.S. Department of Justice United States Marshals Service Minnesota Disfrict Minneapolrs, MN 55495 MEMORANDUM OF IJNDERSTANDING U. S. Marshals Service District of NIN Fugitive Apprehension Task Force November 16, 20Q9 This memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is entered into by the Saint Paul Police Department and tLe United States Marshals Service (USMS) pursuant to the Presidential Threat Protection Act of 2000 (Public L. 106-544, § 6, December 19, 2000, 114 Stat. 2718, 28 U.S.c. § 566 note). The Presidential Threat Protection Act of 2000 provides that, "the Attorney General shall, upon consultation with appropriate Department of Justice and Department of the Treasury law enforcement components, establish permanent Fugitive Apprehension Task Forces consisting of Federal, State, and local law enforcement authorities in designated regions of the United States, to be directed and coordinated by the United States Mazshals Service, for the purpose of locating and apprehending fugitives." 1. Period of Performance: This MOU may be renewed annually based on written notification from the USMS, on or about October 1 of each new fiscal year. Participating agencies may withdraw their participation after providing 30 days advance written notice to the Chief Deputy or Task Force Coordinator. Subject to availability of funds, this MOU will be renewed annually based on written notification from the U.S. Mazshals Service. 2. Reimbursement: The Marshals Service receives Asset Forfeiture funding for either 1) overtime incurred by state and local investigators who provide full time support to Marshals Service district fugitive apprehension task forces; or 2) travel, training, purchase ar lease of police vehicles, fuel, supplies or equipment for state and local investigators in direct support of state and local investigators. The USMS X shail o shall not reimburse your organization for expenses incuned, depending on which category of funding is provided. An MOU must be signed and executed on or prior to the date of the Purchase Order which is the obligating document. Reimbursement of overtime work shall be consistent with the Fair L,abor Standards Act. Overtime per law enforcement officer is capped at no more that $16,903 per year. Reimbursement of for all types of expenses as defined above shall be contingent upon the submission of a proper invoice which shall be submitted on a quarterly fiscal year basis, and which provides the names of the investigators who incurred overtune for the district fugirive apprehension task force during the quarter; the number of overtime hours incurred; the Page 1 of 4 /0-l�D hourly regular and overtime rates in effect for each investigator, and the total quarterly cost. The invo9ce should be submitted to the USMS Chief Deputy or Task Force Coordinator, who will review the invoice, stamp and sign indicating t$at services were received and that the invoice is approved for payment. Invoices for equipment, supplies, training, fue1, and vehicle lease should provide supporting documentation including receipts. Group supervisors are responsible for scheduling the duty hours of the personnel assigned to their group, subject to the supervision of the Task Force Coordinator and the availability of compensation. Agencies within the Dishict may join the task force at any tune with the consent of the USMS and after consultation with the Task Force Advisory Committee. Agencies that wish to join will sign a copy of the existing MOU for the District. The addirion of agencies to the District Task Force is contingent upon the availability of funds each fiscal year. 3. Personnel and Supervision; The district task force will consist of law enforcement and administrative personnel from federal, state, and local enforcement agencies. Each participating agency may agree to assign at least one full-time law enforcement officer to the task force or conduct operations in an ad-hoc basis. Additional law enforcement o�cers may assist with iask force operations as necessary. Airection and coordination of the district task force shall be the responsibility of the USMS Chief Deputy. Subject to the needs of the task force, participating agencies may assign supervisory personnel to serve as group supervisors within the task force. Each group supervisor will be responsible for the operational supervision of a multi-agency group of federal, state, and local law enforcement officers assigned to the task force. The current task force, if applicable, will be integrated within the district fugitive task force to formulate a joint task force with a greater scope of responsibility and wider area of coverage. Administrative matters which are internal to the participating agencies remain the responsibility of the respective agencies. Furthermore, each agency retains responsibility for the conduct of its personnel. 4. Task Force Advisory Committee: A Task Force Advisory Committee, consisting of representatives of each participating agency, shall meet and confer as necessary to review and address issues concerning the district task force. 5. Vehicles and Equipment: Any vehicles, equipment, credentials, or other items issued to task force personnel by the USMS shall remain the properiy of the USMS at ail times. Govemment vehicles shall be used only for o�cial purposes and solely far the use in the performance of the task force. They shall not be used for transportation between residence and place of employment. Any other equipment used by or assigned to task force officers will remain the property of the agency issuing the equipment and will be returned to that specific agency upon termination of the task force or upon agency request. Equipment and supplies purchased by the state and ]ocal agencies in support of full time state and local investigators assigned to the district fugitive apprehension task force will remain the properiy of that state or local agency. Pending the availability of funding, each participating agency agrees to furnish one vehicle Page 2 of 4 lol�y� for use by the task force for each law enforcement ofFicer assigned to the task force (unless a USMS owned or leased vehicle is assigned to the officer). Each agency is responsible for the fuel, maintenance and other expenses associated with the use of its vehicles. Pending the availability of funds and equipment, the USMS will issue USMS radios to each task force officer. Each participating agency agrees to provide mobile and/or handheld radio equipment capable of communicating on their law enforcement radio network. Pending the availability of funds, the USMS will futnish cellulaz telephones to be used for o�cial district task force business. 6. Background Investigations and Special Deputafion: Personnel assigned to the task force may be required to undergo background investigations in order to be provided access to USMS offices, records, and computer systems. In the event that such background investigations aze xequired by the USMS for state or local personnel, the USMS shall bear the costs associated with those investigations. Non-USMS law enforcement o�cers assigned to the task force will be deputized as Special Deputy U.S. Marshals. 7. Records, Reports, and Evidence: Original reports of investigation, evidence, and other investigative materials generated, seized, or collected by the dish fugitive task force shall be retained by the agency in the district fugitive task force responsible for the case. However, evidence may be turned over to other law enforcement agencies as appropriated. Copies of invesrigative reports and other materials may be provided to other agencies in accordance with applicable laws, rules, and regulations. Task force statistics will be maintained in the USMS Warrant Information Network (WII�. Staristics will be made available to any participating agency upon request. 8. Referral and Assignment of Cases: Each participating agency agrees to refer cases for invesfigation by the district fugitive task force. Upon receipt of a written request, the district fugifive task force may also assist non-participating law enforcement agencies in locating and arresfing their dangerous fugitives. Task force personnel will be assigned federal, state, and local fugitive cases for investigation. Investigative teams will consist of personnel from different agencies whenever possible. Each participating agency retains responsibility for the cases they refer to the district fugitive task force. 9. NCIC Entries: Federal fugitive cases referred to the task force for investigation by any participating agency will be entered into the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) by the USMS or originating agency, as appropriate. State or local fugitive cases will be entered into NCTC (and other applicable state or local lookout systems) as appropriate by the concerned state or local agency. 10. Travel: Task force personnel may be required to travel outside of the jurisdiction to which they aze normally assigned in furtherance of task force business. State or local task force officers traveling on official business at the direction of the USMS shall be reimbursed directly by the USMS for their travel expenses in accordance with applicable federal laws, rules, and regulations. 11. Informants: Pending availability of funds, the USMS may provide funding for the payment of informants. However, all payments of informants urilizing USMS funding shall comply with USMS policies and procedures concerning confidential informants and protected sources. Page 3 of 4 /o-I�fo 12. Use of Firearms and Deadly Force: All members of the disirict fugitive task force shall comply with their agency's guidelines conceming the use of fireanns and deadly force. Copies of all applicable firearms and deadly force policies shall be provided to the Task Force Chief and each concemed task force o�cer. 13. News Media: Press conferences, press releases, and other statements to the media concerning task force arrests and operations shall be coordinated among all the participating agencies. 14. Release of Liabilify: Each agency shall be responsible for the acts or omissions of its personnel. Participating agencies or o�cers shall not be considered as the agent of any other participating agency. Nothing herein is intended to waive or limit sovereign immunity under federal or state statutory or constitutional law. onn nanmgton, (.�f51et; Saint aul Police Dep aent Date: 6 a�Gum ni e ` States Marshal, District of Minnesota Date: �l �+ City Attorney, City of Saint Paul Date: Director, Human Rights, City of Saint Paul Date: Director, Financial Services City of Saint Paul Date: Page 4 of 4