10-14Council File # 10-14 Green Sheet #3092296 RESOLUTION CITY OF Presented by MINNESOTA l� 1 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council authorize the City of Saint Paul to enter into the attached 2 amendment to agreement #02-13629-C with Ramsey County. A copy of said agreement is to be kept on 3 file and on record in the Office of Financial Services. Requested by Depaxtment of: Adoption Certifi by Coun ' Secretary By� /// / Approved yor: Date t �� 7iO ( O By: By: Approved Sy: Approved BY� � Approved by Mayor for Sub to Council BY / I/.1����-/s � o��U� \ Adopted by Council: Da[e ���o�///� � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sh��f --- -- Depertment/OfficelCouncii: � Date Initiated: Pp Police Department �7 DEC 2009 ConWCt Person 8 Phone: Chief John Harrinpton 26C)-SS88 , Must Be on Councii /�qenda by (Date): O6JAN-10 __ . _ _ Doc. Type: RESOLUTION � E-Document Required: Y ', Document Contact: Evette Scarver 'i � 0 i � A55ign Z Number 3 For , Routing < Order ' S 6 7 Green Sheet NO: 3092296 SeM To Person InitiaVDate � _ _ ___ PoliceD�artment___ _ __ _ _ _ __ PohceDepartment __� �._ _ __ _ _ Qty Attoroey _ _ _ � _— IDrecta�_FSO � _= = ��.ar _ ���.� �; Council . _' _ __ __ - - _ ._' __- __ _-- - -__-_— .__ _ _ _ _' _ - - _ - City_Clerk ____ _ _' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _� ��� _ Police De�srtment . ,_ , _ _ _ _ l I Total # of Signature Pages _, (Clip All L � I � � � �- � �� � .� _ ConWCt Phone: 266-5 1 ' _ _ y _ __—_- - .. _ - _ _ __ ---__ ' oeations for Signature) __— _ __ _-__ __.-__--.--- __..- __- ___ -__ Action Requested: ', Signatures on the attached council resolution authoirizing the City of Saint Paul, Police Deparhnent to entet into the attached I amendment to agreement #02-13629-C with Ramsey County. I �'�, RecommendaGons: Approve (A) or Rejecf (R): �� P¢rsonal Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions: '' Planning Commission 1. Has this persoNfirm ever worked under a contrect for this departmenl? � CIB Committee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this personffirm ever been a cily employee? Yes No 3. Does ihis persoNfrm passess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? __ �, Yes No ��� I ExPlain all yes answers on separate sheet and aHach to green sheet. - '; - ____ . ___— — _. ._ _____ _ _. ��, Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): , The City of Saint Paul wishes to continue to participate in an intra-governmental agreement to Allow Administrarive Coordinator ��, Angie Steenberg to continue to perform duties of Adminshative Secretary to Ramsey County. Authorization is needed. Advantages If Approved: � The City will continue to demonstrate a spirit of cooperafion with the Ramsey County Sheriffs Office. The City will be fully reimbursed for all salary, benefits, and related costs associated with the agreement. -- — -- ---- - -- - - -- --.-" _ _ , '�, Disadvantages If Approved: ' None. �- - - -- - - -- - � ----- - --------- � � j Disadvantages If Not Approved: �� Lost opportunity to provide a long-time City employee with an opportunity to gain experience outside the City with no costs to the , Ciry. � � Total Amount of � Transaction: F�nd�ny source: See Agreement Financial Information: '� (Facplain) CosVRevenue Budgeted: ActivityNumber. � 168 'i ���� ���� �� I ."-` ° �°�m . . ��� k December 17, 2009 8:51 AM Page 1 AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT #02-13629-C 0-14 n 0 l�c� r THIS AGREEMENT, entered this December 17` day of December 2009, by and between the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, a municipal corporation under the laws of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as"City" and the Ramsey County Sheriff, hereinafter referred to as "Provider". WITNESSETH: The City and Provider, in consideration of the mutual terms and conditions, promises, covenants, and payments hereinafter set forth, agree to amend the agreement authorized on July 6, 2005, by the Saint Paul City Council for the interchange of public employee Angie Steenberg to the Office of the Sheriff as follows: A. Pursuant to paragraph 1, Effective August 7, 2009, Ms. Steenberg will be placed on an intergovernmental mobility assignment from the City to the Sheriff until December 31, 2010. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto are authorized signatories and have executed this amendment to agreement #02-13629-C, the day and year first above written. County Attorney Sheriff Mayor or Designee For the City: County of Ramsey: .-� Preseuted By: Referred Ta: RESOLUTION OF SAiNT PAUT,, MINNESOTA f8 Committee:Date: 1 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council authorized the City of Saint Paul to enter into the aitached 2 amend.ment to a�eement n62-13629-C with Ramsey County. A copy of said ag: is to be kept on £ile 3 and on record in the Off ce of Financial Services. 1D 1] 12 13 14 15 16 27 18 19 24 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date: ��/��app f Adoption Cer(ified by C uncil Secretary: BY� �i�i. � i�<�� Approved by yor: Date: ��{ �C� BY� �/ 6L��4.'�'�`-"'`'�`. 4:�F�scalAfl airs�,40&CR�2ooTAngieSleenbergame�02_t 3629_GXis _, Approval Recommended by Financial Services: By: Approved a or for Su 's ion t Council: By: �. co�n�il F;�e # 1 �$`°/�/ Green Sbeet # 3047811 10-14 AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT #02-13629-C THIS AGREEMENT, entered this 19�' day of December 2007, by and between the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, a municipal corporation under the laws of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as "City" and the Ramsey County Sheriff, hereinafter referred to as "Provider". WITNESSETH: The City and Provider, in considerarion of the mutual terms and conditions, promises, covenants, and payments hereinafter set forth, agree to amend the agreement authorized on July 6, 2005, by the Saint Paul City Council for the interchange of public employee Angela Steenberg to the Office of the Sheriff as follows: A. Pursuant to pazagraph 1, Effective August 7, 2007, Ms. Steenberg will be placed on an intergovernmental mobility assignment from the City to the Sheriff far 24 months. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto are authorized signatories and have executed this amendment to agreement, the day and year first above written. the City: of Police County of Ramsey Approved as to form: ����--'� Assist�Ct}t Ciry Attorney Directsr, Financial Services �„� C�'�(- �.$ -5° Ma or or Designee �/ w �� Bob Fle�l�er, Ramsey County Sheriff � Green Sheet # 3n�_ RESOLUTION CITY O�' SATNT PAUL, NIINNESOTA 15 PRESE'_V'TED BY GOK'�TTEE: DAT£ g��RRED TO 1 WgEREAS, Minnesota Statutes 15.�1 et. se . provides for the interchan�e of public 2 employees among various j�isdictions, and 3 4 WgEREAS, Minnesota Statutes 47159 et. se . requires the consent of the govermng 5 bodies of political subdivisions to enter into a�eements among them for such matters as 6 employee interchanges; and v 8 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul and Ramsey County desire to enter into an agreemen 9 for the intra-govemmental transfer of Aciministrative Coordinator Angie Steenberg of the Saint 10 Paul Police Depariment; and 11 12 WI;�REAS, it is the intent af the Council that the City be reimbursed by Ra;nsey oun 13 for all costs incurred by the City as a result of tlus trans?er, including saiary, fringe benefits and 14 pension costs; now therefore be it is as RESOLVED, that the proper City officiais aze authorized to enter into a wntten 17 ageement consistent with the above zecitals and applicable laws. 10-14 AGREE�/fENT ?2AMSEY COL7N 1 Y". SHERt�'F'S D�PART�FNT ��` '" ��;� Aiv CITY OF SAI?�T P_A"si,. PO"LICE D�� ARTY�ENT This a� is hereby entered into the , 20C� by and betweea the County ef Ramsey, acting through ifs Sheriif (hereinaite: "County") and the City of S ini Paui, Police Depanment (hereinaiter "City"). WHEREAS, fhe employee Angela Steenberg, is a regular employee of the City, in the posifion of Administrative Coordinafor, with certain rights as a Ciry employee; and WHEREAS, the parties agree that Ms. Steenberg be granted an intergovemmental mobility assignment from the City to the Ramsey County Sheriff's Department to assume duties deseribed; and WHEREAS, this agreement is authorized and subject to the Laws of Minnesota, Minnesota Statutes 1551-15.59 (inclusive), NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto and their respective agencies hereby agree as follows: 1. Effective ���sr{ �'e�2005, Ms. Steenberg will be placed on an intergovernmental mobility assignment from the City to the Department for an initial period of 24 months, upon the appro�ral of the City Council. This assignment may be extended for an additiona124 months upon agreement by the Cify and fhe County and execution of a written amendment to this agreement. 2. Under the direction of Bob Fletcher, Sheriff; Ms. Steenberg wiii perform the duties of Administrative Secretary-Sheriffl s Dept. 3. As Ms. Steenberg serves at the pleasiue oi the Sheriff, tlus intergovernmental mobiIity agreement may be terminated at any time by the Sherif£ This agreement may also be termii�ated at any time by Ms. Steenberg or the City with 30 days _. written notice. 4. The Sheriffs Deparhnent sha11 reimburse Ms. Steenberg for ail expenses incurred which relate to her duties as the Sheriff's Auministrative Secretary pursuant to applicable Depzrtrmen± ex_pense reimbursement policies. 5.. During the life of this intergovemmentai mobiiity agreement, Ms. Steenberg remains a regular employee of the City and continues to accrue and retain beIlEfltS, SeIllOT1Sy, COTT1PeIlS3L10Il 2IlQ 3110WA.RCCJ ilUtii uic �iiy ii1 a.CCvLuauCC 10-14 w:tn any current and subsequen�ly appzoved Ciry a�nipistrauve �arocedures 31C�OI T �riQ 12_b0_T 2.oTe°Il1ERiS, LT1CIUd1Il� 2Ly ll1CZ°�SeS 1I1 COiT!�72RS2110Il 07 allowaaices fhat may occur duing the efiecuve daies of fnis mobilify agreemeni ior which �/s. Sieenbe.g wo��1d be eii� ole. Ms. Steenber� w�ll comply w.th �ny Ciry procedures related io recei�i of zllowances o* use oi siclJvacation iime. Totai compensa�ion under ihis agreement for Ms. Steenberg's services is contained in the attacheu letter, wnich is incorporated by reierence into ihis agreement. 6. All of Ms. Steenberg's compensation will be subject to the Public Employee Retirement Association oi Miru-�esota with contributions from the City and Ms. Steenberg. 7. During the life of this intergovernmental mobility agreement, the Sheriff's Department shall reimburse the City for 100 percent of Ms. Steenberg's compensation and reiated fringe benefit costs, including overtime payment, which receives from the City as described in Paragraphs 5 and 6 above, on a quarterly basis, or by some other arrangement as mutually agreed by the Department and the City, for the length of the mobility agreement or until such time as the City informs the Department of any salary increases as stated in Paragraph 5. Actual figures are contained in the attached letter, which is incorporated by reference. 8. Each party is responsible for its own acts and behaviors and the results thereof. The Stafe's liability is gavemed by the Minnesota Tort Claims Act, Minnesota Statutes 3.736. The City's responsibility is governed by the Municipal Tort Claims Act, Minnesota Statutes 466.02. AIthough the supervision of Ms. Steenberg's duties will rest exclusively with the Ramsey County Sheriff's Department, she is not an employee and isn't entitled to any benefits including but not limited to, unemployment benefits, pension, sick and vacation leave, death and medical benefits except as provided in MN Stat. 15.54, Subd. 3 9. Notiung in this intergovemmental mobility agreement, explicit or implicit, sha11 be construed to be an offer or promise of permanent employment for Ms. Steenberg with the Ramsey County Sheriff's Department. 10. 2�s. Steenberg retains t ie r;ght to refiari to her previous employment �*.�ith ±?�e City apon expuation oi ihe mobility assignment or due to termination of the assig�vment at any time dtuinp the eifective dates of this mobility a�reement. 10-14 1l. The City will su�*�it invoices to the R�msey C�unty Sheriiz"s Depat�:nent as a� eed between ihe fz:,wo pa�ues on a qua; bzsis. Fir�al invoices at he end o_' each siaie nscal year �ine �onth of June) wi11_ be submi�ed no later than Aueust 15`� oi each calendar year. Counry of Ramsey \ o '�—'� " � � � City Attorney-approved as to form z�� `���-=- F;nar:ce Direct� Ci-��-S E�S '�) �.1