182677 Original to City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL 1.82.6n OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE N�' COU CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE• Lu.[tii i Council File No. 18287 By Severiet A. rginso reas, ere is a i 17 ate need for electrical services :t .:faint Paul *R1*utl...:..:3kadilll� ' e the S§ t WHEREAS, there is an immediate need for electric- 1- services at the Saint Paul Municipal Stadium since the Saint Paul Ball Club is using the Stadium for its game- , and WHEREAS, electrical service could not be contracted for prior to the time the use agreement with the Ball flub for the Stadium was executed, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint a'aul hereby declares an emergency exists where failure to a • t promptly in hiring the professional services of an ele.trician would work an injury to the City and might jeopardize 'he electrical installations at said Stadium, and that in ' on- sequence thereof the proper City officers are hereby a thor- ized and directed to enter into the proposed agreement between the City and Tieso Electric Company, Incorporaled, for the period a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part her- of of one year by reference, wRt31.-s -time•-as--tie- re irtg-44gerr;- as kad-aR-•oppe Ri --to- ar]1-f-o-r-#'o-rmei-kr ds-+er-metre-re q• tsi se. 4eee-arld--eft-ags-eetnerre- e4wreerr thee#ty-'atnd--elre-sur ess-tat bidder-.has- -e t e4 iFi o-s- at the end of said year the Purchasing Agent shall call for formal bids for the requisite se ices and an agreement between the city and the then successful bidder sha be entered into. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council MI Y 7 14975_ Yeas Nays MA. 7 1957 DeCourcy Holland Approved 195- Marzitelli In Favor C:Fda Mortinson I -��'—� � Mayor � Against Acting Rosen • 114iht4WAINNI PuBLISHEDS---N-s--7 Mr. Inc President (Ppa) 5M 2-57 feSpo.2