182674 Original to City Clerk . R '�' CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Frank I. 1.- ell i COMMISSIONE '-IV��I�� ," DATE May 2, 1957 4t-►✓l .^ ` �� V l Resolved, That the o' issioner of Public Works be and is hereby authorized t and ordered to cause the section of streets named in the accompanying list on file in the office of the City Clerk to be flushed, sprinkled or ones for the purpose of public health and dust suppression for the year 1957. Coundi no. No 18267 YG Frank A. Mai:rite YIP-Resol+l That the dc- "Is' of Public aFks be gad he;ebY il authorized and ordered cause the section of 'street* Sle 't, al ; comp'ahnyin6 1Ld x to' Bushed. sprinkled t e. Cit9 1 lbr Pure o= aprinlded Qr e8+� public health and d..: suppresdon 1°12141h4 by126the . . Y 7.188?. Approved MaY 7. 1857 I (May 11, 1' r)I COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci AY 7 19 495_ Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Approved 4 i ' 195- Marzitelli Mortinson n Favor 62, ' . ,,FetcjCrrfi""' Acting Mayor Rosen l✓ Against i Brit I]i)La Mr. Vice Pulls t (Pekr GN G-5G S T R E E T F L U S H I N G SEASON OF 1957 Ward 1 Street From To Arcade C St P M & 0 Ry Wheelock Beaumont Payne Drewry Lane Burr Collins Jenks Case Westminster Payne Collins Lafayette Payne Drewry Beaumont Payne Duluth Maryland Orange Earl York Ivy Frank Maryland Ivy Grove NS Mississippi Lafayette Hawthorne Earl Phalen Park Hyacinth Earl Orange Ivy Earl Orange Lafayette Grove Collins Maryland Westminster N P Ry Minnehaha Payne N P Ry Mississippi E S Grove York North Payne Payne Olive Grove Woodward Orange Earl Phalen Park Drive Edgerton Payne Patridge Brunson Payne Payne Seventh Larpenteur Preble Beaumont Payne Seventh Grove N P Ry Westminster York Case Wheelock Mississippi Arcade York Mississippi Westminster S T R E E T F L U S H I N G SEASON OF 1957 Ward 2 Street From To Arcade Sixth C St ' M & 0 Ry Bates Hudson Road Seventh Beech Arcade Earl Burns L.35t W of Johnson Pt. Douglas Bush Mendota Fores. Conway Mounds Blvd Maria Earl Thorn Seventh Fifth Mounds Blvd Maria Greenbrier Minnehaha 3191 outh Hudson Road Mounds Blvd. Johnson Johnson Parkway Seventh Ames Margaret Seventh Earl Maria Plum Seventh Maryland NP Ry White Bear Mendota Beech Bush Minnehaha NP Ry McKnight Mounds Blvd. Clermont Seventh Plum Mounds Blvd. Bates N. Reaney Arcade Seventh Seventh N P Ry Johnson Sixth Bridge Earl Third Mounds Blvd. Maple White Bear Minnehaha Ames White Bear Jessamine Larpeqeur STREET SEASON H I N G EASON4F 1957 Ward 3 From rom To Broadway Kellogg Blvd Grove Ninth Grove Canada Eighth Jackson Willius John Fifth Jackson Johtson Fourth Jackson Kit Jackson Lafayette Grove SS Shepard Grove Jackson Grove hnson ES Fourth John 12 x E of John)Seventh 5 Kellogg Blvd Jackson Viaduct ( Grove Lafayette Road d Sixth Mississippi Grove Broadway Pine Ninth Jackson Grove Pine Fourth G Gov Broadway Prince Rosabel Kellogg Blvd Eighth Grove Seventh Jackson rove Shepard Twelfth Sibley Bridge Sixth Jackson Eighth Ninth Ninth Temperance Twelfth Grove Temperance Jackson Broadway Tenth h Temperance Canada Twelfth Spruce Kellogg Blvd Wacouta S T R E E T F L U S H I N G SEASON OF 1957 Ward 4 Street From To Auditorium Kellogg Fourth Auditorium Fifth Ninth Cedar Kellogg Columbus College Kellogg Cedar Columbus SS Wabasha Robert Eagle ES Levee Kellogg Eighth Wabasha Jackson. Eleventh Cedar Jackson Exchange Kellogg Cedar Fifth Kellogg Jackson Fourth Seven Corners Jackson Hill Eagle Kellogg Jackson WS Shepard Thirteenth Kellogg ES Summit Seven Corners Kellogg Seven Corners Jackson Kellogg Blvd Ramp Exchange & Eagle Kellogg Main Kellogg Tenth Market Kellogg St. Peter Minnesota Kellogg Columbus Mulberry Kellogg Sixth Ninth Summit Jackson Pleasant Kellogg Sixth Rice Tenth Summit Robert Miss. River Blvd. Columbus W. Robert ES Columbus W Thirteenth St. Peter Kellogg Summit Second Wabasha Jackson Seventh Seven Corners Jackson Sixth Summit Jackson Smith Kellogg College Summit SS Kellogg Wabasha Tenth Rice Jackson Twelfth Wabasha Jackson Wabasha Kellogg Summit Wabasha ES Summit (Prod) Columbus Washington Kellogg Seventh S T R E E T F L U S H I N G SEASON OF 1957 Ward 5 Street From To Chestnut Shepard Seventh Colbourne Jefferson 4281 North Eagle WS Shepard Kellogg Edgcumbe ES 9061 S of Montreal Hamline Edgcumbe Hamline Lexington Exchange Forbes Eagle Fifth Pleasant Kellog Forbes Seventh Exchan e Hamline ES Edgcumbe St. Cl it Hill Chestnut Eagle Kellogg WS College Seven Corners Lexington Montreal St. Clair Lombard Lexington Milton Montreal Edgcumbe Seventh Oakland Western Ramsey Oneida 1001 North of James Seventh Osceola Seventh Pleasart Pleasant SS St. Clair Western Pleasant Western Kellog Ramsey Pleasant Sherman Randolph Hamline Seventh Ryan Chestnut Eagle St. Clair SS Hamline Pleasan t St. Clair Pleasant Seventh Seventh 3501 W of Homer Seven Corners Sherman Exchange Seventh High Bridge Kellogg Wilkin Ramsey Sherman. 1 S T R E E T F L U S H I N G SEASON OF 1957 Ward 6 Street From To Baker l25r E of Chippewa Cherokee Cherokee Baker Smith Chicago Wabasha Robert Concord Annapolis Wabash} Congress Wabasha Robert ) Eaton Indiana E. Fairfield W. Eva Indiana Fairfield Fairfield Belle State Fillmore Bidwell State George Cherokee Concord Humboldt George Winifred Indiana Robert State Isabel Wabasha Robert Livingston Concord Isabel Oakdale Prescott State Ohio George Winifred Plato Wabasha Robert Prescott Oakdale Woodbury Prospect Bidwell Hall Robert Annapolis King Robert Concord Miss. River Blvd. Robertson Indiana Fairfield Robie Concord State Smith Annapolis Cherokee State Robert Concord State Robie W. Robie E. State Utah Stryker Baker Winifre Wabasha Winifred Miss. River Blvd. Walter Fairfield Fillmore Winifred Ohio Wabasha S T R E E T F L U S H I N G SEASON OF 1957 Ward 7 Street From To Arundel Summit Marshall Ashland Lexington Western Avon St. Clair Laurel Carroll SS Dale Western Chatsworth Osceola Summit Crocus Place Fairmount Goodrich Dale Fairmount Carroll Dayton Lexington Summit Fairmount Lexington Dale Farrington Summit Marshall Goodrich Hamline Syndicate Goodrich Lexington Alley E. of Difle Grand Hamline Oakland Grotto 77t S of Linwood Summit Hague Syndicate Dale Hamline ES St. Clair Summit Holly Victoria Western Iglehart Lexington. Farrington Kellogg Blvd WS Summit College Kent Summit Marshall Kenwood Osceola & Around Park St. Albans Laurel Syndicate Nina Lawton Grand Summit Lexington St. Clair Marshall Lexington ES Marshall Carroll Lincoln Hamline Oakland Linwood Avon Osceola Mackubin Summit Marshall Marshall SS Hamline Lexington Marshall Lexington Louis Marshall SS Louis Summit Milton Osceola Summit Nina Summit Selby Oakland Summit Western Osceola Milton Pleasant Oxford Osceola Summit S T R E E T F L U S H I N G SEASON OF 1957 Ward 7 (Cont.) Street From To Pleasant NS St. Clair Western Portland Lexington Summit St. Albans Pleasant Summit St. Albans Iglehart Carroll St. Clair NS Hamline Pleasan Selby Hamline Summit Summit Hamline Kellogg Summit Court Lawton Summit Victoria Osceola Marshal Virginia Summit Marshal Western Summit Carroll S T R E E T F L U S H I N G SEASON OF 1957 Ward 8 Street From To Atwater Albemarle Rice Carroll NS Dale Western Central Dale Western. Claghorn Como Lafond Como Dale Rice Dale ES Carroll Arlington Front Dale Rice Iglehart Farrington Rice Lafond Como Rice Marshall NS Louis Summit Maryland Dale Rice Rice WS Summit Larpenteur Rondo Dale Rice Sixth Summit Iglehart Summit NS Kellogg Rice University Dale Rice Western Carroll Front Wheelock Dale Idaho Wheelock Galtier Rice S T R E E T F L U S H I N G SEASON OF 1957 Ward 9 Street From To Acker Jackson Mississippi Aurora Rice Wabasha Canada Grove Fourteenth Capitol Blvd. University Como Cedar Columbus Como Central Wabasha Robert Central Park West Columbus Central Central Park East Columbus Central Columbus Ireland Blvd. Wabasha Columbus NS Wabasha Robert Como Rice Park Fourteenth Robert Jackson Fuller Rice Park Grove NS Jackson Mississippi Jackson ES Grove Thirteenth Jackson Thirteenth Sycamore Maryland Rice Jackson Mississippi WS Grove York Park Fuller Como Rice ES Summit Larpenteur Robert WS Columbus Thirteenth Robert Thirteenth University Sherburne Rice Lookout Summit NS Rice Wabasha Sycamore Rice Jackson University Rice Robert Wabasha WS Summit Columbus (Prod) Wabasha Columbus Fuller Wabasha Park University Wheelock Rice Mississippi S T R E E T F L U S H I N G SEASON OF 1957 Ward 10 Street From To Bayless Place Cromwell Raymond y ym Carleton University Charles Charles Carleton Hampden Cleveland Como City Limits Como City Limits Hamline Cromwell University Bayless Englewood Snellin Hamline Englewood 9 Fairview University 440c S of Thomas Hamline University Hewitt Hampden University Raymond Hewitt Aldine Hamline Hubbard Fairview Snelling Lafond Aldine Snelling Lexington WS University Van Slyke Lexington WS Nebraska Larpenteur Midway Parkway Snelling Hamline Minnehaha Prior Lexington Pillsbury University Territorial Road Prior University Minnehaha Raymond University Como Snelling University Hoyt Territorial Road City Limits Eustis University NS Emerald Lexington;: Van Buren Fairview Snelling University Territorial Road S T R E E T F L U S H I N G SEASON OF 1957 Ward 11 Street From To Aldine St. Anthony University ! Aldine Place Aldine University Amherst St. Clair Lincoln Ashland Snelling Pascal Beechwood Fairview Snelling Berkeley Mt. Curve Snelling;' Bohland Fairview Snelling Cambridge Princeton Summit Central Dunlap Lexington Cleveland St. Paul University Cretin Ford Highland ; Cretin Summit Miss River Blvd. Desnoyer Eustis Pelham Donohue Syndicate Griggs Edgcumbe Seventh Blvd 906t S ofiMontreal Edgcumbe WS 906x' S of Montreal Hamline Eustis Miss River Blvd Beverly II Exeter Place Miss River Blvd Riverwood; Place Fairmount Woodlawn Cretin Fairmount Prior Fairview Fairmount Snelling Hamline Fairview Edgcumbe Highland Fairview St. Clair Summit Fairview Selby Marshall Finn Ford Highland Ford Miss River Blvd Snelling ; Franklin Emerald University Frontenac Eustis Desnoyer Goodrich Miss River Blvd Cretin Goodrich Cleveland Amherst Goodrich Snelling Hamline Grand Cretin Hamline Griggs Donohue University Hamline WS Edgcumbe Summit Hamline University 755t S of University Hampden Wabash University Highland Miss River Blvd Hamline ; Hillcrest Cleveland Kenneth Hillcrest Prior Snelling Howell Hillcrest Highlan James Fairview Snelling Jefferson Fairview Snelling Juliet Fairview Snelling S T R E E T F L U S H I N G SEASON OF 1957 Ward 11 (Cont.) Street From To Lexington WS Marshall University Lincoln. Fairview Macalester 1 Lincoln Snelling Hamline Ma calester Jefferson Summit Marshall Miss River Blvd Hamline Marshall NS Hamline Lexington Maynard Drive Stewart Maynard Drive E & W Maynard Drives E & W Maynard Drive Seventh Miss River Blvd Seventh Blvd Emerald Montreal St. Paul Edgcumbe Montrose Lane Hartford Randolph Montrose Place Riverwood Place Marshall Mt. Curve Ford Randolph Mt. Curve St. Clair Fairmount Myrtle Hampden Pillsbury Myrtle Montgomery Cleveland Osceola Snelling Hamline Otis Exeter Place Eustis Palace Fairview Snelling Pelham Miss River Blvd Doane Pelham Franklin University} Pillsbury Myrtle University` Pinehurst Howell Fairview Portland Cleveland Pascal Princeton Miss River Blvd Macaleste' Prior Marshall University Randolph Miss River Blvd Hamline Riverwood Place Otis Exeter Place Rome Fairview Snelling St. Clair Miss River Blvd Hamline il St. Paul Montreal Cleveland Sargent Woodlawn Wheeler Saunders Fairview Snelling Selby Fairview Hamline 1 Seventh Blvd Miss River Bridge Seventh � Seventh Edgcumbe 350t W of Homer Snelling Montreal University Stanford Fairview Snelling Stanford Court Miss River Blvd Stonebridge Blvd. Stonebridge Blvd Jefferson St. Clai,'r. Summit Miss River Blvd Hamline1 Syndicate Donohue University 1 S T R E E T F L U S H I N G SEASON OF 1957 Ward 11 (Cont.) Street From To University SS Emerald Lexington Vandalia C N St P & P Ry University Vernon St. Clair Princeton Wabash Hampden Vandalia Wellesley Fairview Snelling Wheeler St. Clair Summit Woodlawn Ford Highland Woodlawn Jefferson Goodrich S T R E E T F L U S H I N G SEASON OF 1957 Ward 12 Street From To Central Lexington Dale Chatsworth Front Van Slyke Como Avenue Como Blvd E. Dale Como Blvd E. Maryland Como Dale WS Carroll Arlington Front Lexington Dale Lexington ES Carroll Van Slyke ke g C y Lexington ES Nebraska Larpenteur Maryland Como Blvd Dale St. Albans Carroll Central St. Anthony St. Albans Dale University Lexington ton Dale Wheelock Como Blvd. Dale II SEASON O F 1 9 5 7 • 0 STREET OILING 'I SEASON CF 1957 Ward 1 it t To 'i Street From T I 4 Arkwright Whitall Hyacinth Arkwright Alley S of Nevada Alley N of Nevada Arlington Mississippi Soo Line Tracks Arlington Edgerton Wheelock I Arlington E.Shore Drive N.P. Ey. I Atlantic 300' S.of Hoyt Larpenteur I Beaumont DeSoto Payne Bedford Payne Minnehaha Bradley Beaumont Fauquier Bradley 110' S.of Case Jenks Bradley Lawson Brainerd Brainerd Arkwright Edgerton I Brighton P1. E.Shore Drive Duluth I Brunson Patridge North I Burnquist Jessamine Maryland I Burr Jenks Ivy California Edgerton Payne �I Case Mississippi Westminster Case Payne Duluth I Chamber 300' S.of Hoyt Larpenteur 0 4' Clark Whitall Case i Clark Rose Maryland I Clear Payne Greenbrier! Clear Arcade Forest I Cook Mississippi Water Co. iR/W Cottage Payne Forest Cypress Sims Jenks Cypress Lawson Jessamine / Cypress Alley S.of Maryland Orange DeSoto Hopkins Fauquier DeSoto Whitall Getanium DeSoto Rose Brainerd Duchess 849 Duchess Case Duluth Alley S.of Magnolia Maryland ] Duluth 303' S.of Hoyt LarpenteUr Earl - West Side N.P. Ry. York Edgerton Payne Larpente English Arlington Larpentei Fauquier Edgerton N.P. Hy. Bridge Forest Omaha & N.P.Bridge Wheeloc Fourteenth Mississippi Lafayette Frank Sims Case Frank Alley S.of Jenks Lawson Frank Alley S.of Cook Marylan�7. Fred Burr Bedford, II STREET OILING SEASON OF 1957 Ward 1 it Street From To II� Geranium Mississippi DeSoto Geranium Burr Duluth Greenbrier Wells Hoyt Grove LaFayette Soo Line Tracks Hawthorne Edgerton Earl Hopkins DeSoto Payne Hoyt Parkway Drive Arcade Hoyt E. Shore Drive English Hyacinth Edgerton Earl Idaho Edgerton Parkway Drive Idaho E. Shore Drive English Iowa Edgerton Payne Ivy Edgerton Greenbri r Ivy Arcade Earl Jenks Mississippi Duluth Jessamine Mississippi Burnquist f • Jessie Minnehaha Fauquier Jessie Whitall Brainerd John Grove Fourteentk� Lafayette Collins DeSoto Lane Place-East & West of Park Jessamine Maryland Lawson Mississippi Duluth I Magnolia Mississippi Burnquist I Maryland Mississippi Westminster Mendota Wells Hawthorne Mendota Hawthorne Wheelock Minnehaha Rivoli Payne Mississippi York Larpenteur Parkway Drive Arcade Mt. Ida Rivoli DeSoto Nebraska Edgerton Arcade Nevada Arkwright Arcade North DeSoto Payne Olive Woodward Fourteenth Orange Edgerton Earl Otsego Lafayette Mt. Ida S T R E E T O I L I N G SEASON OF 1957 Ward 1 Street From To Parkway Drive (E.Side) Hoyt Iowa Parkway Drive (W.Side) Payne California Payne Grove Seventh Pettit Brunson 70' W. of Payne Preble Payne Minnehahal Heaney Edgerton N.P.Ry. Bridge Rivoli 445' S.of Mt.Ida Minnehaha Rose Westminster Duluth Russell N.P. Ry. Case Searle Ivy Sherwood Sherwood Edgerton Forest Sims 100' W.of Westminster Arkwright Sims Edgerton Frank Thirteenth Olive John • • Thirteenth Lafayette Soo Line /Tracks Wadena Payne Greenbrier Walsh York Orange II Walsh Alley S.of Cottage Montana Waverly John Lafayett Weide Wells Alley NC. of Orange Weide Wheelock Montana Wells Edgerton Wall Wells (S.Side) Wall Weide Wells (N.Side) Wall Weide Wells Weide Forest Westminster 900'S.of Whitall York (Barricade) Westminster Case Arlingt•n Wheelock Arcade Forest Whitall Westminster Payne Williams Mississippi 95' Ea=t (Bridge) Woodward Brunson 50' W. of Payne York Westminster Forest York Earl Frank II STREET O I L I N G SEASON OF 1957 (Ward 1 Cont. ) 40 N & S � Alley-Arlington-Nevada-Bradle Y- erton Alley-Arlington-Nevada-Edgerton-Payne Alley-Arlington-Wheelock-Payne-Greenbrier Alley-Bradley-Jessie-Lawson-Cook N 9M' of Alley-Bradley-Jessie-Cook-Magnolia Alley-Burr-Bradley-Lawson-Cook Alley-Case-Jenks-Bradley-Jessie Alley-Case-Jenks-Edgerton-Payne Alley-Case-Jenks-Payne-E.469' Alley-Case-Jenks-Greenbrier-Walsh Alley-Case-Jenks=Walsh-Weide Alley-Case-Jenks-Weide-Arcade Alley-Case-Jenks-Mendota-Forest "T" Alley-Case-Jenks-Forest-Cypress Alley-Case-Jenks-Cypress-Earl "T" Alley-Case-Jenks-Earl-Frank E & W & Ni of N & S Alley-Clear-Cottage-Walsh-Arcade 0 "T" Alley-Clear-Cottage-Arcade-Mendota "T" Alley-Clear-Cottage-Mendota-Fprest Alley-Collins-Beaumont-DeSoto-Burr Alley-Cook-Magnolia-Westminster-Arkwright Alley-Cook-Magnolia-Edgerton-Payne Alley-Cook-Magnolia-Payne-Greenbrier Alley-Cook-Magnolia-Greenbrier-Walsh Alley-Cook-Magnolia-Weide-Arcade Alley-Cook-Magnolia-Arcade-Mendota Alley-Cook-Magnolia-Forest-Cypress • Alley-Cook-Magnolia-Cypress-Earl E & W Alley-Cook-Magnolia-Earl - Frank Alley-Cook-Magnolia-Frank-Duluth Alley-Cook-Magnolia-Duluth-Atlantic "T" Alley-Cottage-Sherwood-Payne-Greenbrier Alley-Cottage-Sherwood-Greenbrier-Walsh E & W Alley-Cottage-Sherwood-Arcade-Mendota "T" Alley-Cottage-Sherwood-Mendota-Forest Alley-DeSoto-Burr-Jenks-Lawson Alley-Edgerton-Searle-Ivy-Sherwood "H" Alley-Geranium-Rose-Edgerton-Payne Alley-Geranium-Rose-Arcade-Mendota Alley-Geranium-Bose-Mendota-Forest STREET OILING Season of 1957 (Ward 1 Conti' ) 4 Alley-Geranium-Rose-Forest-Cypress Alley-Geranium-Rose-Cypress-Earl "T" Alley-Geranium-Rose-Earl-Frank Alley-Geranium-Rose-Frank-Duluth "H" Alley-Hawthorne-Orange-Edgerton-Payne "T" Alley-Hawthorne-Orange-Payne-Greenbrier Alley-Hawthorne-Orange-Greenbrier-Walsh Alley-Hawthorne-Orange-Walsh-Weide Alley-Hawthorne-Orange-Mendota-Forest Alley-Hawthorne-Orange-Forest-Cypress Alley-Hawthorne-Orange-Cypress-Earl "T" Alley-Hawthorne-Orange-Earl-Frank Alley-Hawthorne-Orange-Duluth-Phalen Park Alley-Hopkins-North-Brunson-Payne "T" Alley-Hyacinth-Ivy-Payne-Greenbrier Alley-Hyacinth-Ivy-Mendota-Forest "T" Alley-Hyacinth-Ivy-Earl-Frank Alley-Hyacinth-Ivy-Frank-Orange t • "T" Alley-Ivy-Clear-Payne-Greenbrier "T" Alley-Ivy-Clear-Arcade-Mendota Alley-Jenks-Lawson-Edgerton-Payne Alley-Jenks-Lawson-Weide-Arcade Alley-Jenks-Lawson-Arcade-Mendota Alley-Jenks-Lawson-Mendota-Forest Alley-Jenks-Lawson-Forest-Cypress Alley-Jenks-Lawson-Cypress-Earl E & W Alley-Jenks-Lawson-Earl-Frank East N & S Alley-Jessamine-Geranium-Edgerton-Payn Alley-Jessamine-Geranium-Greenbrier-Walsh Alley-Jessamine-Geranium-Walsh-Weide "L" Alley-Jessamine-Geranium-Mendota-Forest Alley-Jessamine-Geranium-Forest-Cypress "T" Alley-Jessamine-Geranium-Earl-Frank Alley-Jessamine-Geranium,-(tank-Duluth "T" Alley-jessamine-Maryland-Duluth-Lane Place Alley-Jessie-Edgerton-Jenks-Lawson Alley-Jessie-Edgerton-Cook-Magnolia Alley-Jessie-Edgerton-Magnolia-Jessamine Alley-Jessie-Edgerton-Geranium-Rose S T R E E T O I L I N G SEASON of 1957 (Ward 1 Cont. ) Alley-Lane-Burnquist-Jessamine-Maryland Alley-Lawson-Cook-Westminster-363 E. Lawson Alley-Lawson-Cook-Edgerton-Payne Alley-Lawson-Cook-Payne-Greenbrier Alley-Lawson-Cook-Greenbrier-Walsh Alley-Lawson-Cook-Walsh-Weide Alley-Lawson-Cook-Weide-Arcade Alley-Lawson-Cook-Mendota-Forest Alley-Lawson-Cook-Forest-Cypress Alley-Lawson-Cook-Cypress-Earl "H" Alley-Magnolia-Jessamine-Edgerton-Payne Alley-Magnolia-Jessamine-Weide-Arcade Alley-Magnolia-Jessamine-Arcade-Mendota Alley-Magnolia-Jessamine-Mendota-Forest Alley-Magnolia-Jessamine-Forest-Cypress Alley-Magnolia-Jessamine-Cypress-E-rl Alley-Magnolia-Jessamine-Frank-1151 E. Magnolia Alley-Magnolia-Jessamine-Duluth-Burnquist • "H" Alley-Maryland-Hawthorne-Edgerton-Payne "T" Alley-Maryland-Hawthorne-Payne-Greenbrier Alley-Maryland-Hawthorne-Greenbrier-Walsh Alley-Maryland-Hawthorne-Walsh-Weide Alley-Maryland-Hawthorne-Weide-Arcade Alley-Maryland-Hawthorne-Arcade-Mendota Alley-Maryland-Hawthorne-Mendota-Forest Alley-Maryland-Hawthorne-Forest-Cypress Alley-Maryland-Hawthorne-Cypress-Earl "T" Alley-Maryland-Hawthorne-Earl-Frank Alley-Maryland-Hawthorne-Frank-Duluth Alley-Maryland-Hawthorne-Duluth-Palen Park Alley-Montana-Hoyt-Greenbrier-Walsh Alley-Nebraska-Montana-Greenbrier-Walsh Alley-Nebraska-Montana-Weide-150' West Alley-Nevada-Nebraska-Greenbrier-Walsh "T" Alley-Orange-Hyacinth-Payne-Greenbrier Alley-Orage-Hyacinth-Greenbrier-Walsh "T" Alley-Orange-Hyacinth-Earl-Frank Alley-Preble-Payne-Minnehaha- Alley-Rose-Maryland-Arkwright-Clark N 175' of East N & S Alley-Rose-Maryland-Edgerton-Payne STREET O I L I N G SEASON OF 1957 (Ward 1 Cont. ) Alley-Rose-Maryland-Greenbrier-Walsh Alley-Rose-Maryland-Walsh-Weide Alley-Rose-Maryland-Weide-Arcade Alley-Rose-Maryland-Arcade-Mendota "T" Alley-Rose-Maryland-Earl-Frank Alley-Rose-Maryland-Frank-Duluth Alley-Searle-Payne-Ivy-Sherwood "H" Alley-Sherwood-Arlington-Edgerton-Payne "T" Alley-Sherwood-Arlington-Payne-Greenbrier Alley-Sherwood-Arlington-Greenbrier-Walsh "T" Alley-Sherwood-Wheelock-Walsh-Arcade "T" Al1ey•Sherwood-Wheelock-Arcade-Mendota "T" Alley-Sherwood-Wheelock-Mendota-Forest "H" Alley-Sims-Case-Edgerton-Payne Alley-Sims-Case-Payne-Greenbrier Alley-Sims-Case-Greenbrier-Walsh Alley-Sims-Case-Walsh-Weide • Alley-Sims-Case-Arcade-Mendota Alley-Sims-Case-Mendota-Forest "T" Alley-Sims-Case-Cypress-Earl "H" Alley-Sims-Case-Earl-Frank Alley-Wells-York-Edgerton-Payne Alley-Wells-York-Payne-Greenbrier • Alley-Wells-York-Mendota-Forest Alley-Wells-York-Weide-2121 Ely Alley-Wheelock Parkway-Nebraska-Payne-Greenbrier Alley-Whitall-Wells-Edgerton-Payne "T" Alley-York-Sims-Westminster-Arkwright East N & S Alley-York-Sims-Edgerton-Payne Alley-York-Sims-Payne-Greenbrier Alley-York-Sims-Greenbrier-Walsh Alley-York-Sims-Walsh-Weide Alley-York-Sims-Arcade-122' West (807 York) Alley-York-Sims-Arcade-Mendota Alley-York-Sims-Mendota-Forest I S T R E E T O I L I N G SEASON OF 1957 Ward 2 Street From To Algonquin Nokomis Case Ames Johnson Pkwy. Hazel Ames Ruth Edgewater Ames Place Ames White Bear Arcade Conway Fourt N.P. Ry. Curve Arlington Furness Winthrop Atlantic Third C.St.P.M. & O. By. Barclay Third Fremo t Barclay York 190' y of Case Barclay Maryland Arli ton Bates Mounds Blvd. Hudso Bates Seventh Maury Battle Creek Rd. Lower Afton Upper Afton Beech Earl Johnson Beech Hazelwood White Bear Birmingham Burns Pacific Birmingham Maryland Hoyt Breen Echo Rose Breen Hawthorne • Hyac th ik • Burlington East Lower Afton Burns Mound 435' of Johnson (Pave' ent) Burns Clarence White Bear California Kennard White Bear Case 148' W. of Johnson Edgew:ter (English) Cherry Mounds Blvd. Bates Christie Place Hazelwood Larpe teur Clarence Burns Hudso Clarence Sixth Margaret Clarence Minnehaha Case . Clarence Hoyt N/L 1 99 Clarence Clear Kennard Wint lop Clermont Mounds Blvd. Burns Commercial Conway Fitt Conway Commercial Hoffman Conway Maria E. L e of Tell Conway Griffith John-on Pkwy. Conway Hazelwood Whit Bear Conway Ruth East Cottage Kennard Winthrop Craig P1. Idaho Larp=nteur Curve Ivy Ruth Cypress McLean Seventh Dellwood Greenbrier Marg;ret Dora Court W. Dora Lane Uppe Afton Dora Court E. Dora Lane Upped' Afton Dora Lane Dora Court W. Dora Court E. Duluth Sixth C.St,P.M.& O.Ry. i STREET OILING SEASON OF 1957 (Ward 2 Cont. ) Street From To { East Minnehaha Stillwater/ Echo Ames Breen Edgewater - E & W Roadways Case Maryland Eichenwald Sixth Seventh Eighth Maria North Elliott Place Bates Mound English Burns Old Pt. I uglas Etna Burns Pacific Etna Minnehaha Fauquier ! Etna Ames Mechanics Euclid Hudson Frank Euclid Kennard White Bear Fauquier N.P.Ry. Bridge Arcade Fauquier Forest Etna Fauquier Germain Hazel Fauquier • Nokomis East Fifth Commercial Hoffman/ Fifth Maria Clarence Fifth Germain Winthrop Flandrau Wilson Ames • 0 Flandrau Echo Ivy Flandrau Nevada Nebras a Flandrau Hoyt Larpen our Forest McLean Fauquier Fountain North 1171 y Fourth 3001 W of Commercial Hoffm. Fourth Mounds Blvd. Clar- e Fourth Germain White :ear Fourth Hazel East Frank Thorne Hudsodd Road (Sere ce Lane) Frank Hudson Wakef. eld Frank Margaret Save h Fremont Arcade Earl Fremont Gotzian Clar=nce Fremont Birmingham Haze wood Fremont Germain Whit Bear Fremont Hazel East Furness Ivy Hoyt Gary Pl. Hoyt Ida o Geranium Nokomis Edg=water Germain Margaret Sti /water Germain Cottage Arld •ton Germain Hoyt Id= Gotzian Johnson Ma garet • Greenbrier Seventh 12' 2 N. of Margaret Griffith (West Roadway) Burns 1041 North Griffith McLean Pa ific Griffith Johnson . Third S T R E E T O I L I N G SEASON OF 1957 (Ward 2 Cont. ) # Street From To Hancock Third Margaret Hawthorne Flandrau Breen 'i Hawthorne White Bear Ivy Hazel Fremont Heaney Hazel LaCrosse Ames 1 Hazel Maryland Larpenteur Hazelwood Burns TH#12 Hazelwood Third Fremont Hazelwood Sixth York i Hazelwood Ames Maryland Hazelwood Arlington Christi P1. Hoffman Mounds Blvd. Sixth Hope Fourth Minneha* Howard Conway Fourth Howard Fauquier Stillwater Hoyt Hazelwood Ruth Hyacinth Kennard Breen Hyacinth White Bear Ivy • • Idaho Hazelwood Hazel Iowa Hazelwood Hazel Iroquois Nokomis Case Ivy 4751 W.of Birmingham Winthrop Jessamine Johnson Pkwy. Prosperi y Jessamine Kennard Breen 1 Jessamine Nokomis Edgewater Johnson Pkwy. Burns Pt. Douglas (W.Service Drives) Johnson Pkwy. SL #39? Seventh (W.Service Drives) Johnson Pkwy. Burns McLean (E.Service Drives) Johnson Pkwy. SL #388 Fauquier (E. Service Drives) Jordan Stillwater Case Kennard Wilson Case Kennard Jessamine Larpenteur Kingsford Ames Rose LaCrosse White Bear Hazel LaCrosse Ruth Edgewater Lake Fauquier Stillwater Lower Afton Pt. Douglas City Limits Luella Hawthorne Ivy • . S T R E E T O I L I N G SEASON OF 1957 (Ward 2 Cont. ) Street From To • McLean Mounds Blvd. Cla ence Magnolia Prosperity Mec is Magnolia Ruth Edg water Manitou Iroquois Cas Maple Hudson Gre nbrier Margaret Greenbrier Sev nth Margaret Earl Eas Maria Wilshire P1 Maria Seventh North Maryland White Bear Hazel Mechanic Magnolia E.L. Tilsen's Prosp. Park #2 Mendota Wilson Bee�h Mohawk Monitou Cas Montana Hazelwc c c? Curve Mound Thorn Hudson Nebraska Hazelwood Wint op Nevada Hazelwood Cury Newcombe Seventh Oma Ry. Nokomis Fauquier(East) Mary and North Maria Seve th i • Nortonia Minnehaha Stil water Ocean SL #81k 257' N. of Seventh Orange Kennard Bree Orange White Bear Ivy Pacific Forest Pt. ouglas Pacific English Etna Pacific U.S.Highway #61 Barclay Pedersen Alley S.of Third Fifth Pedersen Fauquier Nokomis Pedersen Hawthorne Hyac nth Plum Bates Mapl Prosperity C.St.P.M.& O.Ry. Magn lia Prosperity Jessamine Arli gton Reaney N.P. Ry. Bridge Arcade Reaney Seventh East Rose Kennard Bre- Rose Nokomis Edge :ter Ross Seventh Johns.n Ross Germain 158' I . of Van Dyke Ruth Burns Noko is Ruth Manitou Magnolia Ruth Hyacinth Arli :ton Ruth Curve Larpe teur • 1 STREET O I L I N G SEASON OF 1957 ( II Ward 2 Cont. ) I Street From To Seventh o J hnson Pkwy. Van Dye Seventh Howard East Sherwood Prosperity Winthrop Short Mounds Blvd. Bates Sims White Bear Van Dyke Sinnen Sixth Seventh, Sixth Earl Birming Sixth Flandrau White Bar Springside Drive Winthrop(Pavement) Burlington Stillwater Johnson Clarence Stillwater Hazelwood White Bear Suburban Earl Frank Surrey Mounds Blvd Maple Tell Conway Third Tewana Nokomis Manitou 'I Third Maple East Third N.E. Maple Arcade i $ Thorn 640' W.of Earl Indian M unds Pk. (End of St. ) I Upper Afton Burns City Li0ts Urban Place Mounds Blvd. Bates Utica Jordan Iroquois Van Dyke Wilson Third Van Dyke Minnehaha Case Van Dyke Maryland Ivy Van Dyke Idaho Larpenteu Wakefield Maple Frank Walsh Minnehaha Fauquier Waukon Pedersen Stillwater, Weide Heaney Fauquier White Bear Upper Afton Minnehaha Wilshire Place Mounds Blvd. Maria Wilson Maria 1109 Wilsoi Wilson 1176 Wilson Griffith Wilson Kennard. White Bear Winthrop Minnehaha. Heaney York Johnson Clarence York Barclay Van Dyke 0 III S T R E E T O I L I N G SEASON OF 1957 (Ward 2 Cont. ) • "'H" Alley-Arlington-Nevada-White Bear-Hazel N & S Alley-Bates-Mound-McLean-Hudson Alley-Beech-Minnehaha-Mendota-Forest Alley-Beech-Minnehaha-Forest-Cypress Alley-Beech-Minnehaha-Cypress-Earl Alley-Beech-Minnehaha-Ear1-1104 E. Minnehaha Alley-Beech-Minnehaha-Frank-Duluth Alley-Case-LaCrosse-White Bear-Van Dyke "T" Alley-Clear-Cottage-Flandrau-White Bear Alley-Conway-Third-Arcade-Mendota Alley-Conway-Third-Mendota-Forest Alley-Conway-Third-Forest-Cypress Alley-Conway-Third-Cypress-Earl Alley-Conway-Third-Earl-Tell Alley-Cottage-Sherwood-Ruth 370' East Alley-Euclid-Conway-Forest-Cypress Alley-Euclid-Conway-Cypress-Earl Alley-Fauquier-Ross-Earl-Frank Alley-Fauquier-Ross-Frank-Duluth r 0 Alley-Fauquier-Ross-Duluth-Atlantic Alley-Fauquier-Ross-Kennard-Flandrau Alley-Fauquier-Ross-Flandrau-White Bear Alley-Fauquier-Ross-White Bear-Van. Dyke Alley-Fifth-Sixth-Forest-3631 East to End Alley-Fifth-Sixth-Gotzian-Atlantic Alley-Fourth-Fifth.-Mendota-Forest Alley-Fourth-Fifth-Forest-Cypress Alley-Fourth-Fifth-Hancock-Gotzian-1150' E. Fifth-Fourth Alley-Fourth-Fifth-Atlantic-Johnson Alley-Fremont-Fourth-Mendota-Forest Alley-Fremont-Fourth-Forest-Cypress Alley-Fremont-Fourth-Atlantic-Johnson Pkwy. Alley-Hudson Road-Wakefield-Maple-Forest Alley-Hudson Road-Wakefield-Cypress-Earl Alley-Hyacinth-Ivy-Van Dyke-Hazel "T" Alley-Ivy-Clear-White Bear-Hazel "T" Alley-Ivy-Clear-Hazel-Curve Alley-LaCrosse-Ames-Van Dyke-Hazel Alley-McLean-Pacific-Cypress-Earl Alley-McLean-Pacific-Earl-Frank i S T R E E T O I L I N G SEASON OF 1957 (Ward 2 Cont. ) Alley-McLean-Pacific-Frank-1173 McLean • Alley-Margaret-Beech-Greenbrier-Hope Alley-Margaret-Beech-Arcade-Mendota Alley-Margaret-Beech-Mendota-Forest Alley-Margaret-Beech-Forest-Cypress Alley-Margaret-Beech-Cypress-Earl Alley-Margaret-Beech-Frank-Duluth Alley-Margaret-Beech-Atlantic-Johnson Alley-Margaret-Beech-Flandrau-White Bear Alley-Maria-Bates-McLean-Short Alley-Maryland-Hawthorne-White Bear-Van Dyke Alley-Minnehaha-Heaney-Walsh-Weide Alley-Minnehaha-Reaney_Arcade-Mendota Alley-Minnehaha-Heaney-Forest-Cypress Alley-Minnehaha-Heaney-Cypress-Earl Alley-Minnehaha-Heaney-Earl-Frank Alley-Minnehaha-Heaney-Frank-Duluth Alley-Minnehaha-Heaney-Atlantic-Johnson Alley-Minnehaha_Heaney-Johnson-1322 Heaney Alley-Minnehaha-Heaney-Clarence-Etna Alley-Min..nehaha-Heaney-Van Dyke-Hazel Alley-Minnehaha-Heaney-Howard-East "H" Alley-Nevada-Nebraska-White Bear-Hazel Alley-Pacific-Hudson Road-Clarence-Etna Alley-Heaney-Fauquier-Walsh-Weide Alley-Heaney-Fauquier-Weide-Arcade Alley-Heaney-Fauquier-Seventh-Cypress Alley-Heaney-Fauquier-Earl-Frank Alley-Heaney-Fauquier-Atlantic-Johnson Alley-Heaney-Fauquier-Flandrau-White Bear Alley-Ross-Seventh-Frank-Duluth Alley-Ross-Seventh-Duluth-Atlantic Alley-Ross-Seventh-Kennard-Flandrau Alley-Ross-Seventh-White Bear-Van Dyke Alley-Seventh-Stillwater-Hazelwood-Germain Alley-Seventh-Stillwater-Kennard.-Flandrau Alley-Seventh-Stillwater-Flandrau-White Bear "H" Alley-Sherwood-Arlington-White Bear-Hazel West N & S Alley-Sherwood-Arlington-Hazel-Curve East N & S Alley-Sherwood-Arlington-Hazel-Curve i S T R E E T O I L I N G SEASON OF 1957 (Ward 2 Cont. ) • E & W Alley-Sherwood-Arlington-Hazel-Curve from West N & S Alley to East N & S Alley Alley-Sims-Case-White Bear-Van Dyke Alley-Sixth-Margaret-Arcade-Mendota Alley-Sixth-Margaret-Mendota-Forest Alley-Sixth-Margaret-Cypress-Earl Alley-Sixth-Margaret-Duluth-Atlantic N & S Alley-Sixth-Seventh-Maria-Bates N & S & EE of E & W Alley-Sixth-Seventh-Maple-Eicenwald Alley-Sixth-Seventh-Eichenwald-Hope Alley-Stillwater-York-Kennard-1679 Stillwater Alley-Stillwater-Case-Van Dyke-Hazel Alley-Suburban-McLean-Earl-1078 McLean E & W Alley-Third-Fourth-Bates-Maple Alley-Third-Fremont-Arcade-Mendota Alley-Third-Fremont-Forest-Cypress Alley-Third-Fremont-Cypress-Earl • 0 E & W Alley-Third-Fremont-Hazel-Ruth from East N & S Alley-Ruth East N & S Alley-Third-Fremont-Hazel-Ruth Alley-Wakefield-Wilson-Earl-East-1105 Wakefield Alley-Wilson-Euclid-Cypress-Earl • STREET OILING SEASON OF 1957 Wards 3 and 4 Street From To Balsam Broadway Pine John Seventh Eighh Kittson Sixth Seventh Neill Sixth Seve th Olive Fifth Eigh h Payne Grove AllelI South • i Rosabel Ninth Tent4i Spruce Sibley Canalla Spruce Broadway Pine Tenth Broadway Pine Willius Sixth Grov Alley-Robert-Jackson-Twelfth-Thirteenth • S T R E E T O I L I N G SEASON OF 1957 Ward 5 i Stre t e From To , Adrian Albion Hat ha1ray Alaska Adrian Otto 1 Albion Adrian Lexii ton Ann St. Clair Banfi Arbor James Grace Armstrong Pleasant Drakes Banfil Duke Smith l', Bay Butternut Grace 's Bayard Hamline Edgcue Bayard Chatsworth Victoria Bayard Canton Bay Beechwood Hamlin Syndicate Benhill Road St. Clair Victora Benson Glen Terrace 3201 E of Selma Lane Berkeley Syndicate Griggs Bohland Place Hamlin Edgcum1e Butternut Otto Sumac 1 Canton Otto :Sevent 4 41 Cecelia P1, Stanford St. Cl it Chatsworth Seventh Jeffer on Chestnut Seventh Pleas Clay Oneida Erie Cliff Michigan Smith Clifton Randolph Pleasan Colbourne Palace Jeffers n Colbourne 4281 N. of Jefferson Superio' (Pavement) Daly James Grace Dealton Benson Seventh Duebener Place Benhill Road St. Cla r Douglas Goodrich Ramsey Dousman Michigan Goodric Drake Tuscarora(Prod) Randolp Duke Randolph Pleasant Eleanor Hamlin Montcalm Place Eleanor Pleasant Seventh Elm Ryan Wilkin Emma Western C.M.St.P & P Ry. Erie Randolph Superior Exchange Wilkin Forbes • S T R E E T O I L I N G SEASON OF 1957 Ward 5 (Cont. ) Street From To • Forbes Pleasant Seven h Ford Hemline Edge e Forster Canton Bay Fulton Randolph Pleas t Garfield Goodrich Pleasant Glen Terrace Benson Young Goodhue Duke Cliff Goodrich Pleasant Alley E of Leech Grace Pleasant Weste Griggs Highland St. C air Harrison Goodrich Dougl s Hartford Hemline Edgcu e Hathaway Adrian Seven h Highland Hemline Monte lm Place Hillcrest Hemline Syndi ate Homer Stewart Seven h Irvine Park Ryan Ryan Irvine SS Walnut 358 I vine i • Ivan Way Benson Selma Lane James Hemline Shepa Jefferson Hemline Edgcu be Jefferson Pleasant Colbo me Juliet Hemline 160' of Lexington Juno Hemline Edgcu be Juno Lexington 4361 of View Juno Seventh Drake Lawton Harrison 75' Y Leech Goodrich Ramsey Loretto Lane Wilkin Hill McBoal Douglas Wilk Nay Seventh Alask Michigan St. Albans Seventh Michigan Western Cliff Middleton Vista Roger: Mill Wilkin Elm Milton Otto Jefferson Milton Benhill Road St. C 'air Monroe Court Pleasant Victoria Montcalm Court Highland Highl; .d Montcalm Hill Montcalm Place 245' : st Montcalm Place Highland Edge “be • Montreal Seventh Elway • • • • • • • ( .. - • • • 0 1 S T R E E T O I L I N G SEASON OF 1957 (Ward 5 Cont) ♦ Street From To Niederhofer Richmond C.M.St.P. & P. Ay. Niles Hamlin Edgcuiibe Nugent C.M.St.P. & P. Ry. St. Clair Oneida Seventh Superior Osceola Tuscarora Seventh Otto Lexington Butternut Palace Hamlin Lexinton Palace Pleasant Seven h Palmer Place Eleanor Bayard Pinehurst Hemline Syndicate Pleasant Otto James Pleasant Juliet Victoria Race Albion Chatsworth Randolph Seventh Omaha Richmond 155' S. of Milw.Ry. 130' iN. of Milw. Ry. (Pavement) (Pavement) Richmond Seventh Goodrich d Ridge Edgcumbe Highland Rogers . Seventh Otto Ryan Elm Che s nut St. Albans Michigan Pleasant St. Clair Seventh Cliff Scheffer Hemline Montcalm Scheffer Lexington Seventh Scheffer Victoria Canton Selma Lane Ivan Way Montreal Shepard James East to Pavement Sherman 1701 S. of Ryan Exchange Sherman Seventh Pleasant Stanford Hemline Griggs Stewart Ward Line Homer Stewart Otto Tuscarora Sturgis Western Doulas Sumac Butternut Ste art Superior Oneida C1iif Syndicate Beechwood St. Clair Thompson Ramsey Pleasant Toronto Randolph Grace Tuscarora Chatsworth Osc-ola • i • • • • • • • • • • • - i • . • . • • • • . . . • • • • • • • • • • S T R E E T O I L I N G M SEASON OF 1957 (Ward 5 Cont. ) Street From To Vance James Palace Vance Jefferson Grace Victoria Otto C.M.St.P.i & P. Ry. View Seventh Pleasant 1 Vista Adrian Lexington Walnut Hill Pleasant Watson Hemline Montcelm Place Watson Pleasant View Watson Seventh Drake Webster Randolph Grace Webster St. Clair Pleasant Wellesley Hemline Griggs Western C.M.St.P. & P. By. Pleasant 16 Wilkin Shepard Loretto • Wilkin Bluff Ramsey 11 Youngman Rankin WL Rankin C$, • • • • . .. Ja. • • • • • - • - • • • • • • • S T R E E T O I L I N G SEASON OF 1957 (Ward 5 Cont. ) Alley-Between 325 and 331 Mill Alley-Between 355 and 3 61 Mill Alley-Between 387 and 391 Mill Alley-Between 394 and 402 Mill Alley-Between 405 Upper Levee and 402 Mill Alley-Adrian-Seventh-Albion-Alaska Alley-Arbor-Osceola-James-Palace Alley-Armstrong-Juno-Milton-Victoria Alley-Armstrong-Juno-Victoria-View Alley-Bayard-Hartford-Hamlin-Syndicate Alley-Bayard-Hartford-Syndicate-Griggs "T" Alley-Bayard-Hartford-Griggs s-E gg dgcumbe Alley-Bayard-Tuscarora-Milton-Victoria "Y" Alley-Bayard-Tuscarora-Canton-Seventh-Bay lle A y-Beechwood-Bohland-Place-Hamlin-Syndicate N & S Alley-Benhill-St. Clair-Milton-Deubener Alley-Berkeley-St. Clair-Syndicate-Griggs Alley-Bohland Place-Hillcrest-Hemline-Syndicate I • • Alley-Daly-Toronto-Seventh-Palace Alley-Douglas-Smith-Forbes-Ramsey Alley-Duke-Colbourne-St. Clair-Michigan Alley-Ed cumbe-Montcalm-Hi hland-Eleanor g g Alley-Edgcumbe-Montcalm-Eleanor-Scheffer Alley-Eleanor-Scheffer-Hamlin-Syndicate Alley-Eleanor-Scheffer-S dicate-Gri yn -g s Alle ri y-E e-Duke-C.M.St,P. & P. R3'.-St. Clair Alle odri y-Go ch-McBoal-Smith-Leech Alley-Hartford-Watson-Hamlin-Syndicate Alley-Hartford-Watson-Syndicate-Griggs "T" Alley-Hartford-Watson-Griggs-s-E cumbe Alley-Highland-Eleanor-HamlineeSyndicate Alley-Highland-Eleanor-Syndicate-Griggs Alley-Hillcrest-Ford Road-Hamlin-Syndicate Alley-James-Palace-Hamlin-Syndicate "H" Alley-James-Palace-Edgcumbe-Lexington Alley-Jefferson-Wellesley-Syndicate-Griggs E & W Alley-Juliet-Edgcumbe-Edgcumbe-Lexington East N & S Alley-Juliet-Edgcumbe-Edgcumbe-Lexington Alley-Juliet-Jefferson-Hamlin-Syndicate , Alley-Juliet-Jefferson-Syndicate-Griggs Alley-Juno-Randolph-Hamlin-Syndicate • S T R E E T O I L I N G SEASON OF 1957 (Ward 5 Cont. ) Alley-Juno-Randolph-Syndicate-Griggs Alley-Juno-Randolph-Griggs-Edgcumbe Alley-Juno-Randolph-Milton-Victoria Alley-Lombard-St. Clair-Lexington-Benhill Road Alley-McBoal-Forbes-Leech-209' West Alley-Michigan-Superior-Oneida-Erie Alley-Michigan-Superior-Richmond-Western Ni of N & S Alley-Niles-Juno-Hamlin-Syndicate E & W Alley-Niles-Juno-Hamlin-Syndicate Alley-Niles-Juno-Syndicate-Griggs Alley-Niles-Juno-Griggs-Edgcumbe Alley-Palace-Juliet-Hemline-Syndicate . Alley-Palace-Juliet-Syndicate-Griggs "H" Alley-Palace-Juliet-Edgcumbe-Lexington Alley-Palace-Juliet-Lexington-120- West Alley-Palace-Pleasant-Chatsworth-Milton Alley-Pleasant-Jefferson-Chatsworth-Milton Alley-Race-Alaska-Vista Alley-Randolph-James-Hemline-Syndicate Alley-Randolph-James-Syndicate-Griggs • Alley-Randolph-James-Griggs-Edgcumbe T Alley-Randolph-James-Edgoumbe-Lexington Alley-Randolph-James-Lexington-Pleasant Alley-Randolph-James-Fulton-View Alley-Randolph-James-View-Bay Alley-Scheffer-Bayard-Hamlin-Syndicate Alley-Scheffer-Bayard-Syndicate-Griggs Alley-Seventh-Race-Alaska-Vista Alley-Stanford-Berkeley-Syndicate-Griggs Alley-Syndicate-Ridge-Bohland Place-Ford Road Alley-Syndicate-Ridge-Ford-Highland Alley-Tuscarora-Watson-Milton-Victoria Alley-Tuscarora-Watson-Osceola-Drake Alley-Watson-Armstrong-Milton-Victoria Alley-Watson-Armstrong-Victoria-View Alley-Watson-Niles-Hamlin-Syndicate Alley-Watson-Niles-Syndicate-Griggs E & W & Ni of N & S Alley-Watson-Niles-Griggs-Edgcumbe Alley-Wellesley-Stanford-Syndicate-1325 Wellesley Alley-Wellesley-Stanford-Syndicate-Griggs Alley-Western-C.M.St.P. & P. Ry.-Emma-St. Clair • • 1 _ • - - • 4Ik _41 • - -. -- • S T R E E T O I L I N G SEASON OF 1957 Ward 6 Street From To i Ada Concord Dunedin Terrace Alabama State Cheste4r Alice & Around Park Ohio Chero ee Andrew Belvidere Winif ed Anita Concord Congr ss Annapolis Oakdale Kansa Annapolis Stickney Concord Baker Cherokee Dodd Ioa.d Baker Stryker Robert Baker Oakdale 200' E of Woodbury Bancroft Concord Congress Belle Fairfield Water Bellows Sidney Del Os Belvidere Winslow Woodbury Belvidere Andrew Concord Bidwell City Limits Prosp.ct Blvd. (SL 130 W. Sidney) Bidwell Indiana Fillmore Brown Wyoming Wino -- Brown Sidney Page • • Brown Prescott 180' of Winifred Channel Chicago Starkey Charlton Dodd Road Georg- Charlton Winifred Congr-ss Cherokee Annapolis Baker Cherokee Smith Ohio Chicago 163' W. of Walter Wabas Chicago Eaton State Chippewa Annapolis Chero ee Hts. Blvd. Clinton Concord Colo do Colorado Winslow Hall Colorado Wabasha East to End of Street Congress Ohio Wabas Congress Robert 150' . of Bancroft Curtice Chippewa Charlton Curtice Robert Concolyd Custer Plato Indiana Delaware Annapolis Bake Delos Bellows 360' E. of Hall Delos Wabasha 75' ly Delos Starkey Gree wood Dunedin Terrace State Cong ess • • • • . I • • • • S T R E E T O I L I N G SEASON OF 1957 (Ward 6 Cont. ) Street From To Eaton Florida Indiana E. Eaton Fairfield W. Fillmore Edward Channel Water Elizabeth Bidwell Stryker Elizabeth 232' W. of Hall Hall Elizabeth(Both Roadways) Hall Livingston Elizabeth Robert 230' East Ethel Fairfield Water Eva Florida Indiana Fenton Texas Tennessee Fillmore Moses Bidwell Florida Eva State Gorman Annapolis Wyoming Gorman Sidney George Greenwood Concord Delos Hall Annapolis Prospect 4vd. Harvard Annapolis Belvidere Harvard Curtice Prescott Humboldt Curtice George Indiana Ethel Robert Isabel Ohio Wabasha Isabel Robert State Joy 694 Joy Water Kansas Annapolis Concord Kentucky State Chester King Cherokee Stryker King Humboldt State Livingston Annapolis George Livingston Isabel Wood Livingston Indiana Fillmor Annapolis Cheroke Minnetonka Texas Alabama Morton Chippewa Waseca Morton Bellows Robert Morton State Brown Mt. Hope Curtice Prescott Oakdale Annapolis Presco t Ohio Annapolis George Ohio Winifred Fairfi ld Orleans Page Chero ee • Ottawa Annapolis Georg • 1 • is • • i S T R E E T O I L I N G SEASON OF 1957 (Ward 6 Cont. ) Street From To Page Chippewa Bidwell Page Dodd Road Concord Parnell Colorado Wood Plato C.G.W. Spur Track State Prescott Brown 293 Presott Robertson Florida Indiana Robertson Fairfield 100' Nly of Fillmore Robie Manomin Humboldt Roble State Kansas St. Lawrence Airport Road Wisconsii Seminole Curtice Page Sidney Chippewa Bidwell Sidney Winslow Stryker Sidney Humboldt Curtice Starkey Concord Chicago Starkey Fillmore 250' Nly of Water State Concord Robie W. State Roble E. Utah State Fillmore Alabama 0 a Stevens Ottawa State Stickney Annapolis Concord Stryker Annapolis Baker Stryker Winifred Prospect lvd. Tennessee Airport Road Chester Texas State Minnetonka Walter Chicago Fairfield Waseca City Limits(756 Waseca) George Water Show Boat Moses Water Bidwell Starkey Waterloo Belvidere Curtice Winifred Concord Andrew Winona Chippewa Charlton Winona Bidwell Robert Winona Oakdale Woodbury Winona 280' W. of Stickney Stickney Winslow Annapolis Prospect lvd. Wisconsin St. Lawrence Alley Sou h Wood Parnell Robert Woodbury Annapolis Wyoming Woodbury Belvidere Prescott Wyoming Chippewa Charlton Wyoming Winslow Brown Wyoming Andrew Stickney • 0 • • • • i • • S T R E E T O I L I N G SEASON OF 1957 (Ward 6 Cont. ) N & S Alley-Annapolis-Wyoming-Winslow-Stryker ll "L" Alley-Annapolis-Wyoming-Hall-Gorman "L" Alley-Annapolis-Wyoming-Robert-160' E. Wyoming Alley-Baker-Elizabeth-Gorman-56 E. Elizabeth Alley-Baker-King-Ottawa-Smith Alley-Belvidere-Curtice-Kansas-Waterloo Alley-Belvidere-Curtice-Waterloo-420' East Alley-Charlton-Waseca-Morton-Baker Alley-Cherokee-Ottawa-Wyoming-Winona Alley-Cherokee-Ottawa-Winona-Curtice Alley-Concord-Robie-State-Ada Alley-Concord-Robie-Ada-Anita Alley-Concord-Robie-Anita-Bancroft Alley-Congress-Isabel-Bellows-Bidwell Alley-Curtice-Sidney-Ohio-Charlton Alley-Curtice-Sidney-Harvard-Woodbury Alley-Delaware-Cherokee-Wyoming-Winona Alley-Delaware-Cherokee-Winona-Curtice Alley-Delaware-Cherokee-Curtice-Sidney Alley-Delaware-Cherokee-Page-Morton ♦ Alley-Delaware-Cherokee-Morton-Baker Alley-Elizabeth-King-Bidwell-Winslow Alley-George-Robie-Robert-#125 E. George Alley-Isabel-Delos-Bellows-Bidwell Alley-Isabel-Delos-Clinton-Greenwood Alley-Livingston-Robert-Sidney-Page East N & S Alley-Morton-Baker-Bellows-Bidwell Alley-Morton-Baker-Oakdale-Mt. Hope Alley-Oakdale-Mt. Hope-Page-Mortor Alley-Ottawa-Smith-Wyoming-Winona Alley-Ottawa-Smith-Winona-Curtice Alley-Ottawa-Smith-Curtice-Sidney Alley-Ottawa-Smith-Sidney-Page Alley-Ottawa-Smith-Stevens-George Alley-Page-Morton-Mt. Hope-Harvard Alley-Prescott-Concord-Brown-291 Prescott Alley-Prescott-Concord-Brown-Andrew Alley-Riverview-Oakdale-Curtice-Sidney Alley-Robert-Clinton-Winifred-Congress Alley-Robert-State-King-586 Robert • r . • • • ta • • • 0 S T R E E T O I L I N G SEASON OF 1957 (Ward 6 Cont. ) "L Alley-Roble-Winifred-Stryker-Hall Alley-Roble-Winifred-Bancroft-Brown Alley-Robie-Winifred-Brown-Andrew Alley-Sidney-Page-Waseca-177 Sidney Alley-Sidney-Page-Mt. Hope-Harvard Alley-Sidney-Page-Harvard-Woodbury Alley-Smith-Manomin-Annapolis-Wyoming Alley-Smith-Manomin-Wyoming-Winona Alley-Smith-Manomin-Winona-Curtice Alley-Smith-Manomin-Page-Morton Alley-Smith-Manomin-Morton-Baker Alley-Stryker-Hall-Annapolis-Wyoming Alley-Winifred-Congress-Bidwell-Winslow Alley-Winifred-Congress-Ada-Anita Alley-Winifred-Congress-Anita-Bancroft Alley-Winifred-Congress-Bancroft-Brown N & S Alley-Winona-Curtice-Manomin-Ohio "L" Alley-Winona-Curtice-Ohio-Charlton Alley-Winslow-Stryker-Wyoming-Winona Alley-Wyoming-Winona-Stickney-518 E. Winona • ( 41 • • S T R E E T O I L I N G SEASON OF 1957 Ward ? • Street From To Arundel Marshall Carroll Ashland Hamline East to Barr.cade Ashland Syndicate Lexington Avon Laurel Carroll Carroll Oxford Dale Cathedral Dayton. Marshall Chatsworth St. Clair Osceola. Chatsworth Summit Carroll Dayton Hamline Lexington Dunlap St. Clair Fairmount Dunlap Goodrich Marshall Fairmount Hamline Griggs Fairmount 2801 W. of Dunlap Lexington Farrington Marshall Carroll Fisk Laurel Carroll • Floral Heather Place Summit Goodrich Syndicate Griggs Goodrich C.M.St.P. & P. By. Lexington Grand Oakland Lawton Griggs St. Clair Fairmount Griggs Summit Marshall Grotto Summit Carroll Hague Hamline Syndicate Hamline Summit Alley N of Ashland Hamline Hague Marshall Heather Place Floral Grand Irving North Side Western Rear of 350 Summit Kent Marshall Carroll Laurel Schuneman Syndicate Linwood Place Lexington Avon Louis Dayton Marshall • • i • a 4k • • • • • r • S T R E E T O I L I N G SEASON OF 1957 (Ward 7 Cont, ) Street From To Mackubin Marshall Carroll Marshall Place Virginia Louis Milton St. Clair Osceola', Milton Summit Carroll', Oak Grove St. Clair Osceola 'I Osceola Hamline Griggs \ Osceola Dunlap Milton \ Oxford St. Clair Osceola ', Oxford Summit Carroll \ Portland Hamline Syndicate Portland C.M.St.P. & P. Ry. Lexington Ramsey Summit Western , St. Albans Summit Iglehart 'I Sargent Hamline Griggs I, Schuneman Laurel Hague Syndicate St. Clair Portland , Syndicate Ashland Marshall Victoria St. Clair Osceola Victoria Marshall Carroll Virginia Marshall Carroll Western Irvine Summit 0 0 • • • • • • • S T R E E T O I L I N G SEASON OF 1957 Ward 7 Cont. ) i Alley-Ashland-Laurel-Syndicate-Griggs Alley-Ashland-Laurel-Griggs-Dunlap Alley-Dayton-Marshall-Hamlin-Syndicate Alley-Dayton-Marshall-Syndicate-Griggs Alley-Dayton-Marshall-Griggs-Dunlap Alley-Dayton-Marshall-Dunlap-Lexington Alley-Dayton-Marshall-Chatsworth-Milton Alley-Dayton-Marshall-Grotto-St. Albans Alley-Fairmount-Goodrich-Hamlin-Syndicate Alley-Fairmount-Goodrich-Syndicate-Griggs Alley-Goodrich-Lincoln-Harnline-Syndicate Alley-Goodrich-Lincoln-Syndicate-EL 12 59 Goodrich Alley-Grand-Summit-Hamlin-Syndicate Alley-Grand-Summit-Griggs-Dunlap Alley-Grand-Summit-Oxford-Chatsworth Alley-Grand-Summit-Chatsworth-Milton "L" Alley-Grand-Summit-Oakland-Floral Alley-Hague-Selby-Milton-Victoria NO Alley-Hague-Selby-Grotto-St. Albans Alley-Holly-Ashland-Victoria-Avon Alley-Holly-Ashland-St.Albans-Dale Alley-Iglehart-Carroll-Chatsworth-Milton Alley-Iglehart-Carroll-Milton-Victoria Alley-Iglehart-Carroll-Dale- Kent Alley-Iglehart-Carroll- ackubin-Arundel Alley-Laurel-Selby-Dale-Kent Alley-Laurel-Selby-Kent-Mackubin Alley-Lincoln-Grand-Syndicate-C.M.St.P. & P. Ay. Alley-Lincoln-Grand-C.M.St.P. & P. Ry.-Dunlap Alley-Lincoln-Grand-Dunlap-Lexington Alley-Lincoln-Grand-Lexington-Oxford Alle -Marshall-I lehart-Lexi ton-Oxford Y g �' Alley-Marshall-Iglehart-Oxford-Chatsworth Alley-Marshall-Iglehart-Chatsworth-Milton Alley-Osceola-Fairmount-Hamline-Syndicate Alley-Osceola-Fairmount-Syndicate-Griggs "T" Alley-Osceola-Fairmount-Dunlap-Lexington Alley-Osceola-Fairmount-Victoria-Avon Alley-Portland-Ashland-Griggs-Dunlap Alley-Portland-Holly-St. Albans-Dale i • 0 • • - - • • • • . - . • STREET OILING SEASON OF 1957 (Ward 7 Cont, ) i Alley-St. Clair-Linwood-Oxford-Chatsworth Alley-St. Clair-Linwood-Chatsworth-Milton "T" Alley-St. Clair-Osceola-Dunlap-Oak Grove "T" Alley-St. Clair-Osceola-Oak Grove-Lexington Alley-St. Clair-Sargent-Hamlin-Syndicate Alley-St. Clair-Sargent-Syndicate-Griggs Alley-Sargent-Osceola-Syndicate-1601 West of Gri gs(Pavement) Alley-Selby-Dayton-Milton-2991 Eest Alley-Summit-Portland-Hamlin-Syndicate it S T R E E T O I L I N G SEASON OF 1957 Ward 8 Street From To Albemarle Atwater Lawson Albemarle Cook Ivy i Albemarle Cottage Wheelok Arlington Dale Rice i Arundel Carroll Minne ha Arundel Lawson NL 113 Arundel Arundel Wheelock 5201 N of Nebraska Atwater Mackubin Albema le Aurora Dale Rice , Blair Dale Como Burgess Dale Galtier Carroll Western Revoux� Cathedral Place Marshall Rondo Charles Dale Rice Cohansey Wheelock Nebraska Cook Arundel Rice i Cottage Dale Wheelock Cottage WL Lot 9 Wolcotts Rice 4 Cumberland Lawson #1094 Cumberland Cumberland Arlington Hoyt Danforth Maryland Orange Danforth Wheelock Cottage Denslow Burgess Alley North Edmund Dale Rice Elfelt Charles Como Farrington Carroll Rondos Farrington Alley So. of Fuller Como Farrington Atwater Ivy i Farrington Arlington Nebraska Fuller Dale Marian Galtier Fuller Como Galtier Atwater Ivy Galtier N.P.Ry. R/W Arli 'lton Geranium Western Rice Hatch Dale Kent Hatch Mackubin Rice Ivy Galtier Rice Jessamine Loeb Mac• bin III Jessamine Western Rice I STREET OILING ILI1� G SEASON OF 1957 (Ward 8 Cont, ) • Street From To Kent Carroll Minnelzaha Kent Como Jes sanine Kent Maryland Cottage Kent Arlington Nebraska Lafond Dale Galtis}r Lafond Marion Como Lawson Dale Kent Lawson Mackubin Rice Loeb Lawson Jessamine Louis Marshall Rondo Mackubin Carroll Minneheha Mackubin Atwater 37' N. f Cook Mackubin Orange Nebrask Marion Fuller Como Marion Atwater Ivy Marion Cottage NL 1469 Marion Matilda Front Ivy a Milford Galtier Rice Minnehaha Dale Como Nebraska Kent Mackubinl" Nebraska Cumberland Wheelock', Norton Lawson NL 1076 Dorton Orange Dale 134' E. df Schletti Orange Farrington Galtier Orange Marion Rice Rose Farrington Rice St. Anthony Dale Western Schletti Orange Nebraska Sherburne Dale Rice Simcoe Atwater Wayzata Stinson Kent 474 Stinso Stinson Western Galtier II Sycamore Rice 5001 West Thomas Dale Como Topping Dale 601 To i PP Topping Kent Galtier S T R E E T O I L I N G SEASON OF 1957 (Ward 8 Cont. ) Street From To Van Buren Dale Como Virginia Carroll Rondo Virginia Alley S.of Fuller Como Virginia Front Maryland Virginia Nebraska Idaho Wayzata Galtier Rice Western Front Marylani Western Wheelock Idaho Woodbridge Atwater Ivy S T R E E T O I L I N G SEASON OF 1957 (Ward 8 Cont. ) Alley-Albemarle-Rice-Wayzata-Front Alley-Albemarle-Rice-Cook-Jessamine Alley-Albemarle-Rice-Orange-Ivy Alley-Aurora-University-Dale-Kent Alley-Aurora-University-Arundel-Western Alley-Aurora-University-Galtier-Marion Alley-Blair-Van Buren-Dale-Kent Alley-Blair-Van Buren-Mackubin-Arundel Nly & Sly Alley-Burgess-Dale-Como Alley-Burgess-Stinson-4921 W of Galtier(307 Burges ) Galtier Alley-Central-Fuller-Kent-Mackubin Alley-Central-Fuller-Western-Virginia Alley-Charles-Edmund-Dale-Kent Alley-Charles-Edmund-Kent-Mackubin Alley-Edmund-Thomas-Dale-Kent Alley-Edmund-Thomas-Mackubin-Arundel E & W Alley-Edmund-Thomas-Arundel-Western Alley-Farrington-Matilda-Jessamine-Geranium 0 0 Alley-Farrington-Matilda-Orange-Ivy Alley-Front-Hatch-Arundel-Western Alley-Fuller-Aurora-Dale-Kent Alley-Fuller-AuroraArundel-Western Alley-Fuller-Aurora-Galtier-Marion Alley-Galtier-Marion-Wayzata-Front Alley-Galtier-Marion-Jessamine-Geranium Alley-Hatch-Lawson-Mackubin-Arundel Alley-Lafond-Blair-Dale-Kent Alley-Lafond-Blair-Kent-Mackubin Alley-Lafond-Blair-Arundel-Western Alley-Loeb-Kent-Lawson-Cook Alley-Marion-Woodbridge-Hatch-Lawson Alley-Marion-Woodbridge-Cook-Jessamine Alley-Marion-Woodbridge-Jessamine-Geranium Alley-Marion-Woodbridge-Geranium-Rose Alley-Marion-Woodbridge-Rose-Maryland Alley-Marion-Woodbridge-Maryland-Orange Alley-Marion-Woodbridge-Orange-Ivy "T" Alley-Maryland-Orange-Galtier-Marion N & S Alley-Maryland-Orange-Albemarle-Rice Alley-Matilda-Galtier-Cook-Jessamine • S T R E E T O I L I N G SEASON OF 1957 (Ward 8 Cont. ) • Alley-Rondo-St. Anthony-Kent-Mackubin Alley-Sherburne-Charles-Dale-Kent Alley-Sherburne-Charles-Kent-Mackubin Alley-Sherburne-Charles-Mackubin-Arundel Alley-Sherburne-Charles-Farrington-Galtier Alley-Stinson-Front-Farrington-362' West Alley-Stinson-Front-Galtier-West to Turn Around Alley-Thomas-Lafond-Arundel-Western Alley-University-Sherburne-Dale-Kent Alley-Van Buren-Milnehaha-Dale-Kent E & W Alley-Van Ruren-Minnehaha-Arundel-Western Alley-Western-Virginia-Thomas-Lafond Alley-Western-Virginia-Cook-Jessamine "T" Alley-Wheelock-Cottage-Kent-Schletti Alley-Woodbridge-Albemarle-Wayzata.-Front Alley-Woodbridge-Albemarle-Hatch-Lawson Alley-Woodbridge-Albemarle-Jessamine-Geranium N & S Alley-Woodbridge-Albemarle-Maryland-Orange E & W Alley-Woodbridge-Albemarle-Maryland-Orange • S T R E E T O I L I N G SEASON OF 1957 • Ward 9 Street From To Abell Jessamine Hawtho e Acker Sylvan Lightner Place Agate Sycamore Jessamine Arch Rice Arlington Rice Missisippi Atwater Rice Sylvan Aurora 95' E. of Cedar Roberti (Pavement) Buffalo Acker Granite Capitol Blvd. Como Arch Capitol Hts, University Pennsylvania Case Jackson Agate Cayuga Jackson Missi sippi Charles Rice Capit 1 Hts. Como Park Capit 1 Hts, Cook Rice Sylv Cook Jackson Soo L e Ry. Cortland Place Acker Sycam re Elk Acker Sycamore Front Rice Sylvai Genesee Buffalo Mississippi Geranium Rice Agate Glencoe L'Orient Mississippi Granite Jackson Mississippi Hardenbergh P1. Lyton Place Atwater Hatch Rice Sylvan Hawthorne Rice Sylv Hyacinth Rice AlleY East Jackson Sycamore Larp nteur Jenks Jackson Agat Jewsa.mine Rice 40' . of Agate • STREET O I L I N G SEASON OF 1957 (Ward 9 Cont. ) i Street From To Lawson Rice Sylvan Lawson Jackson Agate Litchfield Rice Sylvan L'Orient Pennsylvania Minnehaha Lyton Place Rice Sylvan j Magnolia Rice Agate Manitoba Rice Sylvan Y1 an Maryland EL #75 Jackson I Minnehaha 162 E. Minnehaha L'Orient Orange Rice Park Park Como Arch Park Sycamore Orange Pennsylvania Jackson Mississippi Robert University Capitol Hts. ` AO Rose Rice Soo Line 3y. Sims Jackson Agate Stellar Lyton P1, Atwater I Sycamore Jackson Cortland Sycamore Jackson E. Agate Sylvan Acker Ivy Thirteenth Robert Jackson II University Robert Jackson Wayzata Rice Park Ii Winnipeg Rice Sylvan Winter Rice Capitol ts. York Jackson 165' East of Agate • • it S T R E E T O I L I N G SEASON OF 1957 • (Ward 9 Cont. ) E & W Alley-Acker-Genesee-Buffalo-Mississippi N & S Alley-Atwater-Winnipeg-Rice-Park Alley-Front-Hatch-Park-Sylvan West N & S Alley-Genesee-Granite-Buffalo-Mississippi E & W Alley-Genesee-Granite-Buffalo-Mississippi E & W Alley-Geranium-Rose-Rice-Park Alley-Geranium-Rose-Park-Sylvan Alley-Geranium-Rose-Abell-Jackson Alley-Hatch-Lawson-Park-Sylvan N & S Alley-Hawthorne-Orange-Rice-Park "T" Alley-Jessamine-Geranium-Rice-Park Alley-Lawson-Cook-Park-Sylvan Alley-Magnolia-Jessamine-Park-Sylvan Alley-Manitoba-Wayzata-Rice-Park Alley-Sims-Case-Jackson-117 Sims N & S & E & W Alley-Sycamore-Lyton P1.-Park-Sylvari ! "T" Alley-Winnipeg-Manitoba-Rice-Park • S T R E E T O I L I N G l SEASON OF 1957 Ward 10 Street From To I ~ Albany Snelling Hamli Albert University Taylon r Albert Wynne Como Albert Frankson Hoyt ' Aldine University G. NJ Ry. Almond Snelling Hamline Arlington Snelling Chelsea Asbury Wynne Hoyt Y University Engle Wood Asbury Hewitt Taylor Asbury Midway Parkway Arlington Asbury Nebraska Hoyt Atty Scudder Raymond Bayless Bayless Place Mane]! Bayless Place Eustis Cromwell Berry University Pearl II Bison Midway Parkway Midways Parkway Blair Fairview Lexington Blake Gordon Raymon4 Bourne Eustis Keston j . Bradford Ellis Endicott Branston (East of Park) 150' S. of Hendon 204' N. Of Hendon Branston (West of Park) 150' S. of Hendon 224' N.\ of Hendon Branston 214' N. of Hendon Hoyt Breda Winston Hamlin Brewster(Both sides Park) Raymond Gibbs Brompton Doswell Como I Buford Brompton Como Buford Grantham Cleveland California Dunlap Lexington Canfield Snelling Pascal Canfield Albert Hamline Carleton Charles Territo ial Rd. Carter Eustis Clevel Charles Raymond Carleton Charles Hampden Vandalial Charles Prior Fairview Charles Aldine Lexingto Charlotte Hewitt G.N. Ry. Chelmsford Knapp Carter Chelmsford Doswell Dudley Chelsea Arlington Idaho Chelton Prior Fairview Chilcombe Eustis Keeton Clayton Chelton NL 865 C yland • S T R E E T O I L I N G SEASON OF 1957 (Ward 10 Cont. ) Street From To • Commonwealth Gordon West End of Park Commonwealth(N.Side Park) West End of Park East End of Park Commonwealth(S.Side Park) West End of Park East End of Park Commonwealth East End of Park Cleveland Cromwell( 3oth Sides Park) Bayless Place Manvel Curfew University Charles Dakota Raymond Wycliff Doswell Eustis Cleveland Dudley Grantham Cleveland Dunlap University Seminary Dunlap Montana Larpenteur Edmund Aldine Lexington Ellis Territorial Hampden Endicott 2430 Endicott Hersey Englewood(Both Sides Park) Minnehaha. Fairview Englewood Fairview Snelling Englewood Hamline Lexington. Eustis University Robbins i Eustis Hillside Como a Everett Court G. N. Ry. Kasota Fair Place Snelling Arona Fairview 4001 S. of Thomas Taylor (Pavement) Fernwood Hoyt Larpenteur Frankson Midway Parkway Hamline Fry University G.N. Ry. Fulham Alley S. of Hendon Hoyt Gibbs Brewster Como Gordon(Both Sides Triangle-Carter Langford ark Gordon(Both Sides of "Y" ) Langford Park Raymond Grantham Doswell Grantham & W Grantham E. Grantham 1412 Gran ham Grantham E. Buford Grantham Grantham W. Grantham Grantham Grantham Grantham E & W Hoyt Griggs University Hewitt Griggs Hoyt Idaho Hamline Hewitt G. N. Ry. Hamline Jessamine Larpenteur Hampden Raymond Bayless Hendon Como Cleveland Hersey Hampden Endicott • Hewitt Pusey Clayland Hewitt(Both Sides Park) Clayland Aldine S T R E E T O I L I N G SEASON OF 1957 I (Ward 10 Cont) • Street From To Hewitt Hamlin Grigg Hillside Commonwealth Como Holton Minnehaha G. N. 1 Ry. Holton Arlington Hoyt 1 Hoyt Fulham 4651 . of Graththam Hoyt Snelling Lexi ton Hubbard Simpson Pasca Hubbard Holton Alber Hubbard Hamlin Lexington Hunt Place Territorial Rd. No. to End. Huron Arlington 120' N. of Idaho Hythe Doswell Dudley Idaho Hamline Lexington Iowa Dunlap Lexington Kasota Raymond Gibbs Keston Commonwealth Buford1 Knapp Hillside Cleveland Knapp Place Knapp Como Lafond Fairview Aldine Lafond Snelling Lexington Langford Park(Both Sides) Bayless Knapp Long Raymond Ellis j Ludlow N.P. Ry. Gordon Luther Place Como Grantha McKinley Frankson Arlingt n Manvel Robbins Raymond Merrill Hoyt Idaho Midway Parkway North Serv.Driv_e Snelling Hamline Midway Parkway South Serv.Drive Snelling Hamline Montana Dunlap Lexington Nebraska Snelling Chelsea Pascal University Taylor Pascal Wynne Hoyt Pearl Eustis Bayless Pennock Pusey Tatum Prior Minnehaha Taylor Priscilla Raymond 2281 Pri cilia Pusey Chelton Taylor • S T R E E T O I L I N G SEASON OF 1957 I (Ward 10 Cont. ) • Street From To Raleigh 1122 Raleigh Como Raymond Cleveland Dudle Raymond Place Raymond Raymo d Robbins Eustis Manve Robbins Bayless Raymo d Scudder Blake Cleve and Seal Territorial Rd. Ellis Seminary Hemline Lexi ton Sheldon Frankson Nebraska Sheldon Hoyt 4191 S. of Hoyt (End of Street) Sherburne Aldine Lexington Simpson University Taylor Simpson Midway Parkway Hoyt Standish Raymond N.P. Ry. Syndicate University G. N. Ry. Tatum Minnehaha Hewitt Taylor Prior Fairyylliew 0 Taylor Wheeler Grip s Territorial Road Eustis Pill bury Thomas Fairview Lexi ton Valentine Eustis Como Van Buren Snelling Lexi :ton Vandalia Territorial 6901 North Wheeler University North to Spur Tra'ks Wheeler Thomas Taylor Wycliff Hersey EL # .43O Wynne Winston Haml ne Young Taylor G. N Ry. • S T R E E T O I L I N G SEASON OF 1957 (Ward 10 Cont) E & W Alley-Albany-Almond-Snelling-Arona • Alley-Albany-Almond-Arona-Pascal J' ley-Albert-Sheldon-Frankson-Arlington Alley-Albert-Sheldon-Arlington-Nebraska Alley-Albert-Sheldon-Nebraska-Hoyt "T" Alley-Almond-Canfield-Snelling-Arona Alley-Almond-Canfield-Arona-Pascal "T" Alley-Arlington-Nebraska-Hamline-Huron "La Alley-Arlington-Nebraska-Huron-Chelsea Alley-Arona-Simpson-Frankson-Arlington Alley-Arona-Simpson-Arlington-Nebraska Alley-Arona-Simpson-Nebraska-Hoyt Alley-Asbury-Arona-Fair Place-Arlington "T" Alley-Bayless-Pearl-Eustis-Cromwell Alley-Bayless Place-Pearl-Cromwell-Bayless Alley-Blair-Van Buren-Wheeler-Aldine Alley-Blair-Van Buren-Aldine-Fry Alley-Blair-Van Buren-Pascal-Albert Alley-Blair-Van Buren-Albert-Hamlin Alley-Blair-Van Buren-Griggs-Dunlap "T" Alley-Blair-Van Buren-Dunlap-Lexington Alley-Branston-Grantham-Hendon-Hoyt "L" Alley-Breda-Como-Winston-Snelling N & S Alley-Breda-Como-Snelling-Arona Alley-Breda-Como-Arona-Pascal Alley_B reda-Como-Pascal-Albert Alley-Breda-Como-Albert-Hamlin "T" Alley-Buford-Como-Brompton E & W Alley-Carter-Doswell-Gove-2170 Doswell West N & S Alley-Carter-Doswell-Keston-Como "T" Alley-Charles-Edmund-Fry-Snelling "H" Alley-Charles-Edmund-Snelling-Asbury West N & S Alley-Charles-Edmund-Simpson-Pascal Alley-Charles-Edmund-Pascal-Albert Alley-Charles-Edmund-Albert-Hamlin Alley-Charles-Edmund-Syndicate-Griggs Alley-Charles-Edmund-Griggs-Dunlap Alley-Charles-Edmund-Dunlap-Lexington Alley-Chelmsford-Hythe-Buford-Hendon Alley-Chelmsford-Hythe-Hendon-Dudley S T R E E T O I L I N G SEASON OF 1957 (Ward 10 Cont. ) w Alley-Chelsea-Merrill-Hoyt-Idaho West N &. S & E & W Alley-Also Ni of East N & S Alley! Commonwealth-Carter-Como-Chelmsford E 355' of E & W Alley-Como-Albany-Snelling-Arona Alley-Como-Albany-Arona-East to Turn Around "T" Alley-Como-Albany-Pascal-Hamlin "T" Alley-Como-Hendon-Fulham N & S Alley-Doswell-Buford-Chelmsford-Hythe E & W Alley-Doswell-Buford-Hythe-Raymond N 137' of West N & S Alley (Between 2330 & 2340 Valentine) Doswell-Valentine-Kestoi -Como N & S Alley-Edmund-Thomas-Fry-Snelling "T" Alley-Edmund-Thomas-Snelling-Asbury West N & S Alley-Edmund-Thomas-Asbury-Simpson "H" Alley-Edmund-Thomas-Simpson-Pascal Alley-Edmund-Thomas-Pascal-Albert Alley-Edmund-Thomas-Albert-Hamline Alley-Edmund-Thomas-Hamlin-Syndicate Alley-Edmund-Thomas-Syndicate-Griggs North E & W Alley-Englewood-Hewitt-Pascal-Holton .$ 0 N & S Alley-Englewood-Hewitt-Albert-Hamlin E & W Alley-Englewood-Hewitt-Albert-Hamlin Alley-Englewood-Seminary-Syndicate-Griggs Alley-Englewood-Seminary-Griggs-Dunlap Alley-Eustis-Cromwell-Pearl-Robbins Alley-Gibbs-Raleigh-Brewster-Como li Alley-Gordon-Knapp-Hillside-Tsingford Park Alley-Grantham-Cleveland-Dudley-Hoyt Alley-Griggs-Dunlap-Hoyt-North to Turn Around Alley-Hamlin-Huron-Hoyt-Idaho Alley-Hamline-Huron-Idaho-1648 N. Hamline West N & S Alley-Hendon-Dudley-Grantham-Chelmsford East N & S Alley-Hendon-Dudley-Grantham-Chelmsf rd Alley-Holton-Albert-Arlington-Nebraska Alley-Holton-Albert-Nebraska-Hoyt Alley-Hoyt-Iowa-Dunlap-Lexington Alley-Huron-Chelsea-Nebraska-Hoyt Alley-Huron-Chelsea-Hoyt-Idaho Alley-Hythe-Raymond-Buford-Hendon Alley-Hythe-Raymond.-Hendon-Dudley Alley-Lafond-Blair-Wheeler-Aldine it S T R E E T O I L I N G SEASON OF 1957 (Ward 10 Cont. ) Alley-Lafond-Blair-Aldine-Fry "T" Alley-Lafond-Blair-Fry-Snelling Alley-Lafond-Blair-Albert-Hamlin Alley-Lafond-Blair-Syndicate-Griggs Alley-Lafond-Blair-Griggs-Dunlap "T" Alley-Lafond-Blair-Dunlap-Lexington Ely & Wly Alley-Long-Hampden-Raymond-Bradford Alley-Minnehaha-Chelton-Prior-Tatum E & W Alley-Minnehaha-Chelton-Tatum-Englewood Nly & Sly Alley-Minnehaha-Chelton-Tatum-Englewolod Alley-Minnehaha-Englewood-Fairview Alley-Pascal-Holton-Nebraska-Hoyt Alley-Raymond-Cleveland-Carter-Doswell Alley-Raymond-Cleveland-Hendon-Dudley Sly 4-of West Nly & Sly Alley-Scudder-Knapp-Co+Aaymond Alley-Sheldon-Hamlin-Frankson-Arlington Alley-Sherburne-Charles-Aldine-Fry "T" Alley-Sherburne-Charles-Fry-Snelling Alley-Sherburne-Charles-Snelling-Asbury Alley-Sherburne-Charles-Asbury-Simpson Alley-Sherburne-Charles-Simpson-Pascal Alley-Sherburne-Charles-Pascal-Albert Alley-Sherburne-Charles-Hamlin-Syndicate Alley-Sherburne-Charles-Syndicate-Griggs Alley-Sherburne-Charles-Griggs-Dunlap Alley-Sherburne-Charles-Dunlap-Lexington Alley-Simpson-Pascal-Frankson-Arlington Alley-Simpson-Pascal-Arlington-Nebraska Alley-Snelling-Asbury-Fair Place-Arlington E & W Alley-Taylor-G.N.B.y.-Charlotte-Fry E & W Alley-Taylor-G.N.Ry.-Fry-Snelling (E & W Alley runs from Fry to 1861 E. ) Alley-Territorial Rd-Playgrounds-Cromwell-Hunt Place Alley-Thomas-Lafond-Fairview-Wheeler Alley-Thomas-Lafond-Wheeler-Aldine Alley-Thomas-Lafond-Aldine-Fry E & W Alley-Thomas-Lafond-Fry-Snelling West N & S Alley-Thomas-Lafond-Simpson-Pascal Alley-Thomas-Lafond-Pascal-Albert Alley-Thomas-Lafond-Syndicate-Griggs • Alley-Thomas-Lafond-Griggs-Dunlap S T R E E T O I L I N G SEASON OF 1957 (Ward 10 Cont. ) "T"Alley-Thomas-Lafond-Dunlap-Lexington Alley-University-Sherburne-Asbury-Simpson Alley-University-Sherburne-Simpson-Pascal Alley-university-Sherburne-Pascal-Albert Alley-University-Sherburne-Hamlin-Syndicate Alley-University-Sherburne-Syndicate-Griggs Alley-University-Sherburne-Dunlap 28' W of W L Lexington Alley-Valentine-Buford-Brompton-Keston S 180' of N & S Alley-Valentine-Buford-Keston-Como Alley-Van Buren-Minnehaha-Wheeler-Aldine "T" Alley-Van Buren-Minnehaha-Aldine-Fry West N & S Alley-Van Buren-Minnehaha-Snelling-Asbury Alley-Van Buren-Minnehaha-Asbury-Simpson Alley-Van Buren-Minnehaha-Simpson-Pascal Alley-Van Buren-Minnehaha-Albert-Hamlin Alley-Van Buren-Minnehaha-Hamlin-Syndicate Alley-Van Buren-Minnehaha-Syndicate-Griggs Alley-Van Buren-Minnehaha-Griggs-Dunlap * Alley-Wynne-Breda-Arona-Pascal Alley-Wynne-Breda-Albert-Hamlin 44 S T R E E T • O I L I N G SEASON OF 1957 Ward 11 Street From To II Albert Highland Hague Aldine Summit Alley Nod. of Iglehart Aldine Roblyn St. Anthony Alton Youngman Seventh ) Ann Arbor Cretin Finn Asbury Alley S.of Iglehart St. Anthony Ashland Cleveland Snelling Ashland Pascal Hemline Bayard :"Mt. Curve Snellin Bayard Pascal Hemline; Beacon St. Anthony University Beechwood Bohland Fairvier Benson Madison Springflield Berkeley Pascal Hemline; Berry Franklin Ellis Beverly Road St. Anthony St. Anthony Birchman Lower St. Dennis Upper St. Dennis Bohland Cleveland Fairview Bordner P1. Cleveland ReturnCt. Bowdoin Itasca Hampshire * Brimhall Scheffer St. Clair Carroll Cretin Pascal; Carroll Syndicate Griggs Cleora Pillsbury Vandala Cleveland Miss. River Blvd. St. PaUl Clifford Beverly Road St. Anthony Colby Bowdoin Hamps ire Collette 120' S. of Dorothea Magof in Colvin Edgcumbe Dave Cretin Highland Summi Cretin Miss. River Blvd. St. Anthony (Both,' Sides of Island) Cromwell Doane St. thony Cromwell Wabash Unive sity Curfew Myrtle Unive sity Davern Gertrude St. C air Dayton Miss. River Blvd. Sara ga Delano St. Paul Kenn th Desnoyer Curfew ust s Dewey , Summit gust rsity Doane Eustis Raym nd Dorothea Collette St. aul Dunlap St. Anthony Cent al • II S T R E E T O I L I N G l SEASON OF 1957 (Ward 11 Cont) ll it • Street From To Eleanor Mt. Curve Macalester l Eleanor Snelling Hamlin Ellis Emerald University I Elsie Lane Miss. River Blvd, Cleveland I Emerald Franklin University I Eustis Doane St. Anthony/ Eustis Wabash University / Exeter Place Riverwood Marshall l Fairmount Cretin Prior Fairview Highland St. Clair j Fairview Summit Selby j Fairview Marshall University; Ferdinand Carroll St. Anthony Feronia Prior Fairview II Field Edgcumbe Davern 1 Finn Ma offin Hampshire I g P Finn Highland Hartford Finn Niles Summit 4 . Finn Selby St. Anthony Frontenac St. Anthony Eustis I Fry Summit University Glendale Beverly St.' Antho y Glendale Wabash Myrtle Goodrich Cretin Cleveland Graham Prior Edgcumbe I Graham Seventh Blvd, Davern Griggs Carroll Bohn Hague Fairview Albert Hemline Marshall 755' S. If University (Pavemen ) Hampden St. Anthony C.M.St.P & P. By. Hampshire Howell Edgcumbe Hampshire Yorkshire Davern Hampshire Ct. Hampshire So, to rn Around Hampshire Colby Bowdoin Hartford Miss.Riv. Blvd. Cleve/ Hartford 1161 W. of Fairview Hemline Herschel Ashland Carroll Herschel Roblyn Univers ty Hilltop Colvin Edgcumb Howell Edgcumbe Hillcre t Howell Eleanor Bayard Howell Randolph Palace I • Howell Stanford Grand Howell Summit St. Antony Ii S T R E E T O I L I N G Season of 1957 (Ward 11 Cont) • Street From To I Iglehart Cretin Fry Iglehart Snelling Pascal Iris Place Lynnhurst W. Lynnhurst E. Itasca Miss.River Blvd. Return Ct. James Cretin Fairview James Pascal Hamline Jefferson Miss, Riv, Blvd, Fairview Jefferson Snelling Hamline Josephine Eleanor Bayard Juliet Cretin Fairview Juliet Pascal Ha.mli e Juno Cretin Cleveland Juno Fairview Wheele Juno Davern Snelling Kenneth Norfolk Sherid-. Kenneth Saunders Bayard Kenneth Randolph St. Clair Kenneth Princeton Goodrii.h LaSalle Myrtle University Laurel Cleveland Hamline Lincoln Cretin Fairvie Lower St. Dennis Upper St. Dennis Edgcumb- Lynnhurst E. Feronia Univers ty Lynnhurst W. Feronia Univers ty Macalester Beechwood Pinehur.t Macalester Highland Jeffers., Madison SL 1343 Madison Seventh Magoffin Miss. River Blvd. Return Curt Magoffin Collette St. Paul Merriam Lane Wilder St. Anthony Milwaukee Wilder 1351 E. of Moore Montgomery Wabash University Montreal Cleveland St. Paul Moore Summit Merriam e Moore St. Anthony Milwauke Mt. Curve Randolph St. Clai Munster Sue Davern Murray Norfolk Sheridan Myrtle Eustis Raymond Myrtle Pillsbury Vandalia • S T R E E T O I L I N G SEASON OF 1957 (Ward 11 Cont. ) • Street o , Fr m To Niles Cretin Cleveland Niles Davern Warwick Norbert Lane Dorothea St. Paul Norbert Place Norbert Lane Norbert Lar'e Norfolk Cleveland Edgcumbe Norfolk Seventh Blvd. Stewart Oakley Prior Lynnhurst Orme Court Hampshire S. to Turn/Around Otis Eustis Emerald Palace Cretin Fairview /i Palace Snelling Hamlin Pascal Highland 391' N. of Hartford Pascal Randolph Selby Pascal Marshall St. Anthony Pelham Doane St. Anthony Pelham C.M.St.P. & P. Ry. Franklin Pierce Summit Iglehart A * Pierce Carroll Universit Pillsbury Raymond 140' East Pillsbury St. Anthony Cleora Pinehurst Mt. Curve Howell / Pinehurst Fairview Snelling / Portland Pascal Hamlin Prior Miss. Riv. Blvd. Sheridan " Prior St. Paul Yorkshir0 Prior Eleanor Bayard Prior Randolph Marshall/ Ramlow P1. Cleveland Return C . Raymond Beverly St. Ant ony Raymond Wabash Univers ty Return Ct. Ramlow Itasca. Return Ct. Magoffin Villard Riverwood place Exeter Place Cretin Roblyn Cretin Wilder Roblyn Merriam Lane Fairvie Roblyn Herschel 250' E. of Pascal Rockwood Snelling Place 40' E. of #2367 Rome Wilder Fairvi w Rondo Griggs Lexing on Roy Highland Scheff r Roy St. Anthony Univer ity w it STREET OILING SEASON OF 1957 (Ward 11 Cont) • Street From To St. Anthony City Limits Lexington St. Paul Edgcumbe Montreal Saratoga Scheffer Dayton Sargent Snelling Hamlin Saunders Cleveland Fairview Scheffer Mt. Curve Cleveland Scheffer Fairview Hamline Selby Exeter Place Fairview Selby C. M. St. P. & P. Ry. 300E W. o Bridge Selby N. & S. Drives 3001 W. of Bridge E. End of ridge Seventh Miss. River Blvd. Edgcumbe Shelby Place SL Shelby Place Edgcumbe Sheridan Cleveland Davern Shields Fairview Aldine Shields Pierce Snelling Snelling Seventh Montreal Stanford Mt. Curve Fairview Stanford Snelling Hamline Stewart Norfolk Ward Line Sue Munster Sheridan • Sue Eleanor Bayard Summit N. Drive Wheeler (Prod) Snelling Summit S. Drive Wheeler Brimhall ( rod) Sumner Norfolk Sheridan Sumner Highland Bayard Sunnyslope Lane Edgcumbe Turn Aro Susan Collette St. Paul Syndicate Marshall Carroll Syndicate St. Anthony Bohn Temple Court Cretin Roblyn Thure Cleveland Return Ct.: Truman Youngman SL Lot 9 Upper St. Dennis Davern Lower St. Dennis Vandalia St. Anthony C.M.St.P. & P. Ry. Villard Cleveland Return Court Villard Court Villard Turn Around Wabash Eustis Hampden Wabash Vandalia Cleveland Waltham Prior Dewey Warwick Scheffer St. Clair Watson Cretin Cleveland Watson Davern Snelling 0 Wellesley Mt. Curve Fairview Wellesley Pascal Hamline 1 S T R E E T O I L I N G SEASON OF 1957 (Ward 11 Cont) r Street From To Wheeler Norfolk Field Wheeler Highland Hartfor• Wheeler Juno St. Cla r Wheeler Summit Carroll Wheeler Roblyn Univers ty Wilder Montreal Bohland Wilder Highland Bayard Wilder Summit C. M. S . P. & P. Ry, Woodlawn Highland Miss. R ver Blvd. Woodlawn Randolph Jeffers.' Wordsworth Prior Seventh Yorkshire Cleveland St. Paul Yorkshire Prior Davern Yorkshire Ct. Prior 2202 West Youngman Alton 2002 West Youngman Elsa Place Rankin C� 4 dr S T R E E T O I L I N G SEASON OF 1957 (Ward 11 Cont) f "T" Alley-Ashland-Laurel-Cleveland-Wilder Alley-Ashland-Laurel-Moore-Prior Alley-Ashland-Laurel-Prior-Howell Alley-Ashland-Laurel-Howell-Dewey Alley-Ashland-Laurel-Fairview-Wheeler Alley-Ashland-Laurel-Wheeler-Herschel Alley-Ashland-Laurel-Herschel-Aldine Alley-Ashland-Laurel-Aldine-Pierce Alley-Ashland-Laurel-Pierce-Fry N & S Alley-Ashland-Laurel-Fry-Snelling E & W and West N & S Alley-Ashland-Laurel-Snelling-Saratoga Alley-Ashland-Laurel-Saratoga-Pascal Alley-Ashland-Laurel-Pascal-Albert Alley-Bayard-Hartford-Wheeler-Davern Alley-Bayard-Hartford.-Davern-Macalester "T" Alley-Bayard-Hartford-Macalester-Snelling N & S Alley-Beechwood-Bohland-Macalester-Sne17 .ng Alley-Berkeley-St. Clair-Mt. Curve-Cretin "T" Alley-Berkeley-St: Clair-Finn-Cleveland "T" Alley-Berkeley-St. Clair-Cleveland-Kenneth Alley-Berkeley-St. Clair-Kenneth-Prior Alley-Berkeley-St. Clair-Prior-Howell Alley-Berkeley-St. Clair-Howell-Fairview Alley-Berkeley-St. Clair-Wheeler-Davern "T" Alley-Berkeley-St. Clair-Davern-Macalester "T" Alley-Berkeley-St. Clair-Macalester-Snelling Alley-Berkeley-St. Clair-Pascal-Albert E & W Alley-Berkeley-St. Clair-Albert-Hamline Alley-Beverly-Pillsbury-Raymond-St. Anthony Alley-Brimhall-Saratoga-Hartford-Niles "T" Alley-Brimhall-Saratoga-Randolph-Palace Alley-Brimhall-Saratoga-Jefferson-Stanford Alley-Brimhall-Saratoga-Stanford-St. Clair Alley-Carroll-Roblyn-Cretin-Finn, Alley-Carroll-Roblyn-Finn-Cleveland Alley-Carroll-Roblyn-Howell-Ferdinand Alley-Carroll-Roblyn-Ferdinand-Dewey Alley-Carroll-Roblyn-Dewey-Fairview Alley-Carroll-Roblyn-Pierce-Fry "T* Alley-Carroll-Roblyn-Fry-Snelling • S T R E E T O I L I N G SEASON OF 1957 (Ward 11 Cont) Alle Carroll-Robl Y- yn-Asbury-Pascal Alley-Central-University-Dunlap-Lexington Alley-Cleveland-Wilder-Eleanor-Bayard Alley-Cleveland-Wilder-Iglehart-Carroll Alley-Cleveland-Wilder-Carroll-R.oblyn N & S Alley-Cromwell-Pelham-Beverly-2051 Nly Alley-Cromwell-Pelham-Doane-St. Anthony E & W Alley-Dayton-Marshall-Exeter-Cretin Alley-Dayton-Marshall-Finn-Cleveland Alley-Dayton-Marshall-Cleveland-Wilder Alley-Dayton-Marshall-Moore-Prior Alley-Dayton-Marshall-Prior-Howell Alley-Dayton-Marshall-Howell-Dewey Alley-Dayton-Marshall-Dewey-Fairview Alley-Dayton-Marshall-Fairview-Wheeler Alley-Dayton-Marshall-Pierce-Fry "T" Alley-Eleanor-Scheffer-Mt. Curve-Cretin Alley-Eleanor-Scheffer-Cretin-Finn 4► Alley-Eleanor-Scheffer-Wheeler-Davern . Alley-Eleanor-Scheffer-Davern-Macalester "T" Al ley-Fairmount-Goodrich-Finn-Cleveland Alley-Fairmount-Goodrich-Cleveland-Lenneth Alley-Fairmount-Goodrich-Howell-Fairview Alley-Feronia-Iris Place-Lynnhurst W-Lynnhurst E "T" Alley-Ford-Pinehurst-Mt. Curve-Cretin Alley-Fry-Boy-Shields-3801 North Alley-Glendale-Raymond-Doane-St. Anthony "T" Alley-Goodrich-Lincoln-Finn-Cleveland Alley-Goodrich-Lincoln-Cleveland-Prior Alley-Goodrich-Lincoln-Prior-Howell Alley-Goodrich-Lincoln-Howell-Fairview E & W Alley-Goodrich-Lincoln-Fairview-Wheeler "T" Alley-Goodrich-Lincoln-Snelling-Saratoga Alley-Goodrich-Lincoln-Saratoga-Pascal Alley-Grand-Summit-Cretin-Finn Alley-Grand-Summit-Finn-Cleveland Alley-Grand-Summit-Cleveland-Prior Alley-Grand-Summit-Fairview-Wheeler N & S and E & W Alley-Grand-Summit-Snelling-Saratoga Alley-Grand-Summit-Albert-Hamlin • STREET OILING SEASON OF 1957 (Ward 11 Cont) • � Alley-Hartford_�Jatson-Davern-Macalester N & S Alley-Highland-Eleanor-Mt. Curve-Cretin' Alley-Highland-Eleanor-Finn-Cleveland Alley-Highland-Eleanor-Pascal-Albert E & W Alley-Highland-Eleanor-Albert-Hamlin "L" Alley-Highland-Scheffer-Roy-Snelling Alle y Y-I lehart- a r g C r oll-Howell-Dewey �I "T" Alley-Iglehart-Carroll-Snelling-Asbury Alley-Iglehart-Carroll-Asbury-pascal Alley-James-Palace-Cretin-Finn Alley-James-Palace-Kenneth-Prior "T" Alley-James-Palace-Howell-Fairview "T" Alley-James-Palace-Fairview-Wheeler West N & S Alley-James-Palace-Macalester-Snellinng East N & S Alley-James-Palace-Macalester-Snelling Alley-James-Palace-Pascal-Albert Alley-Jefferson-Wellesley-Mt. Curve-Cretin y C rve Cretin 1, Alley-Jefferson-Wellesley-Cretin-Finn At "L" Alley-Jefferson-Wellesley-Finn-Cleveland AO Alley-Jefferson-Wellesley-Cleveland-Kenneth Alley-Jefferson-Wellesley-Kenneth-prior , Alley-JeffersonWellesley-Prior-1875 Jefferson Alley-Jefferson-Wellesley-Wheeler-bavern "T" Alley-Jefferson-Wellesley-Davern-Macalester Alley-Jefferson-Wellesley-Pascal-Albert "T" Alley-Jefferson-Wellesley-Albert-Hamlin Alley_Juliet-Jefferson-Cretin-Finn Alley-Juliet-Jefferson-Cleveland-Kenneth Alley-Juliet-Jefferson-Kenneth-Prior Alley-Juliet-Jefferson-WL 1904 Jefferson-Fairview) Alley-Juliet-Jefferson-Wheeler-Davern "T" Alley-Juliet-Jefferson-Davern-Macalester "H" Alley-Juliet-Jefferson-Macalester-Snelling Alley-Juliet-Jefferson-Pascal-Albert E & W Alley-Juliet-Jefferson-Albert-Hamlin Alley-Juno-Randolph-Cretin-Finn Alley-Juno-Randolph-Finn-Cleveland Alley-Juno-Randolph-Fairview-Wheeler Alley-Juno-Randolph-Davern-Macalester Alley-Laurel-Selby-Wilder-Moore • S T R E E T O I L I N G SEASON OF 1957 (Ward 11 Cont) • Alley-Laurel-Selby-Prior-Howell Alley-Laurel-Selby-Howell-Dewey Alley-Laurel-Selby-Dewey-Fairview Alley-Lincoln-Grand-Cretin-Finn "T" Alley-Lincoln-Grand-Finn-Cleveland Alley-Lincoln-Grand-Cleveland-Prior Alley-Lincoln-Grand-Prior-Howell Alley-Lincoln-Grand-Fairview-Wheeler Alley-Lincoln-Grand-Wheeler-Cambridge Alley-Lincoln-Grand-Cambridge-Macalester "T" Alley-Lincoln-Grand-Snelling-Saratoga Alley-Lincoln-Grand-Saratoga-Pascal Alley-Lincoln-Grand-Albert-Hamlin Alley-Marshall-Iglehart-Cretin-Finn Alley-Marshall-Iglehart-Finn-Cleveland Alley-Marshall-Iglehart-Cleveland-Wiider Alley-Marshall-Iglehart-Wilder-Moore AO Alley-Marshall-Iglehart-Moore-Prior Alley-Marshall-Iglehart-Prior-How311 Alley-Marshall-Iglehart-Dewey-Fairview Alley-Marshall-Iglehart-Fairview-Wheeler Alley-Marshall-Iglehart-Wheeler-Herschel Alley-Marshall-Iglehart-Herschel-Aldine Alley-Marshall-Iglehart-Aldine-Pierce Alley-Marshall-Iglehart-Pierce-Fry Alley-Marshall-Iglehart-Asbury-Pascal Alley-Miss.River Blvd.-Mt. Curve-Hartford-Randolp N & S Alley-Mt. Curve-Cretin-Randolph-Jefferson E & W Alley-Mt, Curve-Cretin-Randolph-Jefferson Alley-Mt. Curve-Montrose Lane-Hartford-Randolph Alley-Munster-Wordsworth-Edgcumbe-Wheeler "T" Alley-Niles-Juno-Cretin-Finn "T" Alley-Niles-Juno-Finn-Cleveland Alley-Niles-Juno-Davern-Macalester "T" Alley-Niles-Juno-Macalester-Snelling Si of N & S Alley-Norfolk-Graham-Sue-Seventh-Edgcambe Alley-Osceola-Fairmount-Albert-Hamlin Alley-Palace-Juliet-Cretin-Finn "T" Alley-Palace-Juliet-Finn-Cleveland Alley-Palace-Juliet-Cleveland-Kenneth • S T R E E T O I L I N G SEASON OF 1957 (Ward 11 Cont) • Alley-Palace-Juliet-Prior-1838 Juliet Alley-Palace-Juliet-Fairview-Wheeler AlleyPala:ce-Juliet-Wheeler-Davern "T" Alley-Palace-Juliet-Davern-Macalester "H" Alley-Palace-Juliet-Macalester-Snelling Alley-Palace-Juliet-Pascal-Albert Alley-Pinehurst-Highland-Davern-Macalester Alley-Portland-Ashland-Prior-Howell Alley-Portland-Ashland-Howell-Dewey Alley-Portland-Ashland-Dewey-Fairview Alley-Portland-Ashland-Aldine-Pierce Alley-Portland-Ashland-Pierce-Fry E & W Alley-Portland-Ashland-Saratoga-Pascal Alley-Princeton-Fairmount-Cleveland-Kenneth "T" Alley-Princeton-Goodrich-Fairview-Wheeler South E & W Alley and N & S Alley-Princeton-Goodrich-Wheeler-Amhe] Alley-Randolph-James-Finn-Cleveland st Alley-Randolph-James-Kenneth-Prior At Alley-Randolph-James-prior-Howell Alley-Randolph-James-Howell-Fairview Alley-Randolph-James-Fairview-Wheeler Alley-Randolph-James-Wheeler-Davern "H" Alley-Randolph-James-Macalester-Snelling Alley-Randolph-James-Pascal-Albert E & W Alley-Randolph-James-Albert-Hamlin Alley-Riverwood-Selby-Exeter-Cretin Alley-Roblyn-AnnArbor-Cretin-Finn "T" Alley-Roblyn-Finn-Temple Court Alley-Roblyn-St. Anthony-Pierce-Fry N & S Alley-Roblyn-St. Anthony-Fry-Snelling Alley-Rome-Saunders-Howell-Fairview "T" Alley-St. Anthony-Shields-Fairview-Beacon "T" Alley-St. Anthony-Shields-Wheeler-Herschel N & S Alley-St. Anthony-Shields-Herschel-Aldine "T" Alley-St. Anthony-Shields-Pierce-Fry E & W Alley-From Fry to N & S Alley-St. Anthony-Shi lds-Fry-Roy N & S Alley-St. Anthony-Shields-Fry-Roy N & S Alley-St. Anthony-Shields-Roy-Snelling E & W Alley-St. Anthony-Shields-Roy-Snelling Alley-St. Clair-Sargent-Finn-Cleveland • S T R E E T O I L I N G SEASON OF 1957 (Ward 11 Cont) Alley-St. Clair-Sargent-Prior-Howell • "T" Alley-St. Cleir-Sargent-Howell-Fairview Alley-St. Clair-Sargent-Fairview-Wheeler Alley-St. Clair-Sargent-Snelling-Saratoga Alley-St. Clair-Sargent-Saratoga-Pascal Alley-St. Clair-Sargent-Pascal-Albert Alley-St. Clair-Sargent-Albert-Hamline Alley-Saratoga-Warwick-Hartford-Niles "T" Alley-Saratoga-Warwick-Niles-Randolph Alley-Saratoga-Warwick-Randolph-Palace Alley-Saratoga-Warwick-Palace-Jefferson Alley-Saratoga-Warwick-Jefferson-Stanford Alley-Saratoga-Warwick-Stanford-St. Clair Alley-Sargent-Osceola-Snelling-Saratoga Alley-Sargent-Osceola-Saratoga-Pascal Alley-Sargent-Osceola-Pascal-Albert Alley-Sargent-Osceola-Albert-Hamlin N & S Alley-Sargent-Princeton-Finn-Cleveland Alley-Sargent-Princeton-Cleveland-Kenneth at Alley-Sargent-Princeton-Kenneth-Prior Alley-Sargent-Princeton-Prior-Howell "T" Alley-Sargent-Princeton-Howell-Fairview Alley-Saunders-Beechwood-Howell--Fairview Alley-Scheffer-Bayard-Wheeler-Davern Alley-Scheffer-Bayard-Davern-Macalester "T" Alley-Scheffer-Bayard-Macalester-Snelling "T" Alley-Scheffer-Bayard-Albert-Hamlin Alley-Selby-Dayton-Exeter-Cretin "T" Alley-Selby-Dayton-Finn-Cleveland Alley-Selby-Dayton-Moore-Prior Alley-Selby-Dayton-Prior-Howell Alley-Selby-Dayton-Howell-Dewey "T" Alley-Shields-University-Fairview-Beacon N & S Alley-Shields-University-Beacon-Wheeler "T" Alley-Shields-University-Wheeler-Herschel "L" Alley-Shields-University-Roy-Snelling Alley-Snelling-Brimhall-Scheffer-Hartford Alley-Snelling-Brimhall-Hartford-Niles Alley-Snelling-Brimhall-Randolph-Palace Alley-Snelling-Brimhall-Jefferson-Stanford • S T R E E T O I L I N G SEASON OF 1957 (Ward 11 Cont) • N & S Alley-Snelling-Brimhall-Stanford-St. Clair "T" Alley-Stanford-Berkeley-Finn-Cleveland Alley-Stanford-Berkeley-Cleveland-Kenneth Alley-Stanford-Berkeley-Kenneth-Prior Alley-Stanford-Berkeley-Prior-1873 Stanford Alle y-Stanford-Berkeley-Wheeler-Davern "T" Alley-Stanford-Berkeley-Davern-Macalester Alley-Stanford-Berkeley-Pascal-Albert Alley-Summit-Portland-Moore-Prior Alley-Summit-Portland-Fry-Snelling Alley-Temple Court-Cleveland-Roblyn-St. Antho4 Alley-Vernon-Macalester-St. Clair-Princeton Alley-Warwick-Pascal-Hartford-North to End Alley-Warwick-Pascal-Jefferson-Stanford Alley-Warwick-Pascal-Stanford-St. Clair Alley-Watson-Niles-Davern-Macalester "T" Alley-Wellesley-Stanford-Finn-Cleveland Alley-Wellesley-Stanford-Cleveland-Kenneth • Alley-Wellesley..Stanford-Kenneth-Prior "T" Alley-Wellesley-Stanford-Davern-Macalester N & S Alley-Wellesley-Stanford-Macalester-Snelling Alley-Wellesley-Stanford-Pascal-Albert "T" Alley-Wellesley-Stanford-Albert-Hamline Alley-Wilder-Kenneth-Highland-Eleanor Alley-Woodlawn-Mt. Curve-Randolph-Jefferson •