10-138conncil Fi,e # lb Green Sheet #_ j � 9 � � � � RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented by 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 7 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul proposes to implement the Snelling Avenue Medians project which includes adding complete street elements to SnellinJ Avenue between Grand Avenue and St. Clair Avenue; and, VJHEREAS, the City is acting as fiscal agent for Macalester Colle�e per CF09-1165; and, WHEREAS, the Snelling Avenue Medians project is fully funded by Macalester College, a Minnesota Deparhnent of Transportation Cooperarive a�eement and federal funds; and, WHEREAS, as part of the Federal review process ihe Minnesota Deparhnent of Transportation Cultural Resources Unit reviews the project to determine historical impacts of the project and that a preliminary analysis indicates additional historical mformation is needed to accurately determine the impacts of the project; and, WHEAEAS, the Minnesota Department of Transportation acting through its Commissioner of Transportation (State), seeks to execute a Contract between the State, the City of Saint Paul (Ciry) and Summit Envirosolutions, Inc. for the purposes of completing a Phase I Architecture/History Survey and possible Phase II Evaluation to ascertain the historical impacts of tha project; and, WHEREAS, the cost to execute the contract is borne 80°/a by the State and 20% by the City which is fully reimbursable by outside sources; now, therefore be it, RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council hereby authorizes Ciry funds in an amount not to exceed $2,642.60 be appropriated in the execution of the contract; and be it further RESOLV ED, Ciry Engineex, 7ohn P. Maczko, is hereby authorized and directed fox and on behalf af Che City of Saint Paul to execute and enter into a contract with the State prescribing the terms and condition of said contract as set forth and contained in Minnesota Department of Transportation Agency Contract No. 95868. Requested by Deparn of: Public Wor es By: Apprc By: Apprc By: Apprc Adoption Certified b Counci ecretary gy; B i Approv y a r Date 2Q By: � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � 1//�l?, Q F .�-� Departmenf/pffice/Council: Date Inkiated: PW_PUblicWorks Z��AN2010 Green Sheet NO: 3096176 ConWct Person & Phone: D¢parhneM Sent To Person InitiaUDate David Kuebler 0 64c Worlcs John Maczko ,� 266-6217 1� ubSc Works I)ireMor +JKJ /— �! ^�0 Ka nss�qn z ubu� wo�� �onaa c� a�c � G!"�I O Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): Number 3 inancial Services pffice flnaacial Services Fcr Routing 4 i Attorne C' Attorne Doc. Type: RESOIUTION W!$ Order 5 a or's Office Ma or/Assistant TRANSACTiON 6 iCOUncI Ci Comc� E-Document Required: N 1 Gtitq Clerk G7 Cierk DocumeM Contact: David Kuebler Contact Phone: 266-6217 Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature� � Action Requested: � Passage of the attached Resolution authorizing allocation of City funds in the amount of $2,642.60 and authorizing City Engineer John P. Maczko as the Delegated Authority for signing the contract. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): p¢rsonal Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions: Planning Commission 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? CIB Committee Yes No Ciw1 Service Commission 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this personlfirm possess a skili not normalty possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain al! yes a�swers on separate sheet and attach W green sheet. Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Whe�e, Why): The Snelling Avenue Medians project is funded out of federal, state and local sources. As part of ineering federal requirements, MnDOT's Culhual Resou¢�s Unit {CRin reviewed the project to determine unpacts to historical elements in the azea. The CRU's preliminary review concluded that additional information was needed for a final determination and that the additional inFormarion would require the services of an outside contractor. MnDOT seeks to enter into a contract with the City and a consultant. The City would be responsible for funding 20% of the work and the consultant would be responsible for completing a Phase I Architechiral/Historical Survey and, if needed, a Phase II Evaluation. The total cost for conducting the survey will not exceed $13,213 A0. The City will be fully reimbursed for 20% of $13,213.00 ($2,642.6�) from outside sources with the remaining 80°10 funded by MuDOT. The attached resolution also authorizes John P. Maczko as the Delegated Authority for signature. Advantages If Approved: Pzoject moves forwazd into conshuction. 4'�' . _ i DisadvantageslfApproved: � ` •��..a� None. JAI� 2 � �UtD ��� � Disadvantages If Not Approved: � ��'s Project does not move forwazd and federal funds are not realized. Total Amount of $2 �642.60 CosHRevenue BudgMed: Y Transaction: Funding Source: Activity Number: �9'2NO20-0789-00000 Financial Information: (F�cplain) . Januarv 21. 2010 1:02 PM Pana 1 City of Saint Paul Memorandum To: Margazet Kelly From: John McCarthy, Budget Analyst �o�(�g Subject: G5# 3096176— Snelling Ave Medians/MnDOT's Cultural Resources Unit Date: 7anuary 27, 2010 Attached is resolution from Public Works requesting approval to enter into an agreement with MnDOT for work on the Snelling Avenue Medians project. MnDOT has determined that the pxoject requires review by MnDOT's Cultural Resources Unit (CRU). Under the terms of the agreement the City would be responsible for 20% ($2,642.60) of the CRU wark, and MnDOT would cover the remaining 80%. Since fixnding for this project (established in a previous resolution) comes completely from outside sources (Macalastex College and federal grants), the City will be reimbursed for its shaze of these costs. OK to sign.