182640 187.640 • COUNCIL FILE NO. • By r FINAL ORDER Council No. In the Matter of changing the grade of the East and West alley in Block 8, Lane's Phalen Grove Addition, from Mendota St. to the North and South alley, to conform to the grade as shown on the profile on file in the Department of Public Works. Also grading and surfacing with bituminous material the East and West alley in Block :, Lane's Phalen Grove Addition, from Mendota St. to the North and South alley to the pro••sed change of grade. Also constructing a sewer from the alley to Ivy Ave. in an easel,.nt to be obtained on, under and across the westerly 4 ft. of the easterly 6 ft. of Lot 26, Klock 8, Lane's Phalen Grove Addition, under Preliminary Order 181521 approved February 15, 1957 Intermediary Order approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having full considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is change the grade of the East and West alley in Block 8, Lane's Phalen Grove Addition, from Mendota St. to the North and South all-y, to conform to the grade as shown on the profile on file in the Department of Public orks. Also grade and surface with bituminous material the East and West alley in Bloi.L 8, Lane's Phalen Grove Addition, frem Mendota St. to the North and South alley,to • - proposed change of grade. Also construct a sewer from the alley to Ivy Ave. in an -asement to be obtained on, under and across the westerly 4 ft. of the easterly 6 ft. of Lot 26, Block 8, Lane's Phalen Grove Addition, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby inst ucted and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the I ouncil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council MAY 71957 '0, MAY 71957 Cit. Clerk. Approved / PUBLISHED :�'=//--.4'7 e / . File 13662 Councilman DeCOURCY . rjEK Mayor. Councilman HOLLAND Councilman MARZI T aLI Councilman m ,49err Councilman Tt;c-R6o;;_ Councilman ROSEN Mr. Vice Preslderst (Peterson) 2-55 2M 2'. • CITY OF ST. PAUL • DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE • REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 189267 (D) In the matter of changing the grade of the East and West alley in Block 8, Lane S Phalen Grove Addition: frail Mendota St. to the North and South alley, to conform to the 1. • -- as shown on the profile on file in the Department of Public Works. Also grade and surfac-- with bituminous material the East and West alley in Block 8, Lane's Phalen-Grove Addition, , , Mendota St. to the north and south alley to the proposed change of grade. Also construct a -r fraa the alley to Ivy Ave. in an easement to be obtained on, under and across the wee -4ly 4 ft. of the easterly 6 ft. of Lot 26, Block 8, Lane's Phalen Grove Addition, 82.640 under Preliminary Order approved February 15, 1957 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $ 3,419.74 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - - $ 3.90 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed v.luation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT i3LOCK] ADDITION VALUATION • Bldg Lot 7 & except West 30 ft.; I 8 1 8 i Lane's Phalen Grove Add., St. Paul, Minn. iI752501 West 30 ft. of Lot 8 and except West 10 ft.; 9 i 8 i do ! `10 6400� it Lot 10 and West 10 ft. of 9 8 do i! •• 51150 Lot 11 and East 1/2 of 12 8 I do 8-4 4600 Lot 13 and West 1/2 of M 12 8 do ••• 4600' 14 ( 8 ! do i ••• 3900 15 8 do •e n 2500 16 8 do 711 2650 17 8 do 87 2050 ' continued on next The. o4eioi.e -of- e. epeet..4h ke•he a nveetigeted..ell-of-the-afereeeei 1- . ;en el kere by-submit, the-fereggoieg-era.}pie.eepor44 kereoA-to-ilie.Coe.ieife-tegether-witle-the-repert:bade • kin:is reference.te-esici•matter-4,y-tom Cenral ieeienee.of Pa rlie•Werke. meted 4 Form B.S.A.8-5 D • CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE • • ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LO SLOG ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 18 8 lane's Phalan Grove Add., 1 25 St. Path., 1(inn. 19 8 do 700, x540 _ 20 8 do 600 21 8 do I Epp 22 8 do ;. . :_.38,50. , 604. Lots 23 and 24 8 do 11.00 ._:; i 6700 26 8 do 100 ; 27 8 do 100 2A 8 do 100 1 i 4 • — I TOM 141173c0 07,500 500 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated April 9 . 19_57_ 7)1.44/ 4 .i 777• 44 Pores so B. B. 12 Commissioner of F `• . . . • • St. Paul, Minn.__ 19. ,57-5 To The Honorable,The Council, • City of St. Paul, Minn. //72 Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, here petition_your onorable ody to cause the following improvement to be made: % ALL__e x-t, . Ivy 4,5 t of M ' (13)_ '+. St. Ave. from St. Ave. to St. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION 7(2( g i • r rf-vt-a-d • W c= I .. • pc0, 1 ,6 1 r ,k4S/3iit I r Pkid„, 4. to 14.-00- 4,,0 -6—Au a . 7 REC EIVZ • DEC 151955 1EPLIM11.41AIORKS 6M 11-52 410002 Date • ADDITION ADDITION DELINQUENT DELINQUENT TAXES ELINQUENT TAXES • Lot Blk. Years Amount SP Lot Blk. Years Amount SP -- • -- I I -1r' Y /366 V • OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINA CE February 26, , 19 57 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: . __ 1L. .74mi r.. , W.,fr. $ ;;'E .. ._ .x )—ti +r drt,.it.Y 1 , . ,,r)v-• - fi f F - 3.. .f '� i .._ 4 ,,y @ , f .: . ,Y _ -4.A+, t 4 I , w .„;;;A`• 1 tar:,�Mry ., _ mr •- . yF$ f ':• �'4 d` 1^ -f " . °.1 '-S..,. y ) 4d L'`4 Al ,:p �.. ar._, and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ 3,419.74 , and the total cost th reof Engineering $220.00 Inspection $62.74 is $ and the nature and extent o said improvement is as follows: Cost per front foot $3.90 Frontage 877.61. ft. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. petition of three or more 5. Said improvement is asked for upon p J owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ! ; F ! a ,?..:,-. M - ( -', '�� 11ECE lr,: ! , �C•* iSSio , �• 'c .��,VP _} ,:3 2s .-i r' -.4\ tit,' 0, - 44- t.\,,c) 1, tca, � l • OFFICE ENGINEER + ACCOUNTING DIV SION HERBERT S. WEST CITY OF SAINT PAUL JOS.PAVLI EK a Prin. Acc untant • Capital of Minnesota BRIDGE ENGINEER • MAURICE W. HEWETT DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS BUREAU OF SANI ATION JOHN M. CR, Supt. FRANK D. MARZITELLI, Commissioner • TRAFFIC ENGINEER V. CLIFTON G. HOLMGREN, Deputy Commissioner BUREAU OF MUNI IPAL EQUIPMENT EUGENE V. AVERY P ARTHUR H KOCH GEORGE M. SHEPARD, Street & Highway Engineering Coordinator • ARTHUR W. TEWS, Chief Engineer 1 STREETS AND HIGHWAYS ENGINEER BUREAU OF CO ECTION ARTHUR G. WELIN JOHN P.M ANEY, Supt. 8 • February 26, 1957 Hon. Frank D. Mersitelli Commissioner of Public Works City of St. Paul Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for changing tie grade of the Fast and West alley in Block 8, Lane's Phalen Grove Addit , from Mendota St. to the North and South alley, to conform to the grade a shown on the profile on file in the Department of Public Works. Also grading and surfacing with bituminous material the East and West alley in Block 0, Lane's Phalen Grove Addition, from Mendota St. to the North and South alley to the proposed change of grade. Also constructing a sewer from the alley to Ivy Ave. in an easement to be obtained on, under and across the westerly 4 ft. of the easterly 6 ft. of Lot 26, Block 8, Lane's Phalen Grove Addition, under Preliminary Order C. F. 181521 approved February 15, 1957. Estimated Cost $ 3,119.74. Engineering 220.00 Inspection 62.74 Cost per front foot 3.90 Frontage 877.61 ft. Yours very truly, ty i alk H 70- Ar hur W. Tews Chief Engineer Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of Finance • Commission .e..'-, L -"II.-`,-, * t,.- Vt".,4 ' . '1,4,„‘ ,, ' - 4:-,,,....Zifi •,,. „ $ - ‘0,4 :. , 'll 4: i'1•",'''7'4, .41,'''1°*'.-4::,,,- , - i. fr -, _...\ we.11L - - - 15■70•-r.-:..,.., __ _ - _ _ _ _ ___ _ -- -- - - - - • • 0 . I I N (1 .. 0 ___ • (A . . - „ •4,r '.. , .. 4) ) 11 111 _ h Elk,' , 0 4 - I 0 ak cd , ‘ . M /YL2 o 7,4 t , , / 1 - i N - . P ,. 0 •■ ' , , '4,. 1 444 , '•:' 1 lb •, .c ••t• fit ill -‹ r ftl \-1 ' 44 .. ,. . . , ,,, ' ■ . I • r , _ r ,. / /c--0.49)EST 157. i 1 c4") t .4 . rt-*. r ,. , , ,,- , . , . ,. .„,. 4.. _ f,,-,- ,.., il 1 , - „. 1 , I'll. 1 , / I 1 1 \ I •• 44”' • I „ / / ■,.....,, 2 ., ._ 4 I • ,-, i ' ' • / //, 1 '4•Iiri . .• / 1 II I I * .....! t'4, / / # Ii' 'c / , ■ rl .) 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