182637 . • .. 1'2637 z COUNCIL FILE NO. By _--- ------ __ Council File No. 182837 FikitireRDER In facing the wi matter uminous of gra - th bit aterta and surthe. 4 alley in Block 4, The Jr""-r .' 4 N,� °v Ii the Matter of grading and Zrfacing with bituminous material the all y in Block 4, The West St. Paul Real Estate and Improvement Syndicate Addition No. 1, f om Riverview -a" co m Avenue to State Street, and grading Riverview Avenue from Sidney Street t. Page Street; v c as also constructing a sewer in the alley from 190 ft. west of the center li•e of Riverview 1 m .= Avenue to the center of Riverview Avenue, and in Riverview Avenue from th• alley to the ta a existing sewer in Page Street, b2 under Preliminary Order 179049 approved August 2: 1956 h . Intermediary Order approved °" a A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council -0 E R having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having full, considered the same; therefore, be it _ RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that . : __• .. . . -, - .t .'. . . ' - C E -- • ovement to be made by the s.'d City is grade and s face with bituminous t-rial the alley Lo in • oak 4, The West St. Pa i. Real Estate and Imp.ovement Syndicate Addi on No. 1, from a. 2� Rivervi Avenue to State Stree and grading Rive • ew Avenue from Sid.ne, Street to -1 4.4 C- a Page Street, also construct a se ;r in the alley from 90 ft. west of th-- enter line 1 of Riverview Ave e to the center of :iverview Avenue, an in Riverview A -rite from the oc alley to the existi•,: sewer in Page St et, and uncil herer improvement 'e made. the RESOLCoVED FURTHERby ode •, That said mprovem the Commission to of Public Works be a d is hereby ins ructe., and .irected to prepare plans and - ■ecifications for said i , .rovement, and subm. same to the Counci or approval; that upon said approva the proper city officia are hereby authori -d and dire•ted to p,i- teed with the making of said impr• ement in accordance herewith. Adopted by the Council MAY 71957 MAY 71957 C ty Clerk. Approved ru sLisrIED.4"--6�-'-/ File 13458 ` - i toting Mayor. 1 P Counclman DeCOURCY S Councilman HOLLAND A / Councilman MARZITELLI d Councilman i! molt /#1,4d 1 Councilman �^Councilman .SEN / 4.g :I l ait.Via z of a P-\ \ j��'Jo • A ). (2.55 2M 2 y • CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE •(D). L ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 81)18 In the mattfr of grading and surfacing with bituminous material the alley in Block 4, The West St. Paul lea' Estate and Improvement Syndicate Addition No. 1, from Riverview Avenue to State Street, and grading Riverview Avenue from Sidney Street to Page Street. Also construct- ing a sewer in the alley from 190 ft. west of the center line of Riverview Avenue to the center of Riverview Avenue, and in Riverview Avenue from the alley to the existing sewer in Page Street, 18'2637 under Preliminary Order approved August 2, 1956 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: Surface Grade Riverview The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: sags—grade, The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement re $3,185.45- $ $3,720.95 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - 5.10 - $ 7.56 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT LOCK ADDITION T ASSESSED VALUATION ---- Land Buildings The West St. Paul Real Estate i r & Improvement Syndicate Add.-1 . 1 1 4 do ( 375, 3000. Ig do � 4 � 350. 3 4 do 350). 1900. Lots 4, 5, 6 and (except State St.) . Lo 7 also that part of Lots 10 & 11 lyin SE fiState S t. & N. of N. line of E. & W all I i� in Bik. 14 extended W. also vac. all between aforesaid Lot 7 do the above deco bed parts of Lots 10 and 11 114 do 1750*.750 7000. CONTINUED ON FOLLOWING.PAGE. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 19 Commissioner of Finance. Form B.S.A.8-5 D • CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE . - ` ON PRELIMINARY ORDER • 41 _ , - - - -- ,, DESCRIPTION LOT FLOCK ADDITION 1' ASSESSED VALUATION e i feet St. Paul Real Estate & Improvement Syndicate Add. No. 111 II • • �i i' ''ao,. allot add. & 1. 61.5 ft. of p t G (! R�7,T of State St. it S. of extended i il S, line of Lot 15 of Lots 11 taint 1 15 b ; do �� 500. 5500. i1 Lot 16 & W. 20 ft. of ; 17 It do 125. j Lot 18 & ex. I. 20 f t.j 117 i 4 do � 100.. Ij Let 19 & 11. 20 ft. of i 20 4 do •1 150. 4800. 11 Lot 4 & ex. 11. 20 ft.; 1 20 4 do ( 350. 2350. e 1 5 I do j 1150. 1500. �I 9 ; 5 do 111 325. 2700. 1� it ! 1+ �I f i I 11 !, 11. ' j j 1 i . I 1 i q I� j • 1 } 1 1; I i I A•82,6 . The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. off,,,, Dated October 30 19 56 i ' �'...i,_:'.. //E. I -- Commissioner of Fi e Form F. B. 12 "z= _ = _n . • St. Paul, Minn. October 17, 19 55• To The Honorable,The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Grade and surface with bituminous material the alley bounded by • Page, Sidney, State and Riverview. St. Ave. from St. Ave. to St. Ave. / NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION lir Vi - - 4c?, i f / Imo' ' to Qc(.ot`! �/ ice`!// 41 / 1 1 , i-;-- ._ . ..i!�. , _ I/0 # A/ i !I ' - / E.� ` 11 ,. , v4,i a c' I/ .c i j 1 1L�.tt ,a,.cc v do/ xvirtv2 of.a /1 7 14 #4&; 7". t$:le Og ,14 -pea , CO A (P.S. your lots are owned by tba city of alt. Pete sn3 being need by ca the meet Side Pmtping Station..) 00 R E C • OCT 2/.. 1955 DEPT, Of PUS dli WIZ 511 11-52 2 ,., f ADDITION _ADDITION Date . DELINQUENT TAXES f DELINQUENT TAXES i •Lot Blk. Years Amount SP Lot Blk. Years Amount eISP • • ■ • • y • . , . • " . . . .. • ' . . „,.. . .• ., • St Paul, Minn LS- 1907/' To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. 6'— fee Z. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: • 74. ,- #, , 4 + oi, 0_,-,e (61-St Ave. /-leettOMA a9,4-4,A, ' _le , from A-:01.14.& #- St. Ave. to /4 are - St. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION 4 6-47-00-4/0-- --e- 063kk , , v = /4-4(10-4- // ii / e.,/ s- v V-1jAst ,,,, 2 & D6322 The West St.Paul Real Estate and 71 ArL, 3 04 -Improvement-ilyndleate-iddu.No. 1. a(QS 1.-3- n,.., Wes* et,Rtu I Real, gst-crt-e Oild i 444/ •_ __)Lairale ICA / 4- 1 0 I 04 r_)..42.13,pitd.LcAct.f.iwk.h. No I..... / ., 1 'c 4. 7444.w-e-dr-1004==.4(61.44,1441;Za.4 v , 1446, 11 i•k-LIfitieEr—Ifstii:c041./...sztvi, fr.to , 4r, A4) -41 tt _ ie/ii I A X174(.14# 8 0” /A 1 etA..,,..v»eAfi- Svv4. dr)4'; /K2/ r Ii Cd0 PI14: 11 — ettalTi NI' rti v D...e ite \ 1 4(1A /--...a... .2 DEPT. a= 5M 11-47 00400°0 • • Date ADDITION ADDITION ¢ •DELINQUENT TAXES DELINQUENT TAXES Lot Blk. ;Years Amount SP Ipt Blk. Years r Amount SP • • • • -- + -- -- --mk■■ • • • — ,..,a�:_,.......iw :- * -r„�,.,.,.r,..1 ,,.L<...,.- .., .•.- v...+p F.^"^'t. - _i_4_e..i.•:_ . --,ter=- ....,....._�.►aw..�,.:..':....71,,, .f ...,�.,..w..-,;..� .. 7 • IP - t i • • • St. Paul, Minn. 7.'t4,4 t- 7.1! 194.2_ T®.The Honorable,The Council, J z--' City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Grading and oiling Riverview ✓' • St. Ave. from Page St.Ave. to Sidney St.Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION 01, /)TA ,6) 1D, _cy/ 5.2M 46 pp • ii I)_ 1 ii 1 I WE, the undersigned propertyoaners wish to withdraw our i previous petition in the matter of grading and paving Riverview Avenue and the alley bounded by Page and Sidney, Riverview and Stet Street. We very much desire this work to be done, but due to the excessive cost involved, it will be impossible for us to subsc ibe to this at this time: va. ,c,0 lart1 N., if.{/( / 71 O G. g (0. V (i Vt de:A /4 ee it- II t/ 4„..., .. - .. . „dog . . ,! A A -4 • • / / ■ ?frb 0- ;37.,„a , kr.,..-&-="e-..,,,,, AZAA,t..z-o-e.- - ikr;f7 &', -2e,:vit?e „as- A... . 4 ')....Ai 'i= i i ! `__ / CV C A I 2./.k. i-i- /LI-1-u. fro-r..e .r ieee'//rzi- ?,2 6 i\i,&&- ,_S,, ‘72 /1. C:) 97Zild - -,./ 7'74-4 ir _.a.. -4.-i■e..f --ms-e, 4047 2 '1k,, a / /29 ALL, ti(\\. kt‘\ °FEW; OF CITY oF G CLERK , • - CLERV` ‘7 1056 DEC 7 Am II 7 DEC 7 • y,tolESOIA stot.‘, CITY CLERK • - /31 • Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance August 8, , 1956 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.179049 approved August 2, 19 56 , relative to grading and sprfacing with bituminous material the alley in Block 4, The Heat St. Paul Real EstaterRorovement Syndicate Addition No. 1, from Riverview Avenue to State Street, and grading Riverview Avenue from Sidney Street to Page Street. Also constructing a sewer in the alley from 190 ft. west of the center line of Riverview Avenue to the center of Riverview Avenue, and in Riverview Avenue from the alley to the existing sewer in Page Street, and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement i4 necessary and (or) desirable. SEE ESTIMATE 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ ATTACHED and the total cost thereof is $ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more owners of prope subject to assessment for said improvement. FRANK D. MARZITGLt CAD eon% Commi r y Tr 2M 7-49 411104 4.O in 1955 3 CR c), c„. 00 9 • ASSISTANT CHIEF ENGINEER ACCOUNTING DIVISION ARTHUR W..tEWS CITY OF SAINT PAUL JOS. P VLICEK • y Pri .Accountant OFFICE ENGINEER Capital of Minnesota • HERBERT S. WEST DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS • BUREAU OF ANITATION BRIDGE ENGINEER r FRANK D. MARZITELLI Commissioner JOHN .COTTER, Supt. U . , MARICE W. HEWETT • • CLIFTON G. HOLMGREN, Deputy Commissioner TRAFFIC ENGINEER BUREAU OF UNICIPAL EQUIPMENT EUGENE GENE E V V. EU . AVERY GEORGE M. SHEPARD, Chief Engineer ARTH H. KOCH • R • STREETS AND HIGHWAYS ENGINEER BUREAU OF •ORRECTION ARTHUR G. WELIN August 8, 1956 JOHN •.MULLANEY,Supt. Hon. Frank D. Merzitelli Commissioner of Public Works City of St. Paul Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for grading surfacing with bituminous material the alley in Block 4, The West St. ul Real Estate Improvement Syndicate Addition No. 1, from Riverview Avenue to State Street, and grading Riverview Avenue from Sidney Street to Page S est. Also constructing a sewer in the alley from 190 ft. west of the center ins of Riverview Avenue to the center of Riverview Avenue, and in Riverview Avenue from the alley to the existing sewer in Page Street, under Preliminary 1 •er C. F. 179049 approved August 2, 1956. Grade and Surface Alley in Block 4, Grade Riv .. iew, Riverview to State Sidney to '•ge (Also Sewer) Estimated Cost $ 3,185.45 $ 3,720 95 Engineering 156.25 123 00 Inspection 59.40 70 55 Cost per front foot 5.10 7.56 Frontage 625' 92' Yours very truly, ismOk 1" H. Shepard hief Engineer Approved for transmission to the Corn missioner of,Finance / n. •.. Commission •� ,-: - r Or fir., -- , - • . - ..:..,,,,,,,...ii. - ,f---•,. r .4•! ' ,•;.- ;_f....:.".:', ..4 7,..----- •,,'-.-.,- '' ' ..'-'4-•','.-4..i.:t• '- - • . . .. 2- , • . „ ', . ' '•, : ";:' '•1- : "14. -i-',..,10,,,,--,,, •.v - . •°,.. :•.:'-.,, I.... . „.., :, , .. . , - - 2 • • - .•;.•.7' '' -•, ' ••., , , '' , - '. I: ' . 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