182550 1t4i3o
By Council a No. 1 I nnIggn after of exend_
take roposed , r ,..
In the Matter of
open bin 'extending the proposed Scher Drive by taking aid! wing VAlpoiliag
'd_:It:, ripbed , s of lshdt\.A ('stile 4h),12sf� , n1l ',1"�c tf
R. ��W., bounded on the north by the northerly line Of-the Civic Athletic Stadium and on
the south by a line that is 50 ft. southerly of and parallel to the following described
lines: Commencing, for the purpose of establishing the point of beginning, at the .SWW
corner of the NWy, Sec. 27, T. 29N., R 23W.;. thence north on the West Section line of
said Section 27, a distance of 1089.2'rthence easterly on a straight line that makes an
angle of 90°with the said Section line, a distance of 50 ft. to a point on the east line
of Snelling Avenue, which is the point of beginning; thence easterly on the said previous
lime epro ee,dlotance of,9k ft.. to a mint; thepaa.,awls_st €Allnik .tk a an
angle,.to the ri.gtr of, °26'. a stance of 400.72 ft. to a pgir;,t; thence,on a s i t line
that ties aii` a `le to the 1e t o 2I a ' '""`.r' '
met � = 7i ' t�istarl�e �o�"'�$k 20 -f� trs-a-pbin�;���e on
a`iitiaight`i litie'.th'rt medics `ati` angle 7 to t ' eat' of iv* ii" di siaric4'Of 424.6 ft. to the
end of °Maileg, ,; G . , .. .,r- .�r r r. 4r,, ,.1: . °; . }:;1. r 1.11 . , ,' Ili ±;
• 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is
l i !P ` ' and f ba" i le dire'4Y ti O n6 i h
r is of
Dads All that land in the South 1/2 of the
b eSes, s , _. ,�"- , t .., earth* try the nor he y line of-the Civic Athltic St wa
the south by a line that is 50 ft. southerly of and parallel to the following described
lines: Cae mencing, for the purpose of establishing the point of beginning, at the
corner of the NWW, Sec. 27, T. 29S., R 3W.; .tbenoe north on the Welt SectiC line
said Section 27, a distance of 1089.27/ ce easterly on a straight line t an
angle of 90 with the said Section line, a distance of 50 ft. to a point on east. U e
of Snell Avenue, which is the point of be g; thence,{asterly on the d
limit u� U teh U *f ', m t vieti► ' bia�6 f It ez -ten`* trs#ghb 11n. that s
angle to the right of 3°26' a distance of 400.72 ft. to a point; thence on a Straight line
• t
tA, 1 Oal°3 „child f�t .n
41 .. t . i.� on
a stra ne t makes an angle to the 1 ,1 0Si 0.
end-of. !f7 .
left of e�
a distan o.� �o the
Ti . ?t. anu � 1, . 1-0•. .ti :t` 4 a _1. . . , a, i ;,:,:. t --.f,,1 ,-
said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charier, 3Lauiilg We t.uic alikt pie o�
hearing, the nature of the improvement re, 7total cost thereof as estimated.
Adopted by the Council , 19
Ain 30195t f_
Approved 19 � /�p_ � ✓ i / ty Clerk
PUBLISHED.4= - r 4
File 13683
Councilman DeCOURCY
Councilman HOLLAND
Councilman MARZITELLI 0
Councilman MOR';:ON
Councilman PETERSON
Councilman Ros: J
Mr. President D:LLO-