10-126Council File# 10-126 Green Sheet # 3092477 Presented by RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �.' - 1 WHEREAS, Department of Safety and Inspections has requested the City Council to 2 hold public hearings to consider the advisability and necessity of ordering the repair or wrecking 3 and removal of a one-story wood frame single family home located on property hereinafter 4 referred to as the "Subject Property" and commonly known as 639 SHERBURNE AVENUE. 5 This property is legally described as follows, to wit: 6 7 CHUTE BROTHERS DIVISION NO. 2 ADDITION TO THE CITY OF ST. PAUL, MINN. 8 LOT 26 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 WHEREAS, based upon the records in the Ramsey County Recarder's Office and information obtained by Department of Safety and Inspections on or before August 16, 2009, the following are the now known interested ar responsible parties for the Subject Property: Elvia Villanueva, PO Box 40008, St Paul, MN, 55104-8008; JP Margan Chase Bank, 10790 Rancho Bernardo Rd, San Diego, CA 92127; Usset, Wingarden, & Liebo PLLP, 4500 Park Glen Rd Ste 300, Minneapolis, MN 55416; Chase Home Financial Attn: Candice Keener, 800 Brooksedge Blvd, Westerville, OH 43081; Thomas-Dale District 7 Planning Council. WHEREAS, Department of Safety and Inspections has served in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 45 of tl�e Saint Paul Legislative Code an order identified as an"Order to Abate Nuisance Building(s)" dated November 5, 2009; and WHEREAS, this order informed the then known interested or responsible parties that the structure located on the Subject Property is a nuisance building(s) pursuant to Chapter 45; and WHEREAS, this order informed the interested or responsible parties that they must repair or demolish the structure located on the Subject Property by December �, 2009; and WHEREAS, the enfarcement officer has posted a placard on the Subject Property declaring this building(s) to constitute a nuisance condition; subject to demolition; and WHEREAS, this nuisance condition has not been corrected and Department of Safety and Inspections requested that the City Clerk schedule public hearings before the Legislative Hearing Officer of the City Council and the Saint Paul City Council; and WHEREAS, the interested and responsible parties have been served notice in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, of the time, date, place and purpose of the public hearings; and WHEREAS, a hearing was held befare the Legislative Hearing Officer of the Saint Paul City Council on Tuesday, January 12 and 26, 2010 to hear testimony and evidence, and after receiving testimony and evidence, made the recommendation to approve the request to order the 10-126 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 interested or responsible parties to make the Subject Property safe and not detrimental to the public peace, health, safety and welfare and remove its blighting influence on the community by demolishing and removing the structure in accordance with all applicable codes and ordinances. The demolition of the structure to be completed within five (5) days after the date of the Council Hearing; and WHEREAS, a hearing was held before the Saint Paul City Council on Wednesday, February 3, 2010 and the testimony and evidence including the action taken by the Legislative Hearing Officer was considered by the Council; now therefore BE IT RESOLVED, that based upon the testimony and evidence presented at the above referenced public hearings, the Saint Paul City Council hereby adopts tY�e following Findings and Order concerning the Subject Property at 639 SHEItBURNE AVENUE. 1. That the Subject Property comprises a nuisance condition as defined in Saint Paul Legislative Code, Chapter 45. 2. That the costs of demolition and removal of this building(s) is estimated to exceed five thousand dollars ($5,000.00). 3. That there now exists and has existed multiple Housing or Building code violarions at the Subject Property. 4. That an Order to Abate Nuisance Building(s) was sent to the then known responsible parties to correct the deficiencies or to demolish and remove the building(s). 5. That the deficiencies causing this nuisance condition have not been corrected. 6. That Department of Safety and Inspections has posted a placard on the Subject Property which declares it to be a nuisance condition subject to demolition. That this building has been routinely monitored by Deparhnent of Safety and Inspections, Vacant/Nuisance Buildings. That the known interested parties and owners are as previously stated in this resolution and that the notification requirements of Chapter 45 have been fulfilled. •'� ' The Saint Paul City Council hereby makes the following order: The above referenced interested or responsible parties shall make the Subject Property safe and not detrimental to the public peace, health, safety and welfare and remove its 10-126 86 87 88 89 90 2. 91 92 93 94 95 96 3. 97 98 99 100 101 102 4. 103 blighting influence on the community by demolishing and removing the structure in accordance with all applicable codes and ordinances. The demolition and removal of the structure must be completed within five (5) days after the date of the Council Hearing. If the above corrective action is not completed within this period of time Department of Safety and Inspections is hereby authorized to take whatever steps are necessary to demolish and remove this structure, fill the site and chazge the costs incurred against the Subj ect Property pursuant to the provisions o£ Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. In the event the building is to be demolished and removed by the City of Saint Paul, all personal property or fixtures of any kind which interfere with the demolition and removal shall be removed from the property by the responsible parties by the end of this time period. If all personal property is not removed, it shall be considered to be abandoned and the City of Saint Paul sha11 remove and dispose of such property as provided by law. It is further ordered, that a copy of this resolution be mailed to the owners and interested parties in accordance with Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. Bostrom Car[er Stazk Thune Requested by Department of: Safety and Inspections By: Form Approved by City Attorney By: Adopted by Council: Date �-/3 // a Form Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � Adoption tified C un il S etary gy; B Approved� y �. te � J By: �� 10-126 � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � � SI -Dept. Inspections i �� DEC 2009 � Contact Person & Phone: ', Bob Kessler 69013 Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): Doc. Type: RESOLUTION E-DOCUment Required: Y Document ContacL Contact Phone: � � Assign � Number � For ! Routing � Order Total # of Signature Pages _(Ciip All Locations for Signature) Green Sheet NO: 3092477 1 Dent of SafeN & Inspections Denartment D'uecmr � 2 KSty Attornev �� CStv Attornev 3 Meror's OfSce I I Mayor /AS� 4 Council I �� 5,(1ry Clerk r � (,lry Clerk City Council to pass this resolurion which will order the owner(s) to remove the referenced building(s). If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, the Department of Safety and Inspections is ordered to remove the building. The subject property is located at 639 SHERBURNE AVENLJE. Recommenda6ons: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission Personal Service Contrects Must Answer the Following Questions: 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department� Yes No 2. Has this person/firm ever been a aty employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No F�cplain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet. Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, Wha4 When, Where, Why): This building(s) is a nuisance building(s) as defined in Chapter 45 and a vacant building as defined in Chapter 43 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. The owners, interested parties and responsible parties laiown to the Enforcement Officer were given an order to repair or remove the building at 639 SHERBURNE AVE by December 7, 2009, and have failed to comply with those orders. AdvanWges IfRpproved: The City will eliminate a nuisance. Disadvantages If Approved: The City will spend funds to wreck and remove this building(s). These costs will be assessed to the proper[y, collected as a speciai assessment against the property tases. A nuisance condirion will remain unabated in the Ciry. This building(s) will continue to blight the community. Disadvantages If Not Approved: A nuisance condition will remain unabated in the CiTy. This building(s) will continue to blight the community. Total Amount of CosURevenue Bud eted: Transaction: 9 Fundiny source: Nuisance Housing Abatement qctivity Number: 001-00257 Financial Information: (Explain) January 15, 2010 12:40 PM Page 1 10-126 DEPARTMEVT OE SAPETY AND INSP[CI'IONS RichnrG L!pperG 16rtanger cf Cade h�n/orrn�nem CITY �F SAINT PALTI. 375 Jntkson Street., Sui+e?20 Snin(Pnu( N,N55l01-;806 l�irrislap7rer B. Colemm�. Mrtpar r December 18, 2009 NOTICE OF PUBLTC HEARIl�TGS Council President a��d Members ofthe City Council 7idepAone. fi51-3Wi-.TI.Y) Ii¢simi/e. G.if-?G!-/Jl9 N�eir. uarvsuntd.eu.�:�i+i Dcpai�finent of Safety and Inspections, Vacant/Nuisance Buiiciings Enforcement Division has reyuested the City Council schedule public hearings fo consider a resolution ordering the repair or removal of tl�e nuisance building(s) located at: b39 SHERBURNE AVE The City Counci] has scheduled the date of these hearings as follows: Legislative Hearing — Tuesday, January 12, 2010 City Council Hearing — Wednesday, February 3, 2010 The owners and responsible parties of recard are: Name and Last Known Address .!P Morgan Chase Bank 10790 Rancho Bemardo Rd San Diego CA 9212? Usset, Weingarden, & Liebo PLLP 450Q Park Glen Rd Ste 300 MinneapolisMN 55416 Elvia Villanueva PO Box 40008 St Paul MN 55104-8008 Chase Home Financiai �ttn: Candice Keener 800 Brooksedge Blvd W esterville OH 43081 Tnterest Ree Owner Foreclosure Attomey Tax Owner Interested Party Thomas-Da(elDist 7 Planning Council L7 isirict7pc�cJy2hoo.com District Council Contact An Affimiahve Action Equal Opporiunity Employer 10-126 G39 SHERBURNE AVE December 18, 2009 P ��e ? The Jegal description of this property is: CHUTE BROTI-TERS DIVISION NO. 2 ADDITION Td THE CITY OF ST. PAUL, rYf iNN. LOT 26 The Department of 5afery and Inspections has declared this building(s) to constilute a"nuisac�ce" �s defined by Legistative Code, Chapter 45. The Depaxtment of Safety and Inspections has issued an order to the then known responsible parties Lo eliminate this nuisance condition by correcting the deficieneies or by razing and removing this building(s). 'fhe property was re-inspected on December 7, 2Q09. Theze was no compliance and the nuisance coizdition remains unabated, the community continues to suffer the blighting influence of this properry. It is the recommendation of the Deparhnent of Safety and Inspections that the City Coui�cil pass a resolution ordering the responsible parties to either repair, or demolish and rcmove thes building in a timely manner, and failing that, authorize the Deparhnent of Safety and [nspections to proceed to demofition and removal, and to assess fhe costs incurred against fhe real estate as a special assessment to be collected in the same manner as taxes. Sincerely, Steve Magner Steve Magner Vaca��f Buildings Manager Department of 5afety and Inspections SM:cs cc: David Palm, City Attorneys Office Mary Erickson, Assisfant Seoretary to the Council Cindy Carlson, PED-Housing Division Nancy Homans, Invest St. Paul District Council — Commmiity Organizer i ,��ni,�„ e r,�ix3 ivo�� 10-126 SUMMARY FOR PUBLIC HEARING 639 Sherburne Avenue Legislative Hearing — Tuesday, January 12, 2010 City Council — Wednesday, February 3, 2010 The building is a one story, wood frame, single-family dwelling on a lot of 4,792 square feet. According to our files, it has been a vacant building since February 21, 2008. The current property owner is Elvia Villanueva, per AMANDA and Ramsey County Property records. The city has had to board this building to secure it from trespass. There have been four (4) SUMMARY ABATEMENT NOTICES since 2008. There have been nine (9) WORK ORDER(S) issued for: - Boazding/Securing - Improperly stared refuse, garbage and misc debris - Removal of ta11 grass and weeds - Removal of snow and ice On November 3, 2009, an inspection of the building was conducted, a list of deficiencies which constitute a nuisance condition was developed and photographs were taken. An ORDER TO ABATE A NiJISANCE BUILDING was posted on November 5, 2009 with a compliance date of December 7, 2009. As of this date this property remains in a condition which comprises a nuisance as defined by the legislative code. The Vacant Buiiding registration fees went into assessment on March 27, 2009. Taxation has placed an estimated market value of $18,40Q on the land and $9,800 on the building. As of January 7, 2010, a Code Compliance Inspection has not been completed. As of January 7, 2010, the $5,000.00 performance bond has not been posted. Real Estate taYes for the year 2009 is delinquent in the amount of $5,793.46. Code Enforcement Officers estimate the cost to repair this structure exceeds $100,000. The estimated cost to Demolish exceeds $10,000. DSI, Division of Code Enforcement Resolution submitted for consideration orders the property owner to repair or remove this structure within fifteen (15) days, if not the resolution authorizes the Division of Code Enforcement to demolish and assess the costs to the property. Tax and Property Look Up Information - Quick Info 10-126 Page i of 2 :iz:.r.e .s, � . a2 : a.�i�c` .,- Tax & Property Look Up Information - Quick Info Hcme � � Information � � Fracertv Lo_o_k. U� � � Record Look Up � � Coniact_Us New Property Sea�c� �ack co Search Results Quick Info Fro,perty Inform,atio� Taxpayer Name �nd Ac�ci ress Va!ue Snformatsos� Vai�ae Nistor_y Structure Descr�t3o�r S ale S��for Special Assessrnents Pro�erty Tax Pa�rnent Tnfarmation Prc��erty Tax �ayrner�k History 2[3G9 Payment_ Stubs 2f3Q9 Froperty Tax S 2fl49 Val�e fVot€ce 2fl08 ProPerty Tax Statement1V�(ue Notsce 2fld7_Pro�erty Tax StatementjValue Notice 20Q5 P_roperty_Tax StatementlValue Notice > Quick Information Go to E_ Pav_ (US Sar,k $ro4yser Requirements) Property Identification Number (PIN) Property Address 639 Sherburne Ave St. Paui 55104-2706 Assessment Date 01-02-2008 01-02-2009 Tax Payable Year Tota{ Estimated Market Value Total Taxable Market Value Total Estimated Land Value Total Estimated Building Value Total Property Tax + Special f�ssessments 2009 2010 $111,80Q $111,800 $32,100 $79,700 $ 5, 040 $28,200 $28,200 $18,400 $9,800 Property Class Description Res Non-hstd Res Non-hstd Year Built 1892 # of Stories 1.00 Finished SQ Feet 1204 Foundation Size 960 1'ite Pbat or �e�tqran J Tesron�nship 9 Ftac�ge as�d L�gat �eseripti�r� 9ist�d beloenr rna�+ iae aa� a6sbreviateet le�s9 tlescr6�stiara -�� not us� ta� �repar� iegaf documents Plat or Section / 7ownship / Range Chute Brothers Division,no. 2 Legal Description Lot 26 To determine whether your property is Abstract or Torrens, call (651)266-2000 Most Recent Qualified Sale 09-10-1998 Most Recent Qualified Price $42,900 http://rrinfo.co.ramsey.mn.us/public/characteristic/Parcel. aspx?scrn=Quick&pin=352923140149&cnt=0 1 /7/2010 DEPAATMENT OF SAFETY AND INSPECTIO�Q-12,( Richard &ppert, Manager of Code Enforcement CITY OF SAIN'I' PAUL Christopher B. Coleman, Mayor November O5, 2009 Elvia Villanueva 639 Sherburne Ave St Paul MN 55104-2706 375 Jackson StreeG, Suite 220 Smnt Paul, MN 55101-1806 Chase Home Financial Attn: Candice Keener 800 Brooksedge Blvd Westerville, OH 43081 Safeguard Properties Usset, Weingarden & Liebo 650 Safeguard Plaza 4500 Park Glen Road, #300 Brooklyn Heights, OH 44131 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Order to Abate Nuisance Building(s) Dear Madam: Zelephone 651-266-8989 Facsimile� 65l-266-1919 Web. wwv+stnaul.zov/dsi The Vacant/Nuisance Buildings Unit, Department of the Department of Safety and Inspections, Division of Code Enforcement, hereby declares the premises located at: 639 AVE and legally described as follows, to wit: CHUTE BROTHERS DIVISION NO. 2 ADDITION TO THE CITY OF S I'. PAUL, MINN. LOT 26 to comprise a nuisance condition in violation of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, Chapter 45.02, and subject to demolition under authority of Chapter 45.11. On November 03, 2009, a Building Deficiency Inspection Report was compiled and the following conditions were observed. This list of deficiencies is not necessarily all the deficiencies present at this time. This building(s) is subject to the restrictions of Saint Paul Ordinance Chapter 33.03 and shail not again be used for occupancy until such time as a Certificate of Compliance or a Certificate of Occupancy has been issued. All repairs must be in accordance with appropriate codes. Changes or additions to the electrical system, mechanical system, or the plumbing system may necessitate updating or upgrading the systems involved. AA-ADA-EEO Employer November 5, 2009 639 SHERBURNE AVE page 2 This is a one-story wood frame single family home. EXTERIOR l. Extensive fire damage to exterior ofbuilding. See photos. 10-126 2. The chimney is defective, deteriorated or in a state of disrepair. Replace all missing or defective bricks, tuckpoint as needed to restore the chimney to a professional state of maintenance and repair. Permit may be required. 3. The eaves and soffits are in a state of disrepair or deterioration. Repair all defects, holes, breaks, loose or rotting boards, to a professional state of maintenance. Permit may be required. 4. The exterior walls and/or trim of the house and/or garage has defective, peeled, flaked, scaled or chalking paint or has unpainted wood surfaces. Scrape and repaint to effect a sound condition in a professional manner. 5. The exterior walls and/or trim of the house has defective, peeled, flaked, scaled or chalking paint or has unpainted wood surfaces. Scrape and repaint to effect a sound condition in a professional manner. 6. The foundation is deteriorated, defective or in a state of disrepair. Repair all foundation defects in a professional manner to a weather-tight, water-tight and rodent-proof condition. Permit may be required. 7. The roof is deteriarated, defective, ar in a state of disrepair. Repair or replace the roof covering to a sound, tight and water impervious condition. Permit may be required. The exterior walls of the house and/or garage are defective. Repair all holes, breaks, loose or rotting siding, to a professional state of maintenance. 9. The exterior walls of the house are defective. Repair all holes, breaks, loose or rotting siding, to a professional state of maintenance. 10. The window and/or door screens are missing, defective or in a state of disrepair. Provide proper window and door screens for all openable windows and doors. Screens must be tight-fitting and securely fastened to the &ames. 11. The windows and/or storm windows are in a state of disrepair. Replace all missing or broken window glass. Make all necessary repairs to frames, sashes, hardware and associated trim in a professional manner. Permit may be required. November 5, 2009 639 SHERBURNE AVE page 3 INTERIOR 1. Extensive fire damage to interior of house. See photos. 10-126 2. The bathroom floor covering is deteriorated or inadequate. Provide floor covering which is impervious to water and easily cleanable throughout the bathroom and seal around the edges and fixtures. 3. Infestation of Cockroaches. Exterminate and eliminate all coclffoaches tYuoughout the entire building. Provide this office with a copy of the extermination report from a licensed professional Pest Control Operator, and follow their recommendations to eradicate these pests. 4. Lacking deadbolt door locks. Provide one-inch throw deadbolt locks for a11 entry doors to dwelling unit(s). 5. Lack of Electricity. Immediately restore electrical service. Failure to provide proper electrical service will result in these premises being declared Unfit for Human Habitation and ordered vacated for lack of this basic facility. Use of candles, fuel operated lighting or extension card wiring is not permitted while the power is off. 6. FLTRNACE: Have a licensed heating contractor service and clean the furnace or boiler and make any necessary repairs. Perform a C/O test on the heating plant. Then, send the attached form back to the Inspectar. Repair of gas fired appliances requires a permit. 7. Lack ofNatural Gas Service. Immediately restore natural gas service. Failure to provide natural gas service will result in these premises being declared Unfit for Human Habitation and ordered vacated far lack of this basic facility. 8. The stairs have missing or defective handrails. Provide all interior and exterior stairways and steps of more that three (3) risers with handrails which are grippable and installed 34" to 38" above the nose of the stair treads. 9. The interior ceilings are defective. Repair all ceiling defects and finish in a professional manner. 10. The interior walls are defective. Repair all wall defects and finish in a professional manner. 11. There is evidence of a rodent infestation. Immediately exterminate and eliminate all rodents from the entire building. Remove rodent harborages in the yard areas. Tuckpoint the foundation if necessary to rodent-proof the building to prevent re-infestation. Immediately remove any dead rodents from the premises. 12. Smoke Detector: Lack of properly installed and operable smoke detector. Provide functioning smoke detectors in accordance with the attached requirement, within 24 hours. November 5, 2009 639 SHERBURNE AVE page 4 13. DEFECTIVE STAIRS. Stairs aze broken, defective, or in disrepair. Repair in a professional manner. 10-126 14. Lack of Water Service. Immediately restore water service. Failure to provide water service will result in these premises being declared Unfit for Human Habitarion and ordered vacated for lack of this basic facility. 15. Xcel Energy has reported that elech and/or gas service has been terminated. Immediately restore service. Failure to provide proper gas/electric service will result in these premises being declared Unfit for Human Aabitation and ordered vacated for lack of basic facilities. Use of candles, fuel operated lighting/generator or extension cord wiring is not permitted while power is off. If unit is vacant notifv insnector. As owner, agent or responsible party, you are hereby notified that if these deficiencies and the resulting nuisance condition is not corrected by December 7, 2009 the Deparhnent of Safety and Inspections, Division of Code Enforcement, will begin a substantial abatement process to demolish and remove the building(s). The costs of this action, including administrative costs and demolition costs will be assessed against the property taxes as a special assessment in accordance with law. As first remedial action, a Code Compliance Inspection Report must be obtained from the Building Inspection and Design Section, 375 Jackson Street, Suite 220, (651)266-8989. This inspection will identify specific defects, necessary repairs and legal requixements to correct tbis nuisance condition. If this building is located in a historic district or site (noted above, just below the property address) then you must contact Heritage Preservation (HPC) staff to discuss your proposal for the repairs required by this arder and compliance with preservation guidelines. Copies of the guidelines and design review application and forms aze available from the Deparhnent of Safety and Inspections web site (see letterhead) and &om the HPC staff. No permits will be issued without HPC review and approval. HPC staff also can be reached by calling 651-266-9078. As an owner or responsible party, you are required by law to provide full and complete disclosure of this "Oxder to Abate" to all interested parties, all present or subsequent renters and any subsequent owners. The property shall not be sold, transferred or conveyed in any manner until the Nuisance Conditions have been abated and the Certificate of Code Compliance or Certificate of Occupancy has been issued. The Enforcement Officer is required by law to post a placard on this property which declares it to be a"nuisance condition", subject to demolition and removal by the City. This placard shall not be removed without the written authority of the Deparhnent of Safety and Inspections, Division of Code Enforcement. The deparhnent is further required to file a copy of this "Order to Abate" with the City Clerk's Office. If corrective action is not taken within the time specified in this order, the Enforcement Officer will notify the City Council that abatement action is necessary. The City Clerk will then November5,2009 639 SHERBURNE AVE page 5 10-126 schedule dates for Public Hearings before the City Council at which time testunony will be heard from interested parties. After this hearing the City Council will adopt a resolution stating what action if any, it deems appropriate. If the resolution calls for abatement action the Council may either order the City to take the abatement action or fix a tnne within which this nuisance must be abated in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 33 of the Saint Paul L,egislative Code and provide that if corrective action is not taken within the specified tune, the City shall abate this nuisance. The costs of this action, including administrative costs will be assessed against the property as a special assessment in accordance with law. If you have any questions or request additional information please contact Matt Dorufeld between the hours of 8:00 and 9:30 a.m. at 651-266-1902, or you may leave a voice mail message. Sincerely, Steve Magner Vacant Buildings Program Manager Division of Code Enfarcement cc: Mary Erickson - Council Research Cindy Carlson - PED Housing Amy Spong — Heritage Preservation ota60135 5/09 w > d W Z � � m � � � a N, � Q �°�1 � N N Y F � a ti 5 ti '� � N 7 ,L-i b-0 @ � x a� > � � � � an C � e� x � 0 U � U CaW a c� c �„ o 0 0 F � Q v� %n v� ��G '" � : .. '� c- o 4z x tr r .-- � V] N ..'�. .-� ,Z .: G,: ..� d �0�� �` Q �, �, � �, � �, �, � �, � v Z� o 0 0 0 0 0 0 o c o ��� N� N N� N N� N N� N N� N � FA N N N N N N ^ N N � , ..-i � � � .-i .ti .� .-� W A z�> o� �; � a�� a z�F o O '� z o0 �n a W ^-� ��r� N a � .. E.:yA � � 0 d' U � C4 "�- �- F: a (� o =.� o � �� � � � � � —I� �/1 N �y N �"� � r1 � � � � � � �� ,� Q� -�-� 0�0 00 C' �C � W \ X -/. Vl N N -� ° �i�,.) .-i �--� � 6 � l � ^ O � .Fy �� � '�.+. � N O W T _ ` r �" � V ,� a M � � � � �y • G s�. � � � � oo <d � .b � C-'' � W cd cd N � �' � U �� p t� .r ^r� y � GQ � � � � � O \ � � �Q � � � H i- W . c`�c � c e�J � ai oo v �.{i„ `'t'' �� q `a eJ ^( G/ " �" � �" � � � O � V�' !. O ...w, '��' � �, U � a �p, �`� an � � � � � �s�4 �_,� �✓ � o� ,Q ° �'a ° � `��P. � ���" � � � �- � � o � o � o � � � p.., o� �-1 v-, ' O .� o r o... ti^ ,� �a�t� W G,ri� Udoo� FU�1 10-126 � � Date: File #: Folder Name: PIN: October 29, 2009 08 - 015693 639 SHERBURNE AVE 352923140149 HP District: Property Name: Survey Info: 10-126 10-126 Date: October 29, 2009 HP District: File #: 08 - 015693 Property Name: Folder Name: 639 SfIERBURNE AVE Survey Info: PIN: 352923140149 10-126 Date: October 29, 2009 HP District: File #: 08 - 015693 Property Name: Folder Name: 639 SHERBURNE AVE Survey InFo: PIN: 352923140149 10-126 Date: October 29, 2009 HP DistriM: File #: 08 - 015693 Property Name: Folder Name: 639 SEiERBURNE AVE Survey Info: PIN: 352923140149 Date: October 29, 2009 File #: 08 - 015693 Folder Name: 639 SHERBURNE AVE HP District: Property Name: Survey Info: 10-126 PIN: 352923140149 Date: October 29, 2009 File #: 08 - 015693 Folder Name: 639 SHERBURNE AVE HP District: Property Name: Survey Info: 10-126 PIN: 352923140149 � �:. 10-126 Date: October 29, 2009 HP District: File #: 08 - 015693 Property Name: Folder Name: 639 SHERBURNE AVE Survey Info: PIN: 352923140149 10-126 `_''='. =�:� ':�� : . �::: Date: October 29, 2009 HP District: File #: 08 - 015693 Property Name: Folder Name: 639 SHERBURNE AVE Survey Info: PIN: 352923140149 10-126 Date: October 29, 2009 HP District: File #: 08 - 015693 Property Name: Folder Name: 639 SHERBURNE AVE Survey Info: PIN: 352923140149 Date: October 29, 2009 File #: 08 - 015693 Folder Name: 639 SI�ERBURN HP District: Property Name: AVE Survey Info: 10-126 PIN: 352923140149 Date: October 29, 2009 File #: 08 - 015693 Folder Name: 639 SHERBURNE AVE HP District: Property Name: Survey Info: 10-126 PIN: 352923140149 10-126 Date: October 29, 2009 FIP District: File #: 08 - 015693 Property Name: Folder Name: 639 SHERBURNE AVE Survey Info: PIN: 352923140149 10-126 Date: October 29, 2009 HP District: File #: 08 - 015693 Property Name: Folder Name: 639 SHERBURNE AVE Survey Info: PIN: 352923140149 10-126 Date: October 29, 2009 HP District: File #: 08 - 015693 Property Name: Folder Name: 639 SHERBURNE AVE Survey Info: PIN: 352923140149 10-126 Date: October 29, 2009 HP District: File #: 08 - 015693 Property Name: Folder Name: 639 SHERBLIRNE AVE Survey Info: PIN: 3529231A0149 . 10-126 Date: October 29, 2009 HP District: File #: 08 - 015693 Property Name: Folder Name: 639 SHERBURNE AVE Survey Info: PIN: 352923140149 Date: October 29, 2009 File #: 08 - 015693 Folder Name: 639 SHERBURNE AVE HP District: Property Name: Survey Info: 10-126 PIN: 352923140149 Date: October 29, 2009 File #: 08 - 015693 Folder Name: 639 SHERBUI2NE AVE HP District: Property Name: Survey Info: 10-126 PIN: 352923140149 Date: October 29, 2009 File #: 08 - 015693 Folder Name: 639 SHERBURN HI' District: Property Name: AVE Survey Info: 10-126 PIN: 352923140149 10-126 Date: October 29, 2009 HP District: File #: 08 - 015693 Property Name: Folder Name: 639 SHERBURNE AVE Survey Info: PIN: 352923140149 Date: October 29, 2009 File #: 08 - 015693 Folder Name: 639 SHERBUI2N HP District: Properly Name: AVE Survey Info: 10-126 PIN: 352923140149 10-126 Date: October 29, 2009 HP District: File #: 08 - 015693 Property Name: Folder Name: 639 SHERBURNE AVE Survey Info: PIN: 352923140149 10-126 Date: October 29, 2009 HP District: File #: 08 - 015693 Property Name: Folder Name: 639 SHERBURNE AVE Survey Info: PIN: 352923140149 10-126 Date: October 29, 2009 HP District: File #: 0& - 015693 Property Name: Folder Name: 639 SHERBURNE AVE Survey Info: PIN: 352923140149 10-126 January 12, 2010 Legislative Hearing Minutes Page 6 4. Ordering the owner to remove or repair the building(s) at 639 Sherburne Avenue within fifteen (15) days from adoption of resolution. The property owner of record, Elvia Villanueva, did not appeaz. No other parties of interest appeared. Mr. Magner stated the building was a one-story, wood frame, single-family dwelling on a lot of 4,792 squaze feet and had been vacant since February 21, 2008. A code compliance inspection had not been done, the vacant building registration fees in the amount of $1,000 went to assessment on March 27, 2009, and the $5,000 performance bond had not been posted. On November 3, 2009, an inspection of the building was done and a list of deficiencies which constitute a nuisance condition was developed. An order to abate a nuisance building was posted on November 5, 2009 with a compliance date of December 7, 2009. To date, the property remained in a condition which comprised a nuisance as defined by the Legislative Code. Ramsey County TaYation estimated the market value of the land to be approximately $18,400 and the building to be $9,800. Real estate taxes for 2009 were delinquent in the amount of $5,793.46, plus penalty and interest. Code Enforcement estimates the cost to repair the building to exceed $100,000. The cost for demolition was estimated to exceed $10,000. There had also been four suxnmary abatements issued to this property since 2008, nine of which went to work order. to secure the building and the City had to board the building to secure it from trespass, remove improperly stored refuse and debris, boarding/securing, cut tall grass and weeds, and remove snow and ice. Code Enforcement recommends the building be repaired or removed within 15 days. Mr. Magner presented photographs of the property. Ms. Moermond reviewed the photos and asked about the fire at the property. Mr. Magner responded that there was fire damage to the rear of the house; however, he did not have a copy of the report from Fire in the file. Ms. Moermond asked for a report from Ms. Spong. Ms. Spong stated that this building was built in 1892 and was a Victorian-era style building. There was a loss of integrity as the exterior was covered in vinyl and the windows had been altered. She noted that this was across from 507 Dale Street which had recently been demolished. She did not believe demolition would have an adverse effect on the neighborhood. Ms. Moermond recommended the building be removed within 15 days with no option for repair. She also continued the Legislative Hearing to January 26 for a staff report concerning the fire at the property; may consider amending the recommendation to remove within five days. 10-126 January 26, 2010 Legislative Hearing Minutes Page 4 Ordering the owner to remove or repair the building(s) at 639 Sherburue Avenue within fifteen (15) days from adoption of resolution. (Continued from Jan. 12 LH for a staff report concerning the fire at the property; may amend recommendation to remove within 5 days) Mr. Magner presented the Fire Report from the fire which occurred on 7anuary 19, 2008. The damage estunate was $150,000. A copy of said report is attached and made a part of this record. Ms. Moermond stated that given the extensive amount of damage, she recommended the building be removed within five days with no option for repair. � MM DD YYYY �pelete �IRS -1 2210 J u Ol 19 2008 08 � 08-0001762 � 000 �cna� aasic eoxo � scace * mciaene �ace * scac.on x�c_de�c xu„te- * exoosu_e * �� aCe ./ cxe�k :nii oo. _�m�ac< cna: me aaa�:5.. .o- cF�� i��_oe�c .: e�=�.aea o� :n� c�_tta:,a a:� eensus '�ac: 03Y5 - O O Location* ❑r.xue :n se�ue, 3^ni_er.,a.,�.e �a�_e. :pe�.e_�.:,o,•. o,e o�.i� to: ..isa�c :i:e�. �Stxeet addxess 639 � iISHERBURNE � AVE u �intensection U _ tiusbev/H.lepost 2ce_.x SY:eet o_ 3:gF.wzY SLeet 2y?e 5�`fix �In fiont o£ � ��� of � SAINT PAUL I�� �55104 I u a?t/5� te/3ooa C..y stzte z�n cotle �Ad7acent to � I �DireCtioRs cross s:reet o- mrectaoos, as x C Incident Type * E+1 Date SJTimes M���ght is o000 �+Z Shift 5 Alarms 117. IBiyyld�.ng £axe I Check boxes n_ Month Day Yeaz Hr Min Sec +�oca1 ope�on L ndect T dx.es = e ihe vae sase as cvxM xi::zys - <rv-=ed �� ��� D'Z D Aid Given or Received�F °aTe. A7-azm * p1 19 2008 12:14:19 siaaooa A'a � 1❑MUtlldl aid iECelved ' I AR0.2vAL remtiaed, unless caaceled or did not acrive o 2�AUtomatrc aid recv. z �z u � �'rival * 01 19 ' 2008I �12:16:44 � E3 3 Qitutual aid given staie com.aoile� opc�o�ai, cxce�c fo= w�ia:ana c�res Speeial Studies 4� Automatac aid given ' � �COntnolled LJ �J L�� I Locai optnon 5�Othex aid given TF.eir L4ST UNST CLEARED� cequired except soz waldlaed fires ��� N� None ��cndent vw�bex Last Unat 5�eca1 5penal � Cleared �� �� L?���I15:05:45 � sa�ay mx sc�arva�ue F' Actions Taken * G1 Resources * G2 Estimated Dollar Losses 6 Values O Check thns box and skip this LOSSES: 3equued for all fires ¢f known. Optional sectlov 1f ae Apoaratus cr for mn hres. I Personnel foxm 15 used. NORE 11 IExtinguishment by fire Appaxatus Personnel pnoperty ,�'�� � 150 � 000 � ?rimary Actnon iaken !1) Suppsession 0012 �� contents �`�� � 000 � 000 � 21 ISearch � ' I Adtli[io�al Action Taken (2) �S �, u P� VALUE: Op[ional 51 IVentilate � �� �� propezty $ u � 000 , 000 � Adtli[¢onal Actnon Taken 1?1 ❑ Check box ±f cesouxe counts ��'�'� Sncluae ana recenvea resources. Contents QOQ ��0 � Completed Modules H1*Casualties�xone H3 Hazardous Materials Release 2�xed Use Property Q Fi=e-2 Deaths Injuzies N QNOne NN xot Mixed 10 Assembly use ❑X StnuCture-3 , Fire �' r 1 Natusal GaS: sne., i��, ee ....�.c.en o: u.uuc .�a.ons Service � 2� Education use �Cival Fire Cas.-4 u 2❑PSOpane gas: aa m. c� �,s ,.� m� ssq �iii� 33 Medical use �FireServ. Cas.-5 L�u 3QGasoline:,,v„�i�s��ic,��pe�..u�=,nc>.,,ez 40 �sidentialuse Civilian �Et+.s-6 � 4�xerosene: e,.eiu,.n„� 51 xow of stores g equvpxnt ec portffile ztoiage � HazN,at-7 Detector 53 Enclosed mall aequnred for conr�nea Fnres. S�Diesel fuel/fuel oil:,,��„�i� s„�i x.� er p,r<.m� 5$ Bus. & Residential �Wildland Fire-8 1❑oene�m: aie�tea occupancs 6❑HOUSehold solvents: n,��,rs��.p,u, m�,,,�p,»i 59 Office use O Appanatus-9 '7 �MOtos oiL c�� ae ,r p,zswie �=�c„�: 60 Industrial use �Pensonnel-10 2❑oetecto= d>a not aiert tnc�n 63 Military use $� Paint: f:om n.==< <ms ce<u,o < sz s=i+=�. 65 Farm use �PS'SOn-11 � O� Other: m�u A+�+� +=�.+oo. n a o: ia > ss �, `0 ona�o�,n w=�= �= s 00 Othes mixed use fie�< < ie� n,� � � fen J Property Use* Strssctures 341 ❑clinic,clinic type infirmary 539 ❑ Household goods,sales,repaixs 342 � DOCtor/dentist office S79 ❑ Motor vehicle/boat sales/repair 131 Q Church, place oP worship 361 ❑ P=�son or 7ai1, not juvenile 57�. � Gas or service station 161 QRestaurant ox cafeteria qlg� i-or 2-family dwelling 599 Q Susiness office 162 Q$az/Tavex'n or nightclub q2g Mu1ti-£amil dwellin ❑ Y 4 Fil$ ❑ Electxic genexating plant 213 �Elementary school or kindergarten 439 Q Rooming/boarding house 62 9� Labozatory/sca.ence lab 215 Q xigri school or 7unior high 449 � Commercial hotel ox motel 700 Q Manufacturing plant 241 ❑C011ege, adult education 4S9�Residenta.al, boazd and caze 819 �Livestock/poultiy stoxage(bam) 311 Q Care £acility for the aged 46q �DOrnutory/barxacks g$2 Q Non-residential pazking gaxage 331 Qxospital �j19❑FOOd and bevexage sales B91 Qwazehouse Outside g36 � vacant lot 981 � Construction site 124 OPlayground ox pazk g36 QGSaded/care foz plot o£ land 984 ❑ tndustrial plant yard 6SS QCrops or orchard 946 QLake, river, stream Looku a�d encer a ero 669 �FOrest (i1IDbEiland) 951 Qxaalroad xight O£ Wdy you have NOT checked a Oseeboxly 1f 807 Q Outdoox storage area 960 � other street property Use 419 919 ODUmp or sanitary landfill 9C1 ❑Highway/divided highway 931 QOpen land ox £ield g52 ❑Residential street/driveway �1 or 2£amily dwelling � NFIRS-1 Revision 03 11 99 A � DD YYYY ❑oe�exe �IRS -2 62210 u Ol 19 2008 08 �OB-0001762 � 000 �Chanqe FoID 5cate inndent Numbez Fiie k * mcidenc �ate * s.atnor. * xoosure ;� �N nc:nviry P2'O 0 None comp!ete if ehe-e were any signa.aanc p rty Details C On-Site Materials� r,om[s of comnemial,industz!a!, energy or OL PSOCIllCtS agric�l[u-e1 produc[s or macerials o tne ?^agecCy� vh_tnez oz ro[ Cdey be¢me nter ��o to three codes. Check o.^.e B1 ���1 �Not Residential o* more ooxes Eo- each coce enterec. 1 8ulk storage or o ?s[�nated hw�cer oi res:dent:a: !iving on.CS �n �� IUndetermined I 2�Processing oi manufactusing ouS2tliny o° orioi� �ih=iher or not a11 units o�_s.ce -a:ex=x1 exl 3 Packaged goods for sale necaae in✓ol✓ed Repair or service 4 �. Bulk storage or wazehous.uig BZ 0�1 �Bssildings not involved �� I I 2�P=ocessing or maxvu£actu=ing Nunber o£ bmlcirgs involcetl on-ste xa�erval ¢) 3 Packaged goods for sale 4 Repair ox service 1 Bulk storage or waxehousing B3 �� �NOne , I I I 2 P=ocessing or manu£actuiing Aczes burned U Packa ed oods for sale (outside .`ixes) �Less than one acre �-snte eaz'.erixl (3) 3 4 4 4 Repair or service D Ignition E, Cause of Ignition �, xuman sactors �Check box if thvs ns an erzposuze reporc. Contributang To IJR1L10R Skip to seccaon G Check all appincable boxes D1 25 �Bathroom, checkroom, I 1 � Intentional 1�xsiee �NOne Area o.` fire orngin �. 2�Unintentional 2❑ Possably impaared by 3�Failure o£ em pment or heat source alcohol or drugs DZ 10 IAeat £rom powered I 4�ret o£ nature 3 � Unattended person eeat source * 5�Cause under investigation 4 ❑ Possably mental disabled jJ �Cause undetermined after investigation 5 ❑Physically �asabled D3 1� Factors Contributing To Iqnition 6�MUitiPie persons in�oioea �� �Structural member or � E'2 icem fixst cea cnecx sox it t��e sprea None agni �( 1�wa confinad to ob�ect 12 ❑ 7�Age was a factoi u �Heat source too � oFforigin £actor contnbuemq To xgnntion (+� Estimated age of I I D4 60 �WOOd OY paper, I person envolved L�J xYPe of maternal item+v=ea on1Y nt :ten f¢ret � I f first igmted ignrted code is 00 or <�o ° ctoi ContrIDUYmq To igmFlon (2� 1�MalE Q�F0IDd1E E,1 Equipment Involved In Ignition F Equipment Power G Fire Suppression Factors �NOne Z£ Equnpment was not anvolved,Skap to Section G �J I � Entex up to ffiree codes. �NOne � I I Eaulpmen[ Powex Souvice Equnpment x:,�oi�ea E , 3 Equipment Portability �� �None � Fiie seppressim factoz (11 Heand L I 1 �postable Motlel L ' Q�Stationary � I I F1re suppres5lon factor �2) Serial #� I Portable equipment noxmally can be movetl by one person, is designed t � I I I I be use in multiple locations, and ^i.e suppzess�on fxcmz �3� Year requines no [ools to install. ` jjl Mobile Property Involved Local Use � Mobile Property Type & Make �pre-Fire 21an z�vailable � None � I I so� of tne in�ornuciw presencea �� th¢s repoxt may be based upon reports 1� Not iRVOlved in ignition� bUt buined Mobnle pmpexty type From o[her Ageneves 2❑ Involved in ignition, but did not burn �Arson report attached $❑ Involvetl in ignitaon and burned L� � � Police report attached Mooiie nropeztv make � Cononer report attached �Othes reponts attached � � � � Mob11e pioper[y motlel YEdY � �u� � i,ncense Plate Number S�a[e Vix xumber NFIRS-2 Revision O1/19/99 Saint 2au1 Fire Deoartment F99in miiannna na_nnm-rao I1 Structure Type ie I£ Fire was In enclosed buildvng o- a aorwtie/mas-ie sezv�cure ew�piete ihe cest of [has form 1 �Enclosed Building 2 �°oitatle/mob3le stnacture 3 Q open structvre 4 Q z+i= sunported stzucture S Q Tent 5 �OOen platfozm ; ;. a 7 �Undergiound structure��„or<a-easl g QCOnnective structure �e.q. cences� 0� O;hes type o£ structure Ji Fire Origin * 0�2 ❑Below Grade Story of £ire origin J2 Fire Spread * 1� Con£ined to ob�ect o£ origin 2� Con£ined to room o£ origin 3❑ ConPaned to £loor oY orig>n 4� Con:ined to bualding of origin 5 �Beyond bualding o£ origin I2 Building Status * 1 � Under coastr.aetioz 2 � Occu�ied S operating 3� Zdle, not xoutinely used 4 � Uader ra�or renovat�on �j ❑ Vacant and secured (> ❑vaeant and vnsecured �] � 2eing demolished Q � Other U � Undeteruined Presence o£ Detectors * (In area o£ the £a.re) N QNOne Ptesent Skip to section M ], �Present U � Undetermined Detector Type 1 Q Smoke 2 � Heat 3 � Combination smoke - heat 4 � Sptinkler, water £1ow detection 5� More than 1 type present O �Other U QUndetersined 1 Q Battexy only 2 �xardwize only 3 � Plug in 4 Q Hardware with battery 5� Plug in with battery 6 QMechanical 7 QMUltple detectors S power supplies Q ❑Other U �Undetesmined 23 Building * 14 �yin Floor Size* �'IRS Height Structure coun: ti:e �oF as part Fire oF [he hnghest s.ory 002 -am ��r o_ < __�. :_ o: .rooK s.�� ��1 e...i o�x_ e_ �_o_i« seio� s+aae L5 Detector Ef£ectiveness Required if detecton openated 1 �A7-ezted Occupants, occupants responded 2 ❑OCCUpants £ailed to xespond 3❑ Theie were no oceupants 4 Q Failed to alext occupants U ❑Vndetexmined L6 Detector Failure Reason Required if detector failed to opezate j�4 Detector Operation 1 � Fire too small to activate 2 �Operated (COmplete Section LS) 3 � Failed to Operate (Complete Section L6) U ❑ Undetermined Presence of Automatic Extingulshment System * N �NOne Present 1 ❑PS'esent j�3 Detector Power J3 Number of Stories Damaged By Flame Count the ROOF as part of the kughest x�we� oc smries w/ mi� = ax,�se (1 to 24& flame tla-eage) o u , 001 , 200 ^_otal sauare °eet OR u uBYu u) Lenght £eet Width in £eet R Material Contributing Most To Flame Spread � cneck nf m£laae snreaa Skap To CA svne zs mtte±nal fvrs: :gm[ed Section L oa u..aoie zo aecezm_ne I � Nurz�uez of stones w/ signvfvcar.[ da�rage U (25 [o G9& £lame tlartage) ' I NumDei of stoile5 w/ heavy damage �� (50 to �4& £lame damage) � Numbe= oF s[or¢es w/ �Creme dauage (95 to 1�0& £lan�e damage) of Section M lype of Automatic Extinguishment System * Requared a£ £ire was withm designed range of AES 1 ❑ Wet pipe spxankler 2 Q Dry pipe spzinkler 3 Q Other sprinkler system 4 � Dry chesucal system 5 Q Foam system 6 Q Xalogen type system 'J � Cazbon dioxide (CO p) system Q❑ Other special hazard system U I� Undetermined �� � Item contr�butin5 most to flame spzead Rz I-a � � 4yoe of matemial contributing ReSUiied only if ltem most o. fleme spcezd wntributing �oae ,s o0 orao S Q Power failure, shutoff or disconnect 2 Q improper installation ox placement 3 Q De£ective q Q Lack o£ maintenance, includes cleaning 5 Q Hattery sissing or disconnected 6 QBattezy dischaxged or dead � QOthei jJ QUndetermined Automatic Extinguishment M,�j Automatic Extinguishment System Operation System Failure Reason =d i£ £ire was wvTlirn designed cange gequired if system £ailed � Opexated S e£fectave (GO to nt � Operated S not e£fective (M� � Fire too sma11 to activate �Failed to operate (co co t+s) � Other �Undetermined 4 Numbex o£ Sprinkles Aeads Operating Requnred aF systen oaerated u Number o£ sprinkler heads o� 1 � System shut of£ 2� Not enough agent discharged 3 Q Agent discharged but did not neach £ire 4 Q Wrong type o£ system 5 Q Fite not in area protected 6 Q System components damaged � �Lack of maintenance g Qt3anual Intexvention p Q Othes CJ �vndetermi.ned NFIRS-3 Revision O1/19/99 K1 Person/Entity Involved � � �J -��-�J Local rPtvon Bvslness name �1f xF?'«aSle) P_ea Coce 2hone N'umber ❑ CT?Ck _�!5 3pX :. � I I � I ' � SLU"? 2dG��P55 25 ' :1i..--5.. N.LS. � Si N2i�le Y.� L25t Vy^j¢ SLi_ix P.C1C5/[ ZO`2L10:1. 1 1 , I I I � � Tr.en .m ]..e chree �_i u _ei<2�¢ 2��_Q5S Nil»2_ �_E�1% $C'EPL O_ �'r 'J2V $�L¢2[ :")�6¢ __.. . Suc..x � � u � .os: 0£fice 3ox .��/5_ Ye/3ooa C tv u � �-u s=e=_ Z�n Coae �MOre people i.nvolved? CheCk this box and attach Supplemental Forms (NFIRS-1S) as necessaxy R 2 owner � s�e �s �e�sor. ,�.00i *r.e� c*ecx ,nis bex .a s_ I I I 6l2 64a �2SS ^.be rest of thss sect-o�.� I — �—� � Local Oo[ion 3usaness nxme (nf AnpiicaSle� 8xez Code ?M1O�e N�mSer �J IMARIA { �J �ROMO I LJ � Check thas �pg 1f Mi.,MS., Y.is. �1tst Nvne MI Last Name Su!f'x 31['2 2'JCILE55 25 i�aaent �ocatioa. I639 � �, �SHERBURNE � AVF �� xAen sklp �ac essee Cuplaca.e a z Number Pzefix S[[ee[ or Highway S:ceet Type Suffnx innes � I u �SAINT PAUL � 2os; off¢ce aox �+?L/sunfe/aoo�a C1ty MN ,551os �-�J state zn p C ode j� Remarks Local Ontnon FIRE CREWS ARRrVED ON THE FIRE SCENE TO FIND F.EAVY SMOKE COMTNG FROM SIDE 'C'. THEY INITIATED AN INTERIOR ATTACK AND EXTSNGUISHED THE FIRE. A S�ARCH OF THE DWEL�ING FOUND THAT THE OCCUPANTS HAD EVACOATED. SALVAGE AND OVERHAUL WAS COMPLETED. rIRE INVESTIGATOR NOVAK WAS ON THE SCENE. RED CROSS, XCEL ENERGY, AND BOARD-OP WERE CONTACTED. Authorization �4052 OFflcer in chaige :D �BESTLAND, STUART L Sagna,.u_e �iso I Icz � ol ig � 2oos I ?oslnon o_ _ank Assaglunent Mon.h Day Year eox 0 4 � 5 2 as Me�er nak�ng xepoxt ID m charge. 'BESTLAND, STUART L S�9ne.ure �150 � �C2 � LO1J �� 2008 � Positiort oc cank Assvg�?nt Mon[h IIzy Yeac c �:,., e�.n c,__ ..,.___`___` _____ 10-126 INCIDENT DISPOSITION DF55 Form #141 REMINDER: AZ3. in�csuratiorl on this fo.r� is for fire departmen_t use on1y. �Li Z�u'DL�i z�quiries are tc be directed to the Fire I>Tarshal at 651-224-SSR3 or the Daputy �'ire Chief at 651-228-6214. INCIDENT NUMBER: 801762 DATE OF INCIDENT: 1-19-08 TIME OF INCIDENT: 1213hrs. POLICE CASE #� na INVESTIGATOR(s): Novak INCIDENT ADDRESS: 639 Sherburne Ave OCCUPANT: Maria Romo PHONE:612-644-0255 OWNER: same PHONE: ADDRESS: PROPERTY DAMAGED: single iamily dwelling DAMAGE ESTIMATE: $150,000 P12EA OF ORIGIN: 2 floor bathroom wall INJURY/DEATH ❑ Yes (if yes, explain): � No SMOKE DETECTOR/ Smoke Detector Present: � Yes ❑ NO SPRINKLER Detector F�netioning: � Functioning � Not Functioning INFORMATION: � Unknown Sprinkler System Present: ❑ Yes ❑ No Sprinkler Heads activated: � Yes ❑ No How Many heads: FIRE CAUSE: � Accidental ❑ Incendiary ❑ Undetermined ❑ Under Investigation � Negligent ❑ Juvenile/Incendiary ❑ Child (under 10 years old) SYNOPSIS: Single family dwelling fire with origin in 2" floor bathroom exterior wall. Occupants had placed a heat lamp near open wall to keep water pipes from freezing. Fire Was discovered by occupant who saw fire in wall of bathroom by shower. Fire then burned through wall to exterior also in to floor and traveled to Knee wall in bathroom and into attic. Unable to find heatlamp in debris. 7 people dispalced 4 adults 3 kids. RedCross called and house boarded up. DISPOSITION: � E-mail only � Narrative written � Report to Follow ❑ Cleared by Arrest 10-126 Lf Analysis o� Evidence Pending ❑ On-goina Investiqative Status ❑ Hold Scene � Scene Released 10-126 PAGE 1 OF 3 PIRE Iiv�VESTIGATION REPORT I?�TCIDEI�TTIVO: 801762 DATE: Ol/19/2008 TIIvIE: 1213 HOURS ADDRESS: 639 SHERBI TF2NE AVE INSURANCE CO: UTTKI�rp�r DAMAGE ESTIMATE: $150,000 SI'NOPSIS: On Saturday, January 19, 2008, at 1213 hours the Saint Paul Fire Department responded to a report of a house fire. The location of the incident was 639 Sherbume Avenue West. Upon the fire departsnenY s arrival they found a fire buming in the ceiling of the kitchen and in the knee wall of the upstairs bathroom. Investigation revealed the tenants had placed an electric heat lamp near the outside battuoom wall of the house in an effort to keep the water pipes from freezing. It appears the heat of the lamp ignited nearby combustibles, traveling inte the wall and into the floor. This fire is accidental. PEOPLE: Property OwnerlOccupant, MARIA ESTELA ROMO, 639 Sherbume Avenue West, 55103, (H)651-797-3216 and (ce11)612-644-0255, DOB OS(03/1964. Owner's Cousin/Visitor, ELVIA MATEOS, 610 Charles Avenue, (cell)651-503-7021. Occupant, FERNANDO GONZALES, 639 Sherburne Avenue West, 612-644-0255. BACKGROIJND: T received notification of the fire via the Communications Center. I responded to the incident scene and arrived at approximately 1218 hours. At the time of my arrival fire crews were attempting to extinguish the fire and were beginning salvage and overhaul operations. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: The structure is a two story, wood framed, single family dwelling with a full basement. The exterior of the home contained wood siding covered by vinyl siding and the interior walis contain lath and plaster. The building ran north to south in length with the front of the structure facing south. EXTERIOR EXAMINATION: Visual inspection of the exterior noted no fire damage on the south side. There was no damage on the east or west sides either. The north side of the structure was examined and i found burning through the wall near the second floor, between the first and second floor. The fire had burned a hole through the wall approximately four to six inches in diameter. Light smoke staining was noted coming out of some of the windows and neaz the eaves. The electrical meter was located on the north side of the home and was found to be undamaged by the fire. 10-126 Fire Investigation Report 639 Sherbume Page Two INTERIOR EXAMINATIOn: Visual inspection of the dwelling interior basement noted no fire damage. Examinarion of the electrical panel found a couple of breakers to have been tripped. All of the breakers however had been shut off by fire suppression personnel. Examination of the furnace and washer and dryer showed them to be undamaged by the fire. The first floor of the home was inspected and i found no fire damage in the living room or bedrooms. A small amount of smoke damage was noted in those rooms. The main fire damage on the first floor was located in the kitchen near the kitchen ceiling. The fire had been from the north wall into the joist space and then had traveled along the kitchen ceiling upwards to the second floor bathroom. Exatnination of the second floor noted smoke throughout. The main fire damage was located in the bathroom at the north end of the house. There was extensive burning along the east wa11 of the bathroom near the laiee wall as well as some burning along the north wall and ceiling. Much of the contents within bathroom were burned. There was a hole burned in the north wall at floor level in the northwest corner neaz the shower stall. This is the location of the electrical heat lamp. I was unable to fmd the heat lamp within the fire debris. I am not sure if the heat lamp was thrown out the window during overhaul operations. INTERVIEWS: Properiy Owner/Occupant, MARIA ESTELA ROMO, stated: • Her mother owns the property, but her mother just passed away. • She is in the process of buying the property. • They have had problems in the past with the water pipes on the north wall freezing. • Her step-father, FERNANDO GONZALES, placed a heat lamp in the bathroom in order to keep the pipes from freezing. Occuoant, FERNANDO GONZALES, stated throu�h interpreter ELVIA MATEOS: • He put a heat lamp on the nor[h wall near the floor to keep the pipes from freezing. • When they smelled smoke and noficed the electricity had gone out, he went upstairs. • He discovered a fire burning in the bathroom near the north wall where the light was. • They have not had any electrical problems in the house. 10-126 Fire Investigarion Report 639 Sherburne Avenue Page Three PHOTOGRAPHS: Digital photographs were taken. EVIDENCE: No evidence was collected. CONCLUSION: After examination of the fire scene and the interviews conducted it is my opinion based on my education, background, and experience and observation of the fire movement patterns and intensity patterns that this fue originated in the upstairs bathroom at the north wall near the floor. This was the location where an electric heat lamp had been placed. This fire is accidental due to a heat producing item being too close to combustible materials. Due to the fact that this fire is accidental, this investigation shall be considered closed. J. Novak, Fire Investigator, B Shift 08 JJN/su �1���Y��� � �f