182516 II • 182516 Original to City Clerk s. • CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY f ' COMMISSIONE / r e -�i _� DATF WHEREAS, the City aid County Detention and Workhouse Facility Commission has engaged the Banister Engineering Company to prepare the necessary plans and speci- fications for a sanitary sewer for the new Juvenile Detention Home, and WHEREAS, the contract and the plans and specifications have been approved by the County Board of Commissioners under the date of April 29, 1957. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of St. Paul hereby approves the above mentioned contract as well as the plans and specifications as prepared by the Banister Engineering Company, and hereby instructs the Detention and Workhouse Facility Commission to proceed with the necessary work in this regard. Council File No. 1*2516—B? k 1). Marzitelli Whereas, The City and t •ty De- tention and Workhouse Com- mission has engaged Engineering Company to the necessary plans and spec for a sanitary sewer for the dew Juvenile Detention Home, and Whereas. The contract • the plans and specifications have •,, • approved' by the County Board of oilers under the-date,of April 1 wow Theredure.Bt t the Council t the C,lty fit- hereby approves the abe e contract as *ell sa Ipeciacations }s preparyed tl'te*1Ranr later iinastructs Detentioin dw'°aR' house Facility ommielian to nor r with the.necessary wort( tip re.. gard. ked by`the April 30 MM.proved'April 30, - Mil ,R '1951 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yeas Nays 195 Gibbons APR Halvorson Approved 195_ Holland q Marzitelli Z__In Favor � _ - _ Al I Mortinson ayor Peterson Against Mr. President, Dillon 5M 6-55 66111602 • COMMISSIONERS BOARD OF RAMSEY COUNTY COMMISSIONERS JOSEPH E. DILLON CHAIRMAN STATE OF MINNESOTA MRS. LUCILE BLANK WILLIAM E.CARLSON OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY JOHN E. DAUBNEY EDWARD K. DELANEY EUGENE A. MONICK COUNTY AUDITOR HAROLD F.GOODRICH I 1 I �� RICHARD JANSEN RAMSEY COUNTY COURT HOUSE SAINT PAUL 2 MINNESOTA April 30, 1957 City Council City of St. Paul St. Paul, Itlm4. % Joseph Okonsski V City Clerk Gentlemen: Tor your information you are advised that the Board of Commissioners, in session on April 29, 1957, approved a contrast the Banister Engineering Company and the City and County Detention and Workhouse Facility Commission covering the preparation of plans specifications for a sanitary sever to service the new Woodviev Ds ion Rome and also approved the plans and specifications for said semi sever. Tours very truly, MP= A. MUCK, Comity for Br // '/ JP "Qe-b ,lass D. Sven, Jr. JhS:is xecutive Secretary } ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received by the City a d County Detention and Workhouse Facility Commission, City of St. Paul and Conn y of Ramsey, Minnesota, in the County Commissioners Board Room - 356 City Hall and ourt House, St. Paul, Minnesota, until , C.S.T. , on the day of , 1957, at which time he bids will be publicly opened and read aloud for the furnishing of all labor and terials and all else necessary for the construction of a sanitary sewer connection from the Juvenile Detention Home to the Village of Roseville, Minnesota, sewer system, a follows: Approximately 2150 lineal feet of sanitary sewer of 12 inch size, together with appurte- nances. Plans and specifications, proposal forms, and contract documents as p spared by the Banister Engineering Company, 1549 University Avenue, St. Paul 4, Min esota, may be seen at the office of the Commission Executive Secretary, 845 Court U use Building, St. Paul, Minnesota, at the office of the above named Engineers, and t the Builders Exchange, located in St. Paul, Minnesota Each bid shall be accompanied by bidder's bond, certified check, or cash deposit in an amount equal to at least five (5%) per cant of the amount of the bid which shall be forfeited to the Commission in the event the successful bidder fails to enter w into a contract. The Commission reserves the right to retain the deposits of the three lowest bidders for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days after the date and time set for the open- ing of bids. No bid may be withdrawn for a period of thirty (30) days after the date and time set for the opening of bids. Payment to the Contractors will be by check or cash. Contractors desiring a copy of the proposal forms, plans and specific tions, may ob- tain them from the office of the above named Engineers upon payment o a deposit of $20.00, all of which will be refunded to all bona fide bidders, provi ins said plans and specifications are returned in good conditions within fifteen (15 days after the date set for the opening of bids. A bona fide bidder is one who act ily signs and submits a bid. Persons obtaining copies, but not bidding, shall be refunded $10.00, providing said plans and specifications are returned in good conditi within fifteen (15) days after the date set for the opening of bids. The Commission reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to give irregulari- ties and informalities therein and further reserves the right to awn d the contract to the best interests of the Commission. Bernard M. Troje Executive Secretary City and County Detention Workhouse Facility Commission City of St. Paul County of Ramsey 7 PROPOSAL FOR SANITARY SEWER CONNECTION CITY AND COUNTY DETENTION AND WORKHOUSE FACILITY COMMISSION CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNTY OF RAMSEY ,1957 (Date) NOTE: UNIT PRICES MUST BE GIVEN IN BOTH WORDS AND NUMBERS City and County Detention and Workhouse Facility Commission 845 Court House Building St. Paul 2, Minnesota Gentlemen: The undersigned, being familiar with your local conditions, and havi g made all neces- sary field investigations, and being familiar with all other factors affecting the conditions and costs for the various projects, hereby proposes to f nish all labor, materials, equipment, tools, skills, and all else necessary to compl .tely construct your sanitary sewer connection, in accordance with the plans and specifications pre- pared for the work by the Banister Engineering Company, St. Paul, Mi nesota, dated March 15, 1957, and on file in the office of your Executive Secretar as follows: 1070 lin. ft. 12" V.C.P. in place 0°- 6° deep @ & /100 DOLLARS $ /l.f. $ 290 lin. ft. 12" V.C.P. in place 6'- 8° deep @ /100 DOLLARS $ /1.f. $ 125 lin. ft. 12" V.C.P. in place 8'-10° deep @ & /100 DOLLARS $ /l.f. $ 50 lin. ft. 12" V.C.P. in place lO°-12' deep @ /100 DOLLARS $ /1.f. $ 50 lin. ft. 12" V.C.P."XS" in place 12'-14' deep @ & /100 DOLLARS $ /lof. $ 330 lin. ft. 12" V.C.P. "XS" in place 14'-16` deep @ /100 DOLLARS $ /1.f. $ 90 lin. ft. 12" V.C.P. "XS" in place 16'-18' deep @ & /100 DOLLARS $ / .f. $ 20 lin. ft. 12" V.C.P. "XS" in place 18'-20' deep @ /100 DOLLARS $ / .f. $ 15 lin. ft. 12" V.C.P. "XS" in place 20'-22° deep @ /100 DOLLARS $ /1 .f. $ P-1 35 lin. ft. 12" V.C.P. "XS" in place 22'-24' deep @ & /100 DOLLARS $ /1.f. $ 80 lin. ft. 12" V.C.P. "XS" in place 24'-26' deep @ & /100 DOLLARS $ /1.f. $ 6 each Standard Manholes with Standard Frames & Covers 8' deep in place @ & /100 DOLLARS $ /ea. $ 3 each Standard Manholes with "Pressure Type" Frames & Covers in place @ & /100 DOLLARS $ /ea. $ 22 lin. ft. Std. M.H. in excess of avg. depth @ & /100 DOLLARS $ /l.f. $ 2 each 8" V.C.P. stubs in place in manholes @ & /100 DOLLARS $ /ea $ 2 each 12" V.C.P. stubs in place in manholes @ & /100 DOLLARS $ /e . $ 20 each trees to be removed & /100 DOLLARS $ / a. $ 300 lin. ft. trench to be sodded or seeded, inc. black dirt L & /100 DOLLARS $ 1.f. $ 20 cu. yds. crushed rock in place for stabilization @ & /100 DOLLARS $ /cu.yd.$ 5 cu. yds. rock excavation & /100 DOLLARS $ /cu.yd. $ 200 lin. ft. 12" V.C.P. with "Sealite" yarn in joints in lieu of lute in joints as specified @ (ADD) & /100 DOLLARS $ /1.f. $ Unit price for 12" R.C.P. in lieu of 12" V.C.P. (ADD) & /100 DOLLARS $ /l.f. $ (or DEDUCT) & /100 DOLLARS $ Unit price for 12" R.C.C.P. in lieu of 12" V.C.P."XS" (ADD) & /100 DOLLARS $ /1.f.$ (or DEDUCT) & /100 DOLLARS $ /1.f.$ TOTAL $ REMARKS: P-2 The final amount of the contract for the project shall be determined y multiplying the final measured quantities of the various items by the unit prices stated therefor in the manner prescribed in the specifications. However, the low bid er shall be determined by adding the sums resulting from multiplying the quantiti s stated for this project by the unit prices bid therefor. If awarded this contract, I/we agree to start work according to the f llowing schedule and to complete work according to the following schedule: START WORK (DATE) COMPLETE WORK (DATE) Accompanying this bid is a (bidder's bond) (certified check) (cash de osit) in the amount of DOLLARS CE ($ ) which is at least 5% of the amount of my/our bid made payable to the ity and County Detention and Workhouse Facility Commission, St. Paul, Minnesota, and the same is subject to forfeiture in the event of default on the part of the unde signed or failure on the part of the undersigned to execute the prescribed contract and bond within fifteen (15) days after its submittal to me/us. In submitting this bid it is understood that the Commission retains t e right to reject any and all bids and to waive irregularities and informalities therein and to award the contract to the best interest of the Commission. In submitting this bid it is understood that the payments will be by ash or check. It is understood that bids may not be withdrawn for a period of thirt, (30) days after the date and time set for the opening of bids. It is understood that the Commission reserves the right to retain the certified check or bond of the three lowest bidders as determined by the Commission for a period not to exceed thirty (301 days after the date set for the opening of bids. Respectfully submit ed, ( Corporation) ( Individual) Name of Bidder ( Partnership) By Title P-3 SPECIAL PROVISIONS DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: The project covered by these specifications is for a 12" sanitary s wer connection (within the Village of Roseville) from a point adjacent to the exis iag Village 18" trunk sewer at the intersection of McCarron Blvd. and Woodruff Aven e to the Juven- ile Detention Home now under construction near the intersection of 'ale Street and Larpenteur Avenue. Approximately 9O feet of 12" sewer must be buil by the Village of Roseville from the 18" trunk sewer on McCarron Blvd. to the poin of beginning of this project. It is anticipated that a contract for the construction of subject 90 feet of sewer will be awarded in the near future under Project No. o , Village of Roseville, Sanitary Sewer Improvement No. 1, with a completion date specified to be no later than July 1, 1957. All labor and materials to complete this sanitary sewer connection - 11 be furnished by the Contractor for the project. 24000. SEWERS: GENERAL: These "SPECIAL PROVISIONS" are intended to supplement and modify Section 24000 of the Standard Sewer Specifications contained herein. It is intended_ that those sections of the Standard Specifications not specifically refe red to herein shall apply for the project in their full intent unless modified or supplemented herein. MATERIALS: Pipe All pipe shall be V.C.P. as shown on the plans and all bids received shall be based on the use thereof except that Contractors shall state the unit price furnishing a 12" R.C.P. or R.C.C.P. in lieu of 12" V.C.P. or V.C.P. "XS", re- spectively as stated in the proposal form. Pipe shall be of the strength or designation as shown in the following table for various depths as shown: ASTM DESIGNATION DE H OF CUT 12" CLAY PIPE C-13 (Std. Strength) 0' - 12' deep C-200(Extra " ) Ove 12' deep 12" CONCRETE PIPE C-75 (RCP) 0' - 12' deep C-76 (RCCP) Table I Over 12' deep Manhole Frames and Covers and Steps All standard manhole frames and covers shall be as stated in Section 24002.9 and shall be similar and equal to Neenah Foundry Company's R-17.0 and shall have a total weight of at least 435#. All " Pressure Type" frames and covers shall be as stated in Section 24002.9 and shall be similar and equal to Neenah Foundry Company's R-1916-E and shall have a total weight of at Least 400#. All manhole steps shall be cast iron as stated in Section 24002.11C and shall be similar and equal to Neenah Foundry Company's R-1980-N. Manholes Where the plans do not stipulate or specifically show a special ,anhole. and SP - 1 the depth is 16 feet or less the type of manhole shall be at the hoice of the Contractor, but shall be either pre-cast segmental block as state in Section 24002.13, using blocks 6" thick or greater as shown on the standa d details and "plastered" with mortar, on the outside, to a thickness of at least 3/8" or shall be pre-cast concrete manholes as stated in Section 24002.12. Joints Joints in clay pipe shall be made using J.C. 60 hot-poured, or "talktite", or equal, cold trowelled material. Joints in all concrete pipe, if used, shall be gaskets. Either biller or Tylox gaskets may be used. For the V.C.P. with the jointing compound the Contractor shall u e jute as a yarn except when otherwise instructed by the Engineer. In insta ces where "wet" conditions are encountered or, when, in the opinion of the Engin er, it appears desirable, the Engineer shall order the use of "Sealite" yarn fo domestic sew- age in lieu of the untarred jute. (For payment for use of "Seal te" see Sections on BASIS OF MEASUREMENT and BASIS OF PAYMENT). UNDERGROUND UTILITIES: The only known underground utilities in the area may be certain telephone cables, underground electric cables, and gas mains with appurtenances. There are St. Paul watermains in the area in which this project is located, and are as shown on the plans. There are no Village owned watermains in Roseville in the area involved in this project. No privately owned watermains are present in the area of this project, as far as is known. Pole lines are shown on the plans where the proximity of said pole lines parallel proposed sewer closer than a 20 foot distance. All existing culverts shall be protected and either left in their resent condition, or replaced if damaged by the Contractor. SUB-SURFACE EXPLORATION: Certain borings have been taken, and the locations and results the eof are shown on the plans. These borings are not guaranteed to be indicative o any ground ex- cept at that particular and exact location. The information obtai ed therefrom has been the basis of certain design and the information is given on t e plans for the assistance of bidders. No claim shall be made or be considered r sulting from any deviation from the data which may result, except where stabilizat on or sheeting left in place shall be paid for at the unit price bid therefor. In addition to the borings shown on the plans other borings were aken for areas of construction in Village of Roseville Projects 1, 2, 4 and 7. his data may be seen at the office of the Engineers, and is furnished solely as a guide and no claim shall be made or considered resulting from any deviations t erefrow. PROTECTION OF PROPERTY: Contractors shall replace all fences, mail boxes, posts, etc. dam ged or removed by their operations. SP - 2 . All culverts and drainage structures shall be protected or removed and replaced and, if damaged or destroyed, shall be replaced by the Contractor at no cost to the Owner. CONSTRUCTION ON PRIVATE PROPERTY: Certain construction on private property is required. The Commiss on is respon- sible for obtaining the easements therefor and the easement widths and boundaries will be furnished the Contractor before construction. It shall be the responsibil- ity of the Contractor to confine his operations to the easement wi the or boundar- ies shown. Any procedures by the Contractor of any sort beyond th boundaries in- dicated shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor, who shall save the Com- mission harmless from any claim for damage due to trespass. For all sewers on private property the Contractor shall strip all top soil to the satisfaction of the Engineer and store separately from the balance of the excavation. This top soil shall then be returned to the top of the backfill, prior to final shap- ing, and shaped as stated in Section 24059.2 (Type a). STABILIZATION OF PIPE: When directed by the Engineer the Contractor shall place crushed r•ck for stabili- zation of the pipe subgrade to a depth directed by the Engineer. this material shall be crushed rock conforming to the requirements for coarse ag;regate as stated below. Payment therefor shall be per cubic yard of material so placed. " Passing a 1-1/2 inch Sieve 95-100 per bent " " 3/4 " 0 35- 70 " " " It 3/8 " " 10- 30 " " w ,I " No. 4 " 0- 5 " II TREE REMOVAL: All trees 6" in diameter at the base of trunk and larger shall be considered and measured as a unit and payment shall be made therefor per unit whe tree removal is directed by the Engineer or authorized in the specifications. Pa ent shall not be made for any trees smaller than 6" in diameter at the base of the trunk. Any trees removed by the Contractor, not authorized to be removed by the Engi eer, shall not be considered for payment and removal thereof shall be the responsi ility of the Contractor. Removal of trees includes disposal thereof as directe by the Engineer. ROCK EXCAVATION: Solid and loose rock excavation shall be at defined in the specific tions and pay- ment therefor shall be on the basis of the bid price per cubic yard excavated except that individual boulders of less than 1/2 cubic yard in volume each shall not be considered as rock excavation. Removal of concrete driveways shall not be classified as rock excavation and shall be considered as hereinbefore stated. DISPOSITION OF EXCESS DIRT: All excess dirt as stated in Sections 24059.7, 24059.8, and 24059.9 shall be hauled away and placed by the Contractor. All excess dirt shall be dispos d of where di- rected by the Engineer, but within one (1) mile of the excavation. Any dirt re- quired to be hauled farther shall result in an extra payment for ex ess haul. It is anticipated that all excess material resulting from the displacement by pipe SP - 3 and manholes will be utilized in providing the four (4') feet of co er to be pro- vided over the pipe as shown on the plans. At the location shown on the plans (Sta. 17 i 39 to Ste. 19 i 79) t e Contractor may remove all material above elevation 922.5 prior to sewer coast ction and place same at a location within 300. feet on the open ground immediately s uth of the sew- er location. The Contractor need nat return this material to the t ench upon com- pletion of the work, but must leave all excavated slopes at a side lope not to exceed two (2) horizontal to one (1) vertical. BACKFILLING: All backfilling shall be done in accordance with Sections 24059.1 a d 24059.2 (Type a) except where the plans show "Compacted Backfill", and where plan show fill over the pipe. Compacted backfill shall be required where indicated on he plans. Where fill over pipe is required such fill shall be made from mater als excavated elsewhere from the trench and compacted as stated in Section 24059. . SODDING OR SEEDING OF TRENCH: On the steep slope between approximate Sta. 15 f 00 and 17 i 30 the Contractor shall, at his option, sod or seed the disturbed surface at and adjacent to the sewer trench to prevent surface erosion. If seeding is employed, the seed shall be applied at the rate of one pound (10) per 250 square feet and shall be sown by hand. The mix- ture shall be a mix approved by the Engineers and suitable for such purpose and shall contain at least 357 Kentucky Blue Grass, and 257. Hairy Vetch, toge her with Rye Grass. INFILTRATION: Infiltration shall not exceed four hundred (400) gallons per inch m le of pipe per twenty-four (24) hours for the entire project. Determination there f shall be in accordance with Section 24060. BASIS OF MEASUREMENT: All measurement shall be as stated in Section 24150 except that pipe installed at depths of cut greater than those stated therein shall be measured in two (2' ) feet increments. Measurement of sodding or seeding shall be per lineal foot of pipe in place. Measurement of trees removed shall be per unit, when larger than the size previously described. The basis of measurement and payment for the use of "Sealite" yarn i lieu of jute shall be on the basis of the additional unit price per lineal foot o 8" V.C.P. for using "Sealite" yarn where so ordered by the Engineer. The bids rec ived for 8" V.C.P. at the various depths shall be on the basis of using jute joi is as speci- fied, and the additional price of using "Sealite" shall be added to he bid prices SP - 4 for jute joints for those locations where "Sealite" is ordered by the Engineer. BASIS OF PAYMENT: Basis of payment shall be as stated in Section 24200. In addition Hereto, pay- ment shall be on the basis of units defined and described in the foregoing section "BASIS OF MEASUREMENT". TIME OF COMPLETION: Time of completion of this Project is not important, except that completion must be prior to August 1, 1957. • SP - 5 REVISED OCTOBER, 1956 GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. SCOPE: The following "GENERAL CONDITIONS" shall govern the work f all persons engaged in the performance of the Contract and shall forma part of the Contract. 2. OWNER: By the term "Owner" is meant the party or parties employi g the Contractor or Contractors. 3. ENGINEER: By the term "Engineer" is meant Banister Engineering C pang, St. Paul, Minnesota, who have been appointed by the "Owner" to to e charge of the work contemplated by these specifications and the accompan ing drawings and is designated and referred to in these specification as the "Engineer". The Engineer or Owner may appoint an authorized repr sentative or inspector, limited in authority, assigned to make inspection o the work performed and materials furnished by the Contractor. Such a repr sentative has no authority to order or permit deviation from plans and spec fications. 4. CONTRACTOR: The person or persons making a contract with the Own r to undertake work under these specifications and drawings are herein fter designated and referred to as the "Contractor". 5. SUB-CONTRACTOR: The person or persons making a contract with the Contractor to undertake the furnishing of labor and material, or labor or ma erial spec- ` ially made for the job is designated as the "Sub-Contractor". 6. WORK AT SITE OF OR ON PROJECT: Work to be performed, including w.rk normally done at the location of the project. 7. PROJECT: The entire public improvement proposed by the Owner to .e constructed , in part or in whole pursuant to the within Contract. 8. SURETY: Any person, firm or corporation that has executed, as surety, the Contractor performance bond securing the performance of the within Contract. 9. WORK COVERED BY CONTRACT: The Contractor shall provide all labor, trans- portation, materials, water, power, light, apparatus, scaffolding and utensils of whatever kind necessary for the complete and substantial exe- cution of everything shown, described or reasonably implied in the plans and specifications as belonging to the work. 10. DRAWINGS: All drawings and specifications and copies thereof furnished by the Engineer are his property. They are not to be used on other work, and with the exception of the signed contract set, are to be returned to him on request at the completion of the work. G - 1 . REVISED OCTOBER, 1956 11. DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS CO-OPERATIVE: The drawings and specifications are complementary. Work shown on the drawings and not described herei and work described herein and not shown on the drawings, shall be executed n the most thorough manner and with the best materials, the same as though fu ly described by both drawings and specifications. 12. DETAIL DRAWINGS AND INSTRUCTIONS: The Engineer will furnish with reasonable promptness, additional instructions by means of drawings, or otheriise necessary for the proper execution of the work. All drawings and instructions shall be consistent with the plans and specifications, true developments th reof, and reasonably inferable therefrom. The Contractor shall do no work w thout proper drawings and instructions. In giving such additional instructionslthe Engineer shall have authority to make minor changes in the work, not involving extra cost, and not inconsistent with the purpose of the work. 13, INTERPRETATION: Where there is any doubt upon any point, the dec Ision of the Engineer as to the true intent and meaning of these drawings and specifications shall be final. II I 14. ADJUSTMENTS OF DISCREPANCIES : In all cases of discrepancies betw en the various dimensions shown on these drawings, or betwen drawings and these pecifications, the more expensive construction shall be estimated, but before co struction is started, the matter shall be submitted to the Engineer for his decision. Without such decision, discrepancies shall not be adjusted by the Contrac or, save and only at his own risk, and in settlement of any complications aris ng from such adjustment the Contractor shall bear all the extra expense involy d. 15. PRINTS OF PLANS: The Engineer will furnish the Contractor five (5) sets of prints, on paper, for his use during the prosecution of the work. Any additional prints required shall be paid for by the Contractor at cost. 16. SHOP DRAWINGS: The Contractor shall submit, with such promptness as to cause no delay in his own work or in that of any other Contractor, at least three (3) copies of all shop or setting drawings and schedules required fox the work of the various trades and the Engineer shall pass upon them with reasonable prompt- ness. The Contractor shall make any corrections required by the Engineer, file with him two corrected copies and furnish such other copies as may be needed. The Engineer's approval of such drawings or schedules shall not elieve the Con- tractor from responsibility for deviation from drawings or specs ications, unless he has, in writi.!g, called the Engineer's attention to such devi tion at the time of submission, nor shall it relieve him from responsibility for errors of any sort in shop drawings or schedules. 17. DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS ON THE PROJECT: The Contractor shall keep, on the project site, one (1) copy of all drawings and specifications four the work, in good order, available to the Engineer and to his representatives. . G - 2 I 18. CHANGES : The Engineer, without invalidating the contract, may orde extra work or make changes by altering, adding to or deducting from the w rk, the contract sum being adjusted accordingly. All such work shall be executed under the conditions of the original contract except that any claim for ex- tension of time on account of such changes shall be made and adjusted at the time such work is ordered. No claim whatever shall be allowed for extra work unless the same s all have been ordered in writing by the Engineer, stipulating the amount of he remun- eration. The accounts for all such work shall be rendered monthly o the Engineer. 19 , EXAMINATION OF SITE: Bidders shall inform themselves of the condi ions under which the work is to be performed, concerning the site of the work, the struc- ture of the ground, the obstacles which may be encountered and all ether rele- vant matters concerning the work to be performed and if awarded the contract, shall not be allowed any extra compensation by reason of other matt-r or things concerning which such bidder might have fully informed himself prio to the bidding, and the successful contractor must employ, so far as possi.le, such methods and means in carrying out his work, as will not cause any i terruption or interference with any other contractor. 20. RIGHT-OF-WAY : Wherever the Owner has unoccupied right-of-way whichlcan be placed at the Contractor's disposal, no charge will be made therefo , but any additional ground, sidetracks, land places, pier privileges, wharvee or yard space that the Contractor may require for his operations shall be p ovided by the Contractor unless otherwise specifically provided in these specifications or the contract. 21. SUPERINTENDENCE: Inspection will be done by the Engineer or his ac redited representative. His decision shall be final as to the interpretati•n of all plans and specifications, and as to the quality and quantity of all material and workmanship furnished. Engineering superintendence will be furnished by the Engineer witho t expense to the Contractor for the construction period contemplated by the contract. In case the work shall not be completed until after the date stated in the contract and further superintendence is, in the judgment of the Engineer, ne essary, the Contractor shall pay the Owner, as liquidated damages, the actual w:ges and necessary expenses of the superintendent for the additional period •r periods required. In case extra work is ordered or changes made which will delay the completion of the work, it shall be the duty of the Contractor to f'le claim for such necessary extension of time, which when approved, the Engineer shall duly extend the period of superintendence. 22. CONDEMNED WORK: The Engineer or his representative may direct the removal from the premises of any work or materials which he may reject as u sound, improper, or not in accordance with the specifications, and such work shall be replaced to his satisfaction. G - 3 4 VISED OC OBER,, 1956 23. RATE OF PROGRESS: The work shall be carried forward at a rate th t will, in the opinion of the Engineer, insure the completion of the work accord ng to the Contract. The Contractor shall submit at such times as may be requested by t e Engineer, sched- ules which shall show the order in which the Contractor proposes to carry on the work with dates at which the Contractor proposes to start the several parts of the work and estimated dates of completion of the several parts. If, n the opinion of the Engineer, the work is not progressing at a rate which will ins re the completion of the several parts of the work within the time agreed upon and t e whole work with- in the time specified in the Contract, then the Contractor shall ploy such addi- tional means as may be directed by the Engineer or as may be requi ed to insure the completion of the work within the time agreed upon. 24. APPLICATION FOR PAYMENTS: The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer, before any payment becomes due, an itemized schedule of quantities and values of the various classes of work involved and aggregating the total sum of the Cont act; and supported by such evidence as to its correctness as the Engineer may require except in the case of unit price work, for which the unit prices apply. Application for each payment shall be made to the Engineer at leas ten days before such payment falls due. Application shall be in such form and sup orted by such evidence as the Engineer may direct. Vouchers and receipts and pa ents by the Con- tractor for the work involved shall be furnished before payment is made to the Con- . tractor, if required. 25. CERTIFICATES: If the Contractor has made application as above, the Engineer shall, not later than the date when such payment falls due, issue to the Contractor a cer- tificate for such amount as he decides to be properly due. No certificate issued or payment made to the Contractor nor partial or entire use or occupancy of the work by the Owner shall be an acceptance of any wo k or material not in accordance with this Contract. 26. PAYMENTS ON ACCOUNT: Not later than the 15th day of each calendar onth the Owner will make partial payments to the Contractor on the basis of a duly certified ap- proved estimate of the work performed during the preceding calendar month by the Contractor, but the Owner will retain fifteen (157:) per cent of the amount of each such estimate until final completion and acceptance of all work cov red by this Contract. The Contractor shall pay (1) for all transportation and utility se ices not later than the 20th day of the calendar month following that in which sue services are rendered; (2) for all materials, tools and other expendable equipme t to the extent of eighty-five (85x) per cent of the cost thereof, not later than t e 20th day of the calendar month following that in which such materials, tools an equipment are delivered at the site of the subject project, and the balance of th cost thereof not later than the 30th day following the completion of that part o the work in or on which such materials, tools, and equipment are incorporated or u ed; and (3) to each of his sub-contractors, not later than the fifth day following each payment to the Contractor, the respective amount allowed the Contractor on ace nt of the work performed by his sub-contractors to the extent of each sub-contract es interest therein. G - 4 27. FINAL PAYMENT: Final payment for the completed work will be made ithin thirty (30) days after the approval and acceptance of the entire w rk by the Engineer and the Owner. 28. ERRORS IN PAYMENT: No error or oversight in the making of estimates or certificates shall relieve the Contractor from his obligation to do and complete the work according to the true intent of these specifications and drawings. 29. PAYMENT WITHHELD: The Engineer may withhold, or on account of subsequent- ly discovered evidence, nullify the whole or a part of any certificate for payment to such extent as may be necessary to protect the Owner from loss on account of it. (a) Defective work not remedied. (b) Claims filed or reasonable evidence indicating probable filing of claims. (c) Failure of the Contractor to make payments promptly to sub-contractor or for material or labor., (d) A reasonable doubt that the contract can be completed for the balance then unpaid. (e) Damage to another contractor. (f) Failure to complete the contract within the time specific • When all the above grounds are removed, certificates shall at once e issued for amounts withheld because of theme 30. DEDUCTIONS FOR UNCORRECTED WORK: If the Engineer and the Owner de it inex- pedient to correct work injured or done not in accordance with the ontract, an equitable deduction from the Contract shall be made therefor, 31. LIENS: Neither the final payment nor any part of the retained perc ntage shall become due until the Contractor, if required, shall deliver t the Owner a complete release of all liens arising out of this Contract, or receipts in lieu thereof and, if required in either case, an affida it that so far as he has knowledge or information the release and receipts nclude all the labor and material for which a lien could be filed; but the Contractor may, if any sub-contractor refuses to furnish a release or receipt in full furnish a bond satisfactory to the Owner, to indemnify him against any claim by lien or otherwise, if any lien or claim remains unsatisfied after all pay- ments are made, the Contractor shall refund to the Owner all monies that the latter may be compelled to pay in discharging such lien or claim, i cluding all costs and attorneys, 32. ASSIGNMENTS: Neither party to the Contract shall assign the Contra t or sublet it as a whole without the written consent of the other, nor hall the Contractor assign any monies due or to become due to him hereun er, without the previous written consent of the Owner. 33. EXTENSION OF TIME: All time limits stated in the Contract documents are of the essence of the Contract. Upon receipt of written notice from the Contractor of the existence of causes over which said Contractor has no G - 5