182191 • COUNCI ` FILE NO. FINAL OR u�' IN CONDEMNATION PROCEED! GS ')DER IN C' , .4 I 1.tte h ayl i 1 a>.d ( r y,Mf ! „ ”"Tr",- Ittnd IY�B 4>A -.,,,�,,,yw�-.A.. :�.,.�..'-- � , • sat � _,. k 1tt;, ,. " - ,Of lO rre, g 11--ere 4p Hamct land AcI4it ' _ Homes, ' hesovY °°t Parkwa d Than +' o rmot"fit. 11 g• t een tw 1 ept i th, and t 118 ft. ,es one of which is distan di 118 ft. parallel with the east West from and Pa the other being ,•: caws, of said lot, and orn and Parallel Il of �, the • r un 7's ft.'east r and- a roved 1-distant 't. a +s from • pe being iwith'" Wei dine Of said 'tae, , PP th west line of sal lot, and`-' Eso43r bf A", c cull each which i�sj of 'a line cro he,Urns• Int de d at. f tp southerly lisle wi ,,at""the point on Width 17 , approved 1 in , nth of the KY line H., eateedo�ak 5'ay' s. ��e ,�(Asa ay That pare of Lot k Pa"f kweY.. ! o b C,o , Homes, l,1 CMS •,,foe 1�' f$ d upon the above improvement u o ' tee why'` ay` u ;elate A�f'd7heat P P P - host olt�Lots:bite,: � ��®ng hemp � rwai e commendations relative thereto and emea. 1e d' thereto, and ," • n' i of a�e, PArkwl� er •.ral l 1r the �.,: "ev2►icls is l►er tlY 'as Line"A" • ° after with t 1s It, notate land westerly from the and dtssY 1' *ft �, #roin. yi..,10** di*•Y" said tot 17 and at line adrawet wester a the out�ltaa , ,, . w l tin the City of Saint Paul that the prey ang th'� , ,t`il- pro ibe i �iowl City -, ' ,, i u •r end e> thereof and rthw ,;,, of a Idne deacri# tl df Yaid Lot lg at a in F n described al nosd'h ltifneee Omer • • -pC a no .i![' Lot i ` a'point 11722•ft, from tine northeast at an , , tp, q�a. ii•7.32 t} Corpe�c' settthweater Yltt! d ,• 49ti1+s;._ :a, -�' . :at an i tharearszgle of' "51' of 9b,16 !t: Ce 1 Council Pile Ho. 1821Z01112'Steak !- of 70° id Pat a'*stance w Y,ibe Mterziteni_ let • - of et ; e y to the Point the; "�,' aaEhi sand 1 4 m the matter of off• • ,,,"A• h a 1 ibel• boun4r9 -- and extending Wheelock Parkway •,bo�`flne`IKtWSNs I ,. 7 and- park and parkway eaaterIy ode et the la id. lock Parkway from Hoyt Ave. to Co- hansey'St. by taking and condemning the following parcels of land: and the Council hereby orders said improi , Those Parts of bus 1 and i'Block a' lying west of the wean line q3 extending north and south allay in said bloc s north All of hots 1, $, 3, 4, $ 8, 9. 10 RESOLVED FURTHER, that the fo,and 1i, Block s: all of Lot 1 10, therein be and t e same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated : , an°fi,eing in Edwin M. W 's cumber- aking said improvements, viz.: land Addition Plat 2. t ;c, That part of Lot 4, Cottage Howell, lm". ,y Lv. �g southerly of'Wheelock Parkway except the east 118 ft. two Ep that part h is - e of which t oilfrom and\parallel aq; oao;aa;old pus aagtj 'ill 1 att; 'as.iop( .105u59. .:.lammty a (9=moo'I Sited WO.l PonupnaO) RESOLVED FURTHER, That '"' JIJTIBIHM Zv ouxM and is hereby •I:.tructed and directed to prepare plans and specifi.' .-,.,.. 'roper city offici: are hereby authorized and directed to proceed , e lying pr omit ,$ ti es) accordance there 'th. A ,�c ept MT '9 Bald penosddlf does, Lg i '4 usdV Iiarin03 stn An paidoPV _ Adopted by the Council __ west f Ina ox PIS IesuJoyi 19 line o. 'teed ';S t0 ;IO d_ eq3 TO,Hugest a0 40ei1u00 Plea a;na 0 0i"paalsoq;ne ass ,cgasazt WIMP, ysout"e; ' sadoad aqt pus 'soyaseq; ;asnu ;o wou aadord am do mssp o; MOOS i ity Clerk. f't. -_ip If Await pus eq t noo Hol ed Approved__ �I.' woo *TO Pug 40PM sigma p +e ' $i 0 0 t unseal s lung.susdluo0 u011,0 nitsu0,7 lying ',oniptos.2'P4 plm pus nano{am sung PR Bons `oweLL'os 10 as 10ertuen 'Homes;inet ' s0; '00 uonans;sueo :tatrmes Mayor. Parkes 1'Pi Pies 70 8429#PIS IUOS eq Y line Iperpeg s %exaq aoxa spsOaae uI ode Councilmen: / as pus mid+GSN 3 OS 'a 'Pi 0i ,V li`,iC3E,�h>I�"Sid200 •LL!} *line !stoseuuty4 Ined lutes asno;l tattoo iditibbrZSX DeCourc sou .. ,P Hell atla et11 So .10011 4139 .eV ilidgarianC an A ;0 anuapou[ax of uappul Aigauosse,r .there°•pus so ; �nissaoaisaao;esae pus arises Holland ' •.J—,mu q a pus ui i u� Marzitelli ut.32 wenuo3 aq; to lulus eta sa all' the , ,uigasag nauno0 teTLL 'WPM( Mortinson ,angle off ,o� id 1• planes rte-eigggl Peterson Rosen south Mr. President, Dillon bon da; (LSSi 'q p dV) i8 1,88I 4 turfy paaocddV 500 7-55 C, 'MI '9 IIsdV Itounoo out&q pe;dopV 1689'051 PIS Ieuuog •Insd 'TS;o £;IO eli'3 7o gsgeq co ;oes uoo piss e;naaxa o; pazisoq;ns Asian siglalpo Alin sadoad am. soaraq; ;ass;uoo ;osffl uuo;,�sasdq , oq Iesun00 II0neaaods00 MO p al��lIiias pas algsuorear s tal F"ai .w03 luinsd AC1I0 UIMS pry pus Altuo stn Sugq ptq gone 'opocns,i • sand;oss;uoo s;e du ulna SPA► 1 .TO.uleU L PIS o s i � s,Pus suss Afm3 n um pSO '' • : y10�'ONIA,9 LILO L • 'tent uasgt o $` a 10;� incline° deM u:Tat oM;sal ue.M;aq'anima Pouting -S s lPi an)l ''t"gulsPed ed a;arauo ;o a i : a"i o lstuePlsul �sueeee.i Bxessa U es 't` 40011t Mt • 4 4 . CITY OF ST. PAUL . " DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 4 4 '14 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE .„. ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 181 768 ' (D) In the matter of . sisia, •,.odeaurit wit ingtotiorissuorrober. rot$loolit, 4,4 44600,ot 41 the easterly side orbhoolock Parkway fian 11,404k i' ''': ' et. irtAaidng Wed cdning the following paresis of land • Those pert. of Lots 1 and 2, Block 5, lying ne$t of the weetline otthe north and south alley in said block extended north; all of Liti-l' 2, 3,4,5,8,9,10 and 11, Block 6; all of Lot 1, Block 10; all of Lots 18 to 2$ inelLiive, Block 11 .., all being in Edwin M. Ware's 04mberlend Addition Plat 2. That part of Lot k, Cottage Hoses, lying southerly of Wheelosk Parkway, except the oast 118 ft. thereof and except that part lying between two lines, ....,.., . -, ,,. : . ono .of w0.140:141 afteet.1.18 ft. west the and parallel with the east line. of said lot, and the other being distant 75 ft. east from and parallel f‘'' with thii'latet line of said loll end sontherly at a line crossing the lines desoribod at the point on slash which is 175 ft. south of the loOthorlf Ma 'of Whililook Pirkeltr. ( 1 , - That part Lot 5, Cottage Hones, lying southerly of Wheelock Parkway. , . . ., . _. . . These,parts. 01.4". 17 mid-18.1.4ettage Homes . 1yietee4heastorlyot,Wheilesk . Parkway, apd lying northeasterly of a line which is hereinafter referred 'to 541 LinerviddiWoh is parallel with and distant 100 ft. northeastocekr == fron a line drawn northeasterly from the southeast corner of said Lot 17 == eadvet,se angle of 1.3°241.141,th.ithe south linadthereof and lying nor1410.- ':, - - westerly of a line described as follows Beginning on the ' Of said Lot 18 at a point 117.32 ft. from the northeast corner th.riéfj them, • southwesterly at an angle of WO$-,-Stil MIS sorth lial of Lsaid IflitA & distance of 65.18 ft.; thence southwasteArto the point where Line 00 horediA4aseribed intersects the boundary lies between said Lots 17 and 18. Lots 1 through 1 5 o dO 350 Lots 8 through 11 6 do 900 ! 1 Lots 1 through i 4 10 do 115p $7250 Lots 18 and ! 19 11 j do 1,90 Lots 20, 21 and South i of 122 11 do 1 225 North i of 122 11 do 75 1 . , . . Lot 23 and South i of 24 llt do 250 L... Lots 25_1_ 26 and Nort :1 h _ 0f j 24 11 do , 300 continued on next page . The Com. *ssioner of Financ further reports-thnt he has inves,tigated all of the aforesaid, matters, and _ hereby submits th. foregoing as his ort thereon to t :.ficil, together ArAt,h the tep&t made to him in reference to saidAnitt by threeommiss ner of P . io Wo ,s. „„--- ,,..„---- Ded 19 Commissioner of Finance. Form B.S.k.-11:5 D . 2 CITY OF ST. PAUL . DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 117`TS. VALUATIOQlag Lots 27 and 28 11, Edwin M. Ware's Cumberland ;,216 1 6 Addition Plat 2 West 117 ft. of the east 180 ft. ++ of part south of Wheelock Pkwy. o 4 ! 1 Cottage domes 1451 ;182•• Except west 75 ft. and except the east 180 ft., part south of �� . Wheelock Parkway of 14 do 650. West 75 ft. of that part south of Wheelock Parkway of 4 do ••+1 E. 751 of pt. Stly of Wheelock off 5 do 55« . - W. 75 ft. of E. 150 ft. of • that part lying Stly of i , 1 Wheelock Parkway of 5 j do 15•" Except East 150 ft., part lying southerly of Wheelock Pkwy. of, 5 s do ii 3•a Commencing at NE cor. of Lot 18, th. W. on N. line thereof 117.32 ' ft. for point of beginning; thenc ia at angle of 700 511 to left 65.181 - H ft., thence W. parallel with said { N. line 150 ft . of SE ly line of Wheelock Pkwy., th. NE1ly thereon II to said N. line, th. E. 149.06 ft. to beginning, being part of 18 do 525 Part of Lot 17 SEtly of Wheelock Pkwy. and NEt ly of a line run I if NWtly from SE cor. and at angle , of 143° 281 from south line of said 17 do 000 6200 it 1 Except Ivy Ave. and Wheelock , and except part N. do NWtly of fol•owing line: Beginnong on N. line of and 117.2 �I ft. west from NE cor. of Lot 18, h. f SW1ly at angle of 70° 511 to left 65.18 ft., th. W. par. with said . ! II line 1501 to SE line of said Pkwy .,18 I do . . , f1.900 1300 Lot 8 and South 20 ft. of 71 4 (Edwin M.Wares s Cumberland 600 7100 Addition Plat 2 it • 9 and 10 ! 4 I do 800 7700 I. 11 and 12 4 ! do lf825 I i 3100 • f t — -- —�_ 1 7 do _ 500 • FORM 9.11.11 TOTAL — ---- —= - �— -. 1 I i i __ • • CITY OF%T. PAUL • DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER _ (B) --- - - _ f-- A'-r- ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOC ADDITION A ASSESSED Lots 2 and 3 7 Edwin M. Ware's Cumberland 1 $8!'5 $5500 Addition Plat 2 Lots 4 and 5 7 do 74 100001 Lot 6 & N. 1001 7 j - 7 i do ;I 'is 8750 8 ! 8 1 do �I 3.0 ( 9 ] 8 do j 3.0 1 Lot 10 and North 15 ft. of 11 8 do ; 510 6150 Lot 12 and except north 15 ft., 11 8 do I 5 5 5300 1. 13 8 do Ij 35 I 14 8 do �E 3�r 5 1000 I 15 8 do 10 E. 2 of vac. alley adj. and N'ly I • 27 ft. of Lot 14 & all of Lots 1,2 & 3 9 do 0 2300 II E. 2 of vac. alley adj. and except I l NEtly 27 ft., Lot b,& except SW'1 I� 10 ft., Lot 7 and all of Lots 5 & 6 9 do 11400 6800 . i of vac. alley ad j. and SW'ly I i j� 10 ft. of Lot 7 and all of I 8 j 9 I do I 900 , 7000 E. i of vacated alley adjoining and ' _ N. * of Lot 10 and all of 9 9 do ; 675 13950 h E. i of vac. alley adj. and S. i I �� of Lot 10 & exc. Stilly 2 ft., , 11 9 do 650 j3600 ,I Lot 12 and SW'ly 2 ft. of ll,all f 131 9 do 725 7250 I 1 1 Except Parkway, 12 114 Edwin M. Waresa Cumberland i 875 3100 . Addition Flat 1 1 - Lot 13 and East i of 14 ( 14 do II 800 1300 Part of Lot 2, E'ly of a line fr 1 a point on the N. line thereof 54 ft. E. from NW cor. of Lot 3 t 1 L a point on SE'ly line of Lot 2•an I 1i _ 102 ft. NE'ly from SW cor. of ! Lot 3 and all of 1 1 1 Bedney's Addition 1 12001 FOAM 8.u.1I TOTAL 1 . CITY'OF CT. PAUL . DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE . r i REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION- - ----- VALUATION Part of Lots 2 and 3 between 2 1 es run SE'ly from points on N. line I� Block 1 and 5 ft. and 51 ft. east om NW corner of Lot 3 to points on • SE'ly line of said Block 1, and ° j j1 . 12 ft. and 102 ft. NE'ly from j SW corner of said 3 1 Bedney's Addition 1$13t5 $ f ' Lot It and part of Lot 3 Wily of a ii line run from point on N. line of and 5 ft. from NW corner to point II on SEtly line of and 12 ft. from i . . . . SW corner of said 3 1 do 130 8000 Lots 5 and 6 1 do 2015 i 3150 ' Lot 7 and West 29 ft. of 6 1 . do j 110 10900 I I i Lot 8 and North 10 ft. of 9 ! 1 do I 1150 :6700 Except North 10 ft., ' 9 1 do 1100 5 1 Veterans Addition it 900 .7000 6 1 do 900 5600 7 1 do 900 .5100 8 1 I do 900 6750 • 9 1 do 900 11150 10 I 1 do 1000 1500 1 Taylor's Wheelock Addition 1.100 '60001 . • 2 I do !� 1300 1.250 3 do 1300 5500 1 do f 1200 6750 5 an 6 do 6 2500 9500 West 60 ft. S. of Wheelock Macy. 1 of Lot 17 and W. 60 ft.of N.250'of 2 Cottage Homes I; 650 , East 75 ft. of W. 135 ft. of Lot 7 and East 75 ft. of West 135 ft. of North 250 ft. of 29 i do 750 ; 6150 FORM s.�.n TOTAL • • - • CITY OF ST. PAUL 'DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE _ a REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE - 4 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER -- . 1 --T– -- - —4----1-11 DESCRIPTION LOT "LOCK 7...-.--------- ----=. ADDITION Laud ASSESSED VALUATION'. KlAg_ 11 Except W. 135 ft., part of Lot 17 . , 11 SE'1y of Wheelock Pkwy. and SW'ly of line run NWIly from SE corner of and at angle of 430 28' from , 1 S. line of said Lot 17 and except i 1 W. 135 ft., N. 250 ft. of ! 29 . Cottage Homes 11i1000 $4600 I! , E. 5 ft. of Lot 10, and except N. 60 ft., Lot 11, Block 1, Minnesota ! ', 1 Realty Highlands, and except part 1 , N. of a line 60 ft. from and I . , parallel with the N. line of 1 said Lot 11, W. 90 ft. of E. 120 fi. 1 of 5'],y 150 ft. of part north of Wheelock Parkway of 16 do 1.10 5550 1 . I 7 ancj 6 6 Edwin M. Ware's Cumberland 411 1850 1 Addition Plat 2 i 1 1 ! I , , 1 ' 1 Total $-E0 $235,7501 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid .,alters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report mad to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 14arch 5 19 2 1, 4 1 I 1.. A.. ii, 9n. 44. Commissioner o Fi an e, Form B. B. 12 . /43 2---- • v A OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE January 28, , 19 57 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the relimin- ary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 181176 approved - January 23, 19 57 , relative to .sdisnisg,and.- di , 1 Pasavir°Ler park sad parkway raw** the land Wane to the sasteri/ side of Wbeeloe k Parkway trm Hoyt kn. to Cdhirnsery St. by.taking. and condemning the foliating paresis of land i Those parts f Lots l and_.2, ffioek , lying west at the n.4 Use of tho north and earth alley in said block *mended no all of Lots 1,2 3,x„5,8 p,i10 ant 11,'Hack 6 all of Lot'l# !look ZI all off``toy 15' to 88 ino L;airr., Block 11 . all being in fdrrin M. W ' .__Graaber1 d Addition Plat 2. That part of 'Let 1r, lying cast srly of lideolOsk Paskaa7i taws imacti the east t« thereof, and except that part lying between two linsa, Cis of whioh iw di starat 118 ft. rent free and pas lsi s th the sly lint c; of said lot, and are other being distant 75 ft. east from and paz'sl ei . rith.tba rest lint at said lots and soutkorly at a has sweating the C c`" lines dimwitted at the point an each which is 175 ft. south of the seethorly Lim of itheolask Parkway. 'That part of Lot 5, Cottage Hones, lying southerly of Wh elosk Parkway. •; These..parts of Lots.11.awd. 3.8,-centers* -Harms, Ism Hotheseterir of `1 f1c ek . P , and lying northeasterly of a lint wtd.gh is bsreinattsr satin N;)' to as l ta•4s end whisk is parallel With..and ai.tsssrsrt 100 ft. nortiwasterly from a line draw northwesterly frost the southeast corner of said. Lot 17 sad at Wasps ` WW1 Id* the South blase thereof'and bring north. westerly of a liras described as follows Daginning asr the wesikkl i,nr* of said Lot le at a point 117.32 ft. from the northeast:e�arpdr theskosf p those southrastsriy at an angle of 70051* with the north lime of said last t , diatom* of 65.18 ft.; them* soutsacr9�ts the pail* k:.b se* berate described intsrsscts the 'boundary between said Lots 17 stud 18.