10-121COUNCILFILE#: /D"/a-/ GREEN SHEET #� 3096576 Presented By: Resolution Ciry oF Saint Paul, Minnesota aI = / Referred ro: - I Committee llate: 1 2 WHEREAS, The State nf Minneosota has prov�ded funding to Parks and Recreation to spec�fically pay for two additiona] 3 full time employees; and 4 5 W HEREAS, This fundmg has been made available through a Legacy Grant; and 6 7 WHEREAS, the [wo posi[io�s are designa[ed to be a Volunteer Coordinator and a Education Coordinator; and 8 ] 0 W HEREAS, Parks and Recreation wishes to accept this funding to support the full cost of these two FTE's; and I1 12 W HEREAS, addihonally Parks and Recreation would Lke ro amend [he 2010 revenue and spendmg budgets to reflect 13 the funds coming in and the staff costs going out; and 14 15 WHEREAS, the total amount of the requested budget amendment �s $ I 19,064 16 17 WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter oF the City of Saint Paul, does certify that there are 18 available for appropriation, fu�ds of $119,064 in excess of those estimated m the 2010 b�dget and 19 20 WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends that the following addtt�ons be made to the 2010 Budget: 21 22 CURRENT AMENDED 23 FINANCING PLAN: BUDGET CAANGES SUDGET 2A 860 - Parks & Recreation Grants & Aids 25 33196 - Envvonmenta] Permits and Planning 26 3408 - State t3amrai Reswrce Funds 25,000 119,064 144,064 27 25,000 119,064 144,064 28 SPENDING PLAN: 29 860 - Parks & Recreation Grants & Aids 30 33196 - Environmenta] Permits and Pianning 31 Ol ] I- FS�ll Time Cerfified 62,957 89,307 152,264 32 0439 - Fnnge Benefit 23,266 29,757 53,023 33 86,223 119,064 205,ZS7 34 35 36 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Coanc�l of the City of Saint Pau] approves these changes to the 2010 budget. COUNCIL FILE #: �D �' ��I GREEN SHEET#: 3096576 Resolution City oF Saint Paui, Minnesota Adoption Cer[ified by Coynci] Secretary Date: / � d Requested by: Diviswn of Paz and Recreatio By: Approval Recommended b Financial Servi es Director: By: Form Approved by C�ry Atrorney . e' � �� ; � /� [o Council Adopted by Council: Date: ����/!� � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet //l.. f 2 � � � ,. ,� . Oepartment/OfficelCouncil: Date Initiated: PR_ParksandRecreation ZSJAN2010 i Green Sheet NC?: 3096576 � Contact Person & Pbone: DeoaRment Sent To Person `` ��InitiaVDate / I i DavidMeissner . � o adcsanaxecrearion �]�/�O 266-6374 1 �arks and Recreation ( Department Director Assi n � '� Must Be on Council Agenda 6y (Date): Number 3 inaacial3ervices � � For Routing 4 aVOr's Oftice Ma or/Assis[ant Doc. Type: pUBLIC HEARING Order 5 ouncil � (RESOLUTION) 6 itv Clerk i CiN Clerk E-Document Required: Y Document Contaet: Contact Phone: ToWI # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locallons for Signature) Action Requested: Approval of the attached resolution authorizittg Parks and Recreation to increase the 2010 revenue and spending budgets in the Grants and Aid Fund 860 Environmental activity 33196. Funding has been provided by the State of Minnesota through a Legacy Gra�t Recommendations: Appmve (A) or Rejeq (Rp � Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Pollowing Questions: Planning Commission 1. Has this persoNfiim ever worked under a contract for this department? CIB Committee Yes No Civil Servioe Commission 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current c�ty employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet. Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The grant is spec�fically provided to fund kwo new FTE's in the Nahual Resources section of Parks and Recrea[ion for 2010. AdvanWges If Approved: Parks and Recreation will have the approval to receive additional revenue tha[ will then be used fund add�tional FTE's Disadvantages If Approved: None �--�— � Disadvantages If Not Approved: I Funding for additional staff will no[ be available. Total Amount of 7ransaction: $119,064.00 CosURevenue eudgeted: N Fundiny source: State Grant - Legacy Activity Number. $60-33196 Financial Information: (Explain) January 25, 2010 425 PM Page 1 City of Saint Paul Memorandum To: Margaret Kelly From: John McCarthy, Budget Analyst Subject: GS# 3096576 — 2010 Legacy Grant Date: January 27, 2010 /a -��-i Attached is resolution that, if approved, would amend the Parks and Recreation department's Grants and Aid fund budget to allow Parks to spend $119,064 in Legacy Grant revenue received from the State. Parks intends to use these funds to hire a full time Volunteer Coordinator and a fulltime Education Coordinator. OK to sign.