10-12Council File # 10-12
Green Sheet#309240
Presented by
1 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council authorize the City of Saint Paul to enter into the attached
2 amendment to agreement #02-14761-I with Ramsey County. A copy of said agreement is to be kept on file
3 and on record in the Office of Financial Services.
Requested by
Approved by
By: r
Adopted by Council: Date
Adoption Certified by Coun il Secretary
By: ' � -
Approved yo Date � ( ��Z.�
By: �
Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
BY� �l > O �4'f�-.r/J � o�y�Or-/
io-iz �
� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �
'DepadmeMl�celCwncil: �� ' ���^��ed: ' Green Sheet NO: 3092401
PD - Police Department '��� �7 DEC 2009 �'�
, -- p ^ � SeM To Person InitiallDate
Contact Person & Phone: � I, -- - - � -- - - __ _ _
Chief John Harrinpton � i 0 PoGce neoart nent___ _.___ __eoycenepar _
266-5588 � 1 Po D eperdne nt _ _ , �Po6ce D epartme nt , ___
- — _— _ _ �(�__�
_ ._____ . . ____ __ _ - : {155ign �, 2 Ci tYAttomeY _ ______ CitY_A .__� J-""_ _
' Must Be on Council A enda b Date : Number ' � - . -- � �- --- � -" �";
9 Y� ) For ' 3�Pi_anc�alServices -_--�''.. _Direc�or FSO___ .
- .
, _ _- _____' _ — -
' �— '_' " ___ _-- _,__ ..- _- - __'_'.._-. ' /�
__06JAN-10 __ _._--_---_ -_- _ _- Routin 4 M�o r•sOtfice _ ;, Mayor _.___�'�_ �/
- 9 i - _ —
:DoaType:RESOLUTION � Order � 5 Councu __ _ _ ___I�__ _C_ Clerk __� ________ _
'� 6 �PoGce Department __ __ __ _ Police Department __. _ __ _
'__ _ .. _..-___- _._-_
E-DOCUmentRequired: Y �, ,
Document Contact: Evette Srarver �I ��
'� ConWet Phone: 266-5541 � �
Total # of Si nature Pages Cli All L� I —� . .- ------
�', g � ( p � ocations for Signature) _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _
�_.. _ . _- -- ---- ---- ------__._.
' Action Requested:
� Signatures on the attached council resolution authoitizing the City of Saint Paul, Police Departrnent to enter irno the attached
� amendment to agreement #02-14761-I with Ramsey County.
Recommendations: App�ove (A) or Reject (R):
Planning Commission
CIB Committee
Civil Service Commission
Pecsortal Service Contracts Must Answer the Foliowing Questions: I I
1. Has lhis persoNfirm ever worked under a contract for this department?
Yes No I
2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee?
� � Yes No
3. Dces ihis personlfirm possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any
� curtent cifY �^PbY�� I
I Yes No
Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet.
: __.__- . -__.— — __ ._ _
-__--___ ....___— __ __- --____.._�___ _- _..__-
' Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): �I
�I The Ramsey County Sheriff s Office has asked the City to conrinue participation in an intra-govemmental agreement to allow Police
I Officer Russell Garvey to facilitate canine training to the Ramsey County Sherif£s Office at no cost to the City. Authorizarion is
�I needed. -
-------�--- ---�------ _ _
Advantages if Approved:
The City will demonstrate a spirit of cooperation with the Ramsey County Sheriffs Office. The City will be fully xeimbuzsed for all I
salary> benefits, and related costs associated with the agreement. �
Disadvantages If Approved:
i` - - -- - -- - _ _--
� Disadvantages If Not Approved:
' Lost opportuniry to assist an outside agency at no cost to the Ciry of Saint Paul.
� Total Amount of
'� Trensaction: CostlRevenue Budgeted:
�I Funding Source: See agreement qctivity Number. 436-34176
Financial Information:
� (Explain)
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December 17, 2009 12:44 PM page 1
THIS AGREEMENT, entered this December 17` day of December 2009, by and
between the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, a municipal corporation under the laws of the
State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as "Cit}�' and the Ramsey County acting
through its SherifPs Office, hereinafter referred to as "Provider".
The City and Provider, in consideration of the mutual terms and conditions, promises,
covenants, and payments hereinafter set forth, agree to amend agreement #02-14761-1
authorized on March 3, 2008, by the Saint Paul City Council for the interchange of Police
Officer Russell Garvey to the Ramsey County Sheriffs Office as follows:
A. Pursuant to paragraph 1, Effective January 1, 2008, Officer Russell Garvey will
be placed on an intergovernmental mobility assignment from the City to Ramsey
County until February 28, 2010. In addition, the Ramsey County Sheriff's Office
agrees to provide one (1) year of Criminal History to the City of Saint Paul Police
Departrnent at no cost.
IN WITNES5 WHEREOF, the parties hereto are authorized signatories and have
executed this amendment to agreement #02-14761-I, the day and year first above written.
xn,- rhe Cirv� Countv of Ramsev:
Human Rights and Equal Economic Opportunity, Directar
Presented By:
Referred To:
1 WHEREAS, Minnesota Statntes 15.51 eL s� provides for the interchan�e of pubiic emplayees among
Z various juridicrions; and
4 FVF3EREAS, �nnesota Statutes 471.59 et seg requires the consent of the governing bodies oF potirica]
� subdivisions ta enter into agreements among them for such matfers as emptoyee interchanges; and
7 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul and Ramsey County desire to enter into an agreement for the
S intra-govemmental transfer of p�cer Russ Garvey of the Saint Paal Police Department; and
10 WHEI2EAS, it is the intent of the Council that the City be reiarbursed by Ramsey County for all cosfs
11 incurred by tf�e CiTy as a result of this transfer, including salaxy, Fringe beneFts and pension costs; and
12 �
13 $E IT RESOLVED, that the groper City officials sre authorized to enter into a written agreement
14 consisteut with the above recitals and applicable laws.
Adopted by Councii: bate: 3 fQS�a%��
Adoption Certified by C uncil Secretary:
$Y� l�//�l���eSov�
t� /
Approved by Ma � Date: 3/dt / U�
gY= v A�( .� �
Q:\FiscalAffairsU{O&CR�2008\R ussGaNeyirrtra-govem entel RC2008.cr.X�s
Council File #
Green Sheet �
v8 -Ifb��2
Approv b ayor ubmission to Council:
BY�� �
Requested by Department of:
�- � 10-12
This interaovenmlental mobility aareement (Agreement) is hereby enfer�d into effective the day of
January I, 2008, by and between the County of Ramsey actina througl� its Sheriffs Office
(hereinafter "RCSO") and the City of Sa�nt Paul, Police Department (hereinafter °City").
WHEREAS, Russ Garvey is a re�ular employee of tUe Cit�, in the position of Police Officer with
ceriain rights as a City employee; and
WHF.REAS, the parties agree that Russ Garvey be �ranted an intergovernmental mobility
assignment &om the City to the Ramsey County Sl�eriffs Office to assume the duties described;
WHEREAS, this agreement is authorized by anci subject to Minnesota Statutes 15.51 ] 5.59
NOW 1'HEREFORL, the parties hereto and their respective agencies hereby agree as
Effective January 1, 2008 or as soon dlereafter as approved Uy the parties hereto, Russ
Uarvey wiil be p1aced on an intergoverumental mobility assignment from Yhe City to the
RCSO for an inirial period of 2 years, January 1, 2008, tl�rough December 31, 3004. This
assi�nment may be extended far an additional 12 monYhs
upon written 1 eement by the City and Ramsey County Sheriff.
2. Under direction of Sheriff Bob Ftetcher, Russ Gaivey will facilitate canine training for
the Sheriffs O�ce.
3. As Russ Garvey serves at the pleasure of the Sheriff, this Agreement may be terminated
without notice at any Lime by the Sheriff. The Agreement may also be ternunaCed at any
time by Russ Garvey or the City with 30 days written notic;e.
4. The RCSO shr�ll reiinburse Russ Gaivey for all expenses incarred which relate to his
duties in the Pelony Apprehension unit, pursuaut and subject to the applicable expense
reimbursement poticies of the KCSO.
�. Foc tlie duration o4 this Agreenlent, Russ Garvey remains a reo lar employee of the City
and conhnues to accrue and retain benefits, senioriry, compensation and allow�nces from
the City in accordance �ath any current aud subsequently approved City administrative
procedures and or policies and labor agreements, mcluding any
increases in compensation or allowance that may occur duan� the effective dates of tliis
mobility a;reement for which Russ Garvey could be eligible. Russ Garvey will compfy with
all City procedures related to receipt of allo�i�ances or use of sickh�acation time. Tota]
compensation under this A2reement for Russ Gaivey's services shall be as reflected in the
current or futare labor a�eement betweeu the City of Saint Paul and the Saint Paul Police
Pederation and will ii�clude the cost of all fringe benefits or overtime as identified ln the
iabor agreement.
6. All of Russ Garoey's compensation will be subject to the Police and Fire Plan of the
Pubhc Employea Retirement Association of Minnesota with renular contributions from the
City and Russ Garvey.
7. Russ Garvey will remain an active Lcensed peace officer on the City roster subject to Peace
Officers Standards and Training Board ("POST") continuing educatioi� requirements. Russ
Garvey may atteud in-service training pro�-ided by either the City of the RCSO at his option,
but is rec�uired to keep his POST license current.
8. During the tem� of fliis A�eement, the RCSO sha11, upon receipt of invoice in proper form,
reimburse d1e City qu�rteTly, or as otherwise agreed, for all compensahon and celated fringe
benefits costs, as outlined or as subsequently inereased, paid to or on behalf of Russ Garvey
from the Crty as described in Paragraphs 5 and 6 above, except for traming or uniform
9. Each parCy is responsible for its own acts and conduct and the results fhereo£ Eacl� party's
liability is noverned by the Municipal T'ori Claims Act, Minnesota Statutes 466.02.
Althougl� the supervisiot� of Russ Garvey's duties will rest exclusivety with the RCSO, it is
a� eed that he is not a RCSO employee and is not entitled to any benefits From Ramsey
Count� or the RCSO, including but not limited to, unemployment benefits, pension, sick
and vaca6ion leave, death and medical benefits excepf as provided in Minn. Stat. 15.�4,
Subd. 3
]0. Nothing in this AgreemenY, express or implied, is or shall be construed to l�e an offer or
promise or permanent ar other employment for Russ Garvey with R�msey CounYy or the
ll. Mr. Russ Gaivey retains Uie right to retum to his regular emp�oyment wrth the City upon
expiration of the mobility assignment or due to tem�ination of this ass�gnment at anv time
during the effective daTes of th,is Agreement.
of Saint Paul:
J� ��
Ramsey County:
�i • � � ' �
�- R e� Count Attorney
Date: 2� �
Date: � �� � O
Date: � ��
Date: � � � �^�
Date: ��� b �
Date: �
Date: 7 4