182126 . , . . ... - _,... . . COUNCIL FILE NO. .126 .. 1, By AMENDED FINAL 's pas AMENDED FINAL ORDE R )to. In the Matter of . titfillieNtafliiIalidis Street tram Oath Stroot to 60 foot DertherU a ellihki .4,': .• , . :I.i„, I r i-' % Colutinis Avenue, inaluding• tie wadies ant pariaag of t widenot, :Li., Sternif • latchlite.Strest to 60 fist northerly of the seater line Cl. °' .- .:. . . . ' et- Co111101 faring for* Strout f1 lithaelsa Street to Cedar Strourt; grading, . AIIIIIIAR on,rim slit fres Wahasha Street to Seder atrooti Peaoli •1004oft 1 . , toolith Street ea new sligoont fres lialssio Street to , "0110 ourtiarg Ord sidewalk or reeenstreetlel t Premien ourtlinli 'r-st ' '.11611*'• .-""''''--,-. - , oorioacnry;. sostitructing now eater and gas lain* ar rosootrueting ! • ' , , .' .,, , sever attar and . - illatifilaifia• ' . " iiiie 0111 Maths niters ; constructing , .._,_ , ,. . iiRdersip..polirolosisals.to tsrt7 linos priterred ''_ .. . . ' • .._....2.. .‘.,.-_,,_ ..„,,... • . ....:', , _,... basuovir. mum, istietruating mg rcur imam. ‘sfarouttal lista"'011. 1b , •L •t• ffilSitisigiv ]tans iiiatit-Street-to-itestikellireet); r00000tomotioli- ' --41004411 OklallNiii101014' Clrg tharuimitsiNli iiltIllskiidariltNerkotNINNIIINSMOWN ',.. . . if* haviemikkiiiiikthp . Efts osistirogreiniebaria-ond opissrbietvolokilti,, .. - , .':.. ,. : . tile 4aitalling new oblos, Snits, pull bones and all '"- , saw* - f Attorilwoorplotectstiog giirtigalhilliate 1 Ai LW&NIalltillej and foandations that are not to bo711sod; I ' 4.()4114111411011 • ' ,`'lletr,future truffle control at Vont , • 7° .: re- !. , _ . ..• '1,1' : ,, , '' '. . A 404.10.611VILENISA tbs intoreeeting - , - .. ,, • ,, • . ' r/,,E..4.,!. .- - "I* toVitimpmm104;1100:4-,,./..- -, : . • • a the Airi.6=4-A.. .,„ rorgeata, ,... NIsthaytere . Staire; tiiii :,. We t;* efer,,,CAZI" 1.1no of* VA, :,,trzbuta AVelataliq, .-.'' 111. r-,'. . - - '' - ' 1'. °''' '''• ' • to- Coder Strout; grads ant-poor-thelloger ' •• 4140000kt_ -SOO, ,, liabseha Worst to Coder Street; grade and liftk•' -,, on 611.000S:1111.1 tabards& Coder Street; seastrort noreestring and • ' ,, ' ' or vorniallitot the presort curb sidewalk Otero norsolairy; eersotivot now , and , gas segistreir •Oreenotrost existing ester wad gas mains "boot 'neosseary; , -• - • Oieri wriaillitillekedillati isoUshalmosotiowtittaiokrurthime4m to t Pfsfort7 Uwe* • 11,1. : SertOgileilliNg itilaileir, .110441,111i4 ONSaisiNiatifV11.1 "Mikailific • ' • = th 1 niniellsW10000brdrivieliPOSIASISAIROtrItOWV4, . ,, 11,-..1101111111Strutth. i ..'. . __ _ 40,4111106. oappeadirsialialas ondilikovs.******111eissiwalftwat-ttrimilmilkwaid -. 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'' " Twelfth to Columbes •60 ' •:4,--.'t41>iiirimg to be 340 Asphaltic Concrete Surfacing on new 7" ,Conerete base -except between College and Twelfth where airuakhed rock base will be used for temporary pavement. ' .. ..•:. , . „... , .. ... Twelfth Street between Wabasha and Cedar shall be 2 - 32 foot roadways With 3i" Asphaltic Concrete surfacing on new Concrete base. r-'.!:''.:5'.c.i.,i.'-,3''! ;',-"'•,4!t=',"::':- .44,if.:-'74i--01'• '.•rt'.'s!'-'-',.i-1.-.7'.4.'-':;11k:-:-. .,:h I..',..,S...\4-4,.a\--......-4*Ittote4--: ;:r..•.--4,-.,.,,,;r404.....r,--,?.if4 ,17:•- •,,-::., :1-. •'''',?"-",. ...,-,,....:' ;74.47 :''''' 4-'';'ff;fftOYA:;:,' 47&::;i;,'' '''C:'f-''.-: ''.::'';,1f:'!t;%Iff;;1,4:04":*At.;'".4!.M.I'k*I',4=W.4: 11f;4q.:(f''Ig''',f1Vnf)7-'• :,.A.. 4;:-. .- .4' f- ' . ._,-,,.:,f4k3f ,;:'',.7":-",-;:!.' 'ff..'' . !'r.1-":"°''''ff' -'-',,','''''' ''r 4'',. .. ''. '.■'''::''YV...'''''''''''' '' ''''''...' '' .4'.','.'1 t"''''•• '''''''..''.'' . 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'''' .... .'''''''''''''''''. • OFFICE ENGINEER • • COUNTING DIVISION HERBERT S. WEST CITY OF S AINT PAUL ACCOUNTING PAVLICEH VV Prin. Accountant • Capital of Minnesota • BRIDGE ENGINEER HEWETT DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS BUREAU (DP.SANITATION JOHN M. COTTER, Supt. • FRANK D. MARZITELLI, Commissioner • TRAFFIC ENGINEER EUGENE V. AVERY CLIFTON G. HOLMGREN, Deputy Commissioner BUREAU F MUNICIPAL EQUIPMENT GEORGE M. SHEPARD, Street & Highway Engineering Coordinator ART H. HOCH • STREETS AND HIGHWAYS ENGINEER ARTHUR W. TEWS, Chief Engineer ARTHUR G. WELIN BUREAU pF CORRECTION S JO P. MULLANEY, Supt. • • April 2, 1957 Hon. Frank D. M4rzitelli Commissioner of Public Works City of St. Paul Dear Commissioner: In the matter of the order for the repaving of Wabasha Street from 9th Street to 60 feet north of the center line of Columbus Avenue, together with the paving of Exchange Street, 10th Street, and 12th Street between Wabasha and Cedar Streets, the question of assessment of property on the west side of Wabasha Street between College and Summit has arisen. The proposed route of the Interstate Highway crosses Wabasha Street between 11th and 12th Streets on the east and College and Summit on the west. It is proposed at this time to temporarily surface the old paving and to widen the roadway on a temporary base between these limits. With this in view, it is recommended to the Finance Department that no assessment be levied against this property inasmuch as it will be required for highway purposes and for the present only a temporary pavement will be laid. The same will be true for lighting. Yours very truly, 2)1 -.Js' ei' M. SHEPARD .tr't and Highway Engineering Coordinator GMS:gt cc: Mrs. Donald M. DeCourcy • CITY OF ST. PAUL u '« DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE /89/ • REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE �� - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 181 772 Inthe matter of Repaving Wabasha Street from Ninth St. to 60 ft. northerly of the center line of Columbus Ave., including the grading and paving of the widened roadway from Exchange St. to 60 ft. northerly of the center line of Columbus Ave.; resurfacing Tenth St. from Wabasha St. to Cedar St.; grading and paving College Ave. on new alignment from Wabasha to Cedar; grading and paving Twelfth St. on new alignment from Wabasha St. to Cedar St.; constructing new curbing and sidewalk or reconstructing the present curbing and sidewalk where necessary; constructing new water and gas mains or reconstructing existing water and gas mains where necessary; constructing sewer, water and gas service connections from streets mains to the property lines where necessary; grading and improving boulevard areas; constructing new mercury vapor ornamental lights with new light standards (except from Ninth St. to Tenth St.); recon- structing the existing ornamental lights on the easterly side of Wabasha St. under Preliminary U�dor appco Exchange Dec.•27, Tenth by moving the existing standards and appurtenances,etc• To the Council of the City of St. Paul: • The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $ 235,718.00 gg pp The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $ variable (eSeee 10.y The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOC'S ADDITION ; ASSESSED �— I VALUATION _._. ____ —_ _ -_---I__—___-_ --- -- I Lan 1 44232 Auditor's Sub. No. 10 18Q0 $35 i l 16Q0 33 !J` I 3 ± f t 1 2 Basil & Guerin's Addition 2,250 70, Lot 12 & that part of Lot 11 Etly the fol .owing { J described line: Commencing on the tlyline, of said lot 74.50 ft. from Wtly 1 e of;Wabaha 'I St., th. SEtly par. to said street 1100 ft., i th. NEt ly par. to Tenth St. 9.50 ., tb. i i SEt]y par. to Wabasha St. 25 ft. 3 5 inclh. th. NEtly par. to said Tenth St. 6 ft. ;Wily ji from said Wabasha St., - - f - - in 1Blk. . 2 do _,ii,y,500 24,35 North 60 ft. o f Lot 1 and North 60 i1 i Sfft. of the Et ly_14-0_ft._ of 2 i 5 do _ 2 2pp 29 00 -- —_. _ -- ,- —_ _. �.�____-- - — -- ludee other p�opy) i , l The Comm' '.ner of Fit -nce fort eports that he has investigated all- the aforesaid /patters, and hereby submits the forest. g as his report the to the Coun ' together'with the port,made to him in reference to said ma r by t - •mmissioner of E ' Works. r -- Dated / 19 Commissidner of Finance. Form B.S.A.8-5 D CITY OF ST. PAUL ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DE ' LOT 'BLOCK! ADDITION Li 8ESSBD L E. 90 ft.'of N. 240 ft. of S. 90 ft.i ! ii 1 of Lots 1 & 2; also S. 50 ft. of Lots 1, 2 and 3 5 Bazil & Guerin's Addition '?8 700 $ !45,000 ! Lots 11 and 112 5 do p0 200 11,2400 (ex. t e t SWi],y 25 ft.1 i All of Lot 6 and that part of Lot 5 ! (! ,, lying Wily of the following described I ! '! line: Beginning on the Sily line of Exchange St. 41.33 ft. east of , I! the Eily line of Wabasha St., thence " I� Sily at right angles to Exchange St. , �� 21.66 ft., thence Wily at right iI angles 1.50 ft.; thence Sily par. ' I; with first described line 243.25 ft4; thy. Eily at right angles 1.50 ft.; th. Sily par. with first described ling to ii the Stly line of said Lot - - - - ± 5 7 do X36,1000 59,000 Lots 7 and i 8 7 i do 1174600 240,000 North 25 ft. of Lots 1 and 2 8 do !124,000 7,24004• i H South 25 ft. of North 50 ft. of 1 de 2 8 ' do '12,000 24,300 i I ' South 25 ft. of North 75 ft. of 1 do 2 8 do 1110,800 North 2/3 of S. i of Lots 1 and 2 ` 8 do '20,300 2,050 Subj. to Capitol Approach & Cedar $t. 6 do 50, s. 1/6 of Lots 1 & 2; S. 1/3 of i I; Lots 3 & 4; S. 1/3 of E. 30 ft. ofi II Lot 5; also N. 1/3 of Eily 30 ft. f Lot 8, & N. 1/3 of Lots 9, 10, 11 12 8 I do ;240, 00 42,500 Except Commencing at Stilly corner I ` i' of Lot 11, thence along the Wily I ! Ii i 4 tha+renf. 50.60 ft., _thanes ' I - E1 i ly par. with Ninth St. 0.58 ft.,F j hence Rll + eint nn Mf_ lin ..- 4 +. of said $t. 0.30 ft-. Lily from the point of beginning, the Sily 1/3 II • of Lots 11 and 12 I. 8 ! do ;(240,i 00 18,100 s ' (continued on next page) FORM BMA? TOTAL , L■I __ CITY OF ST. PAUL ' q,, DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION f LOT �_... ADDITION :::UAT IO $7,200 North 1/2 of South 2/3 of Lots 11 a�}d 12 81 Bazil and Guerin's Addition 21, to Saint Paul Lots 10, 11, 13, 14, 18, 19, 22, ) Ta en for 23, 25, 39, 4o, 41, 44, 45, 46, 47, I ) 48, 49, 50 ! Auditor's Sub. No. 10 ) �I Ca. tol Approach ' Lots 26 through - - - - 38 do ) I ) 1 through — — — — 12 i 1 Bazil & Guerin's Addition ) it ' f I I I I ( ! < I ! 'i ii { I ' a f I Total :x.6,;50 $367,100 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid atters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report ma•e to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated March 5 19 57 Commissioner o Finance. Form B. B. 13 1 OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS 4 REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE January 16, i , 19 S7 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the prelimin- ary order of the Council, known as Council File) . 180888 approve December 27, 19 56 , relative to Repaving Wabasha Street from Ninth Street to 60 feet northerly of • lien _ lie Of. thm . , . . „ . I, ft from Singe Street to 60 feet northerly of the center line of Columbus s; resrmrtsoing- Tenth-Street :ran *bash& Street to Cedar Street; gradir4and.parint._ College Avenue on new alignment from Wabash& Street to Cedar 9tre.t; and paw 't�ft# Street's"ed ihr alignment free Nasma Strnst to f cm ,: strueting now curbing and sidewalk or reconstructing the present curbing • side- walk where neoessas ;"'Constructing new water add gas mains or reconstruct = existing water and gas mains where necessary; constructing sever, water - gas service coamOntioas from Streit`saint to the property lines whrrh asses ; gaming and improving boulevard areas; constructing new mercury vapor •tsl ' , :1) lath-.now light standards (ems &ea Ninth Street to Teeth ' ; 're- oonstrusting the existing ornamental lights on the easterly side of Waba Street rl_ _.' free a Street to.Tenth Street-by awing the. existing standards.aid. spy, , aness ors to the widened roadway; installing new cables, conduits, 11&21 i boxes and all other appu r'tsnants s recoloary for a complete lighting ins ion, . .w 4 including the removal of existing light standards and foundations that ar not to berrsused;:;`constructing conduits and appurtenances for future traffic con • F system where necessary; reconstructing the paving, curbing and sidewalks - the the i intersectingg streets where amct in conformity with the .said improvement_ . . ,by ,_ doing all other work which is necessary and incidental to said laproresea . o,,..,. w. pzvpcz 6y, suQJect To assessment ror said-Improvement. 0-)-rr s � , ''�;t iommi ssi7 0 ;,r• ks. / ...I — . , 7-._�_-,_ . • ASSISTANT CHIEF ENGINEER CITY OF SAINT PAUL ACCOUNTING DIVISION ARTHUR R W. TEWS JOS. PAVLICEH • ' Prin.Accountant OFFICE ENGINEER Capital of Minnesota HERBERT S. WEST • DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS • BUREAU OF SANITATION BRIDGE ENGINEER JOHN M.COTTER, Supt. FRANK D. MARZITELLI, Commissioner MA�URICE W. HEW= • • CLIFTON G. HOLMGREN, Deputy Commissioner TRAFFIC ENGINEER BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL EQUIPMENT EUGENE V. AVERY GEORGE M. SHEPARD. Chief Engineer ARTHUR H. KOCH • 8 • STREETS AND HIGHWAYS ENGINEER BUREAU OF CORRECTION ARTHUR G. wELIN January 16, 1957 JOHN P.MULLANEY,Supt. Hon. Frank D. Marzitelli Commissioner of Public Works City of St. Paul Dear Sir: I transmit herewith a preliminary estimate of cost for the repaving of Wabasha Street from Ninth Street to 60 feet northerly of the center line of Columbus Avenue, including the grading and paving of the widened roadway from Exchange Street to 60 feet northerly of the center line of Columbus Avenue; resurfacing Tenth Street from Wabasha Street to Cedar Street; grading and paving College Avenue on new alignment from Wabasha Street to Cedar Street; grading and paving Twelfth Street on new alignment from Wabasha Street to Cedar Street; constructing new curbing and sidewalk or reconstructing the present curbing and sidewalk where necessary; constructing new water and gas mains or reconstructing existing water and gas mains where necessary; constructing sewer, water and gas service connections from street mains to the property lines where necessary; grading and improving boulevard areas; constructing new mercury vapor ornamental lights with new light standards (except from Ninth Street to Tenth Street); reconstructing the existing ornamental lights on the easterly side of Wabasha Street frau Exchange Street to Tenth Street by moving the existing standards and appurtenances to conform to the widened roadway; installing new cables, conduits, pull boxes and all other appurtenances necessary for a complete lighting instal- lation, including the removal of existing light standards and foundations that are not to be reused; constructing conduits and appurtenances for future traffic control system where necessary; reconstructing the paving, curbing and sidewalks on the intersecting streets where not in conformity with the said improvement and by doing all other work which is necessary and incidental to said improvement, under Preliminary Order C. F. 180888 approved December 27, 1956. Estimated Paving Cost $194,993.00 Add for Engineering and Inspection 15,600.00 210,593.00 Add for Lighting Installation 24,500.00 235,093.00 Add for Water Department changes 625.00 (: TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $235,718.00 immmAt . ..2.. 4 (Paving $12,600.00) _ Estimated Property Assessment (Lighting $1,500.00) $14,100.00 . , City's Share of Cost (Capitol Approach Funds) $221,618.00 Note: Estimated Property Share of cost is based on the following assessment rates. Paving at $10.50 per front foot for paving frontage of 1200' Lighting at $5.00 per front foot for lighting frontage of 300' The costs of resetting stone curb and the construction of new con rete curb, where necessary, are included in the paving assessment rate given a ve. Sidewalk construction, where necessary, to be assessed as per ann al sidewalk contract prices. Cost of new Water Service Connections, where necessary. 3/4" Service Connection, each $95.00 between Ninth and Exchange 1 " " N " $100.00 " " " " 1 " " " " $140.00 " " " " 3/4" M " " $110.00 " Exchange" Twelfth 1 " " " " $120.00 " " " if 1i " N " " $165.00 " " " N 3/4" " " " $140.00 " Twelfth " Columbus 1 " " " " $148.00 " " " " 14 " " " N $200.00 " / " " For larger services, Estimates will be made by the Water Department 8" Sewer Service Connection $200.00 between Twelfth Street and C lumps Avenue. No sewer service connections required between Ninth Street and elfth Street, (sewer in sandrock tunnel) Yours very truly, A hur W. Tews Chief Engineer Approved for transmission IMMA to the Commissioner of Finance /' -,/,-, ' //, j0 F 1 ,i/'arz; -11i l a Cc* missioner • '' s A Or CO ,limmill I Amu 1=T:1'7=7r: Tili .== _ . _ EBB MEM== - -- --•-• M.VMM 4r. • . . . • . ., . , . - 4 ri c - 4. fa 4 • - t r* 4+ 14 '4 -.0 Ii.,,,,,_- , -,- ...., C "2— V\ CI) . T... I 3:. < \ --1, IN.)-• \I t( °)... . 1 -s. 4z • q 4 '1 Cu N \ ■ s I .- (c) 1 2... TO .6. \N... , #.)0 , • tk) crio '' , - -..\ • ' i 1.44:4 ' A ,/ ... • % \ -,„ ..., ... c_ -s. c:s -77 ..,...., , 04) .1.1 -› -).-_, , --- r. ill—•;:o v- ,. ,-", t,‘ ,I .1., , t -- , ---), ,. --.... POI z- ". A \ -- tO q C.3 V -S- IP V 443 • 11 Iv6 4‘* V41 NA 11 Cs) N . ..\\ .-- ,- T.N. -A 44 (..) CI ) / ("1 . ..„,./.4 . N 7\ , . . , \S T""1 c4 „