182122 189122 COUNCIL FILE NO. ■ / : - ; Council Pile No. 1R21 1n the matter of •a and Kir- . a, . . facing with. .: material the alley in Block Tilear s Lincoln Park, and Block 1, Murray lane Addition,' from East Ave. to No1oiiiis Ave. Also ec+nstructine a sewer ir,.the alle".,from+ In the Matter of grading and surfacing with bituminous material the alley in Block 3, Tilsen's Lincoln Park, and Block 1, Murray Lane Addition, from East Ave. to Nokomis Ave. Also constructing a sewer in the alley from a point 50.05 ft. east of the east line of Nokomis Ave. to the existing sewer in Nokomis Ave., under Preliminary Order 181401 approved February 6, 1957 Intermediary Order approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that rovement to be made by the said Cit ia grade and surface bituminous latter' aterial the alley in , Tilsen's Lincoln Par and Block 1, Murray Lane Addi roan East Ave. to Nokomis Ave. Als nstruct a sewer in alley from a point 50.05 ft. east of east line of Nokomis Ave. the existing sewer in komi s Ave., All orders in the above matter be and the same are hereby cancelled, annulled and rescinded and all oceedings in said matter be discontinued. an he Council hereby orders said impr r ement to be made. R tvl ED FURTHER, That the Co •sioner of Public Works be and is ereby instructed and directed to prep. .lans and specifications for sa . ••. .rovement, and submit sam o the Council for approval; that upon id approval, the proper city officials . • hereby authorized and ected to pro- ceed with the makin. of said improvement in accordance th• -with. Adopted by the Council NPR R 2 1951 . ' /62. PP'R 2q. City Clerk. Approved PUBLISHED File 13645 Mayor. Councilman DeCOURCY Councilman -R0Lt�tfd t� e Councilman MARZITELLI Councilman MORTINSON Councilman PETERSON li)jf Councilman ROSEN ` Mayor DILLON 2-55 2M 2 ' y CITY OF ST. PAUL. - ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE Y REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 181770 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER a, J In the matter of grading and surfacing with bituminous material the alley in Block 3, Tilsen's Lincoln Park, and Block 1, Murray Lane Addition, from East Ave. to Nokomis Ave. . Also constructing a sewer in the alley from a point 50.05 ft. east of the east line of Nokomis Ave. to the existing sewer in Nokomis Ave., under Preliminary Order approved February 6, 1957 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ 6,600.95 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - - $ 2.95 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: --- DESCRIPTION ' LOT LOCK' ADDITION —!I ' ASSESSED II VALUATION - -------- -- --- — - — - - l 8 eept alley; 1 1 i 1 Murray Lane Addition Ii $650 0700 2 ll do 1i 600 4700 I do 3 1 , do ! 50 5100 do 4 j 1 ; do • h • 5150 do 5 1 do • I ,I 5� 5100 ilx cept alley and subject to sever eaemt.;j j 6 ! 1 do 5.0 4700 cept alley & subj. to sewer esat. 7 1 do 5.s 4700 I cept alley; 8 1 do t 5 . 6 4700 I do ,{ 9 l I do 5' ' 4700 1 1____________________-________ __ --t__ 1 I _-_ continued on next a ,_ Form B.S.A.8-5 D CITY OF . • DEPARTMENT ST OF PAUL FINANCE • REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER Ir DESCRIPTION �o LOT ec ADDITION ASSESSED ALUATION . • .. `- cept alley; 10 1 Murray Lane Addition 550 $4700 do 11 1 = do '' 550 5000 do } 12 1 1 do 550 4700 do 13 1 do 550 4700 � � t do 14 1 do 1550 5000 do 15 1 i do 550 4700 do i 16 1 do 550 4700 ( do 17 1 do 550 4700 do 18 1 do 550 5000 do 19 ! 1 do 600 4700 do 20 1 do j 600 4700 1 3 Tilsen's Lincoln Park 125 2 3 do 25 . 14 3 do 25 5 3 do 25 6 3 do 25 8 3 do fi. 25 9 3 do 25 10 3 do 25 3.1 3 do 25 12 3 do 25 13 3 do 25 14 3 do 15 3 do 25 16 3 do 25 17 3 do 25 18 3 1 do 25 19 3 do 1 f 25 20 3 do { 50 TOTAL 8 0 •• • The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report m de to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated March 5 19 57 A • Al... _' • ■+! , -- Commissioner .f Fin. c . Form B. B. 12 i . • i ., St. Paul, Minn. September 119 19___56 To The Honorable,The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Co -//73 Y Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Boy to cause the following improvement to be made: Fea=aller---- ------/-ar'e 2 rii ■ee ....--?-i.;.,— .7‘1',ry. ,f2j-z- _,, ..Yt //e/ T�-f� �. ,,G/!rev% es.i/" t St. Ave. I from Nokomis Stc Ave. to Hest_.dxenua distancg__abnnt__11.80_ft, Sb_A®e. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION Tilsenbilt Hanes, Inc. 625 So. Snelling ♦ve.St.Paul 16 1 thrn Tilsen'a Lincoln:Park By: - _20 3 • (.- *-'-'7) - . leftlit , ,..... ,a,-I) (7.' o K.< 7L% \ 511 11-52 a'2 Date ADDITION ADDITION DELINQUENT TAXES ( DELINQUENT TAXES Lot Blk. Years Amount SP Lot Blk. Years Amount SP • • ✓ I OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE February 11, 19 57 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration thelprelimin- ary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 181401 approved February 6, 19 57 , relative to Fading and surfacing with bituminous material the alley in Block 3, Tilsen.'s Lincoln Park, and Block 1, Marra/ Lane Addition, 7 from East Ave. to Nokomis Ave. Also constructing a sewer in the alley from a point 50.05 ft. east of the east line of Nokomis Ave. to the existing sewer is Nokomis Ave. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ 6,600.95 ,, and the total costjthereof Engineering $560.00 Inspection $118.45 is $ _ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as fellows: Cost per front foot $2.95 Frontage 2240.05 ft. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attache and made a part hereof. 1 4. 5. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. 1'FC .IVEU 1,cs Co ission9*' of Pu• - . • ./ ^' 1 1:W Pr _.. l 16 i~ • OFFICE ENGINEER CITY OF SAINT PAUL Accou TING DIVISION HERBERT S.•WEST JO'. PAVLICEK V 'rin. Accountant • Capital of Minnesota BRIDGE ENGINEER j MAURICE W. HEWETT DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS BUREA OF SANITATION JO,N M. COTTER, Supt. FRANK D. MARZITELLI, Commissioner • TRAFFIC ENGINEER EUGENE V. AVERY CLIFTON G. HOLMGREN, Deputy Commissioner BUREA OF MUNICIPAL EQUIPMENT • GEORGE M. SHEPARD, Street & Highway Engineering Coordinator AR HUR H. KOCH • ARTHUR W. TEWS, Chief Engineer STREETS AND HIGHWAYS ENGINEER BUREA OF CORRECTION ARTHUR G. WELIN " JO N P. MULLANEY, Supt. • • February 11, 1957 Hon. Frank D. Marzitelli Commissioner of Public Works City of St. Paul Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for _ lading and surfacing with bituminous material the alley in Block 3, T isen's Lincoln Park, and Block 1, lihrray Lane Addition, from East Ave. to Nokomis Ave. Also constructing a sewer in the alley from a po ,t 50.05 ft. east of the east line of Nokomis Ave. to the existing sewer in Nokomis Ave. , under Preliminary Order C. F. 181401 approved February 6, 1957. Estimated Cost $ 6,600.95 Engineering 560.00 Inspection 118.45 Cost per front foot 2.95 Frontage 2240.05 ft. Yours very truly, - �•/i»�'�/4, A±thur W. Tew Chief Engineer Approved for transmission 1 to the Commissioner of Finance Fran. ! zitelli / f Y4.11 Commies, • ��- • ' 40( or . • -ii.tD 49/OFFIC~ ` OF evil .9 CLERK WI To the Council � ( APR I AM 9 59 City of Saint Paul . SAIN;, ,);',A. Nt, iNLSOTA Gentlemen: CITY CLERK We, thetndersigned, being 60% of resident owners of property and representing not less than 50% of the frontage abutting on - / 222'c/r'' / Silifor n'y i./2/vE .}D.0/710/1/1 .4-4'a/✓I Z5,51 S 7 7e ,f/O 4- /./i is 47/.6- 's most strenuously object and protest to the c 61,ys 7 f<Lc, 7/4 N / /7 /QhL.s- /A/ /e?1- , J 7, s'EN 's Z/N e.,0 L/,/ /47.9h'/'i N'v B4.-1 / /)Javr/my 261-,1/C ADpi7'm.►/i 4L-S6 nw 7A-wc: T/D"-- OF sL'w /.4/ ,S.42s..9 ■ ' as proposed by Council File No.p/o.vs'_/,.3j,,.y1/ , approved P510- 4, /9s-7 . 0 ER ADDRESS LOT BLOCK ADDITIO FRONTAGE / ,. a� ,t S / SS hicke - ,I.,25-7 1/11-1-7 "-ei / / '1, 16 ft .. .�� e° e / ,� es-s /rp, _ & i g f,i 6-- /.f.-';10,1)4/ 1 a 7 0 2; 3 e ti,_141.4„ei 5, 1 , , , .5—C- „q / 7? 4:7 AP--"k 1 h 7 ,cf- 4 i r‘l.,,,,eer ' ;+1/ ,P/78 S 7d,' ea,e( / if '' 1/1 itt---4-,/ -I-J.1g "Z/gd-e-AI .,._,..,-teg/ / , , ,. cli- / 2� .,A,d. [/. C, / ,, ,1 SV ° :* ‘A;i1G -( Clr. ” ' 7 i /liil le Ceba , 'vWr/5 , -il‘e"-1 ,?.2.7/ e'. )44a7ltjtkv I I r .c.-S--- o ° �a / i (56', A/ a � I, & f? n / a a o 1] e. P'1, 4 ' _ ) 1 / J l �s 2 a /,s,s---_e" /,r�7 ./- / 1 t / ( 6'�— i /`j , a gyp/ g- y� � / / , r R. ,3-S G 9 tlI 1 ,&v / i �. SS- / ' i G, , 11#' k4 a?/ l £i P, ) �l 1/ STATE OF MINNESOTA J l 55 0 ss i COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) ■;, ;, being first duly sworn on oath deposes and says that he e rcula' ed the foret•ing petition, that the name, as shown thereon are the signatures of t•- own=vs of the pro•erty set opposite th-reto, and ar- personally known to him. ``�� / J ' ScJ�JS i //3r0 //AM 5U/O To _ _.. No •�0 4c4,; TrInr, Coup y,Minn. "1 pliv My om i'3 in F r's, ,Y.' 1(4 59 1 i 4 • \ \ \ -- PUT y . . \ I \\ \ \ ‘\\ \ a a\ \\ \\ . \ Z\ a \ N \ � \ „ \ d \ d IS \ y \ v \ .0 \ -N,C1 a \.a \ c . I \ \ . C.. \ c. \ \ <\ -- _ t o \ O \ cep �o \ a \ \ a \ Z \ -C \ . \ v - -EAST - .40,4 , - \ \ \ \ \ \ . \ \ \ ■ 4: o.