182071 __ 189071 Council Fil, t, t PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT c°1g. '.17_14°' ', 1- Whereas. A ,i ., • ,for • ' and Pirilate. :ming And en--' tending „p . -:. ,, Northern Route- bi condemning -,••, - --• the follow- PRELIMINARY ORDER. 14.,described io and parcels of lann,„ au in the QV of-', OpPani,,,klint*ettc,-,-%.,- .„3710•14t.''wge -,, Theundersignedhereby proposesthemaking of thefollowingpublic improvement by the City of Saint Paul,yis.: -- '-- •- . Partially opening, widening and extending the proposed Northern Route ty condensing and taking the following described-lots and parcels'of land, all in the City of St. Paul Minnesota. . . _ Those Parts;44 Lots, 25, 26, 27, 2829, 30,,,31, 32, 33, and 34, Block 11, Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, .19 and 30, Block 12. and Lot 19,4,,Flock 10, Winter's Addition bounded by the following described lines: Commencing at a point on the east line of Chatsworth Street, that is sixty five (65) feet north of the southwest corner of Lot 32, Block 11, Winter's Ad ition; thence in a southeasterly direction on s, raight line to a. point that is thirty (30) feet west of the southwest corner of Lot IS,. Blot& 1011finter's Addition as measured on the prolongation of the ,south line of said Lot 15 westerly; thence in,a northeasterly . direction On a straight 'line Staking'an-angle to the left of 90° a distance of one hundred (100) feet to a point; thence in a northwesterly direction on a Straight line making an angle to the left of 90° to a point on the east line of Chatanuerth Street; thence south on the said east line of Chatsworth Street to the point of inning. if yise- those parts 'of Lots' 1;' 2; 3 ind4,- Block IV, Winteite-Iddittset,'N . . ..., _ -;' ', ' filloWing-deisCribed'linear - - '-' ''' 5 Al.'" '- "T T - .- - ' . ' - ' : • Clzemtencing at a point on the east line of Chatsworth Street, that is eiSt' y five (65) feet forth of the southwest corner of tot 32, Block li,-Wiiter`6 Aciallialeinf therieetayn 4-,sorthweirterly direction on 'a straight line te a point liehioh iethe i'.'', ii'dftWeit 'tieing:I. of tot 4, 'Slott 18; Winter'is Additioef thence east on the north lines ofets 4,, 3, 2 and 1, Block 18, Winter's Addition and the prolongation thereof, to a poPelfii_.11* east line of'Chatineorth etreet; thence south- on the said east tlisie*if Ciiitti ,s .:wiffthoilt., Street'to' the point Of. beginning. ... . -''- • .i ,,- " ' . '' :::' ','.1::; t:h tfrice '1.1114.'4/6 419'Part. i of Lati'IO,'11,- 12, 13, 44 and 15; ',Meet 10, Wisteria 20.;.1 t:,.e t boinded the 'following desicribed lines:: '-'5 ' - . . " - • ,' -' it -,-.1. ' ' ' ctemsnetteing 'at'a point on-the iterth line 'of Seminary'Avenue, whieh is thitteissmrtMeitette Coiner Of tot 10, -Block 18, Winter's Addition; thane's west on the seeth 1- ' a Oldie said tett -18, 11, 12, 13; 14 and-I5, -Bleck 40, irinter'e Addition and the--Mmoleafetion thereof, a distance of two hundred sixty seven and six-tenths (267.6) feet to a ,. point i" thence ii a northeasterly &rockiest en a straight life *eking tiiii asetylatoolehe right of-1229--144:40 '. di'etsnce of one hundred (100) feet to a point; thence in a southeasterly direction on a straight line to the point of beginning. --. ' • .. .. ' ' ' ' ' - ' ' ' - - ' '.- '-'1' ''. ' - ' ' '-.! ,t -..4.0......4.4. ...........-.- ,..-.1.tmt,t -,isy,-- stsstitrt' et raittigt4011; TilefiCre east on viol Iona lines - '' of tots 4, 3, 2 and 1, Block 18, Winter's Addition and the prolongation thereof to- a *di* 'on the east line of Chatsworth Street; thence south on the said east line of Chatsworth Street to the point of beginning. . i . . Also those parts of Lots 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15, Block 10, Winter's Addition bounded by the following described lineal 1 . -,. ,. . .„,,, ,i,,,,,r-,:, ,, ,.,i; .‘--..7,4,.it sr,,,,-.,,,, ,' ' ,,::,',ye.:,,c:f".t,,.. ,-rp.I.,..1.,-,•,v,•,,,.,•;>.--i,,,t,.: !.,, 4:, ,..„;°:::, ;••"7.:iVi,c,*,..., •1%-•,- . . .„; '.• • , , -., , ..t • , •• -..L.,, . ' - • - , .' • $ • • ••.-:-- ..• ,At, 1.,, , ,.7 ,,.,4; 4'1 .',•,:::..‘,,, p--,1,r,-. , ,,.,...., -,-•,,,:.-:. , .,,,--i, , .. 4 ,i e: -4444,,. ,. 11.„.F,4..,, iiifrik,,,.,-..,i i,.: ,', v,,,i. 1.. '.:!,zigenwiimarlii0 .4•0404 4"i 4 444. v,--' A' Itt ''' " ', '., .. 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