182068 G.1165 Council 182068 • Doanc am b. , ou PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT whereas, A o so 11,1 Wit. makins o!tha and ate..and,,-- "to . - PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul,viz.: Grade and surface with bituminous material the North. and South alley in Block 23, Frankton's Como Park Addition, from Fair Place to the lout and West alley, and'-the Bast arm-leis#--alla3r---i'rem--Asbu��t.--:to--#.he--N�t1i--std--Son#►h..a]�le�r�----Alsa..c�onst�at..�►_.D���'__in an easement to be obtained on the northerly 2 ,ft. of Lot 5, and. the southerly 2 ft. of L®t 6i IOck_-23; ' 7jkw ni-g-•Como--harlr-ftdditton---3`rum--iaba r-St. t� the a3�ey��in rear of said lots, - Dated this 26th day of March .. , 195.1_. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Grade and surface with b i t u m i n o u s material the North amcl..6ou $.. Frankson's Como Park Addition, from Fair Place to the East and West alley, and the East and-West•all-eat-.#'slot--Asbury--Stv--te--the--North-and--,South--- .3.-ey;--i:se--cona bruet--a--sewer--im an easement to be obtained on the northerly 2 ft. of Lot-5, and the `southerly 2 ft. of Ldt 6, Bldg 23;"Frankaonrs-Como Park--Addition, from Asbury St. to the alley in the rear of said lotsq having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters t9 ile Commissioner of Finance. M1\R26y1 Adopted by the Council YEAS NAYS Councilman DeCourcy �� 6 7 Holland Approved Marzitelli Mortinson t r-C P tee Peterson Mayor. Rosen Mr. President, Dillon (� . 1 / PUBLISHED a_s� •