182062 0491 L.89()62 Council • : ► Council P1le No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT ! Whereas.A writ propos= for+pM making of the fo 'wing improvtanent and Grading and -• ping with b ,- PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul,viz.: grading and surfacing with bituminous material the alley in Lots 109 to 131, Union Park and Hinkel's 3rd Amendment to 'EYnioii-'Pait. Eigo eonstrettrting--a-stota--ewer--in an eaeemeet-to-- obtained--on--a--14--it•..maaemant,..-ths. center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the northwest line of ,Lynhurst lye. 24.1 ft.northeast of the Southwest corner of.tot--11r`Union--Park;--tic-a--point--7:28--f4r--ens-t--e-f--#.1 ♦-mor-tkases-t..corner-.Af.'lot 1l4, Dated this 26th day of March , 1957 j#. 42,-.4Z1) // %