10-11Council File # 10-11 Green Sheet #3082356 RESOLUTION CITYAF SAII�' PAUL, MINNESOTA fl� Presented by 1 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council authorizes the City of Saint Paul to enter into the 2 attached agreement with the State of Minnesota, Minnesota State Colleges and Universities, Dakota 3 County Technical College, which includes an indemnification clause. A copy of said agreement is to be 4 kept on file and on record in the Office of Financial Services. Adoption Certified Requested by Departmentlof. � :!���U � � � � , B 'L; � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green SBeet �� DeparhnentlOfficelCouncil: ' Date InRiated: PD � Police Departmeni , O7 OCT 2009 Conpct Person & Phone: Chief John Harrinpton 266-5588 Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): Doc. Type: RESOLUTION � Assign Number For , Routing Order Green Sheet NO: 3082356 — - ----._..--�- ------ Deoarknent Sent To Person InitiallDate - - ---- � -- � ---- 0 Patire Department Police Department _ _'. _ _ _ , , 1 Police Departmen[ '� Pohce DeQ rtment __ ---- - -- - --� - --- 2 Ctty Attomey _ - - - - - City AttorneY _ _ ✓ _- _ -_- ',�_ _, _ ._ _____ _ _- ___- _-- _ _- _ 3 Finantiai Services_ __ _ _ _ __ DireMO� FSO , _ �, ___ _ . -.: ______ --_ ___ ___-_ �_ _ ._ __ _ __�.. 4 MaYOr•s_011ice __ _ _ _ __ Mayor" _ _ , _ __ - - ._ . _ __ ._ � __.—_ .__. _-____ _ _.,__ _____- ___ 5 Council_ -- - ' _ ____Council_ _ ____ _ 6 City Cierk _ _ C�ty Clerk _ _ ' _ _ _ _ _ _ r "___- '! � __ _.-- _ ___ �; - __ --___ � E-DocumentRequired: Y '� : '1 P9���eDepartnent �. Police ' _______ _ � '� Document Contact: Evette Scarver �i � , Contact Phone: 266-5541 � � � ��..___ ' : . _ - . ___ �_ - _- __ _ . _ - ___ _ .. . ___..__ _-_ _ - __-__._ ______ __ ____ �i, Total # of Signature Pages �(Clip All Locations for S�goature) ;� , greement with the S he of Minnesota 1Dakota County Techn cal C 1$e Paul, Police Department to enter into the attached �� � I Action Requested: I ��I� Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): �� Pereonal Service Contrects Must Answer the Followinq Questions: �, Planning Commission I 1. Has this personlfirm ever worked under a wnVact for this department? CIB Committee , Yes No ' Civil Service Commission ��I 2. Has this person/firm ever been a cRy employee? i Yes No � 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any � current city employee? Yes No � 1, Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet. � -__--_ � _-____ -_— ___ __ -___ ._I_____ ___ ; Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, Whea, Where, Why): i The Dakota County Technical College sYaffwill provide Emergency Vehicle Operation Course Training (EVOC) to Saint Paul Police �, Sworn Personnel on December 17, 2009. Authorization is needed. AdvanWges If Approved: Swom officers will receive in-service training on how to safely operate police vehicles. `- - ---------- - � -- --- � - I Disadvantages If Approved: a None. I �I DisativanWges If NotApproved: � �', Lost opportunity to offer in-service training to swom officers on how to safely operate police vehicles. i - I Financiallnformation: � (Explain) � October 1, 2009 11:14 AM ToWI Amount of Trensaction: Punding Source: $1,100.00 436 CostlRevenue 8udgeted: Activity Number: 34117 i ---� z a_ ___� ffi ��J ���:__�__= ����—! Page 1 -K � �b6 �a�m._�'��� 10-11 zoa�-zoia 5TATE QF MINNESOTA M1I�iNESQTA STATE COLLEGE$ AND UN[YERSTTIES DAKOTA COUNTX TECHNICAL COLLEGE L"U5TOMIZED TRAINING TNCpME CONTRACT Dekcm County Technical (.�llege (hareafter College/University) 6y virtue of ics dalegated authority &om �he Hoard of 1Yustees of the Mimnesol a� State Colleges and Univezsities) Samt Paul Police Depamnenc, 367 Grove 5t St Paul, MN. 55107 (hereaRer "Put �:haser") agrae as fnllows: L D�f SIES OF THE t,QLLEG6/tlNIYERSII'Y. The CollagelUnivarsity �gees to provide [he following TiHG of Insttuctian rAetivity/3arvice: (�seility Rental DaCa(s) of lnstruce�m/Ac[[yity/Service: Deeomber 17, 2Q09, From S:�am to S:OOpm Inshuctor/Trainer6::omsultaat: Oakota County Teehnicat College Statf Locatioa Clas� G^oom portion: DCTC Rasemount H1ort6 Buelding Prac : teal porfion:ll('FC Drlving Itange Okher PrM�sions: Not Appiica6le 0 �. IV. AU'['f$S OF THE E 1 JRCHASER The purchaser egrmes to providc. Ptot Applicshle STfE OF INSTRU ;;1TONlACTIViTV(3ERYICE: Dakom Comty TecUni�l College shail make all of the �'angeinents, incli ulinB �Y P�nt, for the loc�ion to be used for the Instruction(Activity/Service_ �QNSII7ERAT�Q] �f�4ND TERMS�F PAYMENT A. Cosr. S1LIO.bOPe�rpay uei:� Q�d er Fees; Ptot AppticaWe NaawiYLstanding t6 [� thiriy (30) day notice period establiahed iu paragraph VII, in the event that rhe Purchasar desfres to cancel oc reschedule the 7nscuctionlActiviry/$eevice due to low enroliment, Piuchaser shsll give ar least 4 days notice .a writing to sha Colkge/Univatsiry•s aurhorized agant to caneei or reschadule. lf thm Insln�ctiva/Activit;; Savice is canceled as provided herein, the College/ITniversity shall ye enrifled to paymera cakvlatad accordin E; to paragraph V[I. tf tlie Inseruc�ion/ActivitylSeivic� is reschadulad as pxovided herein, paymeat shall be �.;ord"mg to this parag�aph IV. 900IZ00 � N�31 h1Nf10� H10AU� Z9L8EZ4149 kUd ZL�OI 600ZJ£Z/60 10-11 V �. B. 7ecros of Pa i rge�c The CollegenJaiversity will send an invoice for the Instrucqon/ActivitylService perforn�ad. 11u Rachaser will pay within 30 days of receiving the invoice. Please sand payment to: Dako� Cow ity Techaiml College Atm� Marsl�� Johnson 1300145th I3coen East Rosemouns, tvII+1 5506&2999 AUTHORtZED A GENTS FOR i'f� PURPOSES OF TF[iS�N I'[tACT. A. Piucha9er's 3uthprizCd agenr Terry E�rdman — Training Unit B. CollegelUni ,ersity's authorized egout: Vice Presideat — Shazon LaComb or Dean of Customizad Traming - G:ry Hebeit TERM OF CONT,�;ACT. A,. EffectiveDa�e: 12ti7/09 B. Ead Date: 12l17l09 ar �til all obligations set forE�t in 8us conhact have been seeisfacwcity ful5lled, whiehever occurs first. VA. CAN(;£LLATIOr �. 'f'his conuact may be cancolbd by [he Purchaser or the Collegelilniversity as any Cime, With or wifhout cm�se, upon thirry (30) days written notice to fhe other party. In the eveitt of such a caacella�ioq the C ollege/[taivarsiry shal] be entitled to paymene, determined on a pro raza 6asis, for w4rk or Ins�uction/Activitr/Service satisfaeWrilyp¢rFO�cmed. VIIT. ASSLGNM�NN('. t� eAher t�e Purchaser nur the CollegelCTaiversity shall assign or transfer any rights or obligetions uader t hus contract wiUtout the pcior written approval of the other pariy, ?7C. LIABIC,ITY. Purctiaser and the CollegelUnivetsity agree that each pazry shall be responstble far its accs and omisaions, md the uonsequencas theraof. Piaehaser's lisbilitias wit! be aa pravidad m the Municipal Tort Cleims Act, Ivfinn 8tat, ch. 466, and the College/University's leabiliues will be governed by the �rovisions of tbe Minneaota Tor. Claims Ack Minn. Stat. section 3.736. This clausa sliatl not be constr¢ad to bar any legal remedies a party �sry have foz the other pariy's failure to fulfill its o6ligations under this coniract. R AMERICANS WT't'H DISt1BII,ITIE5 ACT ( A] COMPLdANC,�. L[ie Purchaser a�eas fl�az in futfillmg th¢ duties ofthis u�oeracy the P�uchasar is r�poasibie Por comptying wirh the appticab2e pravisions of the Americans with Di [.abitities Act, 42 U.S.C. Section l21 Ol, et seq. and regulatious promulgated pursuant to it, The CWtega![Jaive tsiry IS NOT reap�sible for iseues or challenges related to wmplisnce with tha ADA beyond ies own ror.line use of fac�ities, services. or Mher areas coverad by the ADA. XL AMENAMENTS. .4ny smendmeirts m this cvntcact aha[1 be in writang and sha!] 6e executed by the same parties who execuo;d the ariginal canhact or their successors m office. XII. DAT,g, PRACTIC� P@chaser agreas to comply with the Minnesom Data Praclices Aet ss h applies W all data in its possessii �n ganecated ea s ttsult of this contrsct winc �oliegeNaiversiry ia accordance with rt�e terms oft�is coimar.G College(University agees eo eomply with the Minnesota Governmemt P�a practices Act as it applies m t11 daty genarated w�der the tornss of tltis contrect within i�s possessioa 7Qti. $L�$�Q$�;NAL MATERiALS. The bakMS County Technical Cnllege shalt owa al1 rights, including all intellecnml PT�F �Y �a. ����2 material5, ineiud'mg any curriculum mataiais, invauAOns, reports, sputies. dasigns, dniwings, speciPeauoas, notes. dacumants, softwtve and documentation, computer b8sed trainmg modules, e.�;tronicaUy or magneticall,y recorded materials, �d ot�er work in whataver ftam, 490IE0fl4� H�31 hSH60� tl1�;ftl0 Z318EZ6199 HN.i ZI�OL 600Z12Z180 10-11 � � i XV. developed by the �: ollege/t7nivecsity aad its employees individually or joiney with othars ur any subcontracter in the perFoemana � of ds obligations under this connacc. '(7vs pravision shall not apply fo Yhe following materiats: lVOt AF�plicahle JIJRISDICTiON �ENp VENLI[?. This comnet, and amendma�s and supplements theceto. ahall ba governed by the iaws of tha State of Minnesota. Venue for all legal procoedings arising oat of this conhact, ot breach =herea� shall be iu the state or fedeiat covrt with wmpetenc jtcisdicriort in Ramsey County, Mm�sota. OTHER PROVIS7 (�. (,qfdach addiripqa] pago(s} ifnecessary}: Not Applieable IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Tha pacties Lave caused this coatrut to be duly exoctued iniending to be bound d�erplry, APPROVED: � Title: Director, FSO Date: 2. MTNNESOTA STATE COLLEG�S AND UNIVERSITIES Dakota Coun4v Teehnical College � h00/900fj�j H�31 A1Nt10� I+lO51V� Z9L8£Z4LS9 XVj ZL�OL 600ZfEZ160 1. PURCTiASER: �'[JRC'HASEFL cer�1 ies that t6e appropriate penon(s) have esaeu ued the contract oa be6alf of PiTRC�fAS&R as reqoired by apptieable arti�etes by-kws, res:dutiona, or ordioances. A4nSCU003 - 1Z/U//TUUH U::dB tAS 6J1ZtltlifJ41 �11Y Vt J1.CAUL gJ U��G 1� F�?�J09 Sp�nding lNaiver Request Form s�oa-a90 Rece'_ved 11; 5/09 RequesEing Department: PoEfee 1'ra�ning Unrt ��— I� ���c� �� Q �� ] 1) Description of spending request: Piease list speciflc purchases that are t�eing requested- We are requesii�g spending approvat to rentthe Emergenoy Vehicle Operators Course aY Dakota Caun'y Technical Coilege fo vain 29 af aur current po(ice academy reanirts• TSis training is mandatory per the MN PBace ��ers SEandards a�;d Trainine (PqST} Boa.� to be licensed as a palice ofiicer ;n tne sbte_ Can this purchase be delayed until later in 2009? if so, how long can it BP cie�ayed? Ne, we wifl graCuate these recruits in January of 2010. Can this purci�ase be del�yed unfil 2010? No, piease see above. bVhat is the service or businass im�ct of delaying this purchase untii later in the year or until next y28t? We would not be in campliance with POST Board manda#es. Z} 2409 budge4 author6ty, Es this eXp�nse irtGuded in the 2009 budget? YeS, Academy Budget . 2009 cost $1100A0 w ObJ�ct Code: 0289 e Funding source: 001. � � . 5 digit butlget activity #�: 4A@'t6"( �j tf r,o, why nat and what is the finaneing plan? NA Fr�r additional Information coFltack: Paui lovin , paul iovinoCa�ci stoaul.mn.us, 861-266-6558 ����� y��,� �_�� ((�' , N�ra, Emert and Phona �-c i T.J L�epartment Approval: Dr Approved 'ay Ntayor's f�ffice: �� 1 � 1 � � �,l �' ( j �