10-109CauncilFile# /0-f� Green Sheet #2 ,� o9SS 7� RESOLUTION g CITY t�F SAI�IT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented by 1 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Parks and Recreation Department has applied for a grani through the ? Minnesota Department of Natural Resources for the creation of a citywide urban tree canopy assessment 3 and goals statement, and 4 5 WHEREAS, if awarded Saint Paul Parks and Recreation would need to enter into a grant agreement with 6 tl�e State and zepresents that it is duly qualified to perform all services described in the grant contract to the 7 satisfaction of the State, and that such services would be a benefit to the City; now, therefore, be it 8 9 RESOLVED. that the Saint Paul City Council authorizes the appropriate city officials t� apply to the 10 Minnesota Department of Natural Resources for grant monies that will be used toward tree and Iaiid cover 1 1 assessment data, planning and crsation of an urban tree canopy goals statement, and to exeeute such 12 aareements as are necessary to accept and implement anp such grants awarded. 13 1"i� By: Parks and Kecreation Approved by the Ofifiee of Financial Services By: Approved by City Attarney ��� y _ i'�' BY li`L :� . v�./; ;�i f �2�.�' 1 Approved � ay r fo ubm� ion co Council $y . Adoption fie y ouncil ecretary Sy: Approvedb ay : ate � S ?�C� By. � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �� 0-(0� __ _--- - - l � Departme�NOfficelCouncil: Date Initiated: � PR .ParksandRecreation �q�AN2010 Green Sheet NO: 3095576 $ ��3�� -- ---- --- ---- -__�—_�� --- � Contact Person & Phone: Department Sent To Person InitiallDate TOr1lRuS50I1 . � 0 •PariaandRecreatiou___FinandPlanniiigMana¢er Y��J 66415 1 Parks and RecreaSon ' De artme�t Director '� � _ � �� _ _ _ _ _ __ ___ __ _ _ __ __ _ _ Assign 2 CiN Attorney _ _� Gty Attorney -' Must Be on Counc�! Agenda by (Date): Number - - - - - - � - - - - — � -- - _ _ 27-JAN-10 Fof 3 Mayor'sOffic¢ MavodAssistant _ ., _. _. __ ________-__.__.—___-___ _ __ _ _ _. __ _ ___-____ - - � Routing 4 Council_ _ , __ _ __- _-__ _- _-_- _-_-____ ______ _ _ _. ___ __-_____-__' DoaType:RE50LUTiON Order 5 6ry_Cierk .__ _ __ _ _ C�Clerk_ ____ _____ E-Document Required: Y Document Contact: Tom Russeli Contact Phone: 66A15 _- _ _ _._—______—._—___._._____-____ ____ _ _ ___ _ _ ____ .__. - _ _ . . Total # ot Signature Pages _(Clip Ali Locations for Signature) Action Requested: Aathorization from Council for the proper ciry officiaLs to apply, nego[iate and execute a grant contrac[ with the Minneota Department of Natural Resources for the creation of a cit}nvide urban hee canopy assessment and goals statement ',, Recommentletions: Approve {A) or Re�ect (R): Planning Commission CiB Committee Civtl Service Commission ,— Personal 3ervice Gontracts Must Answer the Foliowing Questions: 1. Has th�s person/firm ever worked untler a contract for this tlepartment� Yes No 2 Has this person/ivm ever been a ciCy employee� Ves No � 3 Does this personlfirm possess a skill not normalty possessed by any � current city employee? I Yeg No �� Expiain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet. I i ___ _—___-- ___-- ' __ _____—____ _________ _ Initiating Prodlem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, Wheq Where, Why): The DNR is offering grant apporiuntiee that concem urban tree canopy management. It woufd be beneficial for the City of Saint Paul to receive this grant money to evaluate the urban tree canopy. � Advantages If Approved: ` Pasks wou(d have funding to assess their urban tree canopy �isadva�tages If Approved: None _ � � ---- �— �_ --- - ------- ------------ Disadvantages If Not Approved: Parks would miss the opportnity to use State grant funding ta assess their urban tree csnopy 7otai Amou�t of TransacEion: Funding Source: F inancial Informaiion: {Explain) lanuary 14, 2010 2;02 PM � ���� ! ����� — .�A� � � �� o�_ ._ �� � �� i CosVRevenue Budgeted: ACtivity Number; Page 1