182035 1890.15 Original to City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL FIDE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY , COMMISSIONE' . 1 - � / ,". -� ivy,/ DATE March 19, 1957 RESOLVED, That the Council hereby approves the award of the Purchasing Committee therefor, and hereby awards contract for furnishing and delivering one Bondactor, Model #12505 Pneumatic Concrete Placement Machine, Integral Concrete Proportioning and Mixing Machine and Accessories to the Public Works City Asphalt Plant, Arundel & Burgess Streets, St. Paul, Minnesota, to ROAD MACHINERY & SUPPLIES COMPANY OF MINNEAPOLIS in accordance with City specifications therefor hereto attached and the Formal Bid #6246 of said Road Machinery & Supplies Company of Minneapolis, for the contract price of $6,264.00, such bid being the lowest and said Road Machinery &Supplies Company of Minneapolis being a reliable and reasonable bidder and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor, and the proper City officials hereby are authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City of St _Paaui. Council File No. 1I12tS5-By Frank D. Formal Bid #6246., R o vedThat the Council hereby approves the award of the'Purchasainng� (Committee therefor,and hereby awards contract for fu nishi -and"delivering one daaCtor,. aide #f12$OS Pneu= matte Placement Machine. Integral Ceedfete Proposilening acid Mixing Machine and Accessories to the Public Works City Asphalt Plant, Arundel and Burgess Streets, St. Paul. Minnesota, to ROAD 54,4,a IN$RY & SUPPLIES COMPANY MINNE APOLIS in accordance with City spec- ifications therefor hereto attached and the Formal Bid No. 6245 of said Road Machinery� & Supplies Company of lis, for the contract price of Minnea� $B,i64.ao,such)id big the lowest anrd said Road Mkc & Sftpplies..Conl- pang of on being a eliable and reasonable der seed the Cor- poration Counsel. and hereby is di- rected to'draw up the pproper form of A �a I�r— contract therefor, mad the ro r �Citq � i„ 7 �/7 COUNCILMEN t said Gong „�t fof Adopted by the Council City of St. Paul. Yeas Nays Adopt l Bid the 6246. Co Adopted by ttte Counlc.Q I4rc t.21. MAR 2 1 19517 e Urcy 1957.Aproved March 21, 1667. (March 23,1957) /Rigliand Approved 195- Marzitelli Q-in Favor adjA".. Peterson Mayor ^ eS�"+ ` Against r. President, Dillon SM 6.56 9 .. Duplicate to Printer 1.890)31 4 CITY OF ST. PAUL Firm No. OFFICE OF THE CIT)( CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY March 1$, 1957 COMMISSIONER DATF RESOLVED, That the Council hereby approves the award of the Purchasing. Committee therefor, and hereby awards contract for furnishing and delivering one Bondactor, Model #12508 Pneumatic Concrete Placement Machine, Integral Concrete Proportioning and Mixing Machine and Accessories to the Public Works City Asphalt Plant, Arundel & Burgess Streets, St. Paul, Minnesota, to ROAD MACHINERY & SUPPLIES COMPANY OF MINNEAPOLIS in accordance with City specifications therefor hereto attached and the Formal Bid #6246 of said Road Machinery & Supplies Company of Minneapolis, for the contract price of $6,264.40, such bid being the lowest and said Road Machinery Supplies Company of Minneapolis being a reliable and reasonable bidder and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of contract . therefor, and the proper City officials hereby are authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City of St. Paul. Formal Bid 0246, MAR 2 1 '1957 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yeas Nays MAR DeCourcy Holland Approved 195_ Marzitelli h in Favor Peterson Mayor Ra Against Mr. President, Dillon 5M 6.58 ".�"°',r".2