182032 0th'sal to City Clerk i82('9 f CITY OF ST. PAUL Emu. NO. l J OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONS• ." .a.g.d / eL/I i ./or DAV RESOLVED, That the City of Saint Paul hereby accepts the transfer of property described as follows: Tract "W", and all that part of Tract '? Q" described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of Tract "QQ", thence south on the East line of Tract "QQ" to the Southeast corner of said Tract, thence West along the South line of said tract a distance of 20 feet to a point, thence North in a line parallel to the East line of said Tract "QQ" a distance of 117 feet to a point, thence North- westerly to a point on the North line of said tract, which point is 25 feet West of the East line of said Tract, thence East along the North line of Tract "QQ" to the point of beginning; all in Registered Land Survey No. 104, on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota; for the purpose of establishing_ an alley in said block. Council File No. 182032—By Frank D. Marzitelli— Resolved,That the City of Saint Paul hereby accepts the transfer of property described as follows: Tract•"w", and all that part of Tract "QQ" described:as follows: beginning at the Nor+th4ast corner of Tract `Q ',thence south on the East line o Tract `QQ" to the Southeast oorher of said Tract, thence west along the South line of said tract a distance of 20 feet to a point, thence North In a line ppaarallel •to the East line of said i Tract a distance of 117 feet to a point,thence Northwesterly to a point on the,North line of said tract,which point is 25 feet west of the East lie of said Tract, thence East along the North line of Tract QQ" to the point of''boning; all in Registered Land Survey No. 104, on me and of_ record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and foe Ramsey. County.,Mrinne-, sots: for the purpose of establishing en alley in said block. Adopted-by the Council°March 21, MAR 2 1 1957 COUNCILMEN App March 21, 1957. Adopted by the Council 195— Yeas Nays (March 2s, 1857) . - DeCourcy MAT-.? 2 1 1957 Holland Approved 195_ Marzitelli In Favor c:R - ICCL621(1-‘' Peterson Mayor Against Mr. President, Dillon 514 2-57 000102