181995 Original to City Clerk r ' CITY OF ST. PAUL Floe NCIL NO. $' '� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C• NCIL R ir LUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY / COMMISSIONS / / ��/ ` DATF RESOLVED, that a public hearing be held by and before the Council of the City of Saint Paul, in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall, in said City, at ten otclock A. M. on April 16, 1957, upon the advisability and necessity of the repair, replacement, remodeling, or wrecking and removal of the one and ona-half story frame dwelling on Lot 9, J. E. Ransom's Subdivision of Block 81, Lyman Dayton's Addition, according to the plat thereof recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Ramsey County, Minnesota, also described as No. 906 Conway Street, because said structure is reported to be dangerous and unsafe to life, limb and adjoining property. Council File No. 181995—By Bernard T. Holland— Resolved, That a ppublic hearing be held by and before the Council of the City of Saint Patel, in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall, in said City, at ten o'clock A. BR on April 16, 1957,upon the advisability and necessitty� of the repair, replace- ment, remotirling, or wrecking and removal of the one and one-half story Srmde v diswin in on oLk 91,J.L y.m Raan n sDy's ton's Addition, according to the plat thereof recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Ramsey County, Minnesota, also described as No. 906 Conway Street, because said structure i s o reported b t o a n dangerous pranod p unsafe Adopted by the Council March 19, F Approved March 19, 1957. . 19195 (March 23. 1957) COUNCILMEN Adopted by the ouncil 195__ Yeas Nays ;'ill 1 9 lqg DeCourcy Viand Approved 195- Marzitelli Pd.„ ____)).__4-2:3 -- _________ Mortinson In Favor Actingr Mayor Ommm.... ainst •. • I' . , SM GME ?roiling (Peterson) OFFICE OF. CITY CLERK JOSEPH R. OKONESKI City Clerk BUREAU -OF RECORDS HAROLD J. RIORDAN . Council Recorder 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2'1'Minnesota Mar. 12, 1957 frk Mr. Marshall F. Hurley Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir: The Council requested that you prepare a resolution (No. 1) setting a date for hearing in the matter of the condemnation of the one and one-hag story frame dwelling at 906 Conway St., as more fully described in the attached letter of the City Architect. Very truly yo r , r (,City Clerk 1)._1-'‘ % 1 �' l �tl 11 Jd . »w tad ,e ,A w . , f .. , .y t ,r �1 ).11 . f 11 t s ? tills, r d-i€:nr q„5'ii S� !73 Ir y hY 1 w 1 7 "! J t9. i {�d j I� i! y¢ `4d � ill"' ��p� --.r,� ) J 1 1 s i Td�fi'd!r ' 6 1∎■ 1 '4 'Y C � �;.r'•7:i,J \,\z„t't..:„-„')..' „(.1.,/-,4,,,r,-,,4„/,',...,.,,..'1,f,7�3 - . -V.t ' 1 ' ' -± ,; MINNESOTA 1 DnDlic6te to Printer CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTEE BY COMMISSIONE• DATE R t py►ublic hea bef ore the Council ES L D ref the tha Cita of Sint ring Paul,be in held the by council and Chamber of the Court House and City Hall, in said City . t A.' , on April lb, 1%7, upon the and 4sabi 1jt y and at ten necessity o"c oc of the repair, replacement, remodeling or wrecking and removal of a concrete block and frame barn at the rear of Lot 1. , Block 1 Donnelly:'s Addition, accord* ing th the plot thereof recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Ramsey County, Minnesota, also described as No. 967 Rondo Avenue, because said structure is reported to be dangerous and unsafe to life, limb and adjoining property. AI t 1 COUNCILMEN R 191957 Yeas Adopted by the Council 195_ Nays DeCourcy MAR 1 9 1957 Marzitelli Approved 195_ Mortinson ____,_____In Favor *Te,ers Mayor --------Against Mr .s ; _:z= ;.`. M .Vice ' iCi.t °eterson) SM 6.56 Z. W. LA MONT KAUFMAN ROBERT A. LOBDELL ALFRED H. SCHROEDER • Supt. of Parks Director of Public Recreation City Architect • CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall, Zone 2 BERNARD T. HOLLAND, Commissioner ARTHUR F. COLEMAN, Deputy Commissioner March 12, 1957 Hon. Council City of St. Paul Dear Members: An inspection was made of a one and one half story frame dwelling at 906 Conway Street, described as Lot 9, J. E. Ransom's Subdivision of Block 81, Lyman Day- ton's Addition. This building is approximately 16 by 32, in very poor structural condition as it is approximately 75 years old. Plaster is poor, ceiling height on the second floor is insufficient, first floor joists are 2 by 8' s , 24 inches on centers. Plumbing fixtures are worn out, and waste lines are beyond repair. Elec- tric service wires are in bad condition and there is only one circuit for this house and the wiring through- out is in dangerous condition. The dwelling is past reasonable repair and should be wrecked and removed. H. V. Higley, Administrator- of Veterans Affairs , Washington, D. C. is listed as owner. Danger Notices have been posted. Kindly institute condemnation action in accordance with Section 107.2 of the Building Code by setting a public hearing date. Yours truly, ' 't = .s red H. Schroeder ITY ARCHITECT A