181954 NIL FILE N t81 )54 COU C 0 77-- , . e FINAL OH S FINAL ORDER ; �.1 .. theinat.tASekanklottegito In the Matter of improving Ramsey Street frost West Seventh Street to Pleasant Avenue and Oakland'A frank Ramsey Street to Grand Avenue by removing the present asphalt wearing couree aad, concrete base; by removing track pavement including rails and ties; by constructing new concrete base and asphaltic concrete surfacing; by resurfacing Pleasant Avenue inter- section and repaving the track area at this intersection after the removal of the present track pavement indluding rails and ties; by grading and paving the widened roadways of Ramsey Street from West Seventh Street to Pleasant Avenue and of Oakland Avenue frog Ramsey Street to Duke Street; by paving alley and driveway returns; by resetting the present stone curb and constructing new curb and sidewalk where neces- sary; by tonstructing a new sewer on flaktand Avenue where necesoary; by aalitaillating sewer, water and gas service connection* from street rains to the property limes where necel airy; reconstructing the paving, curbing"ant sidewalks on the intersecting streets where not in conformity with said improvement) by ecinstr urttng son is and appurtenances for f are lighting and traffic control Systems where necessary; by reeenstrustiag existing retaining wall railing and n$ new retaining wall railing where. neesh- sari and by doing'all other wsrk whi ii tissIsry and incidental to said improvement, _. Go<wr�.�:N C:�`- .WV blUWMUI14: VAbW!b trp bi. aeup ;Lacy hgAeummg I:JcprrgT TIR Lsru 9ug PTae'. .p1 t LEIq u bvA ss€�i u !' Ir �'P� n�� sg atop a iturg;mo Av w par r ri m +y..pjirtirTikOrsist 44146- t"_*pc - s„ "` ` ` Coocutpv^pvec 4't'sbpu' —c 0033034.0.34.0. eltnifittufV` '". zgvhAtiverWITOAtirot •.rivtr!r Jas.. s,�,A.k 1 4.9!. r e.t&i i..,1 ..'ea,.*A ri..it. '....:._s ire :�► .:i a.;::rw..w e..i;.�+� .te a and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council MAR 19 1957 BAR 19 195 / City Clerk. Approved PUBLISHED File 13602 Mayor. Councilman DeCOURCY Councilman HOLLAND Councilman MARZITELLI Councilman MORTINSON 1 Councilman RETr"SO* Councilman RO'EN Mayor Da :.: 2-55 2M 2 CITY OF ST. PAUL - l 1 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 181586 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the`natter of Improving Ramsey Street from West Seventh Street to Pleasant Avenue and Oakland Avenue from Ramsey Street to Grand Avenue by removing the present asphalt wearing course and concrete base; by removing track pavement including rails and ties; by constructing new concrete base and asphaltic concrete surfacing; by resurfacing Pleasant Avenue intersection and repaving the track area at this intersection after the removal of the present track pavement including rails and ties; by grading and paving the widened roadways of Ramsey Street from West Seventh Street to Pleasant Avenue and of Oakland Avenue from Ramsey Street to Duke Street; by paving alley and driveway returns; by resetting the present stone curb and con- structing new curb and sidewalk where necessary; by constructing a new sewer on Oakland Avenue where necessary; by constructing sewer, water and gas service connections from street mains to the property lines where necessary; reconstructing the paving, curbing and sidewalks on the in- tersecting streets where not in conformity with said improvement; by constructint conduits and appurtenances for future lighting and traffic control systems where necessary] by reconstructing ex1sting retaining wall railing and construct new retaining wall railing where necessary and under Preliminary Order approved October 10, 1956 by doing all other work which is necessary and incidental to said improvement. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: 'ID' �4 ` The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $ 1425,280.25 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - _ - $(See Public Works letter) The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each Iot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT I'LOCI ADDITION I'i yA ASSESSED Lld I Lots 7 and 8 Thomas Day's Subdivision of 1400 $1000 j Lots 4, 5, 6 & 7, Block 50, t j Lots 9 and 10 i Dayton & Irvine's Addition 1400 1600 i 111 do 4 700 I Lot 12 and except West 18 ft., ? 13 do 900 1150 I I Lot 14 and West 18 ft. of 13 I do 1700 900 I 1 Lots 8 and 9 50 Dayton & Irvine's Addition ;; 3900 10000 10 50 do 1500 14700 13 50 do 3000 3800 1 SE'ly i of vacated alley adjoining ' +1 and Lots 10 through 14 67 ' do ;19600 11000 i,i� � I ' West 40 feet of 14 , 68 l do 100 15 68 - do , 700 2150 ; East 110 ft. of . ; 14 68 do t'; 14000 845o' K West Z of 16 68 ' . do I( 1425 1150 i East i of 16 ,! 68 - do -1 450 2300 - • - i 2 • - CITY OF ST. PAUL • DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER • (B) __ _ — — — _ - _ � DESCRIPTION LOT BLOC —` --- ADDITION ASSESSED � —— 4 •. VALUATI•:0: West 56 feet of 17 ; 68 Dayton & Irvine's Addition 975 $4100 Subject to easement; West 47.24 ft. # �� of Lot 18 and except W. 56 ft., 171 68 do 1000 3150 Subject to easement, except west 47.24 ft., Lot 18;and subject tol � easement, Except E. 29.67 ft., i 191 68 do 825 3250 ' East 29.67 ft. of 19 ' 68 do 600 1450 Subject to easement; West i of 20 68 do 675 2500 1 Subject to easement; East i of Lot 20 ii 1 • and part westerly of line from point on south line of and 35 ftl. frdm southeast corner to point on norther ! line of and 37 ft. from and measured at right angles with east line there f, of 21 68 do 11250 3650 Subject to easement; part easterly lof line from point on south line oil I and 35 ft. from southeast corned 1 to point on northerly line of and li I . 37 ft. from and measured at right Lo75 angles with east line thereof; cif 21 68 do 3000 22i 68 ! do l750 7500 Except east 6 inches, j 23 68 do 1800 Except Street; Lot 1, also part northwest of W. Seventh St. of 3 1 Ewing & Chutes Subdivision of 850 11700 Lots 6, and 7 in Block 1, and . I That part of Lot 5, Block 1, Leeches Lots 4 and 5 in Block 2 in Addition lying northwest of Leech's Addition to St. Paul � W. Seventh St., also except St., 2 1 do 12850 545,0 East 75 ft. of 11 2 Samuel Leeches Addition to the FLSOO 6250 Town of Saint Paul • Lot 2 and except East 75 ft., 1 2 R do 11100 6000 East 22.50 ft. of Lots 13 and I i 14 2 do 600 1300 West 40 ft. of East 62.50 ft. of 1 & 11. 2 do 1100 1500 { W. 2 ft. of E. 86.50 &0 ft. of Lot ..ljd ;u s . ' the--north 10.84 ft. of do - - PPM L .1 TOTAL . • . , 3 4.• CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE . . ON PRELIMINARY ORDER • DESCRIPTION LOT sLOCI� ADDITION H1iand.V ASSESSED - -- ALUATION ; ''Except Smith Ave. and except east 86.50 ft. all that part of Lots 13� `! and 14 lying north of a line 40 ft. north of and parallel to south line of said 13 2 Samuel Leeches Addition f,1550 1 Lots 1 and . 2 3 do. 4800 412,900 East 4 of North i of Lot 13 & E.i o 14 3 do 550 West i of E. i of N. i of Lot 13 and � G West i of East I of 14 1 3 do 550 West i of N. i of Lot 13 & W. i of ].4 I 3 do 1250 _9,3 1 Metcalf and Wilder's Subdivision 1200 35 of Lots 24 & 25 of Block 68 of 2 }Dayton & Irvine's Addition ii 1000 5,2 I it East 6 inches of Lot 23, Block 68, Dayton & Irvine's Addition and . West i of 3 I do ' 525 2,7!• East i of 3 do 500 ' 2,5 e s Northerly 41 ft. of 1 Whitacre, Brisbine & Mullents 425 1141' Subdivision of Lots 1 & 2 of 2 "Leech's Addition of Outlots to 975 2,75' 1 i the Town of Saint Paul 3 ' do 975--= 5, +•i East * of 4 I do .500 75,E West iZ of • 4 do 500 85/ Easterly 26 ft. of 51 ( do j 525 : .2,15', Westerly 22* ft. of 5 do 450 1,654I 5 975 do 6 I ,, I � ,, 1 7 I do 975 2,..'11 8 ! do II 975 31:1 Except Ave., 9 do 975 3,b'a, Except Ave., 10 do 1775 3, is Part NWtly of Oakland Ave. of Lots 13, , 15 & 16 & that part of Lot 17 SE'ly of a e .I4 from a point on E. line of said Lot 23. 2 ft. 1. . from the NE car. thereof to a point on a do 2000 .4,5" I► r of Oakland Are. 43.07 ft. SW217— — — --- — — from the1." bctien of the E. or TOTAL ' - - 4 • CITY OF ST. PAUL ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOC• ADDITION - __ ASSESSED I- dVAWATI•ti ._1 Except that part SWAT of a line at Aright angles to Oakland Ave. from i 1point thereon, 10 ft. NE']y from SW cor.; part of Lot 17 NW'ly of a ; � line from point on E. line of said I lot, 23.02 ft. from NE cor. thereof ! to point on NW'],y line of Oakland Ave. SW�.ft 07. ?�3 Stilly from intersec- .. tion of E. line of said 17 Whitacre, Brisbine & Mullen's !$350 $700 Subdivision of Lots 1 & 2 of Part of Lot 17 SWAT of a line at Leech's addition of Ontlots to f f right angles to Oakland Ave. from a i the Town of Saint Paul point thereon 10 ft. NElly from W. ? line of said Lot 17. Also, except part included in following descrtti n: Beginning at NE cor. of Lot 18, th. i iI�I S. on E. line thereof 47 ft., th. ,W. parallel with N. line of Lot 18, 27.4 ft., 'th. SW'ly parallel with NW']y line f said Avenue 63 ft., th. S. par. with ext nded W. line of Lot 19, 58 ft., thence S fly to point on NW'ly line of said Avon a 38.4 ft. NEt]y from intersection of NW'to line of said Avenue and West line o Lot. 30, thence Stilly to said intersection, henc N. on W. line of Lot 30 and extende Wes d line of Lot 19 to NW corner of said l Lot 19, Ij thence east to beginning, Lots 30, 1.8 &119 ' do 450 3600 • Part of Lots 18, 19 and 30 included in following description: Beginning at NE cor. of said Lot 18, thence south on east line thereof 47 ft., thence west parallel with north line of Lo iI 118, 27.4 ft., thence SW+],y parallel with NWtly line of Oakland Ave. 63 ft., once south parallel with extended west 1 e o said Lot 19, 58 ft., thence SE'ly t point on Willy line of said Avenue 38.4 ft. NE'ly from intersection of NW']y line of said Ave. and west lie of said Lot 30; thence SW'ly to sai intersection, thence north on west ine of Lot 30 and extended west line of Lot 19 to NW corner of said Lot 19, th ce east to said NE corner of 18 ' I do (�� 1475 1300 ( Part of Lisbon St. vacated adj. and 25 ; do 4� 800 3100 Part of Lisbon St. vac. adj. & 1 West 33 ft. of 26 do 450 1890 FORM�s.0 _ - _ TOTAL . N CITY OF ST. PAUL. + • _ • DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER .7_____ (B) - _=_ - __— -- ——_ -- — DESCRIPTION LOT BLOC ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATIO e Except Oakland Ave. and West 33 ft. , Lot 26 and that part of Lisbon St. vacated adjoining, and except ;` �I h Oakland Ave. and except East 32. ft., ,I 27 tacre, Brisbine & Mullen's $425 $11400 ubdivision of Lots 1 & 2 of I eechts Addition of Outlots to he Town of Saint Paul Except Oakland Ave., E. 32 ft. of 27 I do l 400 Part NWt ly of Oakland Ave. of 28 do 500 1650 . Except E. 26 ft., part NWtly of I ! j • • Oakland Ave. of 29 do j 200 450 East 26 ft. of part NWrly of - Oakland Ave. of 29 do 200 1200 Part NW of Oakland Ave. of 31 do I 25 Part SEtly of Pleasant Ave. of Lots 32 and 33 & of West 7th St. o 34 I do 1 575 6250 Except Pleasant Ave., East 39 ft. of K. 116 ft. of 311 do 375 3750 Except Ave. and except W. lt6- ft., 1 Lot 34 and except E. 2.5 ft., 35 do 550 24S0 Except Ave. and except S. 66.22 ft ', I �1 I the following: East 2.5 ft. o Lot 35 and vac. alley adj. and 36 i do I 525 . . , Part of Lot 1 north of a straight ine from Oakland Ave. to Heather ace 6.7 ft. NWtly of and parallel II with SEtly line of said 1 Goodkind Terrace, St. Paul, 2300 Minn. iM Part of Lot 1 south of a straight line from Oakland Ave. to Heather Place 6.7 ft. NWtly of and 1 parallel with SEtly line of iI said Lot 1 and all of 2 do � 800 FORM e.8m ( TOTAL -...fm. i ; 1 1 • • • 6 • CITY OF ST. PAUL • • DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE• REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER• _A-BI- - - - - ---- -- - - - �---- - -_- --=-- -.-__-(I -- -- DESCRIPTION LOT BLOC ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATI• , • That part of Lots 3 & 14 lying `Wt ly of the following described a !! line: Beginning at the NEtly corner r ;� of said Lot 3 thence SEtly along the Etly line 53.06 ft., thence S t ly at an angle of 1530 43', 56 ft to center of top stone of stairway, thence Wily along top of said stair !i Tway to W'ly line thereof, thence Stly along said Wily line to a poin, on Way line of Oakland Ave. 19.55 ft. Etly from SW'ly corner of said 4 Goodkind Terrace, St. Paul, $12000 $28000 Minn. !I That part .of Lots 34 !t lying E t ly • it of the following described lines i �! P:1E:id at the NE'ly corner of Lot 3, thence SE'ly along the ( it lEt3y line thereof 53.06 ft., thence i l 'Stly at an angle of 153° 43', 56 ft ' to center of top stone of stairway }, Ito Wily line thereof, thence south ly along said Wily line to a point on !' Ntly line of Oakland Ave., 19.55 ft E'ly from the SGT'ly corner of said 4 do 0500 18400 Lots 1, 2 and I 3 5 Terrace Park Addition 5500 10040 Except Ave. and Except W'ly 150 ft.,1 1 'Lot 1, also except fitly 30 ft. of Wily 100 ft. and except E'ly 50 ft. ' II of W'ly 350 ft. of N'ly 714 ft., 2 6 do x;1250 Part of-Lot 4 north of a line paral j. ilel with and 170.06 ft. north at i I right angles from south line of + • ij Lot 5 and all of f 3 - 6 do 4900 20000 I N . SE i of vac. alley adj. and Pert north of Oakland Ave. of Lots 10 an 11 8 do 1250 26100 • 'SE* of vac. alley adj. and part N. of Oakland Ave. of Lot 12 and except 1NE 40 ft., part N. of Oakland Ave.of 13 8 d o 1000 1000 �SEi of vac. alley adj. and NE !t0 ft. of part N. of Oakland Ave. of 13 ! 8 do 600 3000 SE i of vacated alley adj. and part north of Oakland Ave. of 114 8 do 900 6500 FOAM 8.111.11 TOTAL - . . . • • 7 • CITY OF ST. PAUL • DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE t REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE•- ON PRELIMINARY ORDER +(B) - — — —— -- — --- . DESCRIPTION I LOT BLOC ADDITION ASSESSED l I !adjoining and part north of Oakland Ave. of 15 8 + Terrace Park Addition i $950 $2150 ' Southeast i of vac. alley adj. and part north of Oakland Ave. of 16 8 do 1 1050 1000 'Southeast i of vacated alley adj. . { } and part N. of Oakland Ave. of 17 8 ' do 1050 8500 . Part lying south of Oakland Ave. ofl � Lots 8 to 1. 17 8 , do 10000 1S'ly 145 ft. of E'1y 11 ft. of Lot Il and that part of Lots 1 and 2 Ding southerly of northerly IJ line of the above described I ! j iI part of Lot 3 produced to Et I line of said 1 12 do 1500 18500 IjExcept Ave., West 49 ft. of 5 12 ; do 1125 5550 Except Ave., Lot 4 and E. i of 5 12 do 2000 2650 Except Ave., Lot 6 and W. i of 5: 12 do 2000 30000 Except Avenue, 7 12 do 1300 21400 Except Avenue, 8 i 12 do j 1250 I Except Avenue, 9 I 121 do � 1225 , 2000 Except Avenue, 10 121 do 1200 Except Avenue, 11 12I do 1175 1650 f Part north of Oakland Ave. of 12 ( 121 do j 1150 Part north of Oakland Ave. of 13 12 do 1125 2850 Except northwest 25 ft., part I' I Northwester ly of Oakland A ve o f following: Lot 15 and SWtly 15 ft. .f 114 12 do 1075 3350 FORM LOA TOTAL i 1 i r CITY OP ST. PAUL 8 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT kl.00K ADDITION ASSESSED ALUATIO 1--...• ' Except Surely 10 ft., the NWely 25 fi. of Lot ].h and except NW ly 25 ft. ; and except SWely 15 ft., part NWely of Oakland Ave. of ].h 12 Terrace Park Addition 825 � i t { i a 1 I t I i� ■ I i I h I ii Total $1:1,875 $414,750 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. y, n_ Dated February 19 19 57 /_ �Itio. 4a°'�''-'� v ' ( tt.4''ckr Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 1 • • •4 OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS X.}rTCy TW U C62e4LA glici TUCIA4ufgi fo aLTS44.14thiam6111611.r 2,CInCfTud ubfit 1.64.4TuTUd. PW T L9TTTud Muexe U6C682911 gu pn o ud g GAaF rra e��rsx6 usceaz9L1.: q . q T 7T O.psL MOLJC xecoue;xa6fTUd sxTafrud L6fgTuTudMgjj LgTTTud guq cou- cous;xnc;Tud c:Jucin e vuq gbbnx;eugucee iox +rrfrrxe TTdJrfTu4,..41uci p_g;;TC =4.14 M61Te Ou fury TLi exe6CFTud 2f1.64142 M 6LS uo f Tu cout.oxwTO. mm r- fo f}+6 bLOb€L A use TFs"°gig to o�isntsuf'' a + TT Nele uecseegral Lecous rrc fLd Fs bgATud- ' c rLpTud guq ' Te qg uair xn: f .CRuf Lrc ud a ; Mgf L 'wig dqv .U6IATce coUuec fToue ;Low afLsef W agemsTr myee u$c62agLA: PA coue;tucfTud g usm 26M ou O fl o u yAsura Oia. u,0 ""qL aw a xe ue:: .pa. L os t fye vseeuf sfbu• crtip Tug. rout;LrcfTUd uer cni.p guq VAbiiR6 guq o; ,39Fr uq vAGkLA® witu gui26A bg .njc fFr6.,.�+T±�ei'§ zpg Ae r + f . f Dnr a cxee.c' pA iagAT ,d, WTIaa guq q , ; fueaA xes ;ye xstiOA J o+ ;ye bLSL-'au cf v felaro�ro,4 E LF#.,.� L:ee fo �78gesru . f Fxscic bgAeureuf TucprgTud LgTTe guq ;Teel pit dxsgTud guq blo'bieguf s TuoiLe'6CfTou 1114 xsbsaTed ;ye : Lack ..%Lag ,irf.--Ff+Te Trrfsxesc;Tdu g sx ' r c itrei u&IA cniici_sTs pgaa Quq gebygi fTc Courts 6 errL gc ud: TU coaxes oucAe g { p?� x6errL�gcTud q t pees: FA xszeonTud fxgor beAewouf TucjagTud xgTTe guq ;Tee! vAsuas ;Low li9LLreeA G:FLeec fO L9u Acougp Slirr,i.n.,wr3 tr,..,.:4,s+__: ... _ ,..: R..,< q 1�1 LewoaTud f1�;:. e�.rr �rak st[T a�� 1Tud and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. SEE ESTIMATE 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ ATTACHED , and the total cost thereof is $ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more CA:owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. . Y> \r�\\ 41, - ow/ . .L`.L . I^' ommiss' . - r, Works; /tit ,rF5 r _-r, \ .:1 �... OkA0 t ' -; i :;\-----, 3, , Y /0,`o2J ASSISTANT CHIEF ENGINEER CITY OF SAINT PAUL ACCOUNTING DIVISION ARTHUR W. TEWS JOS. PAVLICEK • ` NI Prin.Accountant OFFICE ENGINEER Capital of Minnesota HERBERT S. WEST DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS • a • BUREAU OF SANITATION JOHN M.COTTER,Supt. BRIDCZ'ENGINEER FRANK D. MARZITELLI, Commissioner MAURICE W. HEWETT • • TRAFFIC ENGINEER CLIFTON G. HOLMGREN, Deputy Commissioner BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL EQUIPMENT EUGENE V. AVERY GEORGE M. SHEPARD, Chief Engineer ARTHUR H. KOCH • °8 • STREETS AND HIGHWAYS ENGINEER BUREAU OF CORRECTION ARTHUR G. WELIN .January 10, 1957 JOHN P.MULLANEY,Supt. Hon. Frank D. Marsitelli Commissioner of Public Works City of St. Paul Dear Sir: I transmit herewith a preliminary estimate of cost for the improving of Ramsey Street from West Seventh Street to Pleasant Avenue and Oakland Avenue from Ramsey Street to Grand Avenue by removing the present asphalt wearing course and concrete base; by removing track pavement including rails and ties; by constructing new concrete base and asphaltic concrete surfacing; by resur- facing Pleasant Avenue intersection and repaving the track area at this inter- section after the removal of the present track pavement including rails and ties; by grading and paving the widened roadways of Ramsey Street from West Seventh Street to Pleasant Avenue and of Oakland Avenue from Ramsey Street to Duke Street; by paving alley and driveway returns; by resetting the present stone curb and constructing new curbs and sidewalks where necessary; by con- structing a new sewer on Oakland Avenue from Ramsey Street to Floral Street (vacated); by constructing sewer, water and gas service connections from the street mains to the property lines where necessary; by reconstructing the paving, curbing and sidewalks on the intersecting streets where not in con- formity with said improvement; by constructing conduits and appurtenances for future lighting and traffic control systems where necessary; by reconstructing existing retaining wall railing and constructing new retaining wall and railing where necessary; and by doing all other work which is necessary and incidental to said improvement, under Preliminary Order C. F. 179980 approved October 10, 1956. Estimated Cost $ 393,361.33 - .. Add for Engineering and Inspection 31,468.92 rt' Estimated Paving Cost $ 424,830.25 Add for Water Department Changes 450.00 Total Estimated Cost $ 425,280.25 /Z `,;.j't cer ea' Estimated Property Assessment 46 610.25 ( Bond Issue $297,500 ) a City's Share of Cost ( Code 31-El 81,170 ) = $ 378,670.00 =r \\)/ Improving Ramsey Street -2- and Oakland Avenue Note: Estimated Property Share of Cost is based on the following assessment rates: Ramsey St. ( $6.75 per front foot for paving frontage of 1337' Paving at ( $9.00 n n n n n a a 1164' Oakland Ave. ( $4.00 n a n n a a a 951' Paving at ( $5.25 n n n n n n n 2290: ( $7.00 n n n n n a a 185' The costs of resetting stone curb and the construction of new concrete curb, where necessary, are included in the paving assessment rates given above. Sidewalk construction, where necessary, to be assessed as per annual Sidewalk Contract prices. 6" Sewer service connections $165.00 each, where necessary, on Oakland Ave. No sewer service connections required on Ramsey Street (Sewer in Sandrock Tunnel). The cost of New and Renewed Service Connections, where necessary, will be as indicated in the table below except that the connections on Ramsey Street will be a lesser amount if rock excavation is not required. Oakland Ave. Ramsey St. 3/4"Service Connection, each $ 95.00 $215.50 1" " n n 100.00 225.50 la " a n 140.00 265.50 For larger services, estimates will be made by the Water Dept. Yours very truly, /7/PA 551 COM ARTHUR W. TENS Chief Engineer Approved for transmission to Corissioner of Finance .. Commies an y 'l b ks ;.f'i / 0 2-- y0 7 I elp 2244. ? /c-yit-1,7 74-wt- /2A-11-eA-r, -""-& eLei-e:) r , • tee. do dP4"'t-e-7 eked /itye''t'e r/at dn/i/L4d-, cl / - 75& AILCZA4.-e,&C'elt/ ( /44A-dg. Je/ jr■'f■egILIA- 4 014/ 417 /.-1'ee,1.4. ,,e4e4C6 Le)C...12- ,e‘e/e. y,A60-1,-ot tuge ei_e/u_et} a- • 4,. e't Ll't.) Yt-t t4;,44:40--74_) ,ttf„ et- --c-ct-do Ale Go /4-0-nc e_ . at el" )4(-35Lge (5,11, 7-geo,ce / /4,AA A-14.9 - -„ / % �C -