181927 18 Urinal to City Clerk . 1 ` 27
1OMaa,nitell�-'Wm• 'MMOT—elt 8aliki1.'
Resolved,z C ,Af the MO-
of Saint Pa tdGlll to *I0 the
vi81ona._Ite , M sat?.. .
RESOLVED, .y the Council of the City of Saint Paul, that, subject to
the provisions hereof, hereinafter set forth, its proper City officers, -in the
name and behalf of the,City of Saint Paul, hereby are authorized to execute and
, deliver notice of its intention to take the real estate hereinafter described
jointly with the County of Ramsey, according to the provisions, terms, and
conditions of that certain Option Contract dated March 6, 1957, affecting
said real estate whereunder and whereby Emma Schlattmann, among other things,
granted an option unto said City and County to purchase said real estate
and whereunder and whereby 13nma Schlattmann became aid =to bound to convey
by warranty deed said real estate unto said City and County for the purchase
price payable by said City and County in the sum of $74,950.00, said real
estate being required by said City and County for their presently proposed
Joint City and County Detention Facilities and Joint City and County Work
Farm as the site selected and approved therefor, said real estate being
situate in the minty of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, and particularly
described as follows:
The Northeast 4 of the Southeast 4 of Section 12, Township
28, Range 22, except a strip of 1.6 rods off the East side.
Also the Southeast 4 of the Northeast 4 of Section 12,
Township 28, Range 22, except one-half acre described as
follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner of said
Southeast 4 of the Northeast ', thence South to the
North line of road across the same, called "The Afton Road",
thence Northerly along said line of said road 134 feet
thence to a point on North line of said Southeast 4
of the Northeast 4 to a point 120 feet from point of
beginning, thence West to point of beginning, according
to the United States Government Survey thereof.
Also except that land conveyed to County of Ramsey by
Warranty Deed dated April 3, 1941 and recorded in Book
"1073" of Deeds, Page "468"
containing 74.9 acres more or less.
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195—
Yeas Nays
Holland Approved 195-
Mortinson In Favor
Peterson Mayor
Rosen Against
Mr. President, Dillon
SM 6-56 040.2
Original to city Clerk
RESOLVED FURTHER, that said authorization for notice in behalf
of said City shall be dependent for its operative effect upon comparable
authorization by proper resolution of the Board of County Commissioners
of said County for notice in its behalf by its proper officers, and that
no such authorization hereunder shall be exercised except in concurrence
with such authorized action in behalf of said County.
RESOLVED FURTHER, that said authorization for notice in behalf
of said City and all other provisions hereof are made subject to and by
virtue of authority under Chapter 353, Session Laws of Minnesota for 1955.
RESOLVED FURTHER, that the total purchase price intended to be
made payable by said City and County under said Option Contract, in the
event of their exercise of the subject option and the purchase of said
land for said public purposes thereunder, is the sum of $74,950.00, the
initial payment therein recited as having been paid as the consideration
for said Option Contract in the sum of $500.00 was made in behalf of
said City and County by their agent, Clapp-Thomssen Company, and is
presently payable to said Company on such account, and the remainder of
said purchase price as specified or intended to be specified under said
Option Contract, $74,450.00, will become and be payable as and for the
balance of said purchase price in the event of the exercise of said
option by said City and County and the purchase by them of said land
unto said Emma Schlattmann.
MAR 151951
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_
Yeas Nays MAR 1 51957
De urcy
nd Approve •••
� 195_
itelli 1 AA '/
ortinson In Favor •� _ _ ��-- ,A A
oxen Against
r. President, Dillon PUBL1SI3E1 -�23.-,s-2
5M 6-56 40102
Co,untl aubttor's 14 litre COUNTY lOADD
St. Paul, Minn., file NO. —
g 1 Re�luiion
l I Ne.
I 195 'x'
The attention of 1110111141N11 Seenotoon DoloOdes eat 1S 1
Cam► Asetten City 1/.
is respectfully called to the following Resolution of the Board of County Commissioners of Ramsey
County, Minnesota, adopted at the meeting held on wok 1$e atm
By Commissioner goilows
Ike OW mt Giuntir Delodo s t lhoh Moe MUM, f =
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se four rrs thee* oliOneta et the plass liabei shoo art 001 the
yeisoo ttM, MMlret frtrrohisret Jelaiiy 1V the City est Gesubih bo is — emereld,
EUGENE A. MONICK, County A 'tor
BY ✓u p
Form And.200 6M 4.11
f )-/
(?Count p Slu bt or IJ: fftce Tll
St. Paul, Minn., File No.
V 195 /
The attention of aNitr M ail '1 •
is respectfully called to the following Resolution of the Board of County Commissioners of Ramsey
County, Minnesota, adopted at the meeting held on IssosI 8, SST
By Commissioner agottidu et
Ito ow t ', soma s .t � �► o
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INN* TISIErall, a rt Y!® 'last tars Noma of Casty Clomogoassamo as 'ilmso1''
lasakr man the too - oaaaa s - laora* ask tosmostiosd tosalioloove
ma Om. omit ti**, 114111.11.1011,11111 + Si
a fib, wi .t toe #* 4oloa ommandsto *Mid'.
EUGENE A. 'ONICS, County : itor
By /�i, ., Deputy.
Form And.200 5M 4.5 �+
1 rl Vllcete t�.the Comptroller (
COI.4MISSIONER__ DATF ---------..-- --
FEOtVTD, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, th ±, eubj.ct to
the provisions hereof, herrinafter set forth, its proper City ofoictro, in the
nal." and behalf of the City of Saint Paul, hereby are authorized to execute r ne
deliver notice of its intention to take the real estate hereinrfter described
jointly with the County of Ramsey, Hccording to the provisions, terns, and
c'onditione of that certain Option. Contract dated March 6, 1957, affecting
said real estate vheretsider cud whereby Ti*. Sehlattaisnn, among other thi n.s,
granted an option unto said City and County to purchase said real estate
and whereundsr and whereby Ilona Scblattaann became dui is bound to convey
by warranty deed said real estate unto add City and County for the purchase
price payable by said City and County in the ma of 174,950.00, seir'. real
est t"- being required by said City end County for their presently proposed •
Joint City and County Detention Facilities and Joint City and County Work
Farm as the site selected and approved therefor, add real estate being
situate in the County of Aamsey, State of Minnesota, and particularly
described as follows:
The Northeast t of the Southeast t of Section 12, Township
28, Range 22, except a strip of 1.6 rods off the Fast side.
Also the Southeast t of the Northeast } of Section 12,
Township 28, Penge 22, except one-half acre described as
follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner of said
Southeast t of the Northeast to theses south to the
North line of road across the saw, called "The Afton Road',
thence Northerly along, said li w of *hid road 134 feet
thence to a point on North line of said Southeast }
of the Northeast } to a point 120 feet from point of
beginning, thence West to point of beginning, according
to the United States Oovern®ent Survey thereof.
Also except th"t land eonweyed to County of Paisey by
warranty Deed dated April 3, 194 and recorded in Book
'1073• of Deeds, Page '468*
eentidnintr 74.9 aerse more or less.
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council .—__195__
Yeas Nays
Holland Approved 195._
Mortinson Tn Favor
Peterson Mayon
Rosen Against
Mr. President, Dillon
5M ..5. `
Triplicate$s the Gavi a•, 181927
'PAD !0 list osid ostherisation Sir mottos is bobalf
of said City shall be dependent Sir its operative offset upon oonparablo
authorisation by proper ai.sslatsos st the board sf Count/ Oardsdonors
of said County for mottos in its behalf by its propor officers, and that
ao such authorisation hereresdor shall be eserstsrd swept in emourreneo
with such authorised satins in behalf of said Diem♦•
MOOR= 1012121i. that bid prthisisation for notice in behalf
of slid li t0► sad all other peristalsis bartef are made meet to and by
virtue of authority under Chapter 353• $sasios Lave of Minnesota for 1955.
ROOMS) that the total parehase pries intaadod to be
made payable by said City and Come ► fier said Option Contrast, in the '
swat of their enersiss of the si►Joe11 %Man and the purchase of said
land for said public purposes theresador. is the ewer $74,930.00, the
Initial molest therein redted as badap boos paid se the eossideratioa
for said Option Contrast is the sue of $100.00 vas node in behalf of
said City and Cori, by their agent, Clapp-thowea Contemn sad is
pressedy payable to said don pay y on sash atomtr and the rwtnder of
said perebase price as specified or intended to be speedited alder said
Option Contract, *'?4,490.00, sill bosses ad be.payable as end liar the
balance of said purchase pries io the e t of the wards* of said
optics by said City aad Cow" /ad the irdrokaso by then of said land
unto said ?tea 9eblattomunk
1 t A
• 111M v
COUNCILMEN AdoPted by the Council 195_
Yeas Nays P ,�
DeCourt'y • ,.
Holland f Mewed 195_
Marzitelii + u
/forting= for,.
Petere0>f , Mayor
OM 0.114 411111110
W ;f