181597 Original to City Clerk w 1 f.1 1 597 CITY OF ST. PAUL FLOE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Cob CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY February 8 1957 COMMISSION-; DATF Y , ABSOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby authotized with the consent of the'Comptroller to Issue Purchase Order to R. B. WHITACRE AND COMPANY for parts for Yarway seatless blow-off valves Type C #3912-600 lb. at a cost of $243.75, without advertisement or competitive bids as this is the only source of supply and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Water Department i-.. OK ,coat. Flle No.. 18114—MW x( toon. • bee h is at bifiltutitaigege the consent of fi as W�•F AND! CC �ports fors' seatlesa b m valves i 39 400 lb ot.a'cost of J6; adverttsemerij or compo ve b " "ais this is the oily source of supply qud no advantage could begad 7!• Charge Wad ' '/9 Adopted bg��Copt�ell i'sbry#b. 1957: Approved ei b uarli ". .,. 1 (iteblruary 9S, 1957) t .i:I or _ _. er U , , //?e:0400140.-- / L'.. :.:...;r Cuu1:r,�-<.c:-er COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council FEB 2 0 1957 195_ Yeas Nays FEB `3 0 igF.;. DeCourcy iillitt / Approved ,c 195— Marzitelli J C ra n J. . Mortinson In Favor o � -1'et\..0CW • O Mayor Rosen Against Mr.President, Dillon 5M 6-86 4.6102