181575 Original to City Clerk "' 5 CITY OF ST. PAUL fOLENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK , / CO -NCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM EBY ) DATF Feb. 19f 197 ONS L 4 d RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the plans and specifications for Projects 7 and 8 of Sanitary Sewer Improvement No. 1 for the Village of Roseville, authorized by and subject to the provisions, terms and conditions of City of St. Paul Ordinance No. 10725, approved January 20, 1956, for the connection of the public sewer system of the Village of Roseville with that of the City of St. Paul, prepared by the consulting engineers of said Village and approved by the Village Council of Roseville on January 22, 1957 and heretofore submitted to and approved by the Commissioner of Public Works and the Chief Engineer, hereby are in all things approved. Cl e No 161575--A, Frank D. Xerdivet..Sy the COunell 09 the ofzf of St. PaY1iat the lAand", facetious for Projects 7 9 of SW- tam a of rmprovemcm' o�.: the $osevtlle.atitherized by hid subject to the coOMtthM of City of Pa#1 NO 107* islfprO AU'the counsatioallit _a_, aft!. > "_ Counall of Rosevfil Ya#tuary. 1867 and heretofore ittea so ,* approved by cater . , lic worlds and. the hereby are in ail things a ir Adopted by the Council e 11 MT. Approved February.19.186?. ary 3S, Y9$7) FEB 19 1957 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195— Yeas Nays e-'�c rcy ' s E0 }} -•- Approved _195_ ilGtarz-itelli --- __.__.__ � liertinsen, .._ n Favor Mayor Deem 0 Against r. President, Dillon 7 5M 5.55 Duplicate to Printer ` CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK • COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �+ PRESENTED DATP Feb. 19s 1957 • RESOLVED, By the Council of'the City of St. Paul that the plans and specifications for Projects 7 and 8 of Sanitary Sewer Improvement No. I for the Village of Roseville, authorized by and subject to the provisions, terms and conditions of City of St. Paul Ordinance No. 10725' approved January 20, 1956, tor the connection of the public sewer system of the Village of Roseville with that of the City of St. Paul' prepared by the consulting engineers of said Village and approved by the Village Council of Roseville on January 22, 1957 and heretofore submitted to and approved by-the Commissioner of Public 'forks and the Chief Engineer, hereby are in all things approved. FEB 1 S 1957 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yeas Nays DeCourcy Approved / 195_ Marzitelli Mortinson In Favor `Peterson Mayor Rosen Against Mr. President, Dillon 5M 6.56 2