10-358Council File # 0 – � Green Sheet # 3104456 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL. MINNESOTA Presented by �� BE IT RESOLVED, that, upon the petition of the Kayla Heurung, as documented in Office of Financial Services Vacation File Number O1-2010, the public properly hereinafter described is hereby vacated and discontinued as public property and, subject to the following conditions, the public utiliTy easements within said public proper[y are hereby released: The properry vacated is described as follows: The easterly 15 feet of English Street, as dedicated on the plat H. N. Granberg's Addition, between Pacific Street and Mclean Avenue adjacent to Lots 10 & 11, H. N. Granberg's Addition, except alley This vacation shall be subject to the terms and conditions of Chapter 130, codified March 1, 1981, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code as amended, and to the following conditions: l. An easement shall be retained on behalf of Qwest, a Colorado corporation, for its existing facilities. If relocation of the facilities is required, the petitioner, its successors or assigns shall assume all costs of relocation and shall provide new easements for said relocated facilities. 2. The petitioners, their successors and assigns shall pay $600.00 as an administrative fee for this vacation which is due and payable within 60 days of the effective date of this resolution. 3. The petitioners, their successors and assigns shall fully indemnify, defend and save harmless the City of Saint Paul, its officers, and employees from all suits, actions or claims of any character brought as a result of injuries or damages received or sustained by any person, persons or property on account of this vacation or petitioners' use of this property, including but not limited to, a claim brought because of any act of omission, neglect, or misconduct of said petitioners or because of any claims ar liability arising from any violation of any law or regulation made in accordance with the law, whether by the petitioner or any of its agents or employees. 4. That the petitioners, their successors and assigns shall, within 60 days of the effective date of this resolution, file with the City Clerk an acceptance in writing of the conditions of this resolution and shall, within the period(s) specified in the terms and condirions of this resolution, comply in all respects with these terms and conditions. Yeas Carter Requested by: Office of Financial Services ���� Approved by the Office of Financial Services ✓ AdoptedbyCoimcil: Date ��07�aL�/� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary G BY� ,% � Ap rov b or: ate ZO / By: � �— � f�7/:� Approved by City Attomey BY� y�/ cSCL � - /„��� Approved by Mayor for Su to Council Br� ��� �, �s�'y�-o 3-3a �vio � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet //� - �.�o � DepartmentlOfficelCouncil: � Date InRiated: � - � .. FS _FinanciaiServices 26�20,o Green Sheet NO: 3104456 Conqct Person 8 Phone: Deoartment Sent To Person InitiaVDate Bob Novak � 0 blic Works 0� 266-$$63 1 Attome � I.isa Veith � 2 inaucialServica De LDirector Must Be on Councii A9,entla by (Date): Number 07-APR-10 _[�(-(- For 3 or's Office Ms orlAsastaut � Routing 4 ouncil ' Counc� Doc. Type: RESOLIITION Order 5 i Clerk Cti Clerk E-DOCUmeM Required: N ' Document Contact: , ConWetPhone: Totai # of Signature Pages _(Clip All locations for Signature) Adion Requested: PUBLIC HEARING. Approve the vacarion of the eastefly 15' of EnglisL Streeet between Pacific St. & McLean Ave except alley Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions: Planning Commission �. Has lliis persoNfirtn ever worked under a contract for ihis depar6nenl? CIB Committee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this persoNfirtn ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does fhis person/firm possess a skitl not nortnally possessed by any current ciry employee? Yes No � Explain all yes answere on separete sheet and aHach to green sheet. initiating Problem, lssues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The property owner at 1302 Pacific wants to build a driveway to access the back yard for a future gazage. The requested vacated area would provide the best access to the back yazd of the properiy. Also ihe property owner at 1303 McLean will be cleariug up an - encroachment of a fence. AdvanpgeslfApproved: Petitioner to the east of English St would benefit &om increased property area, and have off street pazldng, Disadvantages IfApproved: None foreseen. ������� �1D Disadvantages If NM Approved: Property owner cannot make improvements for a driveway and a garage. - �� ���� : Totai Amount of $600.Q0 Transaction: CostlRevenue Budgeted: Funainy source: 160-11070-2833 - aarvtty Numner: Administrative fee for vacation, to be paid by petitioner. Financial Information: (Explain) March 29, 2010 929 AM Page 1 10-358 �.r, o.me se t ,, . ��,� ; �ti�„a ;< '',p December 29, 2009 Bruce Engelbrekt Valuation Enb neer Real Estate Division 1000 Ciry Hall Annex Dear Bruce: CITY OF SAINT PAUL CITY CLERK'S OFFICE I refer to you to check as to form and sufficiency and for recommendation the attached petition of Kayla Heurung for a vacation of that part of Lot 10 of HN. Granberg's Addition, as filed in the City Clerk's Office. Sincerely, n r � „; //+ t '�E'�-wf / �� � „'� Shari Moore City Clerk Attachments 15 WEST KELLOGG BOULEVARD, SUITE 310 SAINT PAUC, MINNESOTA55102 Te1:651-2665688 Fae:651-266-5574 svwwstpassl.gov AA-ADA-EEO Employer 10-358 SAINT PAUL � ��AA PETITION TO VACATE CITY INTEREST I(we), the undersigned, constituting a majority of the owners (or theu legally designated representatives) of the abut[ing properties, do hereby petition the Council of the Ciry of Saint Paul to vacate its interests in the properiy(ies) IegaRy descnbed as follows. (� � �o l0 � -�. � G��Gu��y s ��C�r�ia�� ��lD� lS �'��2S�Yi� `�L'� G� 1{aCG,� �"S t{�'�S�" �(� � �� 1'�- ��2�� C?� ICll�G1 0 .����� �(,p� l�' � U�����NVi P��Z l�l�li�l� �¢ Gt� ���' D� V���" C� - t��,r� �l 1� �IVI� �VI��15�1 �'.P�{ I(we) request thi acation f r the following reason(s). (Indicate whethec you will be building on [be si[e.) �1Q, var.U�fl� �S ��s� �o ��I �-�e (�f,�hor�� �,� �v�sf�(f a c�v,��,s,� �o r�('C��S � ��1�- �urd �� �,t,�zre ��u�i��. I(we) have attached six copies of the site plans of any development intended for construchon on the lands to be vacated. Contact Person Person(s) responsible for payment of vacation fee and for acceptance of the terms and conditions of the vacation: Name: �/h, OI� �pl�� Name: K-UJ�/� � 1lV V U.v�V� Phone: 9„� /��(LY Q�h� Phone: U�I /�� I L. U Address: I��� `�,,,(�`( ('�_. Address: / �� 1 � ���Y.� ��: �u,�� �(1� ,�Sl(�l� Email: `/ inp %� � ��'n,� Email: GJ P IL V WI IG1� vIV I V�' � Alternate Contact Person Name: Phone: Address: Email: Name Phone: Address: Email: 10-358 Signatures of Owner(s)/Representafive(s) � � � �� �z aJal7 S' !/� � ��R� i 'i _/ of Property(ies) Described Below: .il l 1 ►_ r _ �� � t �� _� (� � - . �/' ir[i, • �Ifi■ [, ����,{_�'��� �V� � , am the petitionei, or oue of the petitioners in the above matter; and I do t� hereby s! eaz and verify tha[ ch of the signatures on this petition was signed in my presence by the person descnbed in the petition. Subscribed and swom to before me this � 0�� dayof 11+�(PiV��s� 20Q'I et' ioner expires � ` 0 ` (JELL THOMAS ! UE?SCHWAGER Notary Public-iviinnesota y Camm�esion Expr,esJan 37, 2012 10-358 -- --- v (1/27/20?0) Bob Novak - Fwd: Ownership Report- Heurung� � - - - `^_i` - -----_ _ _._._.._._--_- _ -- Page 1 � From: K Heurung <kheunmg@gmail.com> To: Bob Novak «b.novak@ci.stpaul.mn.us> Date: �YL7207D 12:44 PM Subject: Fwd: Ownership Report - Heurung Attachments: _0�27121227_001.pdf Hi Bob, Here's the ownership report for my property at'1302 Pacific Street. The one for 1302 Mc Lean Ave should be sent to me tomorrow. i will pass d along when I get B. Please let me know if there are questions. Thank you, Kayla Heurung 6512742707 — Fonvarded message -- From: Aimee Fraune <afraune@landtitleinc.com> Date� Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 1232 PM Subject: To: kheurung@gmail.com Land Title, Inc. 1900 Silver Lal+e Road Suite 200 New Brighton, MN 55112 Phone(651)638d900 Fac(651)638-1994 Kayla Heurung 1302 Pacific Stree[ St Paul, MN 55106 St Paul, MN 55106 130? Paci[ic S[ree4 SL Paul. Minneso[a 338444 FiteiVmnba - ii8444 C u sto�nu Order Kayla Hemun� 6de P�ce Selle LoauAnmunf 10-358 Invoice - - LrvaiceDme oin_�n_oio Bmndi Abstmctin� Services mber QrstomerOrderDme oi _mn_o�a n er Kayla Heurun� Thank you J'or our business. Desrliption . ' Amnunt Property Report ��$.�� Subtotal $75.06 Total $75.00 Brief Legal: Lot 10, H N Granbere} Addn Fi2e Number. 338444 Report prepared on: January 27, ?010 Pcepared for. � Attn: KaylaHeurung Clien[RetN: Char�es: 575.00 � LANDTtTL.� service 6eyond the expec[ed PROPERTY REPORT Applicant: PropertyAddress: Connty; Property Type: Kayla Heunin� 1302 Pacifrc Street SL Paut, Minnuota Ramsey State: Minnesota Torrens Certifica[e No.: 578313 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 10, H. N. Granbe�'s.4ddition. Ramsey Counry, Minnesora APPARENT RECORD OWNER Kayla Heurun� WARRAN7'1 DEED: Kayla Heurung; DOCUMENT N0.2097960; DATED November I I, 2009; FILED January 7, 2010, CERTIFICATE OFTITLE NO. 5788i3. OPEN MORTGAGES AND LIENS I. MORTCAGE: Kayia Heurung, a sin�le peson. m Mor[�a�e Electronic Re�istra[ion Sys[ems, Inc, a Defaware Cofporation. solely az nominee for The Business Bank dba Prime Morto�,p, a Minneso[a Banking Corporntion� Document No. 209796I: Dated November ] 1, 3009; Filed January 7, ZO! 0; Amwn[ S! I4,S75_00. 2. MORTCAGE: Kayla Heurung, a sin�le woman, to Dayron's BluffNei�h6orhood Housin� Services. a Minnesota Nan-Profit Agency; Document No.2047962; Dated November 11, 2009; Piled January �, 20I0; Amount 58,000.00. NOTE: Docs filed after Cettification Date. TAX INFORMATION Tax I.D. No.: 34-29-2�-33-OQ64 Auessed in t6e name oF. Kuwaki Wana Tasestortheyear?A09: $1680.00arePAIDINFULL Base Tax: 5 t2�7�6, Homestead Esdmated Market Value: 512Q600.00 , DelinquentTazes: NONE There are no unsatisfed j�dgments and mtices of Eederal or Spte Tax Lieos docketed i� Ramsey County District Court, [he United Ststes District Coort aud the Ramsey County Recorder's oifice appeari¢g against the following names: Kayla Heunm� EXCEPT as follows: NONE This Property Repor[ is not a tiNe e�minatioq [itle opinion, utle insurence commitmen[ or titie insurance policy. This repott is fumishW for the use and ben�t of the requesun� party. Tlie liability of the reporting company caused by inaccurncies wntained herein is limired to the amount pafd for in said report. POSTEDEFFECfIVEDATE: �ecem6er23,2009 END OF REPORT Land Title •d900 Silver Lal;e Raad. Suite 200. Nnv Bri�ltWq MN 55I1? . phane (bil) 638-1900 • fa<(6il ) 697-618i •�kww.landtitlzinc.com Pa�e ! of I 10-358 fI DowmenlM1209796Q � �� /� G� O'7 �� Ce�tified Fli ed On 01167/10 70 100 0 ./ �J 0 �f Registrar of Titles, Ramsey County, MN No DelmqueM Taxes & TransFer Entemd U1J0712010 Oeed T� Paid 01f07ROtU Form No. l-M— WARRANTy DEED CertificaleY 5782145T88t3 �mtividml(a)mlvkvidoal(a) �� 1.42479719 ' D� TAX DUE: � a - �m: Na� r� aac� 7 FOR VAWABLE CONSIDERATION, Ksswe&i WmB mdKalaYa WeuB, husbmd �d wifq C�tv; he[ebY �on�eSS and weumb to KaylaBemmg . Lo[ 30, & N. C�bag's 9ddi¢oq R�seyCrnmty, M�eu�a mSetfierwith aIl haedianimrs aud eppunenances belongag tLaetq subjatto tlu follawmg�4ons: conditious, xesCictioog En<t eovmeu4 ofnmid,'¢euY. Check box if appficeble: � 1Le Seller ceri�ea Pnnt the se11c daes not knowoFa�rywells m the desaibedxealpropetry A well disclamae tertficate eccompeviu tivs docummt O I am femiliazwith the prope�iy desrnbed pmpecryhave �t cLmged since We les[pieu Affu Da� Tex Sramp He[e STATE OF MINNE40TA ' � se. COUNTYOF � The mstum�t wes admowledged b e me on Novem6u � 2009, bY Kuweld Wang and Kalaya Wmg, husbnnd and wife. NOtaRW. SIAt.80&:�A[.(OROITaRTfIiE OR RANKx Co�aYenw A. Geraa �� Co��mE�mJdnwYT.2M2 _ . _l�_ THISINSfRUC9�NI' We131>RAFCEDBYR�AMEANDA➢DR65J: Lavd TiQe, Ix. 1900 Silver Iake Road, Snite 200 New Briyhton, MN 55112-1789 FleNa3343W Cvnstante A Garua ���I / / .i�G�. Cnedchae iEpmt oteil of�etend isRegistaa7(ConmslH '[uSlummh WtismiP�P�YLambd'm�Livimhumml56aW bcem[mC�mdcmmemnaua�m ofcem�m): KayJa Hei¢ung I30? Pacific Sveet St Paul, Mimesota i lhtajPUbik � 3�- �9. Z2. 33. &X7(oc/ � urc�mc,�m+u�,•si.m�2 Retumto: dq J� Liberty Tttle, Inc. 17267 Yale StreeT NW Eik River, MN 55330 J-i *OYf`L°Vl`S �V MORTGAGE ISpxe Above Tivs I'a�a far PecwdnB Data� � .�.__ a�_.,• �— - T�, BIISINESS HANR DBd PRIME MORTGBGE 11100 WAyEATB SLVD., SIIITE 200 MIHNETONRB� MINNESOTA 55305 Loan Nnmber: 1018378773 MIN:3001032i00D0550250 Docwmntl18197961 . C�ed Filed On U1N7IZO101U00 Registrarof Titl�. Rmosey CouMy, MN - 6lortgage Regishaticn Tat Paid 275.700U071201Q CeAficaE�578813 - 1.4Z 479T79 ' F}(A CASE NO. 277-0493986 Re�,rt, ro: oR-100 31 uberty mc. 17267 Yale Street NW Elk River, MN 55330 1HL5 MORTGAGE CSm¢it3' lnstr�ent'� is givrn on NOpEAffigR 11, 2009 '`� r�l� ' 1lemoxtgagoris RAYLA �ORON6. A SINGI.E PERSON . 1LisSecmitYlv�mmemisgiventoM ('Bolrower'' a+tgageF]e:tmmcRe�s[ntianSystems.I�.("MEILS°)asM�[gagee. bfERS 6fb¢Il001 �Glf 0[ r.mdLx.aSbCCIC 9 �IVde�l�.mdl.Cnd4�sWIX'RSS06a0d24�1S. �. $WOi8392eda�d �B �tLe 1sx�sMDelawaze.a�Lasauaddresand 1e1ry1n��Laof P.O. Bmc2626. Fimt, MI d850I- 7.016,te1.(688)679-MIItS. T� BQSINESS B9NR DBA PRIME MORTGAGE� A MIHI�SOTA BBPKING CORPORBTION �•y�7 's oigamed aad o�isting mder tLe laws of MINNESOTB andLazanad�eesaf 11100 WSYZATA BLVD., SUITE 200� TIINNETONRA� MINNESOTE 55365 . . Bo'mwer owes Lmder We principal s� of ONE' HONDRED POORTffii THOOSAND EIGHT - HONDRED SEVEf7TY—FIVE AftD 00/100 Ibllais(U_S_S 119,875.00 ). T� �6t is evideuarlbyBonower'smte dated the ame date a ihis Seeurity7nst�ent (°Note"). wLirhpmvides for mo�Y �gmenis. with tLe full deb4 if mt �aid �lier. dce and �ayalile on DECII4BER 1. 2039 andfmmtexestaztLeyeadyrsteof FOIIR AND 675/100U ���°"�. ��, Inst�ent ames to lsnder. (a) t� �epaymeut of ihe de6t evidenced 6y We Na1e. wiW mtaesY, aml aD xeoewe�s. exte�ioas a� modff,� of 1he xote: ro> me � or an wna �s. w;m m�. aav�ed � P�+&�Pb 7 to pro1eU Oie secu�ity of mis Sec�iry Tn�meot; affi (c) llx pufoimauce of Boxmwer's covemnts and agrwmatls mder th's Sumily Iv� �d ILe Note. Fror thu pu�pnz. Bonower �es ��Y �+�SaSe. 8� and cnovey to MERS (so7e]yas mmmeefwLea�ra� I.e�Cr'ss�ce�a�d assigns) am w the suxesors �d assi� af MERS, witL power of siq We followmg desrnbed property located 'm Ramsep comay, M�mb: FH0. MPIN6DTA MOflTGAGE- MEfS DxLSa¢e�p� roas�>ra� MNMiGZFHq 17101N8 Pepe i of 6 q . q ,� �,� � \/ 10-358 I,OT 10, H. N. GRANBERG'S ADD., RAMSEY CODNTY� 49INNESOTA whi�hhastheaddressof 1302 Pacific Street ��1 Saint Paul , M�esrou 55106 (°Property Aadress^): ICUyI fGytm�] TOGECFffiR WIIN all �Ee improv�ents mw or ffixeafler erec[ed on the property, and all eaumems, appunenances, a� Fabrtes mw or Lernftua part of ihe properly. All replacementsavd additioas shall aLm be covered6ytLisSecmitylnstr�enl, ppoft6ePorogoiugisreYrrredtomthicSeearirylaslxume�astLe•Propeny." Borsower mdcRStands and agee.s tha� MERS Lotds ody legal tllle to llu mierestt gnuted Ly Bocxowv in itis Security lastri�em; but, if necasary b compty with Iaw or custom, 7.ffiRS (as mmmeefor Lenderand I.ender's mccesors a� astigns) Las tLe rigLt to exaciseapyor all of those interesls, mduding, Wt ml i�itetl to, �he rigLt to foceclose aad sell We Aoperty: aud W take any xtion�equued of Lender i�lndrog. 6u! m� l�ited W, releadvg or wnceling this Security ��cm�..�e.n BORROVlER COVENANfS thatBorsower is ]awfully se'vxd of the eslatehaeby comryedand has Ihe right �o mortgage, graffi and comrry the Property a� that the Property is u�tt�6ered,exceptFor e�umbrancesof record. Bonower wurnnts a� vn'� defendgrnemlty ibe Gtle m tlre Property aga�[ all cla�sa� demavds, wbjecf to any evcumbrmces of record. THIS SF,CUAIT'Y TNSfAUMENTcombmesmifuimcove�ntsforaatio�luseaadm�iformcovenaniswith I�ited variatiom by jmisdiclion to wm1iMe a uniform ucority ia¢tnmevt covexmg real properiy. UNIFORM COVENANTS. Hoirvwer aud Lender covenant and agree as follows: 1. Peyment of Prineipal� Interest and Late C7�arga Bo�rawer shall pay wLen due ihe principal of, and interes[ oq the deM erideoced by ihe Nok aad late cLargw due wder the Note. 2. ]Honthty Paymeid of Taxes, �sarance, and Other CAarges. Boirowa shall mclude in eacL monihly payment, togeWerwim ihepriucipal a� intecestas set fonh in the Noleaui wyUtec6arges, a sum for (a) fa�es a� special assessmems leviW or b 6e levied against the Praperiy, (6) lease6old paymmts or grouad rents on ibe Property. a� (c) picmiums farinsunncereq¢'ved mde;pa�agrapL4. Jn atry year m w6ich Qee Lemkr mast pay a mongage mmrznce premium to We Secrelary of Housmg and Urban Developmw[ ('Secretary"), m in auyyear in whicL SucL premivm vrould tave been requ'ved if I.ender still held the Secarity IasWmeW, each monlhly paymeut sLallalso�ladeeiil�er: (i)asumfmthea�oalmortgagemsuancepremiumbbepaidbyl.mderw�LeSecreury, m(i) a monmiy chargeianeadof a mortgageiusuencepremium ifihis Smuiry Imtrument is held by iLe Secretary. in a ieamnabieamomtto bedeteiminedby WeSecre�ary. Except for Wemonthlychazgeby tLeSecretary,theseitems are called °Escmw Items" a� We sums paid W Lender aze called "Eumw Fands." Lender may, a[:my time, w➢ect a� Iwld amomLS Por Fsmm Items m an agglegate amowt not to eacceed the mazimnmamoum that may be mqn'ued for Bortower's escrow acwuntwder We Beal Fstam SetllementAocedives Act of 1974, 12 U.S.C. g2601 et u�. . a� implementing regulations, 24 CFR Part 3500, as 0ry may be amendW Cromtimem 1�e("RESPA'�. exceptt6attheoushioaor reservepetmi4edbyRESPAformamicipateddisbutsements or dishursemenfsbefore t6e Borrower•s paymen�c azeavailable in the aaovm may mt be based on amo�ts due for tLe mortgage insura�rce piemiom. IftLeamomtsheldbyLendtrfor FstmwItems etceed We amamtspermitledto beLeld by RESPA, IeffiIersLall accoumto Bo:rowtt for the excessLmds ss�eynired by RESPA. If ihe amouvtsof fands 6eld by Lendaat a� time FHA MINNESOTA MOFRGAGE-MEq$ p eo p,s ay .��z MNMTGZ.FHA I1Ni/O8 PaOe 2 of e mvw.docmagic.com �m� e . � � Documeo�2097962 � Cettfied Filed On 07107f10101000 Regisi*a� of T�itles. Ramsey Coa'dy, YN �doR9age Re9�strafion Tac Paid IXQ�9P701b7YLOtU Certific�578813 1.4.2 479719 . J(rtJf�l tCl: O� f V �/ �✓ � '�/ L�rnaPtJn+mdfo#g¢geReB�onTas V� ' M.S3387.04(� ��267 Yale Street NW MORTGAGE F�k River, MN 55330' PohiadFamilyGivmgFoundation Aomeb¢yer Assistance Incen¢ve Rngam ' THfSMORTGAGE,madethisllthdayofNovember.2009 byKavlaHemune asi ele w�" ��g at 1302 Pacific S�eet St Pau MN 55106 !�+�...:����+..devignated as Ry�ctppqoi ) ro Daptnn's BIaBNeighborhood Ho�ng Services. a non-profitagency whose of5ce ¢ tocated at 823 �° Shcet £� Fao1. Comty ofBaosey, SGIe ofM+n¢aota (Gereinatterdeag�eted as ^ h[ortgagee^), WiTNESSEfH: ThatsaidMo�[ga8orhuebymortgagesandconvrystosaidMorigageetlk foDowivg desm'bW pcemises locaced az 1302 Paafi cm..r Sc P i MN SSyl�i„ St Pau1. Mu�nesMa (the "�nY �d legalty desm'6ed as: Lot 30, HN. Granbag•s Add.� Ramsep Coanty, Mumesota - Titis Murtgage is given in considerarion of and as seciuity for the paymrntaf Eieht thoosand arid NO/1DDDollsrs (SS.�.�T (tlje "Lna¢"), r�eipt of which is herdty acknowtedged �d wfiich is made m enable [heMortgaSa� aaN�R ��PettY. 7he Loan is evidenced by a Note (tLe'Note"). a copy of whic6 is a[tachal 6aetn as Scludule I a� incotpoxatal L¢ein. Repaymept of drc Iuan sfiall he in acco�dance with the tcros of the Note. Mortgagor mat¢s and inclu�s in this Moagage the s[amtory covenanq and odur provisions set forth in Mimesnra Staw[es, Secuon 5p7.15, including iLe followivg , a To warrant tiUe to the Property. � b. Topayallotl�ermortgzSu.lims.chaz%uorencambrancesag�nattbeProQcctyazand w� �yt�omo a�. c. To pay the inde6tedness of the Note as h¢eiv pmvided. � d TopayaIlmalestatebxuontLeAoputy. e. TokeepihePcopectyiniepairaudmtcromiuitwas[e. 10-358 To keep Ihe P[openy ins�¢ed agninst loss by fue and aha ha�rds for a[ least the sum of the full ins�sable va7ce of tIx Propetty Eoc the pmtefAOn of the Mortgagrz. If (he Mor[gagor herein shal] pay [he Moct ^. i6 successoa or asagns, the smn of Eieht thousand and NO/100 Dollazs ($6.0OO.ODI when it becmnes due according to the terms of the above- meutioned Note or shall othuwise honor the owoaship covenant mubined in the Notq the¢ t6is Mortgage shall t�c nuR and voiQ othawi.se m r�ain in full fosc and eHecc Butif default shall be made in paymene of said sum wheu dne w in �y of the covenanrs or ageemrntz contained herein, it�en [he Mmtgagee may 3eclaze immediately due and payable the rntim unpaid principal balance, and the Martgagee, its succesmrs or assigos, are hemby authorized and empoweced to foredose this Moctgage by acrion or advenisement, p�navant m the slaNtes of the State of Minnesorain such case made and provided, power being ezpressly ganted ro sdl [he Propeny at public aucrion and wnvey the same ro the p�uchaser in fee simple and ou[ of the proceeds azising from such sale, to pay the principal of the Note with intems[, if any, mgether wirh all legel cosrs and chazges of such foreclostse and the maximum � attome�s fees permi¢ed by law. Mortgagee prior tn acceleaation shall mail norice ta Mortgaga specifying: (1) the event of defauit; (2) the action reqnired to cure such evrnt; (3) the daze, mt less [han [hirty (30) days hom the date the novice is mai7ed to Mortgagor, by which date such default must be cmed; and (4) that failum ro cure such defaWt on or beforo the date specifird in rhe notice may result m acceleiation of the sums secured by this Mongage and sale of the Propecry. Ilie noUce shall fiuther infortn Mortgagor of the right to reinstau after acceleraurn� and [he rig6[ [o bting a coi¢t acdon to assec[ the nonexistence of a defaulc or any othu defeose of Mortgagor to accelere¢on and sale. ff Ihe defwlt is �wt cumd on � hefore the date specified in the notice, Mottgagee, at Mortgagees option, may declare ell of the swns sec�ved by [his Mottgage [o be immediazdy due and payable wi[hout furtherdemand and may imoke [he power of sale herehy granted and any o[her rnnedy pemtitted by applicable law. No�wSthsWnding Mortgagee's accelemtion of tfie sums ucured by Ihis Mortgage, Mortgagor shall have the right [o have any proceedings 6egun by Mortgagee m enfrnxe [6is Mortgage discontinued at any Gme prior m the eadier of (i) sale of the Property pursuant [o !he power of sale contained in this Morcgage or (ii) a judgment cnforcing �his MoRgage, iE (a) Martgagor pays Mortgagee all sums consfimring the default accaally exisung mda [F�is MeMgage aud Ihe No[e at the commencement of forxlosure pmceedings under this Mor[gage; @) Mortgagor cures all breaches of any other covenanrs m ageements of Matgagor wntained in this Mortgage, (c) Mortgagor pays all reamnable ezprnses incarred by Mortgagee in enforcing the covenants and ageements of Mortgagor conrained in [his MoRgage and in enforcing Mortgagee's remedies as provided I�esein, including, but not limited to, reuonable attorney's few; aod (� Mongagor rakes such action as Mortgagee may reasonably requi�e ro usurethat [6e 6en of Ittis Mortgage, 7v[ortgagee's interat in [he Properey aiM Mortgagors obligation [o pay [he sums secured by [his Mortgage sha11 con�nue wimpaireA. Upon such paymeut and cme by Mongngor, tltis Mortgage azid [he obligations seci¢ed hereby shatl rerttain in PoR force and effect as if w accelemtion had accurted. MORTGAGOR F{E2EBY: &XPRESSLY CONSENTS TO THE FORECIASURE AND SAT F. OF TF� MORTfiAGED PROPERTY BY AC170N PUASUANI' TO MII�NESOTA STATUTES CHAPfER 5814R, AT THE OPTION OF MORTGAGEE, BY ADVERTTSEMENT PURSUANT TO MINPPiFSSOTA STATUTES CHAPTER 580, WHICFS PROVIDES FOR SALE AFfER SERVICE OF NOTICE THEREOF UPON THE OCCUPANT OF THE MORTGAGED PROPERTY AND PUBLICA7ION OF SAID NOTIC6 FOR SIX WEEKS IN TH6 COUNTY IN MINNESOTA WHERE THE MORTGAGED PROPERTY IS SITUATED AND ACKNOWLEDGES THAT SERVICE NEED NOT BE MADE UPON MORTGAGOR PERSONALLY IINLESS MORTGAGOR IS AN OCCUPANT AND THAT P76 HEARING OF ANY TYPE LS REQUIIiED IN CONNECCION WIT[I THE SACE Land Title, Inc. 1900 Silver Lake Raad Suite 200 New Brighton, MN 55112 Phone(651)638-7900 Fax(651)638-1994 Kayla Heurun� li02 Pacific Strcet Sc Paut, N[N 55106 l30? Pacific Street St Paul, MN 55I06 13U3 McLean Avenue, $L Paul. Minnaom 10-358 ssss90 Dennis Vande6er� Terms Thnnk Amoun! Invoice Lrvoice Drtte oin_�n_oio CuslomerOrEerDa(e ain_� Proper[y Report $75.00 Subtotal $7$.00 Total $75.00 Brief Legal: Lot 1 L H N Granbergs Add File Number; 338390 Repott prepared on: 7an�ary?7, 2010 Preoared for: Atfi: Kayla Heulun� Client ReRE: Char�es: 575.00 � L l� I`v C� `� � T� � service bepontl the expected PROPERTY REPORT ApplicanL• Dennis L. Vandebe � and Cynthia L. Vandeber� Property Address: �303 McLean Avenue St. Paul, Minneso[a SS l06 Coun[y: Ramsey State: Minnuota Property Type: Torrens Certificate No.: 5596M18 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lo[ I 1, H.N. G2nberg's Additiort. The West halfof Lot 12, H.N. Ganberg's Add. APPARENT RECORD OWNER Dennis L. Vandeberg and Cynthia L Vandeber„ azjoint [enants WARRANTY DEED: Dennis L. Vandebe�g and Cynthia L. Vandeber�, asjoint renants; DOCUMENT NO. 1967555: DATGD Junr 6, ?006; FILED 7une 16, ?006, CERTIF]CATE OF TITLE NO. 559648. OPEN MORTGAGES AND LIENS L MORTGAGE: Dennis L. Vandeberg and Cynthia [.. Vandeberg, husband and wife, ro Mort,a�e Electronic Re�istration Sys[ems, [nc., a Delaware Corpora[ion, solety as nominee for CitiMor[gage, lnc, a New York Coryoration; Document No. 1968586; Dated lune 6, 2006; bl'led June I6, 2006; Amount $ I85,600.00. TAX INFORMATION Taa I.D. No.: 3429-22-33-0065 Assessed in [he name of: Dennis L. Vandeber� and Cynthia L. Vandeber� Taxes Cor the year 2009: $2184.00 are PAID IN FULL Base Tas: $1816.86, Homestead Estimated MarAet Value: $164,900.00 DelinquentTazes: NONE NAMESEARCHES There are uo unsatisfied judgments and noticu of Federal or State Tax Liens docketed in Ramsey County D'¢trict Court, the United Stahs DistriM Court antl [he Ramsey County Recorder's of5ce appearing against the folio�ving names: Dennis L Vandeberg Gyn[hia L. Vandeberg � EXCEPT as folio�vs: NONE This Property Report is �ot a title examinaCioq title opinion, tiHe insuance commitrnent or title insurance policy. This report is furnished for the use and benefit of the requesting party, The Iiabiliry of Ihe repotting company caused by inaccuracies conia�ned herein is limited to the amount paid for in said report. POSTED EFFECTIVE DATE: December 23, 2009 END OF REPORT Land Titfe •! 9U0 Silve� Lake Raad, Suite 200, New 8ci�hcon, MN ii 112 • nhone (55f ) 538-1900. fa� (b> f) 697fif 8i .�.7�-w�.tandnticinc<am 10-358 Pa�e 1 oF I ia:si eea PROP REC & REV-RaNSEY Cp �uu2 10-358 �ertificate of Title �ate Ntunber. 559648 ��melrt Number 1967585 Certifcate Number: 528712 clriry 2glstered the 95th day of June, 192'{. Bopk; g7 Page: 340 Dist Cou1t Na: 2693 STate of Minnesota REGIS7Rq :ou of Ramsey Ss. ihis i to eertifyNat D nnis L Vandeberg, 7303 MCLean Avenue, City of 52int PaUI, County of Ramsey, St3te of Minnesota, Zp Code of 106,and C ia L. Vantleberg, 7303 McLean Avenue, City of Saint Paui, Counry of Ramsey, State W Minnesota, Zp Cotle of 5 106.asjom[tenanis ,L�iZ?71tii ;!h. a now Ne owners of an estate in fee simpie ���� ��, �� �Sl j� NaM tn pte fdl � r. owingdeacriCe0lantlsitim0etlin ^ �piWetti.vevdMSqTe o1'M1y �. �i`.e,�.�}l C U(J�'..��� r L 1 t, H. N. Granberg's Adtl. ;y �� =- t� , ts .7 T e West half of Lot 12, H. N. Gran `fg•s A� v l��f j` � J uh�e btfie[M�shGwnhylheFOUowi�mem&" � foifowinyrightspr nceq„d,¢tSmlhinMinn¢sotastatutes hap 506, namely w;° " tt . i. Li ,cYaims,orrlghtsaHSl�gmMarf�mwsa Mhastat�iFrloffhissialecannot requietoappearotrecord; (x . ••• -:� 'y � !., 2. YYea1ProP�+lYtmtor60ecWiasse5 nt • f ' �� .� � 3. IeBSeforaP�otllrotex�n9�Yea�s,w ' W. . � of R�%e%untlsrthelease; 4. N righls in puWic Ilighways upon the'�M. ^'^' �` � n� 5.5 chrigMofappeelwrightt0app¢3t'a}dCql by a 6. ri9��arryparspninpossession'v _ Y. . ow'rerofthecert�i��pleoftlHe; �. outsiantl�n9 m�i�ics iien ri9llb whfCh may� b1.� 514.11. ,� ` , �✓ �. `�� �`' .^ ��. � � � j � r ooc enc Ooa�men� oateMRen�atratt6�> .�,..'•.. .,..i _!ti T S�PnU1Day. IN WITNESS W}IEREOF, I have hereunW subscribed my name antl xtfixetl the seal af my oFfice this t61h day of June, 2006. Dorothy McClung Registror af Titles, In anA for the Co�nry oT Ramsey and State of MinnesoW. ,�:sz Fu �ae a�� � a�-�� � �ooa 10-358 3 �,�� ������ ���.��,� ���r��r��� �abTixPSG06/3YN06 eavr,a��us�aa �� ��� DucJwc6.]006 I f�.mtcmcLVe�) FORYAWA9LE CON9�ERhTION.'[be�en BeGetleGmv4 e.wgleP�: G�oK9. h¢ebY ��YSadwertmu m: �¢mis L Yamjebexg atd Lyn{7� L. Pmde�g ca,�,.�;w,�,�,..m e�w�rm�r�wmx.Mo�,as kassrom.� Irn � I, HN-Grenbi*g'sA01 iLe 0.'atMifoflqt 12,fLN. GemEag'� AEe, Remsry Gouoty, Mwocsma. Subi c� m�s.mtcum. mcmtlors vA easrnsms atrccord if mY. Chctb¢cSapptivablc " �'Thc $elfvactiFin Wv@c�eilvEVCS na kvowofmY �Ibm ihe d�*bcdxal yeopaty. ❑ Awelldi.cbswem�ufirozauompeo'vathisdawmcm ❑ lvnfmuJierwiNtpepmpenydcvmtedivrh4msmmmtmtllcMJyuwit¢amqumdoumbcrafwciisovNCtleuribcE ne edunB�s'vxetlzhslpemousbUkAwelld'edw�ee�5ce�e. AfixOeedTOxSampHae � _ �� W/� Thwese Befmdo Garcia STATEOFMMNESOTa NIINTY pF OAKOTA ThuinmumurtwxacknawletlgMkfo�emeoni6is6�hdryofJUne B a B�LvdaGa�ciqasiagleperson. .W eEylqt�0.V1U811C00. ItlFR0iF1OLL NOTAAW. STMTOR ]LtNROIF6R 1114EMMNSS . RAeaYMwa�dA+WiN➢k'm�(��9W ' CM�YKPPANeSS r..wm..oroln.amv„wowm.ad.mum�+mwems..n IIOOAIVVW6.M9lYEWf1 papyAlme.W/dw�f wcm,we„�s.aa.xio fmnni3 L.�/.v.voo�.v-��.-lzy 130JMCiranAwnue Scrautmimesamssta !/q.uDSSgtG— rxLS umxuME�+! wns 0.¢Ae*w aY M++�ff tivo noDrtE55�' DAKCJfA COVNTY A8$IRACT&'RTLE J31314'/Ri STREEf WESTY�61 APPLE VAL4EY. MN3512< DN6p50362R ' TLaRArotlAqSUW�y.MC 4s9]Bf ]9Wylpnp�pN SCPoY,MN55102 Q(ygpqq�� ���tlI1�IL19YIIWII06WtlII1S�lYW� otn6 W ORD06 (�!1 �NNWLTO]qMTC'MM$6Y[CPTASSFSSMFNIS OW�111 DminXDUe:S G31.eV 33:2] FAS PROP AEC E PEY-A3%SEY G9 �OOJ 1 0-358 � �C1961.SH6 ceusm Fl� w on asverdOS �an (1�ietraINTi9R�� i^��h',NN No�ape Rep istrafion Ta Pitl NSb O6� WN06 Cetlica[5B4a%16 LZ3 135731 MORTGAGE ntu+ iwouszwtsasrue RNno To: [SC1Sa[&SS bc .t�N: Cttvmmt frttevmg P.O. Bia )9qR1 . S.LwiyM06311A0p31 ' idePemlU�n]Sflµsq,IM, <93]B1 )9Wss�anAwN SLFrJ.µY55102 068p'A.10$ RWSEYT CC49491C I�I��@0��9�9l�I�I �.� o�mrtccorrs wma� wM m mviYpie ud�ms cr � doaavu� ue deMM bdow end amr aads .rc dd,ned 'm Sectlw¢ 3. Il. l3. 18. ZO epd 21. Caiam rtlx agudlvg �6e mpqe N wpps yeE in p(s dw,yw yy¢ alm PmNNd h SsYOn i6. (N'9awN'wbumaCmcrosMSErcumeo�.whkhkduetl lme4aq6 1 ngaLrwMdiRldusbiAisdo�w'evt � ouN436Z6]v Ww@JThXqeswlV�f+HeN4faE Rm�bN LOl �Qaaucrom�a, �� � �A�� �..�..: w..omuaw.w.wam.n.� ��Abos� � cwwgwu.o.�vv� � �j ia:z� rea rnor eee a aev-sixsex cn 0oos 1��3 �)'ea.ma'6pmhLVadcbagmdC)wdvLYmGd¢b�� Mts�rcl8�wife Bonaue u memm�gagrc eutler u�x Sernnry �rsvmw� (C�'6ffi3t5' h Mmyage FJec4oak ReginrtGOV SYu�m. Iz MERS b a+�penre cwpoMlw �6u k eeWg akry az e wvmz Rr [.mCV aeE IAber's mcc-anrs md auigoc MERS e tte wmipge mdv W'n Sem�fi IoW �mt bfERS k aganlzed aM e�(vy onLV Ibe Gm of Dehwm. anE Ea en adAm md telepEwe omobe ofP.0.8a:2p26. flio� P9 465ui-]L26. tet f�91 ElB�MERS. (D1 R.maa• �s aaUwB+aa ma Lenavba GsP�atlm v�NUdadevYiugmhrlbeLwzW NewYak LmaerY adhm is tOW Teduobp �tivq O' Pallm. MO triaYm (6)mtae•mmsuer��*arm�exl�meysuROwermtieum mne6,zws ]9e Nde shie WlOartown owas [mitt One RmErd Ci�lYPivalL��d 9a 8uvd�ed IA➢mz (U.S.SIBS.W0.0� )VluvmrrtceBO�rvwe+EssPmmludwP=Y�sdeL�firtgWUPafodk PapnNSmtlWpayWCEeWmMlimtb�cWan Idy1.2036 Ph'P+w=9" mm� �� p�pwry �aa �s aecnbea eww �rdr we mm� �rmuc os wgw m me �a*o " (G) •YOm• e�os We deG evdead by We Ne�e, pim �e�erea. �ny pieyayn�m chardcand lau c6arga dae mkr Ibe NaC �id a0 swu due uvEei iii65mnry ImlmmmL Pima1¢(esL (EtJ •RfdaS muv ell NEds m�MS Seanlry �m¢umera dw m vmned 6Y Bortower. TM1e fellowlvg Riden are u beuecm¢d by Swmxvr kFerk bos u eppf'reNCl: � pAJw�abkRVeRfdarOGotlanJavmRider �SemadHOmeRfder Ba11mv Ridv O PlmmeE Vu110erdopmrni �tiv 1A Fam4Y R]tler VA RiEtt 0 BTxtttlY PaYmen� Wder OOwln IsP�YI O@m(9}. (Q •App4wble Lnw° mom a0 cwurollNg a�ypGnble kdvsl, sta�c em iocal .ua�ma. waioru. adiwnces+�d edm'mien�lve rvles md ortas Walav< 0e eRea o[bu{ n wxli u all aPp��k Mel. mnappot•me7edktdaµnbrm. (JJ •COmmmity AssooleXOO Duw. Pm. md Aaeammu° m�x all due. (. aaessmmu eM oNer �he�ez w� are wposed m Bvmwer w We Pmpury by c mmommwm mmd+�ioo. hameewws a�Gailw m wuL� wgaMallov. pc1'Ew.cai<mm. n.vW.° m�s �ny vwfc a( uv�m. wu. m.n n iravacwu migeaua ny check. tlraR ar slmW� PoP�r'veuivuwi. wNrA u im�ia�M Wmvgh m tlxwnic k�miml, mleplmvk IIIHNrtS41. fo�WC. V dBgON�C 10pv` ID i5 b bd¢!. �M1SW]. ar vY1bpIR! 1 �tiYClil $lGNNYM b dBLil w vedii an acrouw SucL ima m�hdn. bw is oo� limiW w. pomwt-mie w.sfwx aummmd �ellc saz5'vie vuwqlans. Invfers imuaud 6y ie4pM1OOe. xire wnsfers, aad movu¢d clearmgE tra¢u2rs. � CU2003626]53 �,�'Q, .enMrooea,m n.xd,a �. w�msw� troi Cu�MVgag�Ri.0.19V1 1TI5 $CINNYSRV11mm11EL9RbLt Ql WCRf^�0lNOIlbG LON. mE NI RvrMlS e�msimsavd mad��om of We Nom: a�d M me P�TOmax� of �z � �� �� S�ry IeCAmm� znd We Nae. For tAis pmp�� fm�'�3' w MERS (wlely swWUx forievder md Isnd�t. m�sm �nd aslp7 aad m we mxason wd ca18'a af M6RS. wuE poxa of .de. � f��Yg desamed N^Pml' W°�d m 16e C � d �auwHAawuql��l: mpNa.adrtAxmaW Lp Il� FISi Grmbw$f AQd T6e West beif of Lot 13. FI.H. O�mbuqe AdJ.. Rem+ry Camty. NuoCrole. Pna! N Numbv� 13%MC1uvAemve S Pwl ('P.opertyPdtl�l: OVLWI@6]53 �AAI�I PmN.m which amauy hu iM1e nAtrecs of 1�1 �.Minoaem 55106WN I��I �a�w - ` 7��0'F iNt �pypipg320.19V1 �000 10-358 {pAN$FEitOFIUGNf5P1'RIEPROPFRTY ROM (WEpjFEB 10 2010 8:6H/ST. 8:58/NO.7500000447 P 1 To: Bob Novak From: Y��T ��� - g ReplytoVacatlonlnquiry c;tyors�cPa� CompanylDepartmrni Fife #01-2010 � oFS-x��r�r� L�o.-rP Easterly 15 feet of English St �°°`" 65i-256-8863 ��3z� Between Paciflc and Mclean �"" fi�?-266-8855 ��,.� �ip� exce t undevefa ec� alie Description of public right-of way proposed to be vacated: Please see attached page. This section to be completed ONLY by City Depts • We have no objections to this vacation • We have no objecrions, subject to conditions stated below • We object to the vacation for the reasons stated below Conditions/Reasons: ❑ ❑ ❑ This section to be completed.ONLY by Utilities • We do NOT Have facilities in the proposed vacated area, and we therefore RELEASE our utility easement rights, subject to any conditions or exceptions siated below • We do NOT have facilities in the proposed vacated area, but we wish to RETAIN our easement rights, subject to any conditions or exceprions stated below • We DO have faciliries in the proposed vacated area, and we therefore RETA.II3 our easement rights, subject to any conditions or exceptions statecl below Conditsons/Exceptions: representative: , � �. _, . - �/ ��: ° � /, (tyf.�tsr �����a.� Company Name /o � /v Date To: Bob Novak Reply to Vacation Inquiry F��� �o�-ZO�a Easterly 95 feet of Engtish St �< Between Pacific and Mciean F�� except undeveloped allev Fzom: YourName Cor.ipanY � � Phone rE 1.19_ 2 Y of Saint Paul 651-266-8855 Descripfion ofpublic rigb.t-ofwaq proposed to be vacated: Ptease see attached page. �'kis section to be completed ONLY by City Depts • We have no objections to this vacation • VJe ha�e no objections, subject to conditions stated below • We object to the vacation for ihe reasons stated below Conditions/Reasons: � � � �his section to be completed ONLY by Utilities • We do NOT have facilities in the proposed vacated azea, aad we therefore RELEA SE our utility easement righ#s, subject to any conditions or exceptions stated below • We do NOT have £aciIities in the proposed vacated azea, but we wish to RETAIN our easement rights, subj ect to anp contlitions or exceptions stated below • We DO have facilities in the proposed vacated area, and we therefore ILETAIrI ovr easemen.t rigpts, subject to any conditions or exceptions stated below Conditions/Exceptions: is�.r M.� Bd2t�r.1 Se�.� Prinf Name ( Title C���� ��-,. Si�naxure �� L�1 � AG-�' XG�L �r�FR�Y CA5 F �►�e. CompanyName- '�— Date�� J,� 10-358 x �� ._ ��`��{"�f'.3L:�S�FF:?wS OSP Nationat Suppoct / Inves[igations 2400 North Glenville Richardson, TX 75082 MCI Communications Services, Inc. 02J16/2010 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Bob Novak 1000 City Hall Annex Saint Paul, MN 55102 RE: VACATION FILE: #41-2010 — EASEMENT VACAT`ION REQUEST — N. ENGLISH STREET BETWEEN E. PACIFIC ST. AND E. MCLEAN AVE. — St. Paul, Ramsey, Minnesota Verizon Business ID: 901-2010 Dear Sir or Madam: MCI has been notified by your office regarding the above referenced project. For your records, in reviewing the area in question, it has been determined that MCI does not have facilities within your project area. You should address conespondence conceming any future pro}ects to the attention of OSP National Support(Investigations at the above address. If you need fwther assistance with this project, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, � dohn Bachelder OSP National Support / Investigations (972)729-6016 Easement-No Faciliries.doc Reply to Vacation Inquiry File #01-2010 Easteriy 15 feet of English St Between Pacific and Mclean excent undeveloped ailev BobNovak From: YourName To: Dave Urke Ciry of Saint Paul District Energy OFS--Real Estate � P Phonek 651-266-8863� 651/925-8133 F�� 651-266-8855 F�# 651/*925/8194 Description of public right way proposed to be vacated: Please see attached page. This section to be completed ONLY by City Depts • We have no objecfions to this vacation • We have no objections, subject to conditions stated below • We object to the vacation for the reasons stated below ConditionsBeasons: 0 ❑ ❑ This section to be completed ONLY by Utilities • We do NOT have facilities in the proposed vacated area, and we therefore RELEASE our utility easement rights, subject to any conditions or exceptions stated below • We do NOT have facilities in the proposed vacated area, but we wish to RETAIN our easement rights, subject to any conditions or exceptions stated below • We DO have facilities in the proposed vacated azea, and we therefore RETAIN our easement rights, subject to any conditions or exceptions stated below ConditionsBxceptions: District Energy St. Paul and District Cooling St. Paul, have no equipment in the area to be vacated and have no objection to the vacation. David L. Urke, Project Manager � n ❑� District Energy St. Paul Print Name / Title Company Name 02/22/2010 Signature Date Description of Vacation Area — English SY. The easterly 15 feet of English Street between Pacific St and Mclean Ave. except alley. adjacent to Lots 10 & I 1 H. N. Granberg's Addition, 10-358 ; zo: Bob Novak F�°'a: Scott Rnppert Reply to Vacation inquiry c�cy ofs�mra,�i co�� File #09-2Q10 oFS-xealFstate Easterty 95 feet of Engl'ssh St �e� G51-266-8863 phoneN(6i1)493-5127 Befiween Pacific and Mclean F�� ss1-2s6-ssss F��<bsn4�-s,�6 exce t undevelo ed alle Description of pubfic right-of way proposed Yo be vacated: Please see attached page. I This secfion to be completed ONLY by City Depts ' • We have no objections to this vacation • We have no objections, subject to conditions stated below • We object to the vacation for the reasons stated below ConditionslReasons: � . I�I This seciion to be completed ONLY by Utilities • We do NOT have facilities in the proposed vacated area, and we therefore RELEASE our utility easement rights, subjecf to any conditions or exceptions stated below • We do NOT have facilities in the proposed vacated area, but we wish to RETAIN our easament rights, subject to any conditians or excep#ions stated below • We DO have facilities in the pzoposed vacated area, and we therefore RETAiN our easement rights, subject to any condirions ar exceptioas stated below Condirions/Exceptions: �❑ �I � � Duly suthorized Duane Cazison / Cons ction 1Vian er P ' ame / Title ignature � Comcast Company Name 0211 9/2 0 1 0 Date i Description of Vacatioa Ares — English St. The easterly 15 feet of English Sh�eet between Pacific SY and Mcleaa Ave. except alley. adjacent to Lots 10 & i l H. N. Granberg's Addition, 10-358 ro: Bob Novsk From: Colleen Paavola Reply to Vacation Inquiry CityofSaintPaul CityofSaintPaul File#01-2010 OFS--RealEstate r,�bls�wor� Phonell 651-266-8863 Phone# 651-266-6104 Easterly 15 feet of English St F�� 651-266-8855 F�" Between Pacific and Mclean exce t undeveloped alle Description of public right-of way proposed to be vacated: Please see attached page. This section to be completed ONLY by City Depts • We have no objections to this vacation • We have no objecrions, subject to conditions stated below • We object to the vacation for the reasons stated below Conditions/Reasons: � ❑ ❑ This section to be compteted ONLY by Utilities • We do NOT have facilities in the proposed vacated area, and we therefore RELEASE our utility easement rights, subject to any conditions or exceptions stated below • We do NOT have facilities in the proposed vacated area, but we wish to RETAIN our easement rights, subject to any conditions or exceptions stated below • We DO have facilities in the proposed vacated azea, and we therefore RETAIN our easement rights, subject to any conditions or exceptions stated below Conditions/Exceptions: Signature u u I� a JO�� C�� 'h TJ� • Pwl '1 r1�J`rG ��'�"LS 1 Company ame � /�A . �� Date " Reply to Vacation Inquiry File #01-2010 Easterly 15 feet of Engiish St Between Pacific and Mclean except undeveloned ailev From: 1'our Varne To: Bob Novak City of Saint Paul Coinnany nePan:ncnt OFS--Rea] Estate t.�l �,, �—y. Phone R 651-266-8863 Phone k F�x 651-266-8855 F�� Description of public right-of way proposed to be vacated: Please see attached page. This section to be completed ONLY by City Depts • We have no objections to this vacation • We have no objections, subject to conditions stated below • We object to the vacation for the reasons stated below Conditions/Reasons: r� � � This section to be completed ONLY by Utilities • We do NOT have facilities in the proposed vacated area, and we therefore RELEASE our utility easement rights, subject to any conditions or exceptions stated below • We do NOT have facilities in the proposed vacated area, but we wish to RETAIN our easement rights, subject to any conditions or exceptions stated below • We DO haue facilities in the proposed vacated azea, and we therefore RETAIN our easement rights, subject to any conditions or exceptions stated below Conditions/Exceptions: �1 � I�I liiuy aumonzea representanve: William L. Tschida Saint Paul Regional Water Service Prin at ifle � Company Name lo lO i ature Date 10-358 From: 1 nw �amc ro Bob Novak Replyto Vacation Inquiry c;�oesa�ntPau� � ���•���.,��. ���„������,���: FiIE #01-2010 OFS—Real Estate o'� c f. Easterly 15 feet of English St Pnone � 651-266-8863 Pno�e � Between Pacific and Mclean Fax� 651-266-8855 Fax exce t undeveloped alle Description of public right-of way proposed to be vacated: Please see attached page. This section to be completed ONLY by City Depts • We have no objections to this vacation • We have no objections, subject to conditions stated below • We object to the vacation for the reasons stated below I I� � /J � Conditions/Reasons: � �,�� �� � �� �-�- � �-� � � � ����� � m� �. � � a � �-,� 5��z ,�-� � P Z This section to be completed ONLY by Utilities • We do NOT have facilities in the proposed vacated area, and we therefore RELEASE our utility easement rights, subject to any conditions ar exceptions stated below • We do NOT have facilities in the proposed vacated area, but we wish to RETAIN our easement rights, subject to any conditions or exceptions stated below • We DO have facilities in the proposed vacated area, and we therefore RETAIN our easement rights, subject to any conditions or exceptions stated below Conditions/Exceptions: � ❑� L� Duly authorized representative: Print Nak/�e /�Title / ' Signature Company Name � ^ �� �v Date 10-358 From: Ansie Wicse ro: Bob Novak ` Reply to Vacation Inquiry CityofSaintPaul SaintYau(lire File #01-2010 OFS—RealEstate PLone # 651-266-8863 Phone #651-266-8953 Easteriy 15 feet of English St Fax#651-266-8951 Between Pacific and Mclean F�" 651-266-8855 except undeveloped alle Description of public right-of way proposed to be vacated: Please see attached page. This section to be completed ONLY by City Depts • We have no objections to this vacation • We have no objections, subject to conditions stated below • We object to the vacation for the reasons stated below Conditions/Reasons: � ❑ ❑ This section to be completed ONLY by Utilities We do NOT have faciliries in the proposed vacated area, and we therefore RELEASE our utility easement rights, subject to any conditions or exceptions stated below • We do NOT have facilities in the proposed vacated area, but we wish to RETAIN our easement rights, subject to any conditions or exceptions stated below • We DO have faciliries in the proposed vacated area, and we therefore RETAIN our easement rights, subject to any conditions or exceptions stated below Conditions/Exceptions: nnlv anthnri�ed renresentative• �J � n _Angie Wiese Print Na� /�� . Sig Saint Paul Fire Company Name 2/9/I Date (2/11/2010) Bob Novak - Re: F20W Vacation file #01-2010 part of English Street beiween Pacific and McLean Page 1 From: Tom Beach To: Novak, Bob Date: 2/11/2010 11:45 AM Subjec� Re: ROW Vaotion file #01-2010 part of English Street between Paafic and McLean DSI does not have any issues/objedions to the proposed vacation. (However, unoffiaally here is my opinion. I am not sure why this stretrh of English vuas paved to be so narrow and I am not sure ff it is a good idea for the Gty to give up the standard rigM of way in �.se. we ever wanted to widen the street But that is more of an issue for Public Works and maybe PED. So I will defer to them.) »> Botr Novak 2/9/2010 11:53 AM »> To Public Utilities & City Departments Attached are a Reply to Vacation Inquiry form and Map related to a petition by Kayla Heurung to vacate the Easterly 15 feet of English St Between Pacific and McLean except undeveloped alley adjacent to 1302 Pacific and 1303 McLean the properly owner at 1302 Pacific wants to build a drive way to access the back yard and for a future garage. the properly owner at 1303 McLean will be clearing up an encroachment of a fence. Please review this request and return the completed Inquiry Reply Form to me via email, Fax or US mail. I wouid appreciate receiving it by Wednesday February 24. Bob Novak Office of Financial Services Real Estate Section 1000 City Hall Annex Saint Paul, MN 55102 Voice 651-266-8863 Fax 651-266-8855 e-mail bob.novakCalci.stoaul.mn.us � From: � �.mi AH°,c ' S To: Bob Novak Reply to Vacation Inquiry CityofSaintPaul < �>,�»��,• File #01-2010 OFS--Real Estate . ,;,� Easterly 15 feet of English St Phonek 651-266-886.i Pnone� Between Pacific and Mclean F�" 651-266-8855 F�� except undeveloped aliey Description of public right-of way proposed to be vacated: Please see attached page. This section to be completed ONLY by City Depts • We have no objections to this vacation • We have no objections, subject to conditions stated below • We object to the vacation for the reasons stated below /�1 � � Conditions/Reasons: This section to be completed ONLY by Utilities We do NOT have facilities in the proposed vacated area, and we therefore RELEASE our utility easement rights, subject to any conditions or exceptions stated below • We do NOT have facilities in the proposed vacated area, but we wish to RETAIN our easement rights, subject to any conditions or exceptions stated below We DO have facilities in the proposed vacated area, and we therefore RETAIN our easement rights, subject to any conditions or exceptions stated below L�J ❑� I�I Conditions/Exceptions: Duly authorized represen ative: �q.t,Ui�' � ��''� 3� I� GS {�C: Prin me / Title � Si naYure i i // /� i' �' � y � � � .. � a-q-la Date (3/29/2010 Bob Novak - Re: ROW Vaca4ion file #01-2010 part of Engli'sh $treet between Pacific and McLean Page 1 From: Jody Martlnez To: Dubruiel, Paul; Novak, Bob Date: 2/24/Z010 4:57 PM Subjed: Re: ROW Va�tion fiie #OS-2010 part of English Street behveen Padfic and McLean I defer to Public Works and PEd as the request of the petitioners does not affect any known park land or parkways. Jody LMartinez, ASLA Manager. Design and Construction 400 City HaII Annex 25 West 4th Street Saint Pau�, MN 55102 Office: 651-266-6424 Faz 651-292-7405 »> Bob NOVak 2/24/2010 424 PM »> Paul & Jody Have you had a chance to review this. The petitioner has been calling me as to the status. Thanks LIl7 To Public Utilities & City Departments Attached are a Reply to Vacation Inquiry form and Map related to a petition by Kayla Heurung � to vacate the Easterly 15 feet of English St Between Pacific and McLean except undeveloped alley adjacent to 1302 Pacific and 1303 McLean the properly owner at 1302 Pacific wants to build a drive way to access the back yard and for a future garage. the property owner at 1303 McLean will be clearing up an encroachment of a fence. Please review this request and return the completed Inquiry Reply Form to me via email, Fax or US mail. I would appreciate receiving it by WednesdayFebruary 24. Bob Novak Office of Financial Services Reai Estate Section 1000 City Hall Annex � Interdepartmental Memorandum City of Saint Paul ��� TO: � o ?—/f�— a�C7 �urs P�-e�r� (DISTRICT PLANNER) VACATION REQUEST NO. O / — �" The attached vacation request was received by the Planning Division on ' . Please review and retum comments or recommendations to me by � z3 �� that I may prepaze the Divisions recommendations. 10-358 ZONII�IG SECTION: Is this vacation proposal also tied to a rezoning or variance request? NO If yes, explain below: STAFF COMMENTS OR RECOMMENDATIONS: �o COV�!4eN'1"S. � � 3�g1(0, Planners are to retum the reviewed vacation request to Allan Torstenson (Zoning Manager). � a ,��� �. ���� 10-358 Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO: All Council Members FROM: Bob Novak Office of Financial Services Real Estate Section 1000 City HaII Annex DATE: Mazch 15, 2010 RE: Real Estate Vacation File No. O1-2010 (Vacation of a part of English between Pacific St and McLean St) I recommend a public heazing before the City Council be held on April 7, 2010 to consider the petition of Kayla Heunuig to vacate the easterly 15 feet of English Street between Pacific Street and Mclean Avenue adjacent to Lots 10 & 11 H. N. Granberg's Addition, except the alley. The purpose of this vacation is that the property owner at 1302 Pacific wants to build a drive way to access the back yard and for a future garage. The property owner at 1303 McLean will be clearing up an encroachment of a fence. This property is located in City Council Ward 7, Planning District 4.