09-997Council File #� Green Sheet#3074 57 RESOLUTION � ,�- CITY OF SAI�VT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented by I WHEREAS, the Midwest Economic Crime Foundarion (MECF) would like to reimburse the City of Saint 2 Paul, Police Department (SPPD) the amount of $512.00 for the purchase of a SNARE fraud detection and 3 authentication system; and 5 WHEREAS, the SPPD would like to accept this reimbursement donation; and 7 WHEREAS, the public purpose of this donation is to support the SPPD's Fraud and Forgery Investigators 8 in verifying the authenticity of identification and credit cards; and 9 10 BE IT RESOLVED, that the city council accepts this donation and extends its sincere thanks to the 11 Midwest Economic Crime Foundation (MECF). of. Adoption Certified by Counci Secretary g �i_6� � i Approve b y: Date � Z-J 17 By: Adopted by Council: Date �����Gj � �� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � b�-�t9� � DePartmentiOffice/Council: -- --. - .. . � Date InHiated: - �- ------' /� w'C j Pp _POliceDepartment � pq�pUG-09 � Green-Sheet N-O 3ii7 �F.7�17 --- ,___ m ,�__, ,,T � .--�---=---�--- - — - -- — -- ' Contact Person & PF�onz. � DeoartrneM Sent'!o Person I�itiallDate ', Chief John Harrinpton � y 0 �olice Department � Pohce Department __ l _ — _ -'� __ ' - t � 2665588 i ; i PoticeDepartment____ '_- Po1�ceDepa__rhnent_ _� ______- A55ign - _ -- _._ _' _-__ _ _ _ _._____ _ __ _ _-_ 2 CiryA .. ':� . _C� Must Be on Council A enda . � � - - - -- --- , g by(Date)• Number � = �- �- - � ', Por 3 �oan_cialSernres __ _ __ ___ __ Director,_FSO ' ' �- ._ _. - - i _—_ _ -_ `_ -_- - ___ _ . �_ -_ - - -.. Routing �'� 4 May ..__ _.__ _ Ma1'oS_ __-_ -, __ _- - - - '_ , _ _—_- Doc. Type: RESOLUTION � Order 5 Council_ ___ _ '.._ _,. _ Councii _ '_, , 6 C�Clerk _ _ _ __ ____';� C '`__-_. .__ __ _ ._ _ -__ __ _ .. --_-�_-_ ___- -__,r- �_._. __ , E-DocumentRequired: Y ', 7 �IiceDepartment ___ _ _. PoliceDepartment �, Document Contact: Evette Srarvere ,, � ' ConWctPhone: 266-5541 � � ` _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ ' _ __ - ._-'_. ___- _ _ __-_- __.___- _'____-._.-__...._ ; ToW I# of Signature�Pages � (Clip All Locations for Signature) ' _. _ . _ _ _ . _- _ . ___ - - _ -_ � _. _____..__� _-__ � Action Requested: j Signatures on the attached council resolution authorizing the City of Sain[ Paul, Police Depariment (SPPD) to accept a � reimbu�sement donation from the Midwest Economic Crime Founda6on (MECF). __ —_ ..__{ i �--------- --- --- - - ----�-- ---- - -------- ----- �� ---- �' Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): I personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions: � Planning Commission I � 1. Has this persoNfirm ever worked under a contract for this department? i GB Committee Yes No Civil Service Commission � 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No � I 3. Does this person/firm posse55 a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? i Yes No �I 'I Explain all yes answers on separaM sheet and attach to green sheet. �- .___._.___ .___- _____—_ _-- ___.____ .__ L __ ..— ____ . _ .— ___ __.._- _.. __— .._ —__ _. �, Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): �I T'he MECF would like to reimburse the SPPD Fraud and Forgery unit through a donation for the purchase of a SNARE fraud '�, detection and authentication system, software, and a period of coverage. Auth�izatian is needed to accept the donation. ,.. . - - - -- - ��,������ - --- --- -- -- - � AdvaMages tf Apprwed: ' The SNARE fraud detection and authentication sysem will p pro ! v n ide verificati to the authenticity of identification and credit cazds. � .E't�lJl �4 V ���M __ _'_—__ '_;' � -- .'__ __._...-__.__ . _— . _--_.. �, � Disadvan4ages If Approved: ��� „_ � - ��, None. .-' . , - - --- --- ----- - ------ ---- � -- ------- -- -------- -------- ---------- ------ i Disadvantages If Not Approved: ; I.ost opportunity to be reimbursed for a tool greafly needed to verify the authenricity of identificarion and credit cazds for &audulent ! purposes. -- ---- �— ----------- - --- ----- � ------- ----- — - -- Total Amount of Trensaction: $512.00 Casf/Revenue BudgMed: Funa�ny source: Midwest Economic Crime qctivity Number: Foundation (MECF) Financial Information: (Explain) August 4, 2009 3:14 PM Page 1 I _� U`1-�t9� MIDWEST ECONOMIC CRIME FOUNDATION (MEC� GRANT APPLICATION FORM THIS APPLICATION FORM IS TO BE USED ONLY BY LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES REQUESTING FLINDING SUPPORT IN PARTNERSHIP WITH BUSINESSES. Application request is limited to law enforcement request for funding support relating direcfly to financial crimes, fraud and forgery, idenrity theft, or organized economic crime groups. Programs on theft and fraud prevenrion, providing training (including Explorer's), invesrigation cost, purchase of law enforcement equipment (such as computer forensics) and officer over-time and so fourth may be applied for. Agency ORI number: MN0620900 Agency Name: Saint Paul Police Department Fraud & Forgery Unit Agency Address: 367 Grove St. City: SC. Paul ZIP: 55101 Agency Contact Name: Kenneth Reed, Commander Agency Telephone #: 651-266-5663 Fas number: 651-266-5848 Please provide purpose and use of funding or contribution requested (what the funds will be used for): The St. Paul Police Deparhnent Fraud & Forgery Unit is requesring MECF grant funds for the purchase of one (1) SNARE fraud detection and authenticafion system, software, and a period of coverage to be used to verify the authenticity of identification and credit cards. We have dealt with several cases of cloned and counterfeit credit cards recently and were at a distinct disadvantage because we were unable to easily idenrify which cards were authentic and which were fraudulent. This delayed confirming a crime actually occurred, identifying the victims, identifying who was responsible, and also prevented timely charging of the perpetrators. We were able to borrow the SNARE product from FCS and evaluate its worth in context of these actual cases. Our use of the product was successful and the value to fraud invesrigations was immediately appazent. Unfortunately the unit purchase price and the monthly access fee is not included in our agency budget, and is unlikely to be approved as part of the agency budget for quite a while until the economic forecasts trend differently. Requesting: SNARE _ $511.93 Monthly access x 2 yeazs =$1,154.26 Total = $1,666.19 $A .� t� 1-q� � • MECF inay audit use of funds • MPCF funds must go for the use of the public good in the community • No vendor or individ can receive these funds � • Funds must used for the int nded putp e only • Period of spending: Start Date:' Up�pproval E Agency approval must at in full amount issued years from approval MECF Approval Date: