181458 Original to City Clerk i 15 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK n COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE• _ f��/.0 �L ��I _���. DATF February 13, 1957 RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated, be and the same are hereby granted. Gem Corporation 65-7 W. Seventh Parking Lot App. 8676 Renewal Charles T. Hindman 513 Jackson Parking Lot " 8759 " H. V. Smith Co. , Inc. 1910 University Fumigator to 8881 " Francis J. Humphreys 331 Burke Fumigator " 901+0 " St. Cloud Packing Co. (Corp.) Box 228 St. Cloud Slaughter Hse. " 9052 " Jospeh Gitis & Samuel Hechter 117 W. Sixth Parking Lot n 9133 n Terrace Auto Supply, Inc. 198-201+ W. Ninth Parking Lot II 9339 II William S. Sweeney 5122 Chicago, Mpls. Scavenger " 9376 " Mrs. Cleaole Bonderud 969 St. Clair Catering " 91+56 " Raymond J. Harris 1128-56 University Parking Lot " 10059 " James C. Hayes 1906 Stillwater V.M. Loc. " 13291 " Harold W. Hicks 932-4 Arcade Restaurant is 13358 " " II On Sale Malt " " " II H Off Sale Malt f " H " " Cigarette " n " Doris Leibel 402 University Foods M.D.P.W. " 13829 " " n 1 Veh. n n n Mike Dietsch 31+9 Rosabel Music Mach. " 13833 II Hildegard E. Snyder 850 Forest Restaurant H 11185 " " if On Sale Malt It " " II " Off Sale Malt " " • " n I C iu.1 lice 1[[a M y"— s A. w n it yao tt �, Cigarette COUNCILMEN D Adopted by the Council 195- rne persons on the atte,dlsd l� Y to this reeakitien and the same'see! Yeas Nays hereby granted. and the City'Clerk is' instructed to issue such licenses upon DeCourcy he payment fIntao the'City treasury"of M bby the Couneil February 13; Holland 19s'►•" Approved 195_ Approved February 18,1954. Marzitelli (February 16. 1.57r Mortinson In Favor Peterson Mayor Rosen Against Mr. President, Dillon 5M 6-58 '� a Original to City Clerk �e i 58 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY February 13, 1 COMMISSIONER DATF .� 3+ 957 PAGE 2: Edward Kasprzyk & Joseph Cherveny & Mabel King Adma. Est. of F.J. King 501-3 University Restaurant App. 14244 Renewal N " On Sale Malt " ' " a " " Off Sale Malt " n n " " Cigarette " " II II n Tavern a n N " " Dance Hall II a a Gordon Chergee 1951 University Barber " 14289 " Victor Niewinski 1045 Arcade Restaurant " 14361 " II 'I On Sale Malt n n a N " Off Sale Malt " II It N II Cigarette " II " a n Barber II II " Josephine Spears 697 Case Grocery If 14518 " It It Fr. Meats a Ii a " II Cigarette " II " Josephine M. Heyne 500 Ohio Beauty Shop " 14590 " Arthur H. Schultz 736 N. Snelling Barber " 14712 " Harold Gulden 1202 Payne Confectionery " 14724 " " II Cigarette " " N Gilman A. Soberg 1182 Arcade Ldy & D.C.P&lnt " 14739 N John J. Littfin 121 W. Winifred Barber N 14315 " Grand Ave. Mptor Co. 7314-6 University 2nd H6. Auto " 14876 " Anton Johnson 962 Forest Grocery " 14989 II II " Cigarette " II II Nobles Engineering Co. 651 E. Seventh V.M. Loc. " 71 H a II Cigarette " II It COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195_ Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Approved 195_ Marzitelli Mortinson __In Favor — Peterson Mayor Rosen Against Mr. President, Dillon SM 6.86 2 Original to City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL Re NCH. NO. LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY February 13, 1957 COMMISSIONER DATF PAGE 3: Irving Serlin 11214 Payne Restaurant App. 714 Renewal R. K. Owengs 1321 Payne Orig. Cont. II 1146 " n II Cigarette tI n II Earl L. & Walter A. Montpetit 615 University Restaurant II 200 " " " On Sale Malt n II " n n Off S§le. Malt II II II n II Cigarette " II II Edward G. Joseph 1459 S. Robert Gas Sta. 6 P. " 350 " " II V.M, Loc. n n n Dun & Bradstreet 391 Minnesota V.M. Loc. It 1400 II David Crimins 381E Robert Restaurant II 417 " " H Cigarette n n it E. C. Jerabek 61 W. Winifred Bakery a 1461 " Western Union Telegraph Co. 332 Robert V.M. Loc. " 1184 " Apothecary Shop, Inc. 3614 St. Peter Restaurant II 501 " n " Cigarette II II 0 Charles E. Bowen 1080 Forest Restaurant " 503 II " n On Sale Malt n It n " " Off Sale Malt II H n n n Cigarette II M II Mrs. Anna McDermott 121 S. Western Grocery II 511 It Lawrence E. McDonough 318 Pioneer Bldg. Orig. Cont. n 512 II n n Cigarette n II II Charles Cook Sr. 110 S. Wabasha Barber n 515 " Fred N. Keiser 595 N. Hamline Barber " 521 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 5_ Yeas Nays DeCourcy FE8 f" 1 3 79 Approved 1.92_ Mortinson Tn Favor f� Peterson ^ Mayor Rosen ✓ gainst Mr.President, Dillon 5M 6-56