09-990Council File # � �
Green Sheet # 3 O � / (p
Presented by
WHEREAS, the Minnesota Depazhnent of Ttansportarion (MnDOT) is soliciting projects to be funded under the Municipal
A�eement Pro�am; and
WHEREAS, this solicitation will award about $3.2 million of State funding for municipal requested projects on Trunk
Highways and that meet basic categories of Supporting Couvnunity Development, Improving Safety, Improving Mobility, and
Maintaining E�stina Infrastructure (Preseroarion); and
WHEREAS, to be eligible for these funds the projects must be submitted to MnDOT on or before September 28, 2009 and the
submitting agency must be able to deliver a State approved project for State Fiscal Yeaz 2011 (starting Ju]y 1, 2010); and
WHEREAS, projects approved for Municipal Cooperative Agreement Pro�am funding will require the submitting agency to
provide a local match; and
WHEREAS, the Department of Public Works has reviewed the qualifyuag and ranking criteria and detennined that four (4)
projects meet the criteria and have the best chance to receive funding. The projects aze: 1) the reconstruction of the existing
Raffic signal at the intersection of Trunk Highway 5(W. Seventh Street) and Trunk Highway 149 (Smith Avenue); 2) the
reconstruction of the existing traffic signal at the intersection of Trunk Highway 61 (Arcade SReet) and Minnehaha Avenue; 3)
ADA improvements at signalized intersections along Trunk Highway 952 (Robert Street) from Kellogg Boulevard to Eleventh
Street; and 4) ADA improvements at signalized intersections along Trunk Highway 51 (Snelling Avenue) from Mazshall
Avenue to Monh-eal Avenue.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council approves the four (4) projects desciibed herein to be submitted to
MNDOT for review and possible funding.
Request by Dep t�
Approved by the Office of Financial Services
Approved by City Attome
By: �/.�A. �. + �
Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
Adoption Certified by Co il Secretary
By: � ,
Appro ed b yoi ate �(3-�_
By: �
� Green Sheet Green Sheet
Green Sheet Green Sheef Green Sheet Green Sheet
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Departmentl�ce/COUncil: Date Inifiated: /+,,, - -
PW– PublicWorks ------ -SEP-P889 — V1GCl7 JIICGL IYV. JV� IV �
ConYact Person & Phone: DepartmeM Se� To Person InitiallDate
Brian Vitek � 0'.4ublic Wozks Paal SL Martin 1?✓ ��ar+ar �/f-�
266�256 1 ablicWorks DearQae¢tACCOnnta¢t �(���,2'��
Assign 2 IP¢blicWorks De arlmeatDirector f��p
Must Be on Councl /�qenda by (Date): Number 3 , A �� e 1
09-SEP-09 Fw 0
R6uting 4 or•s Otfice Ma or's OtSce
Doc. Type: RESOLUTION Order 5 onncil C51v Council
6 . ' Clerk G7 Clerk
EAOCUment Required: Y a:�'�s �.. i�� �
�ocument Contact: Brian Vdek
Contact Phone: 266-6256 ��� v� CoOg
Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) «�' a �,�,_.-�_��� n
Action Requested: ,. .. ��.5 i p,g y�i y�
Approval of the attached Council Resolution to approve the four (4) projects: Reconsfruction of tie traffic signais at Arcade Sheet
and Minnehaha Avenue, and W. Seventh Street and Smith Avenue; and ADA improvements at signalized intersecrions along Robert
Street and Snelling Avenue.
Recommendations; Approve (A) or Reject (R)_ personal Service Contrects Must Answer the Following Questions:
Planning Commission �. Has this personlfirtn everworked under a cordracl for this departmeM?
CIB Committee Yes No
Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person/tirm ever bsert a city employee?
Yes No
3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any
current city employee?
Yes No
Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet.
Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, Wheo, Where, Why):
The Minn. Depathnent of Transportation (MnDOT) is soliciting projects to be fixnded under the Municipai Cooperarive Agreement _
Prograui. This solicitation wiff awazd about $32 million of State funding for municipal requested projeds on Trunk Highways and
that meet basic categories of Supporting Community Development, Improving Safety, Improving Mobility, and Maintaining Existing
Infxastructure (Preservation). To be eligible for these funds the projects must be submitted to MnDOT on or before Sept. 2S, 2009 and
the submitting agency must be able to deliver a State appmved project for Sffite Fiscal Yeaz 201 I(starting July I, 2010). Pmjects
approved for Municipal Cooperntive Ageement Program funding will require the submitdng agency to provide a local match. The
Dept. of Public Works has reviewed The qualifying and ranldng criteria and determined that four (4) projects meet the criteria and have
the best chance to receive fimding. Projects are listed in the Action Requested section
AdvanYages If Approved:
The City of Saint Paul could receive State grant funding for local projects necessary for unproved community tiansportarion, access
and safery.
Disadvantages If Approved:
None known.
Disadvan Wges If Not Approved:
The City of Saint Paul would not receive grant funding for local projects necessary for improved community transportarion, access
and safety.
ToWI Amount of
Transaction: CosNRevenue Budgeted:
Funding Source: Activity Number: �
Financial infortnation:
. (Explain)
September 1, 2009 224 PM Page 1