181390 , • • COUNCIL FILE NO. By Council File No. 181390— FINAL-ORDER In the matter of grading and surfac- j ing with bituminous material the alley in the West 1, of Ramsey's Sub. of Block 21, Stinson, Brown & Ramsey's Addition, from Palace Ave. to Jefferson Av.A.. 1so constructing a sewer from • In the Matter of grading and surfacing with bituminous material the alley in the West 1/2 of Ramsey's Sub. of Block 21, Stinson, Brown & Ramsey's Addition, from Palace Ave. to Jefferson Ave. Also constructing a sewer from the alley to Clifton St. in an easement to be obtained on, under and across the North 4 ft. of the South 6 ft. of Lot 37 of the West 1/2 of Ramsey's Sub. of Block 21, Stinson, Brown & Ramsey's Addition, under Preliminary Order 180664 approved December 6, 1956 Intermediary Order approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that - ._ - , . . _ - e : .- - II •• .' od • grade and surfs. with bitiimins material the alley . the West 1 = of Ramsey's Sub. of Block 21, Sti on, Brown & Rtkmsey's Ad tion, from Pa - e Ave. to Je ' -erson Ave. Also c struct a sewe from the alley. to Clift St. in an ease,., et to be ob : •'ned on, under and ross the Nort 4 ft. of the *'youth 6 f . of Lot 37 of the .est 1/2 of '4, ,i-ey's Sub. of Blo 21, Stinson, Brown & Ramse 's Addit•on, All orders in the above matter be and the same are hereby cancelled, annulled and rescinded and all proceedings in said matter he discontinued, and he Council here orders said improvement to be made. SOLVED FUR ER, That the Comm'- sioner of Public orks be and is herby instructed and directe to prepare plans nd specifications for .aid improvement, nd submit same .the Councr for approval; hat upon said ap oval, the proper city 'fficials are hereb uthorized and rected to ro- ceed with t e making of said ' provemeut in t �; iS ' .nce therewith. a Adopted by the Council 11110 AO0F 00 � City Clerk. Approved PUBLISHED&- -5-7 J 6 File 13583 =�"- Councilman (5etiii \1aYor. DeCOURCY Councilman LLAND �)/ ✓MA Councilman RZITELLI cp J� Councilman s ORTINSON / Councilman PETERSON �,�' wli l III Councilman OSEN Mayor DILLON 2-55 2M 2 - CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCEa REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE -. ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) In the matter of !Trading and surfacin;;- with bituminous material the alley in the West tf of 'Amsey's Sub of Flock 21, rtinson, Brown & Ramsey's Addition, from :Palace Aire. to Jefferson Ave. Also constructing a sewer from t e alley to Clifton St. in an easement to be obtained on, uncer and across the North 4 ft. of the South 6 ft. of Lot 37 of the ',vest a of Ramsey's Sub of Block 21, Stnson, Frown & Ramsey's Addition. 8 390 under Preliminary Order approved I`er. 6, 1916 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $ i ,071.76 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - - $ L.52 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION RamseyTS Subdivision of Block Land Building Lot 23 and South 2 of 24 21,Stinson,Brown & Ramsey's 575 4200 Addition to St. Paul Lot 25 and North z of 24 do 525 2550 26 do 350 2650 27 do 350 2700 28 do 300 3800 �9 do 250 30 do 300 3250 31 do 300 3150 32 do 300 2250 33 do 325 3250 ?; d o 500 2400 The o er of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of th- -foresaid--ratters, and hereby submits the foregoing as is r-.. .-reon to the • • , ogether with the report made to him in reference to/sai`d� , y th Commissioner of Pu. • .rks. Dated 19 Corn 'oner of Finance. Form B.S.A. 8-5 D ' CITY OF ST. PAUL , • . DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) / In the matter of grading and surfacing with bituminous materiathe alley in the West of Ramsey's Sub of Block 21, Stinson, Brown & Ramsey's Addition, from Palace Ave.. to Jefferson Ave. Also constrldeting a sewer from the alley to Clifton St - in an easement to be obtained on, under and across the North 4 ft. of the Situth 6 ft. of Lot 37 of the West i of Ramsey's Sub • of Block 21, Stinson, Brown & Ramsey's Addition. %: / under Preliminary Order approved Dec. 6, 1956 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby eports as follows: The total estimated amount of th assessment for the above improvement is - - - $ ) ,0711 6 The estimated cost per foot for he above improvement is - - - - - - - $ x.52 The lots or parcels of land at may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION /ASSESSED Lang ALUAT ullding Ramseylt Subdivision of Block 21 35 Stipsson.,BBrcwn & Ramsey's Addn. 150 1700 - to • 36 do 200 21150 37 do 200 600 Lot 38 and North of 39 Mit do 225 5000 South 2 of 39 do 75 110 do 200 3250 111 do 150 112 do 200 2100 113 do 200 1800 44 do 350 2300 TOTAL 6025 49) 00 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works�j� 1 e7,,_, ,�/�� Dated January 8 19 57 �/Y' 1 ,. AJI i-n t.� / 7. ^x .. 1, Commissioner of Finan Form B.S.A. 8-5 D f . • St. Paul, Minn Msrch 14 19X.5.5. To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. i0 .2. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: ... •... -4---- ---e -I' ,...447.14//,‘„eit-c---/-- a,---6/ ..Geo-r4..-- .,.... --4/&4//,./1---/ e,, r-z-,------72: - ..-11- `- /..-'6 -r ef' r !f St. Ave. D if from ..r (14--- _,��'� St. Ave. to a�`- ., jeff.....a_a_47.7.,_/7 St. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION x / ./ / /)(%\i '.2 .,: I,Viii . ," ' '-� L ! ./� _/_ ,/ (7..4 _„....„ • - glit„ c .l t ! 1� .t 7r/ t evy.6p.„..11 gi4:;gri ) 1 al X ' .�a-4-#.0 ate- v [ .,GtJy -G.Y C� /[ /l 1) /.1.-m-- =--------..._ -i. Zi lie y t 3-,-/ ?-/ - C t-1 1 9- '")144.tii, -..:(t)- 0:,4etT ; . 111 F f �a. 2 yt^�^ 74 L, ill RECEIVED -- _ MAR 1 1- 1955 1 / fi fs 5M-7-37 •.�° /358.3 OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE De tuber 12,' , 1956 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the prelimin- ary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 180664 approved December 6, 19 56 , relative to aradina and surfacing with hitnminnuc m material the alley in the West 1/2 of Ramsey's Sub of Block 21, Stinson, Brown & Ramsey's Additio4. from Palace Avenue to .Tefferson Avenue. Also cnnsfrnoti ng a aai.r r front the • • • _ -e a -as- i-4 • ,- .b ., - . . 4 .- . .. . • .- \ . . h 4 ft. of the South 6 €t. Qj Lot 3.7 of the West u.2 of Ramsey's Suh of Blcnl- 91, fi+inson, Brown & Ramsey's Addition and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ 4,071.16 •, and the total cost thereof Engineering $225.30 Inspection $75.41 is $ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: Cost per Front Foot $ 4.52 Frontage 901.2 ft. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more t owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. gaff, A �cp :, �-C. f� � �-, / Co 'issione Public Works. J 06 6 7117 ASSISTANT CHIEF ENGINEER CITY OF SAINT PAUL ACCOUNTING DIVISION ARTHUR W. TEWS JOS. PAVLICEK • Prin.Accountant OFFICE ENGINEER Capital of Minnesota HERBERT 3. WEST DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS • • BUREAU OF SANITATION BRIDGE ENGINEER FRANK D. MARZITELLI, Commissioner JOHN M. COTTER, Supt. MAURICE W. HEWETT • • CLIFTON G. HOLMGREN, Deputy Commissioner BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL EQUIPMENT TRAFFIC ENGINEER ARTHUR H. KOCH EUGENE V. AVERY GEORGE M. SHEPARD, Chief Engineer • r'‹PR • STREETS AN4 HIGHWAYS ENGINEER BUREAU OF CORRECTION ARTHUR G. WELIN JOHN P. MULLANEY, Supt. December 12, 1956 Hon. Frank D. Marzitelli Commissioner of Public Works City of St. Paul Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for grading and surfacing with bituminous material the alley in the West 1/2 of Ramsey's Sub of Block 21, Stinson, Brown & Ramsey's Addition, from Palace Avenue to Jefferson Avenue. Also constructing a sewer from the alley to Clifton Street in an easement to be obtained on, under and across the North 4 ft. of the South 6 ft. of Lot 37 of the West 1/2 of Ramsey's Sub of Block 21, Stinson, Brown & Ramsey's Addition, under Preliminary Order C. F. 180664 approved December 6, 1956. Total Estimated Cost $ 4,071.16 Engineering 225.30 Inspection 75.41 Cost per Front Foot 4.52 Frontage 901.2 ft. Yours very truly, � � ., r.eorg M. Shepard ChiQ Engineer s.� Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of Finance , , „D. rzi e 1 Commissioner of P !. Works V g-ift, `7-z-o. /3.5- e...3, . I g. I 3 H r;__,...L.� •Yz.e� . A3 t5 8 ot . Ci-ext.e...i ,z., ---)>(g--r-- (7--el---4---Ij-l. '37-6.4.----0-1.-----71---/, CLERK R i i Cl-,Y�, U CLERK / 7• 1•�7 FEB 4 Mt I I ' . �d ,Z c C (2. l . SAfN ;; riJCA -,P / , , , CITY CLERK a 400. ' -c- - ' . #' - c{.-±0' ca-----P-L-c"? cl---,----fel-th :-±-e--) - iii, --1.2--/L-e ° / 5?"-" ::::::: ' iv . ,..f. . ° A1_/ .C. GL,P_Le_ f ' I _..) _ --4,12-- 2'14-' ' ' 4-..14.-<-1"-'(---12-•C' 1 .-0-V-tr:y rate,--c-h...) a / _34-t:pi---12-e - ,,,,-1.. -e /7.,„„..„ - cL e,c-�Z /I . /ccz ,....„C .�_Ai.,t, , . ,„,,,q,,,,,, ,--.-- ,,...,„) _±, , ,_-:,,i... zJV . a , a,„ c , . , / . .o to ‘ 61-7- . - ' : / ,Y o 6 b, C . 9( -. , 4 . / 9 ,Je., , 'I Mss 'S Ou0i)iN/I G ,/ �l. ow �f- • . 3z, oyi-,,,,,,si-,,to_i-, ?7,, , .64 -) 2/: Oe--/---0-7--1----7-1--- ')-,‘, - .)1 - (3, r R. . (AA-- pi)/ ' -. ,,z,,, , ,3 6- ,z.,, ,36- C 11 1,\ DT-n k .0D tvp ,-- L.:- ?4, .\ Leonard & Elsie E Weinstock 404 Fulton St Lot 25 & North 1 2 of Lot 24 V�''` Virginia L 0' Leary & Lillian M Bauer ) . , 74 a - Lot 26 Katharina Graf rr// ' Lot 27 Edward L. & Freda Gosselin Lot 28 Alfred L. Bromlett / Lot 29 Charles W. Sanf t ( A.L;; LL-.w. er , ,,e. 1,./r,- - iic), ( . . i1< i- - 13'8Cd - S - - 0 Lot 30 Louis Wagonhofer CZI Lot 31 Joseph W. Bacigalupo de-leX z �i/ /7/1'7,e2414-' l c 2 off:- .'-' eV I Lot 32 Chauncy W. & Florence C. Doyle Lot 33 Louis & Ferdinand G. Mosner � �i�-y�/��'�/���'��'��y4y )r-11-0 G���� —Lots 34 & 35 James J. & Hazel V. Colonna , / CTife--e . ��i��Z _ Lot 36 Francis J. & Lorraine E. Wagner ,,,,� „ .,r.,<'7^- V-- Lot 37 Earl J. & Anna M. Carpenter Lot 38 and North 1/2 of Lot 39 He1mi H. Maki South 1/2 of Lot 39 �, r -, Joseph A. & Ann C. Anzivino 6_,,,,/,/ ECr e2--x-,�-��-� _e Lot 40 John & Carmelo Anzivino a U , Lot 41 Francis E. & Ruth M. Snider �GL �x �ucsG� ! ✓.4_ ,,"�� Lot 42 Andrew G. & Margaret Schmitt Lot 43 Samuel Casacalenda ,L,,,,,et , c-i,&-‘14-(C1 '(-4___ Cam r ` Lot 44 Vito & Rosemary Colucci 0G CLI-Ln "/2 e2.--)-7.-L_e_.-d- '' , --2-1---2 -t_.-a_____.-- ____(}-L,,I j 6 ..)---7 z__%_.-8-1 - � il „t t !- 214/4'7 FRED W, BUSCH, Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn,. My Commission Expires Dec. 6, 1962. i I \ • v/C TOAE/A 57 N CLIP-7-0 N S T 11/L-ToN 57' it/E W -5 7 1 a a e Fry ezi ✓,(NCE 577" U CP T L n TT BAY 57 o� Ct ARBoz 1 DAL y S7.- TORONTO ST, \\\ I CO 1 ' Le le7, �