181386 f COUNCIL FILE NO. ' / ape . BY _ - /a /1�� rig/ 4 i I . _7:-FINTAITOR O. • - - rp • • - , • f- ' ON---PROCE-E--13-ANGS------ Council File No. 181386—By Frank D. '6 'oN Anal 'I 'ON lalals(0 'L6-111 Marzitelli- -te loealuo0 :olaaaul laluaplaul 3j.I0At In the matter of condemning and due sxlamapls 2uraolsaa -to 2ullanals taking an easement for the purpose of -uoa aoj sasuadxa pus slsoa 'sluauaq constructing and maintaining a public fo luauissasse alp. ;o Janet[ etll uI sewer on, under and across the North 4 It.of the South 6 ft.of Lot 37 of the —worst 'oN arra llauno0 West iz of Ramsey's Sub. of Block 21, Stinson, Brown & Ramsey's Addition, from Clifton Street to the alley in the rear of said lot. Also condemning and NOIIIIMIL ONIIIV211 .40 HIYIL taking a temporary easement for con- !struetion purposes on a strip Of land 8 ft. in width on the north side of the !above easement, and the South 2 ft. of Lot 37 and the North 6 ft. of Lot 38 in said West ,, of Ramsey's Sub, of Block 21, Stinson, Brown & Ramsey's Addition, from Clifton St. to the alley L in the West =,z of Ramsey Sub. of Block 180665 Decembe21, Stinson, Brown & Ramsey's Addi- under Preliminary Order , approved tion, under Preliminary Order 180665, Y PP ,approved December 6, 1956, Interme- diary Order 181006, approved January, 181006 Januail 8,A public hearing having been had Intermediary Order , approved i upon the above imprevement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommen- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due not dations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having be it Resolved, By the Council of the City therefore, be it of Saint Paul that all orders in the above matter be and the same are hereby cancelled, annulled and re-I scinded and all proceedings in said' RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the- ecise-nib'matter be discontinued. . pronement to be ma's by the said"ettrts ,,ndemn and take an easement for the Adopted by the Council February 5, .ose of construct' g and intain- 1957. ing , public sewer on, nder an across Approved February 5, 1957. the 'orth 4 ft.of the uth 6£t. f Lot I (February 9, 1957) 3 7 o f • a West ,, of R b. of -- Block '1, Stinson, Bro & Ra sey's Additio from Clifton treet to the alley in he rear of said t. Also on- demn an take ,a tempor y ease ent for constr.ction purposes a stri of land 8 ft. i width on the n rth sid of the above e• meat, and the outh ft. All orders in the above t'." ' of Lot 37 a the North 6 t. of Lot 38 in said • t ?'z of Ram y's ub. ceiied annulled mod rescinded and 71 pep Cr;'„i ' of Block 21, 'nson, Brown & R m- 1 i . . . . _ __ sey's Addition. om Clifton t. to the t alley in the Wes ?z of Ramsey's Sub. of Block 21, Stinson, Brown & Ram- sey's Addition, \RESOLVED FURTHER, that th\ following land, lands or asements therein be and` the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriatedrand condemned for the purvose of making said impro ements, viz.: '\ \ i An easement for the ® purpose of c strutting and maintain- \ ing a public s er on, under and across the North 4 ft.of the South 6 ft.of Lot 37 of the West ',z of Ramsey's Sub. of e` Block 21, Stin n, Brown & Ramsey's Addition, from Clifton Street to the alley in the rea of said lat. Also con- demn and take - temporary easement for construction urposes on a strip of RESOLV FURTHER, land 8 ft. in wide on the north side of Works b and is hereby instru ted and the above easmen and the South 2 ft. Y directed to pre re plans and s of Lot 37 and th North 6 ft. of Lot and the roper city officials hereby in said West ,, of Ramsey's Sub. P Y os are ereY authorized and d ected to pros of Block 21, Stins , Brown & Ram- rvement in ccordance therewith. sey's Addition, from Clifton St. to the alley in the West 'z of Ramsey's Sub. of Block 21, Stinson, Brown & Ram- Adopted by the Council sey's AAddition„1 i-Z:,71 r _-' _, 19 ...//:2(--- 4.......t...._402____i City Clerk. Approved-- _ , 19 i;!.07' CtfngMayor. Councilmen: x bla(x DeCourcy Hkc Holland , \U? Marzitelli Mortinson fir „ Rosen - Mr P_residepYt, Dhllor `■,,57" 500 7`-95, Vklef4ticterxt (Peterson) 0 CITY OF ST. PAUL • • DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ( . REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 18/ 0(6 °'- ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) In the matter of condemning and taking an easement for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a public sewer on, under and across the North I+ ft. of the South 6 ft. of Lot 37 of the West 1/2 of Ramsey's Sub of Block 21, Stinson, Brown & R msey's Addition, from Clifton Street to the alley in the rear of said lot. Also condemning and taking a temporary easement for construction purposes on a strip of land 8 ft. in width on the north side of the above easement, and the South 2 ft. of Lot 37 and the North 6 ft. of Lot 38 in said West 1/2 of Ramsey's Sub of Block 21, Stinson, Brown & Ramsey's Addition, from Clifton St. to the alley in the West 1/2 of Ramsey's Sub of Block 21, Stinson, Brown & Ramsey's Addition, under Preliminary Order approved December 6, 1956 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: cost of the above easement 11+0.00 The total estimated alnennt-of he-a-ssessme-nt-fel=t1+e-above-i.mgFavemea+ is - - - $ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED Ian\(ALUAT ilding 37 Ramsey's Subdivision of Block2L, S200 $600 Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's Lot 38 and North 1/2 of 39 Addition to St. Paul 225 5,000 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. /� Dated January 8 19 57_. t/f.�. A.0-72.421�C- Commissioner of Fina Form B.S.A. 8-5 D j, OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE December 12 , 1956 - -- ^-r Finance of the City of Saint Paul: ^ ir1eration the prelimin- 'TQ gr �,'i�'1s �nia fly l'')-.Q4-4114441-09:�. . :a ° r�^lAlY i.+ _ ? � - .mom nx- .A4! '11 ,.. SP /V rldwoufte and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ xxxxx , and the total cost thereof is $ xxxxx - and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. i___ ___, 5. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more 0 G' said i owners of property, subject to assessment for sai improvement. -, fit• 11 /. t .. "Ia4L ,4 A t'\ i) " Commission: e . 'ublic Works.. col bec , ,�1 0 Aal - 1'3 ti N m 1:, r CL/F 710/V , .5 6 I a v No ni ';;HH12,i 6k kil o , Z' a y I Nl a•c .a 4e .w 40 ALLEY 0341 * ' �'NCI\ o,��.� �p IA N